Chāpu's body felt like it was being swished around by a knife when he was transported to Olympus. His wristband glowed a golden aura repetitively and stopped. Chāpu had materialized on Olympus' white-marble halls.
"Chāpu? What are you here for?"
Chāpu turned around to meet the pale face of Hades. "I'm Is father at Olympus?" He queried to his granduncle.
"No actually, I haven't seen him here. Only a few times have I spotted him, but they weren't recent," Hades gave an earnest answer.
"Oh," Chāpu became disappointed, "I see...thank you." He then began to walk around the beautiful white halls of the gods, leaving Hades.
A huge arch sneaked upon his vision. A pale girl with red hair stood beside it with dull eyes.
"Zeus cannot see you right now, for he is planning out a meeting," The girl spoke with no intention of emotion.
"I see," Chāpu commented, "You are a nymph, right? Of what breed?"
The girl smiled. "I am. You've got a good eye. What nymph do you think I am?" She asked back.
Chāpu returned her smile, answering fully, "Dryad." He was confident in his answer.
The girl beamed brightly, "Yes! That's correct, great job." She praised Chāpu.
"Thanks," Chāpu spoke softly, continuing, "How long do you think Zeus will be?"
"A mere fifty-three seconds," The dryad answered. "I will stamp your hand now and you shall wait," She explained, taking his hand and pressing on it harshly.
"Thanks," Chāpu responded, waiting in front of the huge door. It felt awkward for a few seconds that he was just standing there waiting for the door to open, but he didn't really mind it. Chāpu's ears twitched in response when the door opened, a man coming out. His hair was as black as a rain-shot sky with an exception of the side-bangs, and inside of his hair white, eyes silver like the edge of a dagger. His attire consisted of black skinny jeans with grey boots, and finally a grey leather jacket. Beside the man's side was a black wolf that had orange eyes and perched on his shoulder was a silver fox, its pelt a fine grey with black paws and ears. The eyes on the fox were a lime green.
Chāpu was astounded by the man's goth elegance and beauty. No homo.
The man noticed Chāpu's weird stare. It was making him uncomfortable.
"What do you want, kid?" He queried, stopping in his path.
Chāpu shook his head. "Nothing, sorry." He shot his head down and attempted to walk past the god to stand coer to the door, however, the god didn't think otherwise. He grabbed Chāpu's shoulder, making Chāpu stop briefly. The god then peered down right into Chāpu's face, giving him a frightful thought.
"Are you from Japan?" The god asked with a smile on his face.
Chāpu nodded. "Um, yes, I am," Sweat dripped down his face. He was in an awkward position right now.
The god grinned, blush traveling over his cheeks. "So then you know what doujinshi is, right?"
Chāpu hesitated to respond. The god was being creepy. "Well yes, I do."
The god clapped his hands together, obviously thrilled. "That is awesome! I really like reading doujinshi, and I've tried to draw some myself too."
Chāpu was confused. Why was the god talking to him again?
"Cool," Was really all Chāpu could say for now, albeit he decided to carry out the conversation a little longer, "Then do you like hent-"
"Chāpu!" The familiar voice of Kobu rang out.
Well, never mind continuing the conversation.
The god's head turned behind Chāpu, "Another Asian! Are you familiar with doujinshi, dear?" He ran past Chāpu to Kobu.
"Of course," Kobu smiled, her white teeth complimenting her brown, obviously dyed hair. "I really like the art styles of manga, so doujinshi's pretty cool too."
The god rubbed his hands together, "Excellent," He began to snicker uncontrollably.
Chāpu gave a 'wtf is wrong with you' look at the god, and turned to Kobu. "All right, two questions for you. What god is this, and what are you doing here?" He whispered, the god's snickering echoing in the background.
"Um, I don't know, and all the demigod children are supposed to be coming here. Zeus gathered us for a meeting. He said it was important."
Chāpu sighed. "All right. Thanks, Kobu."
Kobu nodded and smiled. "Yep!"
The god turned around, clutching Kobu's cheeks. "Cute Japanese smile!!"
Chāpu smacked the gods hands. "Stop being a pervert!!"
The silver fox on the god's shoulder growled at Chāpu. The lime green eyes of the fox melted into Chāpu's soul, making him feel distressed and in danger. Kobu tried to snap Chāpu out of the trance-like state, but he zoned off and couldn't feel nor hear anything anymore.
The god snapped his fingers in front of Chāpu's face, making the boy return to reality.
