“Loserlise, loserlise, loserlise, hahahaha.”
“Eat it Belama,” Elise grumbled.
“Oh, is that an invitation? Nah, sorry, beanpoles aren’t my thing. Besides, I’m not into the gays,” the woman chuckled back.
“Your use of being gay as an insult is disgusting. There’s nothing wrong with that,” Elise grumbled back.
The woman bent forward over Elise with a smirk. Both stared at each other for a short while, eye contact not breaking for even a blink. Finally Elise turned way, “Witch,” she muttered looking to the female who towered above her one last time before walking away.
“Hey weakling, I’m talking to you!”
“Ha, let it go Belama,” came the voice of Rusty from behind.
Belama’s head turned, taking full view of Rusty. In the meantime Elise continued ahead a few paces, coming to a halt though with the feeling of Rusty’s stare.
“Ah sorry man but I don’t like crippled weak crap,” Belama chuckled.
“No Drachen likes a weak Drachen. If we keep on with her and eventually, EVENTUALLY she might get the clue that none of us want her here eh?”
“Eat a dick brother,” Elise growled carrying on ahead, “You people can all go to hell.”
“Oh and Elise, you really should learn to keep better company. That little dog friend of yours, Alto was it? He’s not someone you should be hanging around with. Who knows what kind of trouble that one brings to the table, eh?”
“Oh bite me.”
“C-c-can I? O-o-oh please Elise, c-can I g-give you a hug? Hahaha! She was smart to try and die knowing what we do to traitors but hell, she couldn’t even kill herself right. Vulper reckoned that she was alive for days unable to move while every living thing in those woods ate off of her, haha!” Belama laughed.
Elise stopped, turning sharply with eyes full of fire. Belama went on, "Such a failure that she couldn't even kill herself right, the wolves did it for her. Now she's just shit and a corpse on the forest floor, hahaha!"
Elise turned fully with a growl, her hands forming into fists with nails digging into her own skin. She shook, violently with that turn. Belama’s widened a smidgen, her posture softening, her feet dragging back a half pace. Elise opened her mouth and spat back, “You old hag, I’ll break your god damn back and throw you down a pit!”
“Try me little girl, I’ll show you how frightening adults can be in this world!”
“Alright that’s enough you lot!” came the bark of Vulper, who turned around a corner.
Those present before Elise stood at attention at the sight of Vulper, even Rusty. He moved closer, barking, “I thought I assigned you lot your orders already. Hop to it!”
“Yes sir!” they all barked, quickly flipping around to depart.
Rusty backed away, the last to leave. His eyes moved from Vulper to Elise, then back to Vulper. With a scoff, he was gone. Vulper stood with arms crossed, his eyes burning and glaring upon Elise. She turned to face him, expression locked, arms at her sides, “Vulper.”
“Sorry about that Elise,” he replied, “Elise, I want to talk to you if I might be allowed to do so.”
“Well everyone else seems to enjoy spitting out whatever they want so go ahead I guess.”
“Come, we’ll walk and talk,” he said with a turn, walking down the tunnel.
Elise sighed and followed. They moved down the hall casually, turning only once. As they moved, Vulper began, “So I can’t help but notice you’ve acquired a katana and a novel about self-defense.”
“What are you looking through the stuff in my room? I don’t know how to-”
“Lord Bakuva’s orders, I look through everyone’s stuff in case of an uprising.”
“Disgusting. Ugh, what do you want?”
“Curiosity. I take it that you’ve been trying to learn to fight, a good start. Now I’m just curious about what you’re learning. Clearly you have the help of that Alto boy so I expect the results should be good.”
Elise turned her head, not saying a word. Vulper turned his own head back to look upon her, and continued on, “I’m not like many of the feeble minded people of the clan. I recognize potential when I see it. You have my support right now, regardless of what you end up doing so long as it benefits Vulfax. Now I’d like to ask again, what have you been learning?”
She looked back ahead at him, “Defensive Postures for Fencing, Quick Strikes, Thrusts, and Body Movement Observation.”
“Good good, those are basics and very important. So what technique have you been practicing?”
“Aikido spoke to me along with Jiu Jitsu and Judo. I looked at Taekwondo but I don’t really think kicking high would suit me.”
“Anything offensive?”
“Krav Maga and Wing Chun. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is another I found interesting. Really they all kind of sound similar but they do have these distinct differences that set them apart. I like the idea of using my opponent’s own weight against them and all that.”
