FEBRUARY 17TH, 2013 · 79 NOTES 351Please respect copyright.PENANAIuXkpkGOfK
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We have posted some comparisons between the Anime fillers and the manga here, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to cross-post this from the FC as well :D
Note: Since this is aimed to Non-SK and/or non-Karin fans, this is meant to be a more straight-to-the-point approach to this subject, focusing on character archetypes rather than the nature of their [fangirls, Karin’s] feelings for Sasuke, or even their dynamic with him. Much has been written about the matter in the FC however, so you’ll find a lot about it in our Essays and Topics.
Karin, a fangirl? More like a tsundere.
That’s right. Karin may have feelings for Sasuke, and she may flirt with him when given the chance—but there’s a big difference between that and being a fangirl.
Particularly when it comes to Kishimoto’s manga because he actually does have a fangirl stereotype.
When he wants to draw a fangirl, he pretty much makes sure to draw her behaving in a certain way, regardless of her age:
What he makes them do, in a nutshell, is:
- Think Sasuke is cool.
- Openly praise Sasuke and every little thing he does.
- “Kya!! Sasuke-kun!!” Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun everywhere.
- They pretty much idolize him and are openly in awe of him. Heaven forbid anyone badmouths Sasuke-kun in their presence!
- Since they want to be liked by him, they’re pretty docile in his presence.
- etc.
And that’s when it comes to their behavior when around him, to not go into detail into the other, more character-detrimental traits Kishi has made them display in the past.
On the other hand, we have Karin, who:
- Thinks Sasuke is cool.
- So far, has never thrown a compliment his way. Just about the opposite, actually.
- Does not even call him “Sasuke-kun” but just Sasuke, without the suffix.
- Is the first to insult him, berate him and call him out on his faults. And to his face.
- Is anything but docile, and Sasuke can attest to this, as he himself agrees that she “isn’t easy to handle”.
As you can see, Karin shares with them a single trait only—and this similarity does not even carry over into their respective behaviors, which means that, quite simply, she was not meant to be perceived as a fangirl, since otherwise she’d be behaving like the girls previously described. (Not even Sasuke perceives her that way).
This is backed up by another fact: as I mentioned above, even when it comes to finding Sasuke cool, Karin’s behavior drastically diverges from that of a fangirl’s.
Karin does not “squee” that out to the world (and Sasuke) to hear. She keeps it to herself instead (the 3 out of 3 times that she has thought of Sasuke as “cool” so far. The anime added about 10 more.).
In fact, when in public, she adamantly denies having any feelings for him.
Typical Tsundere behavior.
tsundere refers to a character who “runs hot and cold”, alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck).
Pretty much Karin in a nutshell (click on the link for a gif-set that clearly illustrates Karin’s tsuntsun/deredere switches.)
It’s also important to mention that we aren’t the only ones to classify Karin as a tsundere, so it’s not a matter of bias. Sources related to the Naruto Franchise, and even some Japanese magazines, have described her as such as well:
- Her Databook profile reads: “behind her aloof and irritable everyday attitude, she hides a dangerous affection for Sasuke…” where “‘Aloof and irritable’ is rendered as 'tsun’ in Japanese. The same as in 'tsundere’.” (cr; Gottheim)
- Kishi’s assistant, Taira Kenji, described her (through Neji) in his Rock Lee SD as a “glasses-gotta-go Tsundere” and proceeded to add: “Tsundere is an ultra-cute personality archetype that ‘runs hold and cold’ alternating between a usual aloof and irritable ‘tsun-tsun’ attitude to suddenly becoming a fawning sweetheart ‘dere-dere’. Even within the Hyuuga clan, it’s an extremely unique personality trait that only appears in select individuals….”
- The Naruto Book Naruto Juunen Hyakunin wrote in Karin’s profile that: “Although her rough language and behavior are overwhelmingly masculine, only to Sasuke does she occasionally show the tender and ladylike side of her.”
So it’s evident tsundere is her character archetype. And when has a fangirl of Sasuke’s ever been tsundere over him, when their behavior is the exact opposite of one?
Bottom line: Karin is a tsundere, something that by principle alone sets her, and her dynamic with Sasuke, apart from that of him and his fangirls (and of every girl that has liked him in the past, for none of them had been tsuntsun with him). In fact, it actually makes SasuKarin fall into Kishimoto’s “even the roughest woman is tender to the man she loves” relationship archetype instead, for Karin is just as rough (tsun) to Sasuke as she is to everyone else, but only is tender (dere) to him.
Originally written by Kanae for the SasuKarin FC. Original post HERE.