Grass crunched beneath Elise’s feet as she ran through the forest. Once more the moon stretched tall, a backdrop made from the sparkling trees and the hooting of owls. Wolves roamed near though quickly scattered by the sound. Zig zagging around trees she quickly came to a halt, arm pressed against a large oak tree as she went around, “{Why was she working with the Church? Alright, alright, I might be overreacting, I might be overthinking. She doesn’t know much about me, she just thinks I live in the woods with some people? No, no she’s my friend yet, there’s that too- right?}”
With a cough she leaned down and bent slightly as she attempted to catch her breath. Her breathing heavy, her legs slightly wobbly, the town now over a kilometer behind her, “Urk, man, I haven’t run like that in forever.”
She looked up to the sky, coughing once, “{I need to chill and stop panicking, no way can she figure out what I am or who I am with, right?}”
The grass crunched again as her back straightened. Deeper into the forest she went, her head shifting left and right as she went along, “What the hell am I even doing anymore. If she’s with them then she’s against me. Fuss it all, I’ve opened a giant hole and fallen right in. There’s no point in getting better for my people, I’m just dragging them down with me. I’m never going to be good enough for them, not like this, not for anyone. This just sucks, what’s the point!?”
“One should always motion to be better dear lass, for the sake of ones’ self.”
Her head perked up to the sound of a male voice answering back, the sound of footsteps to the right; with a slight glance her eyes rested upon the approach of two individual. One older, possibly mid-thirties, long flowing white hair at the front and sides with a long ponytail behind, eyes light purple with a slight glow to them. Tied around his torso were many sheathed daggers, silver in coloration, many more covered by a long Trench Coat. From his neck dangled a long necklace with a Cross right below the chest.
The other younger, around the same age, shoulder length brown hair messy at the front covering one eye, the other eye a glowing red. Long flowing black robes decorated with a red sash and a Coat of Arms on the chest. On the bottom flap of the Robe that hunt down in front of his legs, a Cross pattern sewn in. From him dangled a very similar necklace though this one with a Yin Yang piece, swaying back and forth as the two approached.
“{I am just a magnet for pests apparently.}”
“Pardon our intrusion, we were on our way to visit an old friend and couldn’t help but see you lurking around a quarter mile back. Thought we would see what was happening,” the white-haired individual said with an Italian accent.
“Oh uh, nothing much. Just out, going for an enthusiastic walk.”
“And ranting about people being pissed off at you for failure?”
“I… am just very self-conscious about my failures.”
“Ah, best be careful lass. There are Vampires on the prowl, possibly more that could attempt to steal your soul.”
“Don’t forget the Giant Wolves, master.”
“Ah yes, those as well.”
“And the Drachen.”
“And the Zaherian.”
“Yes yes I know now enough, I think the point has been made.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I’m surprised, few people I’ve met actually call those guys Zaherian. Usually they call the wolf guys Werewolves and ignore all the rest.”
“How much do you know?”
“I’ve uh, studied a lot of the paranormal, Drachen in particular.”
“And did you know that Drachen are never the same. The original Drachen of course had a tendency to mate with different humanoids to obtain different abilities. As a result only those of Pure Blood are capable of turning into Dragons. And that the offspring take on traits of whatever non-Drachen they have as a parent?”
“Yes. I uh, I suppose you guys would know about them being part of The Church and all.”
“Aye, just because my partner and I have crosses doesn’t mean we are with them. I would say that we sometimes work with them but that’s about the extent of it. How do you know of the Priests?”
“I’ve heard rumors and-”
Branches crackled near, all eyes turning. To Elise’s amazement what came forth was none other than Alto rushing through the debris. His feet skidded to a halt, “Elise, we need to get the heck out of here!”
“Why, what happened?”
Brush crackled more giant black wolves launching out behind Alto with paws slamming down, claws dug into the ground. Behind came more crackling, then visible figures. Out came wolves carrying humans, bleeding and unconscious. Brush crackled one last time as it parted revealing two humanoids walking in line with the Wulfn, a man and a woman.
“{Oh crap, not now, not now!}” Elise thought to herself with a quick step backward.
Alto turned and stood defensively, the two who had approached Elise also turning to bare witness to this horde. The male tall and buff, his hair shaved short, eyes yellow like lemons. The girl’s hair long and red, eyes green like grass.
“Well well well, what have we here Milly?”
“Not sure David, I think a couple of Priests and, wait wait I know this uh, that’s the daughter child, the baby thing. Azala’s right?”
“I think it is Sis.”
Elise let her gaze fall sharp upon the two, completely ignoring the rest of the Wulfn, “{No point in hiding anything that this point.} Gee, you two, that’s great. How’s the Stark Pack doing?”
“Better than your failing Clan of inbreeding butt munchers.”
“No, I think that’s your shtick. You’re the ones that turn into wild dogs, right?”
“Ooo, canny,” David chuckled.
Fur began to drop from the wolves, slowly growing in size while attempting to stand up tall, torn cloth visible beneath the shedding fur as their snouts began to shrink back along with the ears. David smirked ever so slightly, arms crossed as Milly spoke out again, “You can tell your father that we’re done bowing down, Stark Pack will rule the mountains.”
