Thunder boomed, lightning flashed, winds howled, and trees had begun to crash. The Yukon, normally a place of beauty and life, now turned upside down by a relentless storm. Not a bird flapped, not an animal scurried, not a single figure moved. A blackened sky with vicious intent.
Below many a tree blew with several collapsing atop a pathway right through the forest, one being torn and sent flying along that path. Through the air and straight into the side of a mountain, exploding with splintering force the moment it hit. Rain pelted down, a landslide beginning with trees flowing down the mountain side mixed into the muddy waters. With splashes the mud blew right over several caves to seemingly seal them tight; though even as the mud blocked them the light did not fade.
Inside the echoing cave where wind and water howled, deeper down to the sides of the tunnels were torches. Freshly lit, burning brilliantly. Further in the chatter of English speaking individuals had overtaken the sounds of the storm hounding outside. Up ahead further still the air shifted, blood scenting the air.
The sound of metal on metal, banging together with extreme force. A large cavern with torches all around, paint and chalk drawn onto the cave floor dividing the room with a large rectangle in the middle. Steps echoed in this chamber along with the source of the blades, blurs of movement from corner to corner of the drawn shape. Rock was tossed by the skidding of feet, two individuals standing near head to head with locked blades on a final swing.
With arms and blades quivering, the two looking straight into the other’s eyes. Eyes locked fierce with fire, their weapons at full force against the other. A female with long dark hair and bright eyes in a long black coat and pants holding out a dagger, while the other a male with short light hair and dark eyes holding out a sword. Both grunted, the male pushing the female back with her feet digging into the ground though only momentarily.
With no wasted movement the woman stepped left, her body turning with only a single blade blocking the sword. The male grunted, stumbling forward at the sudden shift of force. Another clang, this time metal on rock followed by a thudding slap of flesh to floor. Quickly he turned round, the female standing over him with both blades to his throat.
“D-dammit,” the male grumbled.
A clapping echoed and flooded, the female stepping back to which point the male began to stumble up. Their heads turned right, a bench of stone visible where upon it sat a clapping young girl with nothing but the largest of grins on her face, “Heh heh, alright, that’s game and point.”
Her hair long down her back and dirty-blond, light green eyes shining off the light of the torches near her. Her shirt long sleeved and black with a few tears in the sleeves, her pants typical blue jeans with gashes around the legs, black boots half covered by the length of the jeans. In her lap a book with a red cover with patches of black, no writing on it though there was a portrait of several shadowy figures, “You guys did great that time, way way better than before.”
“Ugh,” the male growled stumbling up full stance, “If you say so. My performance was crap.”
“Got that right,” his opponent chuckled.
“Oh shut it. What the hell was that anyway Destiny? Dancing around me to let me stumble. That’s not fighting, that’s being a ballerina jerk!”
“Thomas Thomas Thomas, are you always such a sore loser? All is fair in love and war, haven’t your parents told you that before?”
“Yeah well we also agreed to not cut each other. Look at my damn arm you grazed.”
“Oh don’t be such a baby, it was an accident. You’re a man so act like one. You’re supposed to be stronger so I went at this with more than just intent of practice, get me?”
“Such a poor excuse Destiny,” the girl on the sideline laughed, “That whole men being stronger than women thing is so last century. Face it, you both wore each other out plain and simple and that cut was just a miss swing.”
“Oh shut up Elise,” both barked.
Elise broke into a slight laugh with her eyes shut and a hand up to her mouth, a smile on her face. Her eyes quickly opened and shifted back down to her lap with her hands also moving down to it. They skimmed from left to right across the pages, her mouth still open as she continued to speak, “You two work too hard sometimes, I swear.”
“We just want to be the best fighters in the area Elise. We’re going to show everyone up and utterly prove our power and-”
“Oh pipe down Thomas you arrogant lad you,” Destiny laughed, “I’d be happy being the best that Vulfax has to offer.”
“Yeah well beating each other up constantly isn’t doing it. Elise should come join us and put her silly book aside.”
“Oh, no, no thanks. I don’t particularly care for fighting. I’m fine being on the sidelines when I can be.”
“Come on Elise. You have the strength to lift a man and freakin’ throw him as far as I can throw a rock. With a little practice you’d be perfect with that monster strength!” Thomas barked, “At least help me get stronger.”
“If you want to get better you should do chores with me,” Elise laughed.
“What? The hell does that have to do with anything?”
“Try carrying a few dozen liters of water for a few kilometers,” Elise replied with a shrug, “I think you’ll understand what I mean then. Besides, when I fight it gets me yelled at for being an uncoordinated woman or whatever my brother feels like throwing in my face at the time. Way easier to avoid everything.”
“Oh pft, come on. If I can do it so can you.”
“Yeah but you’re not the one with a sexist brother, Destiny.”
“Rusty isn’t sexist, he simply hates everyone.”
“Heh, true true,” Elise replied, her book being placed now at her side, “By the way, isn’t it about time you two report to Vulper for duty?”
“Why not come with us?”
“Nah, I’m not much of a hunter unless it’s trapping.”
“Look just because your butt hates meat, unlike the rest of us-”
“No see, I do enjoy fish when I can get some.”
“Whatever. You should still help hunt and keep the clan happy. The clan comes first and foremost.”
“I’m aware, I just prefer my stance as is.”
“Man you are stubborn even for a female Drachen. Even Destiny isn’t as much of a pain as you are. That might be why you and your brother get into it.”
“Really Thomas?” Elise sighed, rolling her eyes for a brief instance.
A smack could be heard, Destiny’s hand pressed into Thomas’s face pressing the back of his head firmly up against a stone wall as her expression showed annoyance, mouth opening to speak, “You big dummy, think before you speak.”
“Gah, I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking, sorry Elise, ow Destiny that hurts that hurts that hurts,” Thomas cried out.
“It won’t be the only thing that’ll hurt if you keep this up,” she growled.
Yet another bit of laughter left Elise at that moment, higher in pitch. The book rose in her hand, held firmly to her side as she swiftly stood, “It’s quite alright. I’m aware that I’m not like most of the clan. I’m fine being different. Alright, I suppose then. Vulper’s in the main chamber right? ”
“Er, yeah,” Thomas replied.
“Don’t have much choice in the matter but I suppose I can do my best, right?”
“Yeah, even though your best isn’t-”
“Thomas I swear to our non-existent god or gods, I will claw your face off Captain Honest.”
“Eh- s-s-sorry.”
“Haha, oh Destiny, relax. Now come on, we have a job to accomplish.”
“And by job you mean you’re going to see us off when the storm clears and then you’re going to go get some new reading material.”
“Thomas!” Destiny boomed.
“Well he’s not wrong,” Elise chuckled.
She walked forward towards a tunnel entrance, quick to disappear down into the torch-lit cavern until she escaped their view. The two blinked and immediately took off into a dash, Thomas shouting, “Hey Elise, wait for us!”