Just a late Christmas and New Years special. X3
Don't worry, it won't be that long...I don't think.
And this is for pure entertainment, so it has little to do with the actual story, so you don't have to read it if you do not want to. >:3
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Hiatum severely wanted to hiss at all the ornamental and cute, fluffy, innocent decorations that hung all over the town. They sparkled with the delightful colors of light blue and bright red with darling little stripes that complemented the silvery underbelly of the ornaments. Hiatum always shrugged shoulders at things like that, not quite understanding the holidays celebrated by humans.
If they have time to purchase gifts for each other they should also make parades and sacrifices to us! Hiatum contemplated in her head in ire.
She passed by windows filled with plump dolls, toys, and video games. Hiatum hesitated to stop, but halted when she noticed something.
"Why is every shop with this?" She peeked through the transparent, thick glass in a shop. A plump stuffed animal lay on the pedestal behind the mirror, staring at Hiatum with button-black eyes and a red suit with white frills at the end of the cuffs. "Hehe, it looks like Phanes," Hiatum smiled to herself, straightening her back up and yawning.
She turned around to the voice who had spoken to her. "Who has summoned me?" She asked. A slim boy that was tall with dark hair leaned into her.
"Where are you from?" He asked, his dark eyes meeting her ice blue ones.
Hiatum raised a brow. Why was this silly human speaking to her in such a weird tone?
"I am from the territory known as Greece, in which I reside most of my days as middle to those of primordial status. " She responded with a high-head, fairly proud of her status in the primordial chain.
The boy nodded although seemed like he didn't understand. "Why are you all the way here in England then? How do you know English?" He rushed his questions, curiosity picked at him like a scab.
Hiatum narrowed her eyes. "To...merely make sure I'm going to be on the right street when time comes, and I welly know any language humans can come up with. Greek, Ukrainian, English- you name it." She smiled proudly at the stranger.
The boy nodded. "What street are you looking for?"
"The most busiest street in London." Hiatum smirked, hoping to get her answer. Then her plans would be fulfilled, and she'd be very, very pleased.
The boy raised a brow. "All right..." He slightly wanted to question her motives for wanting the busiest street, but he dared not to. "That would be Oxford Street, I'm sure." He offered the information.
Hiatum nodded slowly. "So I thought." She began to walk away from the boy without saying anything else. Not even a 'thank you'!
"Hey!" The boy called after Hiatum. Hiatum slowed down, a glare forming on her face. "What is it that you want?" Her voice was soft albeit she was becoming annoyed by his presence.
"I have more questions in exchange for my help!" He smiled innocently.
Hiatum looked up to his face with a straight face. "I do not want you to accompany me."
"Well I want to accompany you."
Hiatum shook her head, crossing her hands under her arms. "It just simply cannot be done." She started off again, but the boy, persistent as ever, followed.
"What's your religion? Are you Catholic? You look Catholic." The boy asked, trotting like a horse behind her.
Hiatum rolled her eyes. She knew that humans called the types they worshiped 'religion.'
But Hiatum wasn't a human.
"What is 'Catholic?'" She paused, seeming stupefied as he interrogated her.
The boy, in return, seemed astonished. "Catholicism. It's apart of Christianity." He responded, "How do you not know that? Most people in Greece are Catholics."
Hiatum's eyes were squeezed to her skin as she sighed. "Ugh, traitors." She muttered, blinking a couple of times and gazing at the boy. "Then no, I am not Catholic."
The boy shook his head. "You look Catholic though."
"How do I look like a worshiper of Catholicism?" Hiatum made a dumbfounded face. "Do they have a specific appearance or such?"
The boy shook his head. "No, no. I can usually tell, though, when someone is a specific religion."
"Yeah. But seriously, though, what do you worship?"
Hiatum pondered on how she should reply. She severely hated lying, only lying occasionally when it was needed most. "I am worshiped. I am not the worshiper, I am the worshiped." She responded with a smile, stopping at a Halt Sign that was on the corner of the street.
The boy raised an eyebrow. "OH...okay."
Hiatum grinned widely with no regret. "Yep!" She looked at both sides of the street, seeing trucks and taxis all over, rushing to their designated destinations. She turned away from the Halt Sign and walked down another street.
"Hey, do you have any siblings?" He queried, stalking behind her with large and deep eyes.
"Oh yes, four, to be honest. Two sisters and also two brothers. I am the middle child in my primordial family."
The boy nodded. "Cool. I'm the single child of my family. So, I'm assuming that your family consists of four girls and three boys?"
Hiatum snorted. "What makes you think of that?"
"Well, you and your two sisters are three, then your mother is four girls, while your two brothers and father are three boys."
Hiatum suddly burst into a series of laughter after processing what he said. Passing Englishmen and women on their phones or out shopping gave judgy glances at the two, mostly Hiatum. The boy blushed in embarrassment in return.
"Nononono, you are very, extraordinarily incorrect. I do not have a father, although you're correct about the three males."
The boy was now more confused than ever. "Your mother had you out of wedlock, or is she widowed?"
"Neither!" Hiatum exclaimed. Turned around swiftly, she raised a finger to the boy to lift his chin up. "My mother produced my siblings and I by herself! She does not need a swine of a male to reproduce."
Ah, here it was again. The famous 'wtf' face. The boy shook his head with that face plastered on like skin on flesh, "Um...okay. How are there three males in your house then? An uncle? Cat?"
Hiatum shook her head. "Nonsense, child. I am male."
"I. Am. A. Male. Do I not seem like one?" Hiatum placed her hands on her hips. Technically she was a male. Tartarus merely had the ability to transform his appearance, not...body parts. Only, Hiatum liked to take the appearance of female because of the comfort in it, and also that it's her secret identity for the gods.
"But you have breasts!" The boy tossed his hands up in the air.
More passerby had adapted to the ways of the 'wtf' face.
Hiatum grinned, eyes lowering seductively, her finger trailing to her lips. "You are observant. I am the only male primordial born with breasts. Not much, either, merely small ones."
The boy shook his head with a red face. "So you're like a, Transgender?"
Hiatum raised a brow. "Pardon? I'm a male. That's the only explanation."
The boy shook his head once more. "Uhh, all right. Well, urm, bye."
Hiatum sighed in relief as the boy announced his departure. "Oh, make sure to stay indoors , and away from the street you told me about!" She shouted and waved, giggles leaving her mouth.
"Ah, humans are very quirky." She looked towards the bustling street filled like a coloring book with many tourists and transportation devices.
"This'll be a fun place to start. I'll keep it in mind."
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