A golden sun rose on the horizon, its light cast upon rocks and trees alike with the blowing of the grass via the wind. Birds would chirp as they flew overhead through the glowing light, happy little chirps. For Elise, all appeared as just another morning with some exception. The exception lay off to the side, a cave to the left.
Vulper lay upon the ground, Sacho at his side, with Destiny and Thomas as well. Drool came from Sacho’s lips, one of his eyes wide open though not reactive as he snored away. His body twitched, his tongue falling out into the dirt. She sighed at the sight, “{Hemlock is still in his system and he still has to be with the group. He’s going to be so pissed when he regains full control of his body.}”
She turned her head, face facing the sky. Her expression left blank, her eyes locked up high and clouded.601Please respect copyright.PENANAA3RLlT0wej
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“Elise, as you well know you are one of the very few Vulfax Drachen without the muffled blood of the Vampire running through your veins. Sacho also does but since he has still not fully recovered, you will be the one to watch over us in the day time,” Vulper had stated.601Please respect copyright.PENANAEPXb9aRva7
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Her head turned back towards the cave, thoughts locking to the group, “{I told them we should have left earlier. Now it’ll be a whole day lost of just this. That’s sure to anger father. Granted we’re only late because I poisoned Sacho in battle but heck, he didn’t have to tag along. Well, at least he isn’t hostile about it at the moment.}”
The winds whistled, dancing around Elise like children on a playground. Her hair blew, curled yet still long. Her right hand motioned upwards, pushing the hair back from her face, eyes echoing with the impact of the sun. Slowly they curved right.
She glanced up to the ridge to her right as rocks stumbled. Before her sight walked people in red coats and hats, heading in the direction her squad had come from. Three looked down at her though continued to walk. One gave a slight nod and spoke among his group in such a way that Elise barely could hear it, “Just a girl, not a Vampire. Keep on men.”
She watched as they carried onward, letting them exit her range, “{It’s like these humans only think Vampires and Werewolves exist. So insulting.}”
Her head turned again and went up with eyes resting upon the sky. Birds flapped, moving along. A smile formed as her head continued to converse, “{Won’t be long now I suppose. This is my first mission for the clan, like, first at being a fighter of any sort. Tonight I get to shine!}”601Please respect copyright.PENANA99TClVUHaV
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“Based on information we have gathered thus far, Stark Pack is looking to rebel,” came a call.601Please respect copyright.PENANAkgzfKHwz5b
Elise stood with arms at her sides, Thomas and Destiny before her. Vulper stood, facing another who addressed the group. Vulper nodded, “I am aware Phil. And based on Elise’s report, if she would so kindly give again.”
“Oh uh, right. It wasn’t all that long ago. I ran into two of their own elite, David and Milly. They had a squad with them. Originally they were going to jump me thinking it would give them leverage until my friend Alto arrived. At that point we engaged them, took a couple out, and then the priests showed up spooking them off,” she replied.
Phil looked to her, then to Vulper with a nod. She looked off to the right, “{A lie, of course, well partially. There’s no need to mention all the details.}”
“Your mission is as Lord Azala stated. The Flatz Pack, also known as Stark Pack, is in need of a reminder of why they bow down to the Drachen of Vulfax. Your presence will reinstate that idea, and if it doesn’t you do what you need to do.”
“Pardon me for saying but how can we be sure they won’t just attack us?” Destiny questioned.
“They won’t unless they want to be wiped out. Sure they might be rebellious but they won’t risk a full blown fight with Vulfax, not alone. If they attack your team, that will be the trigger,” Phil replied.
Elise glanced away, nodding feverishly.
“We’ll set out immediately then,” Vulper replied.
“No. Wait for Sacho to recover enough to move. Lord Azala’s orders.”
“That’ll force us to leave just before sunrise though, meaning we’ll have to wait in a cave or something for the moon to rise again,” Thomas blurted out.
“Deal with it.”601Please respect copyright.PENANAFvtF0yqzF0
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Her attention returned to the cave, her feet carrying her over towards it, “{This just doesn’t feel right… but Vulper is here, so this’ll all turn out right. I’m sure of it.}”
A branch crackled above, sending Elise’s face flying. Up she looked, observing. Massive wolves moved along the ledge, one of silver looking down at her before turning away. With a deep breath, she moved in to settle.601Please respect copyright.PENANAnYBPGlGaiU