An eerie silence crept over the stone walls, and only the small pitter-patters of mice could be heard along with their squeaks in protest as Thanatos and Eris walked down the stairs.
"Isn't it so nice down here?" Eris purred, "It's quiet!"
Thanatos nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is, but it's quiet all around," He brought up.
Eris blinked simply. "I suppose, but down here...I feel at home. The godly air down here just speaks to me," She described with a sigh. "I wish it was still the time period where all the deities could be worshiped. It was such a blast!" She skipped down the stairs faster in a jog.
Thanatos shrugged. "Mortals have theirs ways in ignoring things."
Eris smiled. "Yeah, I suppose." She skipped down to the last step.
In front of them stood a massive metal door, painted in a silvery grey that shined throughout the dull, dusky halls of the basement. The metal door was of winding structure, patterns filtered across it in the shapes of monsters and nightly things such as stars and moon crescents. Eris pulled out the key from her sleeve and placed it in the lock that hung on the door. The key seemingly glowed a dark-cyan when being placed in the slot. Eris quickly twisted it sideways, finally, a sudden creak opened the door up widely.
Eris left the key, but stood in front of the slowly opening door in shock.
"I...It worked." She gasped in shock. Swinging around, she grabbed Thanatos firmly on his shoulders. "Brother, it worked!" She shook him hard," It really worked! Oh my goodness..." She twirled back around, covering her mouth with her hand. "It worked..." She mumbled, excitement bubbled in her chest.
Eris grasped Thanatos' hand quickly, running into the stone-stepped hallway. Moss and dark purple vines fell down the sides of the walls and the mice around the place were replaced by rats. The dark, buck-toothed, red-eyed fellows hissed at the two siblings and scampered off somewhere.
"I can't believe we're going to go see mother!" Eris cried out happily, "Maybe we can get father out next!" Her face lit up.
Thanatos merely nodded in agreement, and Eris finally paused from her running. Overly energetic, she was ready to run an even greater distance to her mother in which she hadn't seen in so long.
Ahead of them stood a huge queen-sized bed with see-through blue drapes. Eris stepped into the room only to look around.
The bed was the only thing in there. All else was dark.
"Who dares to enter the Chamber of Nyx?!" A voice shrieked.
Eris quickly stepped back as a first response.
Thanatos went into the room, crossing his arms. "Show yourself, demonic creature that works in my mother's chamber."
From under the bed slid out a black cat with white paws. It's eyes were a purple color, light and delicate. It blinked at them slowly. "I am Circe, a Greek witch, and also considered to be of relative to Queen Hecate." It beamed with pride, sitting on the cold stone so it could puff out its chest.
Thanatos seemed surprised. "Circe...all right."
Circe huffed in disgust. "Loyal guardian of Nyx, I might add. Who might you two be?" Her eyes narrowed as a growl arose deeply in her throat.
"I'm Eris," The brown-haired goddess pointed towards herself with her thumb, "Daughter of Erebus and Nyx, Goddess of Strife and Discord--"
Circe cut her off. "I know of which you are, no need to explain."
Eris put her hand down. "Well, you explained yourself, so I just assumed--"
"Silence child. You are more famous to the world than that of I. I am a measly daughter of the Great Helios, rightful owner to the Thrown of the Sun, and Perse, offspring of the titan Oceanus and Tethys," Circe's tail flickered around the air swiftly.
Eris nodded. "Well of course, this is my brother--"
Thanatos cut Eris off. What a day she was having, being cut off all the time. "I am one of the three brothers of the Oneiroi," He lied.
Eris tsked. "No, you're--"
Circe growled. "Do you lie to me, boy? I am in no mood for the lies coming out of your pathetic mouth."
Eris smirked, crossing her arms. "This is Thanatos, god of death, closely related to the Oneiroi and Hypnos, god of sleep." She held her head up high.
"Eris!" Thanatos exclaimed.
Circe raised a kitty-brow. "Oh, really? Thanatos, huh..." She growled, standing up on her four legs, "You are lucky you're in your mother's chamber, or you would of been annihilated all over by now."
Eris seemed surprised, looking back and forth between Thanatos and Circe contentiously. "Wait....Thanatos, isn't she your ex-girlfriend or something?~" She snickered, turning to him slowly.
Thanatos sighed,"Yeah, but that's off topic. Circe, we're here only to wake up Nyx."
Circe smirked, backing up to the bottom of the bed. "Beautiful response. Then you should surely do that...I'm sure Tartarus would be proud."
Eris cocked her head. "Uncle Tartarus? What about him?"
Circe simpered, purple eyes glowing from under the bed. "You shall see."
And with that Circe was gone.
Thanatos let out a large sigh in relief. "Oh, thank the gods she's gone."
Eris let out a genuine smile to the taller lad. "Lets wake up mother now," She clutched his hand in hers tightly.
Both of the two walked straight to the bed, Eris removing the blue silk from their way, and stared upon the figure in which laid on the bed.
Both could have stared at her for hours.
Still the beautiful, ravishing woman that they remember from such a long time ago, her skin was still the same fair, white porcelain it had been. Although her eyes closed, both could imagine her soft ice-blue eyes that shined like the moon its very self. The thick black hair of Nyx was parted over her shoulders, her hands laying rest on her stomach. The woman wore a blue-silk choke collar with a silvery moon attached to the middle of it. She wore a Chocolate Cotton Lolita dress with the brown cutting off at the torso, with a brown bow on her hips. The white part was at the bottom section, ruffles pronounced at the end of it. Her shoes were leather black boots with white laces. She was a bit dusty at the tips of her boots, but Circe did a magnificent job of keeping their mother clean and healthy.
Thanatos and Eris looked at each other, nodding in unison towards one another. Both of them placed their hands on top of each other, Eris' on the top, Thanatos' on the bottom. Closing their eyes, a soft grey light blew from their palms, making the whole room glow. It covered Nyx lightly, surrounding her in a soft coating of light.
Blue eyes enlightened from their closing, and Nyx struggled for a breath, gasping in shock.
It was then she took her first breath in the new world.
★ ♬ ★ ♬
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