At once the two broke into a run and as they had done before, clashed their weapons. Back they flew, skidding away from one another.
“You are beyond the point of redemption, merely a man corrupted by power that is not his own,” Elise growled.
“Redemption? Who would ever need a thing as worthless as that?” Azala chuckled at once.
“What say you then to this final clash of arms. The end game.”
“An amusing concept, let’s do this, bah!” he yelled out, unleashing a breath of fire at Elise.
Above it she jumped, her sword swinging down unleashing a slash of light. His ax flew up and quickly blocked, a dark aura wrapped around the weapon. Elise looked forward, her weapon raised up ready. Ahead she flew with a kick and a spin through the air, her sword crashing down against the ax with her right foot slamming into Azala’s gut. With a swift kick off she flipped back, dodging the swing of Azala’s sword.
She landed on both feet, her head raised as she looked to him with a sword out to one side and the ax to the other. Her eyes quivered, her body shaking, her sword vibrating, “Everything.”
“Everything that happened to Vulfax because of you, the many tortured and killed that were captured. The many abused for failure. The many things that you’ve done. All of it is just unforgivable.”
“Ha, are you still on that? What a joke.”
“Emotions are not something you can just brush off like they’re nothing Azala. Everyone you ever hurt, everyone you planned to hurt, everyone going to be hurt,” Elise murmured, both hands holding solid to her weapon as the shaking stopped.
A stream of tears flowed though stopped as her eyes opened up fierce, Light Energy flowing out of her. Azala tossed his weapons up and caught them with an exchange of hands, now held out, “Come!”
Elise broke stance and shot forward with her katana at her left, all energy disappearing from her as the glow of light around her weapon intensified. Azala stood ready, his sword up and swinging. Elise jumped as the ax flew up with darkness wrapping around it. Together they clashed one more time, both energies flying out wildly.
“Mother fucking- gyahhh, that dickhead just chipped me!” Sephiroth’s voice could be heard wailing, “Oh that’s it, kill this clown now!”
“I will, hrraaa!” she yelled.
Azala’s eyes widened as cracks appeared in his sword, then another set. Quickly Elise’s weapon plunged through the sword, the blade splitting apart as her sword flew down and clipped through Azala’s hand.
“Ahhhh, crap dammit hell-” he yelled out stumbling back, cut off by the wail of the dragon body.
Blood flew from his left hand now split open, his ax flying down slamming into Elise’s right shoulder. Her right hand went up with energy glowing, the ax slamming down in as her hand caught it, a bit of blood flowing from it and then a fair stream from the shoulder. Azala quickly jumped back with blood flowing from his halved hand, Elise with a leap back with blood from her right palm and then her right shoulder.
Azala swung his ax aside, holding it at the ready as Elise did the same with her sword. The dragon’s roar echoed as unseen to Elise its left paw split open up past the wrist, blood raining down towards the battle field. The two looked to each other with quivering eyes, scowls formed on their faces, and at once took charge.
Along the back of the dragon they ran, their weapons out at the ready as they ran. A little over a meter away their feet stamped down, their weapons up and swinging. Elise looked into Azala’s eyes as he looked into hers, her own quivering with many a tear shedding. “{For Vulfax, Vulper and the elite, my friends, Holly, the Tribe, the world… and for Thomas, Destiny, and Sacho, for Elen, I can’t afford to lose!}” she screamed in her head as their blades clashed with energy blowing out and away from them.
Their arms quivered, their weapons quaking against each other as Light and Dark Energies roared outwards. With a yell Elise pressed down, a chip appearing in Azala’s ax. His eyes grew big as the chip turned into a series of cracks, then splits.
The sound of glass shattering filled the air. Azala roared out, the dragon howling out in agony at the same time. Its wings stretched wide as did its legs, the head raising up.
Many eyes on the battlefield looked up, Holly staring as Basilisx ceased his movements to follow her gaze. Beyond Chino, surrounded by some of her Undead and the Tribe Elite, looked up. Toby’s head moved up as his former squad mates looked on in awe. Vulper glanced ahead mid-fight, gulping.
