Rock crumbled away, trees dying as mud slides flowed away from the mountain. Shards of large sections blew out. Animals scattered, birds sent flying off, deer rushing down. Above the top of the mountain slowly began to crumble, explosions blaring out the sides. A demonic roar heard echoing.
From an entrance Vulper charged straight out behind a group of people and behind him ran Elise. Many bodies spilled out from entrances near this one, many upon many. Clouds danced above as the mountain fell. To the West side an entire side of the mountain shattered and slid off in a mudslide. Rock exploded from the top, lava seen flying upwards and down the remaining sides of the mountain.629Please respect copyright.PENANAHHEecUOstb
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Elise and the rest continued to charge, having been running for a good few minutes. Once through part of the forest Elise skidded around, turning to face the mountain. Now behind Vulper stopped, the rest stopping soon after. The clan slowly gathered, all looking up in awe as the mountain acted like a volcano. At once the top blew off, a black beam launching sky high with a radius of what appeared to be a quarter kilometer.
Elise’s jaw hung as fear quickly took her as it took everyone. An echoing howl could be heard, a howl unlike any other, the kind many would say is the call of a demon god itself. Four giant sails flew out, torn sails that quickly appeared to be like bat wings. With that many sets of eyes became visible inside the beam as those wings flapped.
A roar heard like that of a tornado drawing into itself everything, then the view of a large arm covered in black scales. Down it crashed with claws visible the size of houses themselves. Forward it moved, a creature unlike any other. A purple and black scaled behemoth, wings stretching of what appeared to be a kilometer plus. A single neck was visible though a head with three faces in various directions and each with eight sets of eyes. It was the final head that showed nine.
The mountain continued collapsing to the front of the beast, the side that the clan could view. Down the middle it split with the body stretching out. Up it flew, spikes visible dotting its body sticking out. Tentacles from its sides and backs blew out with spiked tips, stretching up and then crashing down as the beast freed itself from the mountain. Its wings flapped, slowly carrying it up into the air as debris flew all over within kilometers of what was once the mountain.
Into the air it went, hovering now with only a roar. Its head slowly moving back and roaring into the sky, Dark Energy rocketing out of its mouth. The clouds in turn drew no further light, simply turning black as the lands below turned red, a red light cast from the clouds themselves. This effect slowly spread away as the dragon flew forward now.
“What on Earth is-” Milly began.
“Azala turned into that? That is unlike any dragon I could have ever imagined,” Vulper murmured.
“There’s no way in Hell we can kill him, he’s like, the size of a large town,” David hiccuped.
“Is this the true power of The Hive? It’s, it’s-” Elise began, ceasing as two figures came into view.
Ahead of them Dustin and Toby stepped up. Dustin with a chuckle and Toby silent. The former moved up first, “Impressive isn’t it? You would not believe how long it took for Shadow to grant Azala that kind of power. With that his cocoon stage should be done, leaving him as a full Dharkanian mutation. Honestly I’m a little jealous of the monster he created.”
“And you should be,” came a familiar voice from behind, Azala’s.
Stomping down behind Dustin was a man. Dustin glanced back with a smirk, both he and Toby stepping away as the man moved forward. Elise and Vulper both looked on flabbergasted. Before them approached a man in Knight armor dark silver in color, a cape on black with red stars. A broadsword lay sheathed at his side with an ax on his back.
Shoulder length brown hair flowed away revealing purple sclera, deep red cornea, and black snake-slit pupils. Fangs could be seen in the man’s mouth as he spoke, his ears pointed.
“Well what do you think? Looks a lot younger now doesn’t he? Heh heh,” Dustin chuckled, “Although this isn’t his real body so I guess that hardly matters.”
“Silence Dustin!” Azala barked out stepping forward again, stopping in front of both he and Toby, “I am in command now, and it is time to end this!”
Around the Vulfaxians darkness swelled up like liquid. From the shadows arose multiple dark figures. Rotting fleshed individuals crept forward, moving ahead. To the side two more individuals in Hive uniform approached, Chino and Basilisx as waves upon waves of enemies appeared including many dead Wulfn.
