Tartarus had always been a very busy place, with shades, also known as souls, crowded up inside the underground palace. There where millions, no, billions of shades roaming all over the place. Everyone was sent here when they died, well, their souls at least. People would be reborn, punished, and judged there so they could have their souls recycled.
Indeed, Tartarus was no place to enjoy. Only few enjoyed the haunting place, Hades and Hecate mostly. The Titans had holding cells in the depths of Tartarus, a place in which creatures, whether they be mortal or gods that had built up their sinful selves laid punished for eternity.
The screams of the Titans where a lullaby, a lullaby that cursed all the souls in Tartarus. Hades enjoyed these screams. The screams only showed that the Olympians ruled all, and that if someone were to disobey them, they would be punished just like the Titans.
Although Hades lived in his own little world most of the time, he found it very disturbing that the mortals where breeding like rats above Tartarus. Most of the Gods and Goddesses found this somewhat disturbing as well. They disliked the fact that mortals no longer appreciated them, and that mortals built their gadgets and contraptions with thought. Mortals thought they were so great, inventing new appliances and such, but they never looked at what was really important, and what was very close to themselves. This was causing the deities to 'die,' which would have never been expected.
However, a certain deity would show mortals who to believe in, cherish, and even fear.
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Hades was sleeping on his throne, a black, smooth rocky throne with countless rare jewels dabbed onto it. He was laying on it sideways, his legs hanging off of the arm of the chair. There was wailing and yelling all around, drifting around Tartarus like the Winds do around Earth. However, Hades ignored this, sleeping soundly like a plump baby.
All of a sudden, a piercing shriek filled the room. Hades opened one eye, interested in what was happening that caused this strange shriek. Loud stomping shook the walls and the ground. Harpies fluttered around nervously, and some exiting the entrance to the depths of Tartarus. Hades could merely guess what was happening, but wasn't expecting what would happen next.
A large grey form smashed through the entrance, his bonds the color of diamonds trailed behind him. It was indeed a Titan, his name being Coeus. Hades almost smirked, smelling the tangled aura coming from the Titan. O, how that aura was so common in Tartarus. The aura of madness, insanity. It smelled so beautiful, fluttering off the grey Titan.
Coeus bounded off to the Gates of Hades' realm, his steps so large that he was to the gates in only a few seconds. Hades finally untied his smirk, watching calmly as Cerberus rushed to the scene. Cerberus was the ginormous three headed dog that guards the Gates of Hades' realm, making sure alive mortals don't get in, and no creature get out. This was the perfect situation to see what Cerberus's actions would be, especially against a Titan, and the Titan and Cerberus were pretty evenly matched in size.
They collided, the Titan yelled a war cry, and lounged at the gigantic dog. Cerberus bit the Titan's shoulder, ichor, deities light pink blood, sprayed around onto the rough ground beneath the humongous giants. Coeus grabbed the dog's paws, in which the paws were trying to smash into the Titan's head. However, Cerberus' strength was by far greater than Coeus' because of the long amount of time the Titan had been tied up, he had less strength then he would usually.
Cerberus jumped back, the Titan limping into perfect position because of the harm Cerberus had inflicted on Coeus' leg. If dogs could smile, Cerberus would be grinning like a rabid wolf would. He jumped up, opening all three mouths to bit on the Titan's neck. Although, the unlooked-for happened.
Extremely deep inside the walls of Tartarus, pink ichor dripped down stalactites in no certain pattern, although it was a very therapeutic, soft dripping of ichor. The pink ichor dripped rhythmically, echoing in the small space. A dark form was in the square center of the cave, only laying silently and listening with its sensitive ears. Tartarus was the name of this great deity. He slept for years upon years, only waking up once to help Gaia father a monstrous beast known as Typhon. Tartarus could change into many forms, many forms of all the souls roaming around in Tartarus. Anyone that died, their image, their appearance, would be available for Tartarus to use. Therefore, Tartarus could change from a female to a male. To a man to a woman, to a child to an adult.
Mixed with the pink ichor was blood, and not just any blood- it was mortal blood. It dripped down the walls, landing onto Tartarus, thick and crimson. Monster blood also dripped down, it being dark to light blue. The cries of Coeus being scratched on the leg woke up the deity, making Tartarus change into a different form.