“Haha. And how might that be? Has your fat donkey of a leader dropped weight?” Alto laughed.
“{Ugh, yeah, no point in hiding anything from these two guys now. Guess I can be natural from here on out,}” Elise once more thought to herself.
“Another canny remark, I love it. Let’s just say Stark Pack has recently acquired some very convenient allies that’ll make our takeover that much easier,” David replied.
“And they are?” Elise replied.
“Not here at the moment. Currently they’re rounding up a couple of friends of their own.”
“Sounds like an excuse David.”
“You’ll see girl. Really though, we might not even need them. You’re here, a perfectly takeable hostage. Your father will offer a lot for your safe return I bet.”
“Hmph, hate to burst the mood here David but he could care less about my well being. Fewer than a dozen people at most would even care about my return in the Vulfax Clan, if even that.”
“Aye, Elise, I’m right over here,” Alto muttered.
“I said in the clan. Counting everyone, maybe five.”
“It doesn’t matter. We’ll take you regardless just because of your father. But first, get rid of the humans.”
Elise’s eyes grew big as howls were heard, then the sound of crunching and splatter of liquid. Several thuds followed next by footsteps forward as David, Milly, and the Wulfn readied themselves for the charge, those who had previously been wolves standing ready as well as if wanting to simply take a leap forward and pounce.
“Yeah uh, how about no.”
The two from before walked pass Elise and even Alto. David’s eyes lit up a bit, “Hmm? And who the hell are you two?”
The white haired man stood tall, taking a defiant stance, “I am Ryuu of the Mephisto, and this is my apprentice Zero, Third Heir to the Mephisto.”
“Memphos- what?”
“Now here’s the thing buddy. Personally, I don’t care if you’re a mermaid with horse legs that breathes lava from a straw. While that’d be interesting for something to study, it doesn’t change the fact that you just killed several innocent people who had no part in any war of any sort. So I couldn’t care less what this girl is, right now she’s an allie.”
“Isn’t that about how it is though, Ryuu?” came the voice of another.
David and Milly both turned their heads and glanced back, stepping apart as a third individual moved forward between the two. His hair long and black down his back, jagged and lengthy down the front of his face. Several scars littered this newcomers face, eyes illuminating silver. With his smile he bore out jagged, filed teeth. Tattooed on the left side of his face was a giant red star that took up most of the cheek.
“{Where the hell do these guys keep coming from? This is starting to get confusing,}” Elise thought to herself.
“Ah, Medontei Onoragi. How’s the arm?”
The individual stepped forward, his left arm sleeved while the right was left bare; burned severely to the bone in some places, it simply hung there appearing to have nothing to it. Elise stepped back, “What on Earth is-”
“You Mephisto, I swore I would kill you all one day and now I shall.”
“Mmm, amusing statement. Zero, tidy up the trash while I tend to Medontei. I trust you two kids can either flee or fight, right?”
Alto nodded, “Clearly you’re wanting to be good to us so. Yeah, I’m a Zaherian. I can turn Wulfn on them.”
“And you?” Ryuu questioned looking to Elise.
“I uh, well, I-”
“She kicked a Vampire’s ass, pretty blue yet though,” Alto replied.
“Well then, perfect time to learn. Here, catch,” Ryuu stated as he reached into his coat with his right hand.
Pulling back he took out a long silver pike which quickly extended into a silver saber with a hilt and guard. With a nod he moved his arm out giving it a toss; with a nod back Elise held her hand out and caught hold of the weapon, looking at it.
“Retractable Blessed Saber, useful as a small pike or as a long saber for combat, made of Dynamista Steel. Swift, durable, and above all weightless.”
“But, I-I don’t know the first thing about fighting with a sword or even fighting in general.”
“Better learn quick then.”
Charging footsteps were heard as those who had been wolves rushed forward, fur coating their arms and legs as their snouts extended out. Racing right behind them were the true Werewolves with David and Milly beyond. Medontei laughed, running to the right. Ryuu without warning flew to the right as well heading after him while Zero stepped up beside Alto who now began to change.
“Elise stand back, this guy and I will handle the heavy work,” Alto murmured as he bent down, fur coating much of his body at this point as his arms and legs changed.
When all was said and done Alto stood now as a Giant Wolf with Zero beside him with a sword drawn.
“Hey, don’t sideline me. I’m an incompetent fighter, not a coward.”
“And that is the first step towards becoming a proper warrior, admitting your fault.”
“Hey so, I don’t know you two but I think you should focus,” Zero mumbled.
At once a line of wolves leaped snarling. Zero’s blade swung and slam into the shoulder of one, swatting it aside with blood flying and a fair amount of howling as he stepped aside. Alto leaped forth snarling, slamming into a tall Wulfn, toppling it over with his teeth sinking into the throat. Tussling around, Alto rolled off as the Wulfn stumbled away, trying to breathe though unable as they fell to the ground.