“Ahahahaha, I thank you Vulfax for acquiring my many new dolls. Oh and don’t worry about Holly, I unleashed a horde of hundreds of Undead to take them out and at any minute they should be dying,” Chino giggled.
Azala stomped forward, “Now that it has come to this I think I will offer you a final chance of surrender as you are all my people. Bow down, submit to us or perish with this traitor.”
As he spoke the dragon came closer, all eyes locking in on the group. Elise stepped forward, “You leave them out of this Azala, I’m the one you want.”
“I am aware, which is why I will spare them for you.”
As Elise stood ready a hand was placed upon her shoulder. Azala’s eyes lit up as Elise turned her head. The individual who had placed their hand upon her was none other than Vulper. He stepped in front of Elise to which Azala growled.
“Think about what you’re doing Vul-”
“No milord, I won’t. Elise has done so much for us, she has exposed so much for us. I won’t turn my back on her now,” he began as others started to step forward.
Elise looked around as left and right people of Vulfax began to step forward. Zoey could be seen, then Brett, then the rest of her own crew, even Belama. David and Milly stepped forward along with several other individuals, all standing ready.
“This is our home Azala, we will not be pushed around!” Vulper spat.
“Yeah!” many others yelled out.
“Bah! You fools, you would choose death and stand behind this, this, peon?” Azala questioned.
“Where you see a peon, ugly, we see a hero,” one replied.
Brett stepped forward with hands balled into fists, “Elise saved my bacon more times than I can count after the beatings I took because of your policies.”
“Elise brought us care even when we didn’t deserve it,” one of the elderly looking individuals spoke.
“She kept this clan clean and did everything for us,” a younger child commented.
“She is one of us,” Vulper concluded to which everyone shouted in agreement.
Azala looked forward simply as Dustin and Toby glanced around. Elise stepped forward, her sword quickly being unsheathed and held by both hands forward as she moved ahead, “Vulfax is my home, no matter what I’ve been through. I realized that after I walked away, after being so concerned by what I had learned. I will fight for my home until the very end!”
Basilisx and Chino simply looked to Elise, Chino with a blank expression. Ahead of her Azala let off a scowl, his eyes fiercely looking her over, “It would seem that you truly were underestimated as a force of your own doing. Hmph. So be it. Then you can all die together!”
At once the dragon’s head reeled back before them all and launched forward, a large beam of Dark Energy leaving its mouth with a loud bang heading straight at Clan Vulfax. Everyone stepped back as Elise stepped forward, her eyes narrowed as the darkness danced in front of her, her sword raised, “I have to do something-”
“Why not let us then?” came more voices.
Elise blinked as at once twin beams of Light Energy crashed into the Dark Energy beam, both deflecting away from each other into various directions. The dragon’s attack crashed far off to the left away from the group as the light crashed off ahead to the right, both resulting in explosions. Everyone’s eyes perked at once, figures bolting down in front of Elise. Three of them stood, all three in the wardrobe of The Tribe. To the right stood a woman, to the left another, and in the middle was Holly herself.
“Nice shot Wes, Mother,” Holly murmured.
“Nice, the new limbs are doing me well,” the man commented.
Behind came a roar of feet and the sounds of guns popping and metallic screeches. Many enemies to the sides fell backwards, many howling out. Elise turned round, her eyes wide seeing many in Tribe uniform and many in soldier attire. Moving through the crowd of Vulfaxians was Callie, followed closely by the rest of the squad.
“No way, how did they survive my Undead trap?” Chino cracked out.
“Gah, always something,” Basilisx growled.
Elise broke stance and stepped forward, her eyes locked upon Azala, Dustin, and Toby, “This, Azala, is the true meaning of power. All of us coming together as one to act as a collective to defeat a common threat.”
Azala glared forward, his lips moving quickly with a snap, “Then let us see this so called power you believe in, let’s watch as it crumbles away into the dust that it is worth. This will be the final battle, Elise!”