The sky burst into pitches of light and dark over Nospheross. Explosions of white and explosions of black, dancing around the area. Rocks collapsed and rained down upon the surface of the valley. Twin figures danced in the air, leaps and bounds around one another.
Wesley launched backwards, coughing, skidding across the rock. Before him up front skidded Leon, firm in landing with hardly a beat lost. The Light Warrior glared forward, his teeth gritted at the sight of the casual landing that was his foe’s. Another cough left him, his stance evening out as his breath died back down to normal.
Leon continued to stand, arms open. Wesley’s scowl simply intensified at the sight, “{Grr, the bastard. He’s expelling only enough power to throw mine off. Is he trying to hold out until nightfall? No- if that were the case, it would’ve been easier to push me underground. Night isn’t pitch blackness here either necessarily. What is he scheming?}”
Leon’s head adjusted, “Hmph.”
“{Mockery, this is a mockery. He’s baiting me. So be it.} Alright then guy, let’s try this another way,” Wesley retorted, his arms raised with hands balled into fists, his overall stance changing.
“Hmm?” Leon mused, head tilted.
“If it means killing someone as high ranking as you, I’ll collapse this entire god damn mountain and the base. Whatever it takes!” Wesley barked, his right leg rising.
Down it slammed, foot blasting through the rock. Right away the left did the same as again his stance changed, knees bent, arms out in front of him. Light Energy erupted around Wesley, pooling together into a thick aura, “You, a threat to The Tribe, to we Lightonians. I will bury you with this attack!”
“Well now, that just won’t do,” Leon mumbled crossing his arms behind his back, eyes locked ahead, “And what of your own soldiers below. Do you truly not care for their safety, for their lives?”
Wesley dropped to the ground, slamming his hands down, “They’ll all die for the cause they were sworn into. I took an oath to destroy you Dharkanians. Now I am going to pour all of my power into this and do away with you, all of you. I will sink this valley so far, the pressure will just pulverize you!”
“You know, I get that you’re slow old man but,” Leon began with his eyes closing, his feet skidding apart with arms at his sides.
The ground beneath Wesley rumbled, cracks quickly appearing. The old man could only watch, eyes widening. The ground blew apart, black snakes flying up with fangs exposed. Completely black from the Dark Energy that formed them, they hissed as they flew.
“Gyah!” Wesley yelled out.
The bulk of the snakes, all two dozen of them, slammed into his limbs and torso with fangs sinking in firmly. Following the snakes came an assault, more of the chains sent flying out. Ten chains flew up and slammed straight through Wesley’s gut sending blood rushing out. Out his back they went, covered in that crimson red liquid known so well, spinning as they flew.
They separated and crashed out around him with many meters of length for slack, hooks on the ends. The chains and hooks clanged as they dropped. Blood rushed out the top and sprayed like a fountain. Wesley hung and dropped to both knees and hands, “Gwarrrrk-”
“You really shouldn’t be a stereotype and tell your enemy what your plans are. Dark Art Number Five, Hidden Burial,” Leon chuckled, his arms crossing as his smirk returned with his eyes.
The chains broke apart into miniature black clouds, as did the snakes not more than a moment later. With them gone it left Wesley to drop to the ground with a grunt, while Leon strolled forward. His head tilted, looking at the injured body before him, “You know something Ezdorth, peace really has made you sloppy. I remember a time when you would’ve not hesitated to snap one of my kind’s necks with some secret move, even if they were an infant. To you like so many other Lightonians, we Dharkanians are just evil after all.”
The Dark Warrior halted ten meters away from his fallen foe who now began to twitch. Leon’s smirk faded as he went on, “Meanwhile we’ve only ever gotten stronger in preparation for this day. Oh look at you. I really should kill you; but, I feel like Cortez might enjoy it more. You killed his son-in-law and his daughter.”
“G-go to hell,” Wesley coughed.
“Ah, see? That’s the spirit,” Leon said with a grin, raising his right arm up with darkness coating his hand.
Wesley grinned, looking ahead. Leon’s eyes widened. His head moved upwards as smoke drifted right by it, eyes shifting slowly to the right.
A blast quickly went off, engulfing Leon. His form flew off backwards and into a pile of rock, quickly followed by a slew of rockets. The rockets struck and went, causing simultaneous blasts right alongside and right into Leon.
“Fire!” came a yell from beyond Wesley’s position.
Multiple figures came into view, around a dozen. There quickly came another batch of ten and then another batch of the same. All held one shot rocket launchers, all aiming at Leon’s position. The next twenty all fired at once, sending twenty more rockets squealing through the air at the Dark Warrior’s position.
All fired, the weapons were dropped and in their place rifles were grabbed by most. For some they chose hand guns of the semi-automatic variety, all taking aim. One woman headed the group in military attire, grayish blue, decorated with medals on her left side. A military cap sat atop her head, covering scraggy mid-lengthed hair.
“Protect the General, fire on that thing if it moves!” she barked.
Wesley groaned, slowly standing as two dressed in white approached him, both with paper stamps. On each stamp were symbols, all of the symbols being the same. They wasted little time, approaching and slapping the tags on, one to Wesley’s front and the other to his back. The symbols then glowed gold as steam began to blow off of the wounds. The tags themselves then began to fade, seeming to sink into the General’s body.
“Guh, thank you Lieutenant Ashley,” Wesley coughed as the woman and the other soldiers approached.
“Of course sir, I’m just glad we got here in time. So, think that took him down?”
“Hard to say, I’m not skilled at sensory techniques. You were right about baiting him in like that. Good thing we still had some leftover healing tags from the Schlandershcliqu incident, or we never would’ve had that opening.”
“Tell me something, would you actually have brought the mountain down to try and kill him?”
“Hell no. If it were anyone else, maybe; but I know damn well I’d just be wasting power and killing my own for no reason. Something is different about Leon since I last fought him and I can’t put my damn finger on it.”
A blast went off, sending forth a radiation of blackness from Leon’s position. It was like a bubble, popped with black water going everywhere, only it was not liquid. Standing tall with ruffled hair, a more torn jacket, and a little bit of trickling blood, was Leon. His left arm crossed over, the hand brushing off his right shoulder, “How, cunning.”
“How the hell?!” Ashley croaked.
“Fire!” Wesley barked.
Gunfire went nuts as everyone aimed an unloaded. Leon stood unmoved as the bullets came at him. Sparks appeared in the air, points of impact just in front of him. Nothing was happening to him; though the bullets were still hitting something, all being deflected.
“Come now General, have you learned nothing?” Leon questioned, stepping forward as the bullets continued to bounce off, “Right then, let me refresh you memory.”576Please respect copyright.PENANARkSPeVlWZi