Dustin Abbott stood before Britt’s group and Vulper’s. With him were ten more of his own warriors. Behind approached many more who split apart and flew off at the rising sides of the valley walls, climbing to back up their compatriots. Vulper stepped back again as did the rest minus the young trio with Vulper.
Elise’s focused shifted once again, attention turned towards Vulper, “That’s Dustin? But how? I thought he was some slob that couldn’t do anything?”
“That’s what he’s supposed to be- dammit. That’s him though, no mistake. The scent, the general appearance.”
Dustin’s cloak tails flapped as his attention moved around among the group before him, a group now composed of eleven individuals. “A fair few of you I recognize. Britt, son of Azala. Vulper, one of Azala’s best. Yes a fair few of you I know quite well,” he chuckled in a soft voice.
His gaze drifted until sights were set on Elise. For a moment he stood there, observing. Elise looked back into the flames of his own eyes. Silence drifted among the group as soon Vulper and Britt followed the gaze of the two. Still Dustin said nothing.
“Dustin, caught dead struck by love?”
“Not at all Vulper. I just recognize her somehow, as if I’ve seen her before. Oh, I know, the girl that David reported. Yes, she is that child isn’t she? His description really was dead on, perfectly pictured, heh heh.”
“Wha- how would you know what I look like if David only told you?”
“Heh, I have my ways child. Now then, shall we get on with this? I’ll take you on right here and now.”
Stances changed immediately, feet shuffling for a brief period. Many stood together as a unit as Dustin grinned, his eyes dancing around watching each as they moved. Elise stood in the middle with Destiny to the rear. Vulper, Sacho, and Britt stood at the head with everyone else stationed around. Dustin let out a slight chuckle, stepping forward in response.
Britt stood ready, glaring forward, “Elise I want you to stay back.”
“What? But Britt I can fight too, I want to help,” she spoke boldly.
“I don’t want you getting mixed up in this. Please stay back little sister. At the moment we’re not quite sure what Dustin is capable of. We need you for this. As our tactician you must remain safe.”
“I can do more than that so while I appreciate your concern, I’m going to have to ask you to stop acting like Rusty. I can do this.”
“Are you sure about that?” came Dustin’s voice though not from in front of the group.
Shuffling gravel and the sound of feet landing, the sound of something falling quickly from the air. Elise’s body flipped around immediately to lay eyes on Dustin though only momentarily. His left arm swung and with a mighty smack, Elise was sent flying off to the left. Rock churned again as she crashed into the valley wall, slumping down with rocks falling down on her.
“Elise!” Destiny shouted out.
“So fast-” Sacho stammered.
“Dammit,” Vulper grumbled out loud.
“How dare you. Get him,” Britt commanded.
“Attack!” barked Thomas.
Thomas launched himself at Dustin as Destiny dove for the Alpha’s feet. With a slight scoff he spun, Dustin’s right leg up in a blur of movement with his foot connecting right into Thomas’s side. Saliva left Thomas’s mouth as he spiraled off to the side with a crash. Destiny would quickly join him as Dustin’s left foot flew to deliver a mighty kick. Both flopped grunting as Dustin stood with his back to the rest of the Vulfax warriors, chuckling.
“Such speed and strength. What exactly changed YOU so suddenly Dustin?”
“Heh, well Sacho it’s simple really. My position granted me connections with some very powerful allies who were more than happy to assist me with my transformation into a better Alpha.”
“Sacho, Britt, be on guard. I don’t know what kind of steroids this guy is on but I am heavily concerned by what he just pulled.”
“Shut up Vulper, all he did was knock away a few pups. We’ve got this,” Sacho laughed.
“Are you sure about that?” Dustin chuckled with a quick jolt forward at the remaining foes.
Britt returned the favor and took charge as well, a dagger in hand swung forward. Dustin’s left hand rose and flew, the blade slamming through the palm. It was at that point that Dustin’s fingers bent and he grabbed hold, a hold of Britt’s hand and weapon.
Britt flew off quickly as Dustin released his grip, right fist slammed right into Britt’s gut. The dagger ripped its way out as the Drachen flew. Blood dripped from the wound in Dustin’s hand as his foe crashed off beyond the group. Steam quickly began to emit from the wound to which Vulper looked on in shock once more.
“The wound is already healing-”
“What the hell are we dealing with Vulper?”
“I don’t know Sacho. This is unlike anything I have ever seen any Wulfn do.”
“Ha, I like how you people still think I’m a lowly Wulfn.”
“What’s that?” came a bark back.
“Here, allow me to show you what I am capable of, eh? Heh heh.”
“Bite me, dastard,” Sacho spat.
“Well that is most certainly an option,” was the chuckled response.
Without another word spoken the two elite took charge at Dustin with several of their own following after, those who had arrived with Britt. Dustin simply grinned as the group approached, his arms out as if welcoming them. His eyes glimmered as he let off a slight snarl.