Tartarus, being in a position in which he, now a she, was laying on the ground, opened her eyes. Her eyes shining an ice blue, and the cries of her sister's child echoed inside her cave. Tartarus bit down on her lip, and grabbed the ground angrily.
Hades was admiring his Cerberus, completely clueless about what was going on in the deeper parts of Tartarus.
The walls of Tartarus split open, causing the ground to shake. If the quaking ground was labeled, it'd be beyond human charts. Rock and debris along with dirty colored dust raged its way throughout Tartarus. In that mess, everyone's eyes were still plastered onto the Titan and giant dog fighting. Around the Titan, before Cerberus could rip at, no, even touch the Titan again, huge diamond stones covered the Titan. They rose out of the round like a seed from soil. Debris arose out of the ground to cover what was happening. The debris quickly disappeared, and Cerberus bit down on the diamonds. He yelped as one of his many teeth broke out of his middle's mouth.
The crack in the wall was outstandingly big, and a girl stood in the crack. The girl was Tartarus, the deity's new form. His new form looked about the age of thirteen, maybe fourteen. The girl's long hair dripped down her back, all the way to her heels. The front of her hair, her bangs, were short and messy, and parted to the side of her face. Embarrassingly enough, the girl wasn't wearing anything, but merely had the protection of the hair on her head covering herself, added on with the dried blood of different species.
Tartarus had indeed taken on a beautiful form. Even the loyal Hades gazed in wonder at his grandmother's sibling. Hades was strong, though. He looked back at the Titan, and opened his mouth in disbelief on what had happened. Anger fueled inside him, and he looked at Tartarus again.
"You, who are you?" Hades asked, angry plastered all over his face.
Tartarus walked over to him, which took awhile from her cave.
"Oh, me?" She asked, with an innocent look on her face. "I am.. well, you can call me Hiatum for the moment," Was all Tartarus said, for if she told Hades her real name, none would be happy to welcome the newly awoken deity.
Hades straightened up his back. He was trying to process what her presence signified.
"It's quite the chasm in here, isn't it just?" Tartarus quickly theorized, trying to confuse the great Hades.
Hades eyed her, knowing that something was wrong. "All right Hiatum, please do explain to me why you made a small Grand Canyon in my Tartarus. As well as, why you're protecting a filthy maggot like Coeus."
Hiatum giggled, moving her foot slightly. "What 'Grand Canyon'?" She asked.
Hades cocked an eyebrow, looking behind the small girl.
How could he not have noticed the disappearance of such a large crevice?
Hades looked over at Hiatum, expecting a answer.
Hiatum smiled, "I protected Coeus because I love him, obviously." she whispered, her eyes forming into a gentle gaze. Hiatum looked at the ground, though.
Hades wanted to roll his eyes like a rebellious teenager, but he had to act like the grumpy, dark lord of the Underworld.
Cerberus growled, looking at Hiatum. "My tooth got broken because of your witchcraft."
The deity shrugged her shoulders, acting like teeth didn't matter.
That triggered Cerberus to growl, and approach Hiatum in a stalking position.
"Halt." Hades spoke loudly to Cerberus. The three-headed dog listened, sitting down on the floor.
Hades cleared his throat. "Well then, Hiatum, you shall come with me until Hecate comes to help out on this situation."
Hiatum wasn't pleased with Hades and his ideas, but she had to lay low for now.
Revenge took time, after all.
☠ ☯ ☠
"Hm..." Hecate studied Hiatum for a while. Hades was sitting on his thrown, watching patiently as his most trusted adviser gave Hiatum curious eyes.
Hecate, the Goddess of multiple things, such as crossroads, magic and ghosts was a beautiful woman. Hecate's hair was shoulder length, dirty blonde and choppy. Hecate also had purple eyes that reflected a dark moon.
Hecate turned around, rubbing her chin with her hand, thinking.
Hiatum could see the leathery, torn up wings behind the woman's back. Although a Goddess that lived for thousands of years, Hecate wore modern clothing, light blue skinny jeans and a black skiing jacket with brown boots that cut off above the ankle. This indicated that Hecate has been outside the Underworld recently.