A line could be seen now, underbelly splitting with a torrent of blood flooding out from it, a splash of it roaring out quickly turning black and bursting into black steam. All around several Undead and many Wulfn began to howl as black mist began to exit their mouths and noses, even their eyes. It was only temporary however; as they quickly resumed their placements.
The two squared off, drawing apart from one another yet again. Azala’s remaining bits of ax flew from his hand while Elise flipped back holding onto her own weapon still. He yelled out, black aura racing around him for a second. Elise stood tall once more, holding Sephiroth out.
Blood dripped from Azala’s gut. A wide cut lay there, shallow; but still a cut. His eyes shifted downward, “Hrgh- worthless armor. Fine then, I’ll shed this!”
It took no time at all, a compression of black aura around his wound and face. All that lied a layer under the armor was surrounded for two seconds at most before blowing outwards. The armor exploded, pieces flying off everywhere. Shoulder pads remained, while underneath there was only the Hive uniform.
His, complete with the cut at the gut, and then the chest portion also missing. Straps held together in the middle of his torso, attached to a red object. No neckband; though the coat was beyond that much like a normal Hive Elite’s. His eyes returned forward.
As his eyes returned forward, darkness began to creep around the man, streams of it across his chest and his body. An aura, almost like black fire, surged around him. Once more he stepped forward, snarling, as Elise remained stationary.
“Not bad,” he chuckled.
“Damn. Well, now that you don’t have armor, I can try and nail you with- huh, oh, crap I don’t-”
“Out of tricks eh? Yes I thought as much,” Azala chuckled stepping forward, “This power, I am not yet fully accustomed to it. Once I am though, you’re all going to die.”
“Not happening,” Elise retorted.
“You say that like you have the power to do anything about it,” he chuckled approaching.
Azala stopped in place, grinning as Elise slumped ahead a step. His head tilted, then straightened, “Game over for you brat!”
His chest puffed out as he all at once took a breath in. Upon expelling the breath, there came a burst of blazing fire which punched it to the ground towards Elise. Her eyes widened, the inferno reflecting off each. It crashed against her body, bursting apart upon impact.
“MWAHAHAHAHAA, I WIN!” Azala laughed as the fire ceased launching.
The blaze burned, sitting atop the spot on the dragon’s back. Smoke drifted, burning flesh smell filled the air along with char. Azala grinned, his eyes gleaming as the fire’s light reflected off, “Got her, I cooked her, I killed her!”
The fire fluffed out, bulking. It quickly began to thin out as it swelled, the flames dulling out with a dark figure standing beyond them. Azala’s jaw dropped, “KAH?!”
Elise stood at the epicenter with her arms at her sides, raising themselves outwards. Her eyes shut, her breathing controlled. White light, very visible, filtered around out of the fire and drifted around her body.
“Elise, remember, fire is light, fire is energy!” Sephiroth’s voice called.
“I’ve got it Sephiroth, thank you,” she murmured in response as the fire broke way, exposing only the burnt back of the dragon.
“Gah dammit, I forgot, she did that earlier with the torches I think,” Azala growled.
The katana was raised up, right over her head. Both hands grabbed hold, all of the white aura drifting up in streams right into the blade. It began to turn white, a silver static jetting out of it. Energy was collecting into the blade from both fire, Elise, and the sky around them. Azala changed stances from not one to a more defensive, his right side out and his arms slightly raised, bent at the elbow.
“Now, hit him hard!”
“Oh yeah,” Elise mumbled, her eyes flying open.
Azala’s stance tightened, his arms being raised, his hands clenching into fists. In that moment Elise brought her weapon down. A slice of Light Energy shot forth from the katana, cutting up the dragon’s back as it went. Blood pooled out though not a lot as the cut was minimal. Azala tensed, taking a step back as the strike blew right passed him. His head began to turn, “What?”
Azala turned just as the beam shot clear off to the right around Azala, slamming into and straight through the wing. He immediately howled out in agony, dropping to his left knee with his left hand moving to his right shoulder. His head thrown back, his eyes shut, his roar set off into the sky. As he roared the dragon did too, the wing being sent flying straight off of Dragon Azala’s body.
“Yeah I got him!” Elise burst out.588Please respect copyright.PENANAj0191HPOZO