The god picked his melanistic fox up off his shoulders. "Bad Melinoë! How many times do I have to tell you not to screw with innocent people?" He lectured the fox.
The fox let out a sigh, "No thanks, Notus. You're my boyfriend, not my owner."
Chāpu's mouth was open in shock. "Why the hell is that fox talking...?" He questioned, pointing a shaky hand at the silver fox.
Notus chuckled, "Hehe, it's not a fox, and my wolf if not a wolf. Together, they are the goddess Melinoë!!" He twirled around, holding Melinoë's front paws and dangling her around with him. He spun around in a circular motion swiftly.
Kobu giggled. "Haha," She spoke nervously as well as awkwardly.
Chāpu sighed, rubbing his temples. "Sorry, Notus, but I'm going to have to let your go," He spoke calmly, "I need to meet with Zeus."
Notus stopped, craning his neck to Chāpu. Notus was face-to-face with the boy, his giddy side long but forgotten.
"I wouldn't trust him if I were you. He's a false. A phony. Just like his father, just like his grandfather."
Those words shocked Chāpu. "W-what?" He asked.
Notus smirked. "Don't believe me? Ask him who Melinoë's mother and father are. Ask him how her mother's life was ruined," He moved his mouth to Chāpu's ear, "Ask him if he can even remember all his children, all his lovers."
Chāpu pushed the god away, slightly frightened by his sudden change of personality.
"S-stop!!" Chāpu yelled.
"What the hell is going on here?!" A voice rang out from where the dryad stood.
There was the son of Ares, Reptar, both hands on the dryad's shoulders, massaging them creepily.
Kobu blew her cheeks up with a blush, "Reptar! Stop hitting on the poor dryad! I'm sure Lily doesn't enjoy you being weird," Kobu crossed her arms in disapproval.
Reptar let out a pshh, "Come on, Kobu. Lighten up that flat chest. I'm sure Lily doesn't care. Right, Lily?" He bent down to peer at her face.
The dryad held no responsive face in return, "I do not mind." She responded in monotone.
Kobu frowned. "Asshole," She shot under her breath, dedicated to Reptar.
Chāpu gasped dramatically. "Did the Kobu just say a cuss word?"
Kobu laughed. "Nope!" She smiled innocently.
Notus clasped his hands together, jumping in the air. "Melinoë, quick! Change into your birth form so I can do the same!"
"Like hell, Notus." She hissed at him, jumping out of his arms and padding away.
"Wait, no!" Notus chased after her, "Don't go yet, my darling! I need to massage your shoulders."
"Nuh-uh! I'm afraid you're going to grope me or something." She stuck her fox tongue out and dashed away.
Reptar seemed very confused. "And you people call me weird," He pointed out.
Kobu sighed. "Well guys, we need to go into the room," She moved on away from the topic of the scary Notus, hoping to get rid of the weirdness he left in her head.
Chāpu turned to the huge archway behind him. "Zeus' Court Room. I'll go first," He volunteered.
Kobu nodded. "All right. Ace, Socks, and Neart are all ready in there." She gave a heads-up to Chāpu.
Chāpu nodded in response, walking into the court room. Lily stopped Reptar and Kobu to press the red stamps on their designated places based on gender.
Chāpu strolled in, spotting the huge, white-marbled throne in the center of the room. Zeus sat there, his blue eyes striking everyone in concentration as like everyone was hiding something.
Standing in front of the throne a few feet away from the King of Gods were the other three demigods; Ace, Socks and Neart. Reptar and Kobu finally came in behind Chāpu.
The huge gates shut behind the two.
Chāpu gulped in regret. He's facing his Grandfather, the King of all Gods!!
Chāpu gazed around the room, pretending to inspect things all around to avoid Zeus' gaze. While inspecting, Chāpu noticed Hades, whom he had just spoken with. The god's eyes were draped with a long, tired gaze that seemed to last for eternity. His black, stringy hair was greasy, and his clothes slightly torn and battered as like a tiger had merely attacked him.
Beside the jaded Hades was a goddess with a messy black bun. She wore pastel goth clothes, specifically a light-pink dress with black-laced rims, and dark pink stockings. Her boots were untied, and open, them being white in color. Her pure brown eyes were extremely noticeable. Her eyes met Chāpu's, and she smiled at the boy while giving a peace sign.