Crackling, smacking, and slapping. Kicks and punches were thrown out with leaps high into the air sending many a Drachen flying off as Dustin’s speed surpassed what many could even react to. Vulper and Sacho flipped around unleashing their fists at Dustin who stepped gracefully, his torso moving ever so, evading each and every thrown punch. With a quick flip Vulper kicked up, another miss as Dustin tilted to his left with another grin.
Vulper flew right into Sacho, both flying off crashing into two other Vulfaxians with grunts, Dustin’s right leg lowering, “Hmph. Maybe I shouldn’t have started as fast as I did. The fun is already over.”
Vulper gagged with both hands holding his gut as he lay, “Ahh- what the flying hell. He’s not even in a transformed state yet he packs that much.”
“Yes. Feel it boys, feel it well. This is the power I have been granted by my new allies. I am now stronger than any Vampire, Zaherian, Goblin, Drachen, anything. And now you die.”
With a laugh he jumped high into the air again and flew down with feet ready to stomp down on Vulper and Sacho. Both looked up struggling to move, paralyzed by the previous damage caused to them.
“Vulper,” Sacho groaned.
“I know Sacho, I can’t move-”
“Ha ha ha, now yo- pwaaf!”
Vulper and Sacho blinked, looking up as blood streamed out of Dustin as he flipped off to the left. With a thud he crashed atop a rock via his back first, a throwing dagger in his right side, one in his right shoulder, and one in his right calf. Vulper blinked again, glancing off to his left, “Elise?” he murmured shocked.
Elise stood in a defensive stance, two daggers in her right hand and the katana unsheathed in her left. Vulper turned his head to Dustin who laid upon the ground, then back to Elise as the foe slowly began to stand back up, “How did you-”
“Heh. Generally a person can’t dodge in the air unless they have ample time to lean away or unless they have wings. I shook off that slap he gave me and waited for an opening. Of course it’s over for Dustin now,” she chuckled raising the daggers, a slight dust coating drifting off of them.
Vulper’s eyes shook, “Hemlock. She coated her weapons in it like a poison as well. Astounding.”
Sacho coughed, breaking into a slight chuckle after, “Heh heh, that’s Elise for you I suppose. She can’t outfight so she out thinks. Pft, no wonder I lost. Well done child.”
A smile popped up on her face, a nod given in response to Sacho’s comment, “{He’s right. I can’t outstep an opponent with conventional fighting. That is definitely not my strong suit right now. So long as I can keep doing things like this though I have a chance.}”
A growl came from Dustin as slowly he began to stir, his hands down pushing him up. Up he stood with a slight stumble, steam venting from his wounds with the daggers being pushed out, “How dare you turn me into a fricken skewered pig, eh. I think I’ll start with you first child.”
“He just took those daggers and can still stand? I thought her Concentrated Hemlock was stronger than that-”
“Who knows, this guy isn’t normal Sacho.”
“You little flippin shit, that hurt!” Dustin spat as he caught one of the daggers in his right hand and another in the left, holding them at the ready, “I am going to take you down with this. Get ready.”
Dustin took off at Elise at the same speed as before, like a blur. Elise quickly flipped her sword around and sheathed it with a swift thrust backwards, a dagger tossed up and caught in her left hand so that now each brandished one a piece.
“Elise, don’t take him on alone!” Vulper shouted as he stumbled yet again, his bearings still off as Sacho fell to his right.
Elise stepped back at once as Dustin came with a downward swing. Her left arm thrust up quickly, the right arm swinging with dagger covering most of the area before her. Dustin’s feet planted themselves for only a moment, after which he then leaped back to land solid. He grinned as he landed, having dodged the impalement and the slash.
“That was the correct response. Had you dodged or only moved one of those I would’ve had an opening. Your guard counter is fairly solid as well. I am definitely going to- ack!”
His eyes grew wide as at once he dropped to one knee, huffing as sweat began to drip down his head, “Gah- wh-what is this? My body, it’s on fire- poison?”
Elise smiled slightly and nodded. “That’s right,” she spoke, “Concentrated Hemlock Dust to be exact. Read about how potent it is if mixed just right with everything else. The right dosage taken the right way can cripple the body in seconds. Excess and boom, death.”
“I see. So those daggers you hit me with were laced in it eh? Well aren’t you the naughty one.”
“Thanks for that, I most certainly am. Brain can often beat brawn if used proper. Now then, for the sake of the Clan of Vulfax, I’ll conclude this with your capture.”
“How adorable. You’re trying to prove your worth among a clan of idiots, is that it? Not bad kid, though I think you underestimate my power.”
With arms and legs quivering he rose up bit by bit. Elise stepped back with arms held up at the ready, “But the Hemlock, how can he still-”
“Your talents are wasted in that clan smug brat, you could’ve been so much more if you had grown a metaphorical pair.”