Hecate then turned around, light twinkling in her eyes like she was a child getting cake for a special occasion.
"Well?" Hades squinted his eyes, knowing Hecate had evolved an idea in her head.
"Well," The magic Goddess poked her hands in her pocket. "Only one guess."
Hades straightened his back, and waved his hand flawlessly to Hecate, signaling she could speak.
"Hiatum isn't a deity, so far as i know. Unless she's lying to you, Lord of the Dead," Hecate gazed at Hades.
Hades just stared as Hiatum like she killed his favorite dog. "Are you?"
Hiatum smirked. "Am I what?"
Hades sighed. "Never mind," Man, was he glad he was a virgin.
Hecate almost laughed at the static in the air. Hiatum was indeed playing tricks on Hades, and Hades seemed annoyed by the strange girl.
Hiatum shifted, a blanket wrapped around herself given by Hecate so Hiatum could be covered.
There was an awkward silence. Hades was thinking, Hecate was thinking, Hiatum was just bored.
Hades then clapped his hands together, thinking of a great plan. However, him clapping his hands scared the crap out of Hecate and Hiatum.
"Did you think of something, Lord Hades?" Hecate asked.
"Yes! I have indeed," Hades almost smiled, but didn't. "I shall have Persephone look over Tartarus, and I'll seek Zeus."
Hecate raised an eyebrow. "But my Lord, Persephone just returned to her mother last week. It's January," The magic Goddess suggested, "If she leaves again, Demeter, her mother, will get very upset. There may be another winter for the mortals."
Hades nodded. "Yes, I do understand that. Nevertheless, I still need to take Hiatum up to Olympus." Hades snapped his fingers while also leaving his seat.
A shape stood in the shadows, brought by the snapping sound.
"Yes?" The shape asked.
Hades finally rolled his eyes. "Thanatos, why hide in the darkness?"
For some odd reason, Hiatum smiled smugly to Thanatos. Thanatos tipped the stripped hat he was wearing on his head to her.
Thanatos then stepped out of the shadiness, and into the really dim lighting that covered most of Tartarus. Thanatos had taken the form of a tall male, looking about nineteen in human years. He wore black pants that were striped neatly in grey. Thanatos also wore a black leather jacket. It was the perfect outfit for the God of Death.
"I'm here, Lord Hades." Thanatos bowed, tipping his hat again.
Hades groaned, crossing his arms. "I understand that. Go gather my horses."
"Yes, sir." Thanatos saluted and disappeared.
Hades turned to Hecate. "Will you come or stay?" he asked.
Hecate shuffled her feet. "I shall stay, Lord of the dead. I just returned from the Overland."
A dark flash of smoke appeared behind Hades. Thanatos was back.
"Ah, it took you long enough." Hades smirked, clasping his hands together at the sight of his chariot.
Hecate flashed away, leaving Hiatum to Hades.
While Hades was turned around, Hiatum slithered her hand from under the blanket Hecate was so nice to gift her with. Hiatum opened her palm, blue dusk swirling around in it. The dust straightened together, forming a black key that had an N on it.
Hades started to turned around, and Hiatum then put her arm, and the key, inside her blanket.
"Come." spoke Hades.
Hiatum followed, but more slowly. She was looking at the chariotthat wasn't actually a chariot. It was an 1800's carriage. The carriage was black, with really big wheels that had a single jewel in the middle. Four horses stood in the front, clipped to the carriage with holding reins. The horses were beautiful, completely black and had a glossy coat. The breed of the horses was obviously an American Saddlebred, since those horses are most commonly used for leading carriages.
Hades opened the door of the carriage, and got in. As said, Hiatum walked slowly. Before she got in the carriage, Hiatum dropped the key silently, leaving it behind on purpose. When Hiatum was inside, Thanatos closed the door, and picked up the key. He slid it inside his pockets, then jumped onto the front of the carriage.
Thanatos slung the reins up, then down, signaling to the horses that it was time to leave. The American Saddlebreds snorted, jumping up into the sky. Hiatum almost smiled, noticing the horses had leather wings like Hecate's. This was going to be a fun ride to Olympus.
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