This in turn left Elise open to many as they ran forward, her feet stumbling as she quickly stood ready with the sword outstretched, “{Oh man, just as well-}”
Her legs twisting left, sword lowered, head cranked. Upon turning she broke into a bolting run with several Wulfn Wolves and Wulfn Beasts heading right after her. One leaped, one which she rolled left and evaded. Another behind her then, one which she jumped up over. As she landed she stumbled. A third flew by, missing by itself as it crashed into a tree.
“Get back!” she shouted swinging the sword backing away from them, fear in her eyes.
“Not a coward eh girl? Voltar, get her!” David barked.
Elise glanced back as she turned again, her feet shuffling. A Wulfn Wolf flew above and right down at her, snarling. With a yell she thrust her weapon up. Promptly, the Wulfn fell right into it, impaling itself. A howl came forth, a yelp, and then a final snarl as Elise stumbled away. Weapon in hand, bloodied, she looked forward at the wolf.
Still in Wolf Form, Voltar yelped and rolled round. His chest had been impaled, blood spraying out like the water of a pool with a hole in it. Beside her landed Zero, who had danced his way out of the swarm of Wulfn Wolves and Beasts. He landed with a stomp, looking left and right as more approached both him and Elise.
Elise took stand, holding her weapon with both hands, “Stay back!”
The sound of bark crackling, the sound of leaves and branches shuffling, the crackle of fire. All heads turned to the East to see several trees break, some vertical and some horizontal. Medontei was visible hopping off one tree as it fell North towards the ground, while Ryuu was visible slowly walking forward with what appeared to be silver threads dancing around him. A smirk spread across Ryuu’s lips as his eyes followed Medontei’s leap, the threads launching themselves after splitting through branches.
“Hmph, Master, you’re using your techniques already? Very well, then so shall I,” Zero spoke.
Elise stepped away, while Alto launched himself out of the way. All the Wulfn looked to Zero as his sword stabbed into the ground, his hands clapping together. He took in a breath, halted for a split second, and then spell out of him though instead of only air there came flames. Flames flew far out of his mouth slamming straight into the Wulfn, an attack which immediately caught all by surprise.
“What?” Milly spat.
“Fire? He’s a-” David stammered stumbling back.
“Whoa,” Elise murmured.
The fire spread like a wave and engulfed a fair few of the Wulfn, setting their fur ablaze. Many howled out in pain and bolted, some quickly collapsing from the pain as they burned and others rolling around trying to extinguish it. Zero’s breath of fire quickly stopped as the male’s eyes darted, a hand placed back upon his sword, “That’s how it’s done.”
“Gah, they’re like those Tribe guys or something. Everyone fall back. Mark my words little girl, this is only the beginning of this. Once those two freaks are gone, you’re all going to be dead beneath my heel,” David shouted.
Turning tail quickly, he bolted followed by Milly and a couple others who had evaded the flames. Behind Medontei turned his head to see them fleeing, a scowl appearing as he too turned and bolted away.
“Zero, after him, let’s go,” Ryuu commanded following after Medontei quickly.
With a nod Zero turned his head and bolted off leaving Elise to look on in shock while Alto slowly padded near her. Without word his fur began dropping and his form slowly had begun to change again, “You alright?”
“Y-yeah. I-I know I should be like, demanding answers or something but honestly I’m kinda in utter shock at the moment.”
“Fire breather and a man who uses silver things that can cut through multiple trees. Yeah, I getcha. You, you going to be alright?”
“I- I don’t know,” she murmured looking down at her hands, stained in blood, “I never intended to kill him, truly I didn’t.”
“Don’t question it. War is hell, and in war you have to make decisions that’ll result in the death of the enemy. Well, suppose this ain’t war but it’s close enough in a sense. You’re the type that fancies defense, acting only when you need to. Respectable. But Elise, Princess, you need to realize that this world steps all over people like you if you’re not ready.”
She stood tall and firm, looking to Alto. One of her eyes covered by her own hair, the other half closed and zeroing in on him. A nod was given, “I know.”
“You did good even if it wasn’t much. I hope this’ll inspire you to learn how to fight too, so you can protect what you value, and your friends of course.”
Alto looked to Voltar’s body and then right back to Elise with a nod, “There’s a difference between being a pushover and being someone who values peace. Pushovers are trampled upon and let their own die without a care because of whatever compels them. That’s not you, otherwise you wouldn’t have snapped at Rusty like you said you did, you wouldn’t care about the well being of your friends or other brother. Fight to prevent needless death, not cause it, that is what justice is and where peace comes from,” he concluded, turning away.
There was a pause of silence between the two as the flames continued to crackle. Without a word Alto turned and began to stroll off with a sigh, his head turned away from Elise at that moment though only for a moment, “I suggest you get back to Vulfax and fill them in on this move by Stark Pack.
“I know, I will.”
Exchanging nods they both turned and began to walk away, each going their separate days. Elise passed through brush, glancing back one last time at the charred bodies of the Wulfn and then at the body of the one that had impaled himself upon the pike. With one more nod, she moved on.
Her pace quickened, turning into another full on run, “{Sorry Alto. I know I should but- I just can’t. Dealing with this is my burden. It’s not for anyone else to decide upon.}”540Please respect copyright.PENANAXeK74JzC3t