Vulper stood at the ready once more as did Sacho, Thomas, and Destiny close by. Britt stumbled forth to join them as Dustin went on with a smirk, “Ah yes, the question of how. Shall I show you what else I can do? Ah yes, that would be a good show.”
His right arm extended towards Vulper and the rest. Puzzled expressions answered though only temporary. A misty cloud of blackness emerged forth around Dustin’s right hand with palm held out, a sphere of darkness forming as the mist drew in towards the palm’s center. Thomas’s eyes grew big, Destiny’s jaw dropped, Sacho’s feet shuffled back, Vulper coughed, and Britt stammered. Elise looked on in shock as the sphere grew bigger with sparks of the darkness radiating out.
“Vulper- what the Hell is that?”
“I don’t know Sacho. An illusion?”
“No that’s-” Britt began before cutting himself off as Dustin let out a yell.
The sphere shattered and what appeared to be a massive beam of the substance flew out, an energy blast. With a mighty yell Dustin commanded the attack, “Dark Art- Petrification Annihilation!”
“Scatter!” Vulper quickly shouted as it drew in.
All of them leaped away, all except a stunned Destiny.
“Destiny, get out of the way!”
“I-I-I can’t move. My feet are frozen!”
“It’s useless, those that this attack targets who possess fear are unable to dodge. It is more than a simple attack, it’s magic. Heh,” Dustin chuckled.
Elise’s face filled with horror, “No, NO!” she yelled out, running at Destiny.
It struck with the force of a bomb blast, the intensity of a grenade, or the hit of a fast moving semi. Rock flew but that was not all that did so. Blood splattered the ground behind as the blast cloud flew upwards rather than around, Destiny having acted like a wall at that point. Body parts flew back and crashed against the valley wall, her body slumping over with a moan as blood flowed out.
“Destiny!” Thomas yelled out at once, turning to face Dustin with rage spread across his face.
A dripping sound could be heard immediately after, a gurgling, then a thud. Thomas stumbled back with his throat torn open, blood flowing out like a river. A dagger slammed into the rock behind him, a dagger pure black.
Once more Elise yelled out in horror, to which Britt yelled, “Don’t approach him!”
Dustin side stepped with another attack forming in his right palm, a grin visible. His arm flung out, the attack firing as it had before, “Too bad, I would’ve enjoyed brainwashing you. Dark Art- Petrification Annihilation!”
“You bastard!” Elise yelled as it came at her, feet skidding.
“What the-”
Elise launched herself over the attack as it flew by beneath her. Both arms flew up and then flung forward, the daggers she had held launching at Dustin, “What the hell? She dodged my magic? No- it should’ve locked on regardless and followed. Has she no god damn fear in her?”
The daggers slammed into his chest as Elise came down meters away. Dustin flew back and crashed with a howl, the beam of darkness splintering off and fading. As she landed she fumbled forward with a cough, “Ugh, I inhaled a little of the Hemlock. Dammit-”
Vulper landed beside Elise as did Sacho while many wolves dropped down around Dustin who lay upon his back. Many Wulfn Beasts landed as well. Britt stumbled forward with a growl, “Dammit. Vulper we’re outmatched.”
“I know. Your father sent us into a trap to spring a trap that has trapped us.”
“There’s no way that he knew about this Vulper. Besides it was my plan.”
“He pressured this Britt, he wanted immediate action and wouldn’t let us observe a damn thing. We had to act immediately and it screwed us.”
Sacho gave a glance back, then a glance forward, “Vulper. Grab Elise and run.”
“Sacho? What are you-”
“That’s an order to you sir. Everyone must pull back, this is a fight that can’t be won without reinforcements.”
“You can’t hold them yourself Sacho you idiot!”
“Yeah I know but I can draw them off though with a little backup. Vulper, just do it. Take Elise and insure that Azala doesn’t harm her. She spared my life prior and has saved it as well. By my own warrior code, I’ll return the favor.”
“I- tch, I understand.”
With a nod, Sacho launched himself forward with the Wulfn readying themselves. Vulper quickly landed beside Elise grabbing hold of her, “All forces, fall back!” Vulper turned and bolted with his hand around Elise, holding her at his side.
Her eyes drifted, looking back as Sacho flew at Dustin. At once Sacho disappeared behind a wave of Wulfn who rained down behind, screams heard as several remained back taking on the Wulfn while many ran behind Vulper in retreat.
“{D-dammit,}” Elise thought to herself as her eyes closed.
Rusty turned round and bolted with many of his own, as Britt turned and ran with many others. “I can’t believe this shit!” Vulper shouted out.
They continued to run as the sounds of laughing people could be heard, then the howls of the Wulfn, howls of victory, “Pathetic Drachen.”
“Hahaha, look at them run!”
They ran unaware as it was more than the Wulfn watching. In the distance atop a ledge, the wind blew. Fabric flapped, the color of black with red stars. White hair blew in the wind as cold dark blue eyes observed.557Please respect copyright.PENANAR9g8nMYCse