Helicopters buzzed in the dark gray skies, illuminated with a fire red and orange with smoke drifting around. Through the smoke they flew, loud on the approach. Fire swept through a single valley with ground torn apart and bodies strung everywhere. Large craters in the land itself with holes going down deep, smoke drifting out of those holes as more rock crumbled. Rock continued to fall in and crash against the bottom, rolls of smoke parting to reveal metal structure and long cables flopping around.
A nearby mountain crumbling with half of its structure missing. Beneath the mountain to the West side a massive pile of debris all from the mountain. On closer inspection some bodies and a lot of ruble was visible. Carnage lay inside the Compound of Nospheross. Bodies lay strung around under rubble, blown through walls, ripped into pieces too many to count, riddled with holes. Shock and pain lay carved into the faces of many, blood flowing over the tiles. Screams were more than audible inside the facility, screams of only a few.
A unit of people moved down one of the hallways, dressed in SWAT uniform with rifles customized with flashlights and bigger shoulder stocks. Forward they moved, some stepping over the bodies and some around them. Helicopters hovered above several of the holes with ropes going down which more and more slid down to enter.
One squad moved through quickly behind an individual wearing a white robe with sky blue stars. A female with long blonde hair drifting long and flowing down her back as she ran. “Come on guys, we need to go!” she yelled in a somewhat soft tone despite the yell.
Approaching was another squad led by another individual with the near same uniform. His hair flowed right past his shoulders and black, his eyes red and zipping, “Move faster lads!”
Ahead of both of them was another individual in a much more exotic version of their robe. This one was with silver fur and stretched like a coat with a tail flap rather than a robe. His sleeves were lined as was the neckband. His squad broke off, some heading down one hallway and then another squad down another. He turned as the man and woman approached with their teams.
“Sir!” both shouted.
“Lana, Omocha, report,” the man barked.
“Squad Fifteen has found twelve survivors in the Lower North Wings,” the male known as Omocha reported.
“Squad Thirty-nine found four in the reactor bays sir,” the female, Lana, replied, “This happened a week ago, all in one day. Our chances of finding anyone-”
“What of you sir?” Omocha questioned, interrupting his comrade, “Anything Sir Maxwell?”
The man turned around to face them both, shaking his head. His hair a light blonde though with patches of gray all around, his eyes a bright yellow on the outside though dulling as they neared the pupil. His skin wrinkled and face thin.
“Negative. I’ve dispatched eleven squads. Survivors are rare and few between. The Hive made sure to leave as many dead as they could, meaning they’re probably readying themselves for more as soon as possible.”
With a shift of light a new individual in the same attire as Omocha and Lana appeared, on his knees, “Reporting! Lord Bell, the power systems show signs of sabotage.”
“The systems were damaged but not totally gone. Upon repair we discovered we could not log back into the system, indicating that we were locked out.”
“That goes against logic. The Hive would have blown the thing up,” Lana murmured.
“Unless it wasn’t The Hive,” Maxwell mumbled, “Someone on the inside assisted them in this attack.”
“A spy? Who would do- one of the humans?”
“No, no human was on site today with access according to the log. That shift isn’t until two days from now and the last was twelve days ago.”
“Wait, one of us did it?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Maxwell muttered walking away, his eyes down towards the ground.
“Sir you need to stop blaming yourself for that traitor.”
“I’m not. Who was the General in charge of the facility during the attack?”
“That would be-”
“General Wesley Ezdorth!” Lana shouted stumbling forward.
All eyes shifted to see a stretcher moving along. On it was Wesley hooked up to an assortment of wires and tubes, strapped down. Maxwell and the rest quickly approached, concern in all of their eyes.
“What happened to him?” Omocha spat.
“According to the eye witnesses, he engaged Leon Sycamore in the East Wing and was wounded when the reactor in that sector went critical. He lost an arm, most of a leg, and some of his internals. He’s in critical condition.”
“Get him to the surface and get him in a Healing Capsule. Omocha, go and report to the Council. Tell them what happened here and tell them to tell their Governments to prepare for any possibility.”
“Do it!”
“Y-yes sir,” Omocha stammered before disappearing with another shift of light. Maxwell stepped aside as Wesley was rushed out towards the entrance, turning his back to that direction a moment after as Lana remained stationary.
“This sort of attack, they’re clearly planning differently than they did back then to have come to this point. Something has changed.”
“New leadership?”
“Could be. Now the question becomes, what will their next target be?”
Another dropped down with a shifting of light, this time an individual hooded and masked. This one dropped to both knees and bowed, “Sir, your daughter is attempting to contact you. Her Astral Projection appeared before Lady Sandra.”
“That’s it!”
“Chun, I haven’t time to answer her. Tell my daughter to expect The Hive’s company in her area within the next few weeks. I must finish up here and rally every hand that I can before it’s too late. The Hive is going to go after the Temple of Light, meaning my daughter is in danger. Tell Holly to get everyone she can because Hell is coming straight for her.”
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539Please respect copyright.PENANALkIvKPzq47
Elise traveled forward, the mountains of Vulfax just another ten minutes ahead. A few paces forward and another turn. Her head scoped around as she moved, this pace continuing. All a sudden her nose wrinkled, tears drifted out of her eyes. She skidded to a halt, throwing both hands over her mouth and nose, “GYAUH, WHAT IS THAT!? It smells like rotten skunk ass mixed with- UGH, did a wild boar die or-”
Her face went blue as her head turned back around, her eyes going absolutely wide. Grass and flowers bloomed around a figure. A tattered dark red coat. Green jeans lay torn beside the figure. White flowing hair. Lots of blood, well dried. The torso hollowed out with only bones and rotting flesh visible.
A face half eaten, the other half with blood stained lines going from a clouded green eye. A blank expression, cold and gone.
“N-n-n-n-eyh-” Elise whispered, her face caved in, her body shaken.
Laying against a tree with a slumped over head, skin pale and peeling, was Elen… or what was left of her. A rat hung out of her left eye socket. Her organs lay on her outside, most eaten up but some not so. Some organs, faded black and mush in appearance scattered around. Down below her stomach was nothing but a gaping hole of eaten corpse with the pelvic bone showing. Fur and some blood clung inside her fingernails while others were broken off.
“Sh-sh-she wasn’t… d-dead when-”
Elise dropped to her knees, her eyes shaken, even more teary eyed. They skimmed up Elen’s form, then down. Then to her hands. In her right hand rested a blood stained knife, half covered by a torn and fallen sleeve. Then, over to the left, nothing but blood over the hand. Eyes traveling up where there was no sleeve, there rested a gash in the skin. Her wrist had been cut.
“Leaving Vulfax isn’t possible. Those who abandon the clan often end up wishing they were dead if they ever get caught.”539Please respect copyright.PENANAZpW45eGp6z
“E-Elise I-I, I just- I hate it here, I don’t want to be here anymore!”
“Good luck surviving on your own you little queer! Out there, there’s nothing but death and worse hell than this clan!”
“Worthless disgrace. Your parents were so disappointed in you that they had to go and die. You should do the same.”
“Fucking freak!”539Please respect copyright.PENANAuz3ZBNhDxh
Voices screamed in her head, violent, twisted, screeching. Elise hunched over before her friend, her right hand leaving her mouth and brushing over her heart, “Why- why!? Why does it- no it, no!”