They say that a fire only blooms once, that a fire can burn and burn and burn that one time, then be nothing more ever again. What a person never understands is the fact that given time, the same conditions can occur to the point that things are as they were prior. Life regrows following the dancing cinders, the ash enriching the land to bloom again, a never ending cycle repeated many a time ensuring constant reruns. History is kept in mind so one may look back upon such a catastrophe and plan in advance so such a thing never befalls the land again.
The problem arises when greed and arrogance step in the way as one of many new conditions. Where is the profit in preventing a fire when you can rake in as much power and wealth as you want when it finally happens? The people never wise up enough to put a stop to it, they wait and wait in believing such will never come to pass in their life time, a mindset that we only know as natural. So few ever wish to put themselves out to stop it. This is history as we know it, an endless loop that can never be broken… though what if it were? What if people could actually break the cycle? Such a story would then be a truly great one.
~The Dancing Queen, 2013