It's what everyone hears, down here in Tartarus. The tormented Titans howl in pain as they're abused. They howl like wolves do at the moon, but wolves put effort in their howls, the Titans' howls are forced. Their mistreatment became apart of their lives. Every soul in Tartarus heard these painful howls, sending shivers down the most bravest soul.
Actually, by thinking of the reason they were banished in Tartarus, it's fairly amusing.
Chaos birthed the five first beings of existence. First was Gaia, mother Earth, then was Eros, the deity of sexual desire and attraction, next was Tartarus, hell in person. Nyx was next, the deity of night. Erebus was the youngest, his personification darkness.
Gaia birthed more important deities such as Uranus, the primordial God of the Sky, Pontus , a sea primordial, and Ourea, the mountains. Gaia birthed these three by herself, but had many more children with these first three. With Uranus, she had the Cyclops, the Hundred Handed Giants, the Titans, and many more.
As each of these beautiful creatures were born, Uranus hid them in a secret place inside of Gaia. Gaia became horribly, horribly upset, for she loved all of her children. Gaia then devised a plan. Since Uranus let the Titans roam Earth, Gaia told her youngest Titan child, Cronus, to castrate his father with an adamantine sickle Gaia had created.
Cronus was successful, but Gaia devised the plan to release her other children that were hidden. Cronus failed to release those children, angering Gaia even more.
Therefore, Gaia created a prophecy. She told Cronus his children would overthrow him, like he overthrew his father. Cronus shrugged it off. What would an old hag like Gaia do?
Amusingly enough, Cronus found out Rhea, his sister and wife, was pregnant. Cronus invented a plan to kill Gaia's old plan. Cronus was just fiddling around, though, playing right into Gaia's tricks. Cronus ate his children, swallowing them whole, since they weren't even half the size like he. Cronus swallowed all five, until Rhea found out what he was truly doing, since he kept telling her every time she had a child that the newly born baby was dead.
Rhea asked for Gaia's help when she found out she was pregnant with another child. Gaia pitied her daughter, and told Rhea a strategy to help save her children. Rhea secretly gave birth to her child, naming him Zeus, and left him with a pure Shepard family. Zeus grew up, freeing his older siblings, starting a war. His older siblings grew up inside their father, as like they did inside of Rhea when created.
All six of the siblings came out as winners: Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus. To win the battle, Zeus had freed the Cyclopes, in which the three Cyclopes made Zeus his sparkling lightening bolt. Zeus assigned his brothers, Hades and Poseidon, roles. Hades would control the Underworld, and Tartarus, and Poseidon would rule over the sea. Zeus took over as the God of the sky. The Titans were banished in the depths of Tartarus, to be tortured. They were immortal, and since they cannot die, they are tortured for millions of years. The only Titans that were not sent to Tartarus were the wives and sisters of the disobedient, and the only male Titan that didn't agree with what the Titans were fighting for, Oceanus, a wise one indeed.
Humans walked the Earth at that time as well, and started worshiping the gods and goddesses.
The Olympians were then formed, living freely.
Gaia was still upset, for she loved all her children. She showed no signs of it, and everyone forgot about Gaia's parent and siblings. The first five beings slept for a long, long time, disappearing from the minds of others while the newer gods and goddesses were taking all the glory.
Then, something erupted inside of Tartarus, sparking alive a sleeping soul.