Finally, a brown-haired goddess stood on the other side of Hades. Her eyes were brown as well, matching her lighter hair. Flowers were planted randomly in her mane, reaching towards the sun that shone outside. Her hand was intertwined with Hades', and her gaze met the white-marbled ground sadly.
Zeus cleared his throat. "There are problems with the world right now. Not problems you demigods are accustomed to with your humanly lives, however," Zeus was clearly looking down on the demigods. Not legitimately with his eyes, but with his status.
Zeus started again, "There is chaos and rebellion going on within the deities of Greece. They're rebelling. Against me. They do not like how I rule, or how they are respected," He gazed around, "And now, I am getting reports from within the Underworld that are clearly complaints. Rocks attacking shades, uncontrollable monsters, complete chaos. So, there is obviously one person that could do this," He turned to Hades. "You, my dear brother."
The demigods were in shock.
Socks and Chāpu knew well who the real culprit was! Kind of, anyways.
Hades cocked an eyebrow. "I may be the one who controls the Underworld, but I cannot control it physically."
Zeus slammed his fist on the throne's arms, "Do not say such false things!"
The demigods couldn't open their mouths to speak, for they were in pure shock.
Zeus wasn't supposed to be this rude, discriminating god!
Suddenly nymphs sprang from behind Zeus' throne and took Hades' hands by force, ripping him apart from his wife, and forcing him to the ground.
Chāpu shook his head. "Do not!" He begged, turning to Zeus. His blue eyes met Zeus', and Chāpu's strength suddenly ran away like a dog with his tail in between his legs. The color in his face was drained by Zeus' very stare.
"This is not right," Chāpu tried to approach the situation cautiously, "We can't lie in this room, and Hades was stamped, so he can't be telling lies like you assume," He explained.
Zeus shook his head. "Sorcery! Hecate, Circe, no, Melinoë have cast a spell on him!!"
Chāpu's head turned to a new voice that gave rise to the misunderstanding.
"Father, please stop. You're being stupid right now." The pastel goth goddess placed a hand on her hips. "You high or something?"
Chāpu gaped in wonder. She can get away with calling the King of Gods stupid?! Now that's sorcery!!
Zeus pointed at the goddess, and nymphs caught her arms as well in a locked position.
"Thalia, my daughter of comedy and many masks, you shan't disobey your father." Zeus spoke calmly.
Thalia mocked Zeus' words harshly with her mouth "Neh neh neh neh neh, shan't obey shit!" She screamed at him.
Thalia was also forced down to the ground by nymphs.
"Please stop, father. You've done enough, haven't you?" Hades' wife pleaded, gazing up to him in tears.
Zeus smiled, tilting his head. "Persephone," His face turned into a sadistic, curvy smile, "I'll punish you again if I have too," He offered.
Persephone flinched, eyes darting back down to the ground.
Chāpu gazed at his fellow demigods for backup.
Their faces spoke for their selves that there'd be no backup.
Chāpu took a deep breath, meeting the god's eyes strongly. "How about a deal. We wait for Athena to come solve our problems as long as you don't throw them in Tartarus." He was deathly serious.
Zeus pondered on it for a moment. "No. I'm going to throw them in Tartarus, and we'll figure something out."
Chāpu glared. He knew he couldn't convince the god anyways. What king listens to the commoners when he's perched high upon his throne where nobody can reach him?
"Fine." Chāpu gritted his teeth together in ire. "Do that."
Zeus smiled, knowing he got what he wanted. The god then spoke again, "I also want to talk to the marked children afterwards," He added as the three deities were dragged away, bound by Anti-God String, blue string they can't be broken by gods and paralyzes the gods when in use.
Chāpu sighed, hoping his day would go better.
☠ ☯ ☠
The cool breeze of air felt soft upon Apollo's pale face. His eyes glowed blue, but no life was seen in them. He felt dead. First his twin sister, then his aunt, now his beautiful wife. It shocked him.
Is this how humans felt when their loved ones died?
Apollo shook his head, glaring down at the ground underneath him. He stood on a tall building, wind smacking him on one of his sides. People buzzed all over the place. Kyoto was quite busy most of the time.
His head began nodding in sadness, hands clutching his side in agony. Silently, he opened his mouth out as if to scream, but nothing came out. Water rushed down from his eyes as pain struck him hard.
The god's knees gave in, and he fell on the ground.
When his knees hit the ground, black smoke quickly shot away, releasing a key thing Apollo was.
A vicious disease.
★ ♬ ★ ♬
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