“Anything specific towards offense?”
“Oh. Uhhh Muay Thai I believe is the name. That one is about using your body as a weapon like say turning your hand into a dagger or something.”
Vulper broke out into laughter as they continued on through the tunnels. The flames around them crackled, a few of the Vulfax members looking at Vulper with eyebrows raised. Elise glanced around, a little red in the face; though still following. Finally Vulper continued on with a clap, “Amazing, you’ve picked nothing aggressive. And yet that suits you just fine I suppose. Then again it is a belief that the best offensive is a good defense. Still, might I offer some advice?”
“Of course.”
“Don’t focus your all on your body. Train your mind first and foremost.”
“Alto has said the same thing to me, trying to break my body and my mind to get me to move forward. Why is that?”
“Need you even ask? I thought you were the smart one. Heh, well. The mind is a tricky thing. Or to be more specific, what we do with our mind is the tricky thing. See, people like you often place mental limiters as to what you can and can’t do. Now obviously there are cases where those limiters are real. The odds of a homeless man becoming a billionaire are slim; though if they look in the right places, they might be able to find a home of some sort.”
She looked at him head on, arms crossing, her head shaking. Vulper moved on with his own arms well-crossed behind his back. He continued on, “Once you are broken to some degree, you either fall flat on your arse or you get up and go in swinging. You’ve already been pushed by all the crap you get around here. I remember when you were barely passed my waistline and you were already being pushed to near death.”
“I’m aware. So your point is I should have an open mind?”
“Listen Elise. A warrior can have all the strength in the world but if they lack an ideal mind or drive then that power is meaningless. Right now you’ve got both, and you’re developed enough to do something about your misfortune. You’re ready to bash someone’s brains in in a fight, even with so little experience. Smarts of course also play a factor in proper battle. For example again, if a person is up against an opponent stronger or smarter than them. Might I recommend figuring out proper strategies or focusing exclusively on outsmarting your enemies?”
“I guess that makes sense.”
Vulper came to a halt at a fork in the path, one tunnel going left and the other right. His arms crossed as he let forth a sigh, “You’ve come further along than I thought you would girl. I know you’ve only been training for a couple weeks but, like all animals, we are born with a hidden instinct. House cats have the tenacity of a wild tiger if put right to it. Humans, supernatural or not, are no different. Other than the Drachen, all have come from dirty ape people, unless you’re a creationist. We all have that instinct. You’ve always been capable, and by being broken time and time again… and especially by Alto’s work, you’re getting closer and closer to achieving what you desire.”
“I’m only a little over a month into this Vulper, I don’t-”
“Look, I know why you’re actually doing this, I just didn’t want to have to spit it out. I know you’re wanting to get stronger after what happened with Elen.”
Elise said nothing, simply turning a glance further towards the darkness down a ways.
“Some have been pushing you to fight. You’ve thought about being stronger for yourself and for Vulfax. Up until you found Elen dead by her own hand, you weren’t set. Now you want nothing more than to grow stronger for sake of those you hold dear.”
“… yes,” she simply replied.
“Attaining power for those you love, so none else pass on, it’s good. I’m glad you’re jumping to it finally. Love and friendship. I’m no reader but I know people often call that a joke or a floap.”
“Right right. Well, even so, it’s a good one. See, when you have something to protect, or someone, you work quicker and harder. Given enough time, you’ll surpass anyone in Vulfax. I have faith in that, and in you.”
Elise turned back to face Vulper, her eyes more open and slightly shaken. Vulper nodded. A smile crept forth from her with a, “Thank you.”
“Instinct and smarts are absolute. And to test this, well, report to Combat Cavern B. Thomas and Destiny are there waiting for you, ready to push you. If you are successful at holding them back together, then you are close to ready. Take any and all time you need after to perfect your craft though as they’re only novices like yourself. Well I have to be going now. All I can say is to do your best, and that I look forward to seeing your progress Miss Bakuuva.”
“Heh, thank you Vulper. I’m not really used to anyone giving me genuine advice. Most people just tell me to drop dead.”
“Again, I know potential when I see it. Those who are wounded fight back the hardest after all,” he chuckled heading to the left, “Carry on Miss Bakuuva, carry on.”550Please respect copyright.PENANAztU2ksXhN7