Snow covered the ground. For miles upon miles, it stretched until the ocean could be felt. Cold and barren. In the winter, daylight was rarely seen, and that is where she lays. In the corner of a country, she dances in the nighttime, under abandoned Selene's moonlight that glistens lonely in the pitch black sky. Mother of many, she hid herself away from the world to avoid the mortals who spawned, but mostly hid herself from the new gods and goddesses that roamed around the world. A child, loving and memorable, built a palace in the very snow to protect her mother from the forces of nature. She lays in slumber, waiting for a key to be found. Set alone in a bed, by the middle of her kingdom, she watches her beautiful, darkly children forever, and will defend them at any cost...
This deadly, prepossessing goddess--no, stronger, purer than a goddess, the very night its self, is no other than the alluring Nyx.
Trudging through the snow in a huge furry coat, Thanatos inhaled the sharp wind that blew in his face. With snow pounding at your face and additionally cold wind, even a god cannot help but feel the pain of the deadly winter snow. Especially in the barren land he stepped into; Chione's kingdom. Thanatos glared up, squinted eyes looking through the blazing snow. Almost nothing could be seen.
"Oh, Chione, please guide me towards the Castle of Eris," He prayed, although his prayer could barely be heard from the crushing howling of wind.
Thanatos' clothes ruffled, and a bright light shined beside him. Thanatos turned his head to the direction of the light, blinking slowly. Frost covered his slightly long eyelashes, and his lips were a deep purple.
Out of the light, and girl appeared. Her very essence glowed with a strong yellow-white pulse surrounding her, bringing light upon the darkly night. The girl; looking like she was only fifteen, blinked her transparent sharp ice-blue eyes at Thanatos. Her hair was a beautiful blue color, dyed, of course, with black blending in front the bottom of her hair, whilst the style was a choppy scene hair, although nowadays it's called an emo cut. Hers ended to her shoulder;however. With pale white skin hers almost seemed like it was the color of pure snow.
"You called, Thanatos?" The teenager asked, tilting her head. The girl's dress was white with black lace rims.
Thanatos nodded. He pulled his furry hood up, opening his mouth. "Beautiful Chione, please guide me to my sister's palace, the Castle of Eris." He stated, awaiting a response.
Chione let out a smile, the beam of light surrounding her glowing larger. "Of course, anything for you, my beauteous death god. We shall merely make sure you no longer feel the pain of my territory, though. Please..." She held out her hand for Thanatos to take.
Thanatos reached out, her hand colder than ice its self, and in an instant the glowing died. The snow's vicious torrents only became mere droplets that fell lightly with no intent to harm.
Chione skipped around in the snow, leaving indents in the ground as she did. The young goddess stopped, falling back into the snow. She was giggling happily in the snowy night.
Thanatos took his hood down, revealing his sharp blue eyes. "Thank you, Chione. I indeed owe you." He bowed his head slightly towards her. His strength was restored, the cold dragged off of his body and eaten by Chione.
Chione smiled, chiming, "That's fine! Of course I'd help you!~" She giggled, jumping back up. "Why did you want to go to the Castle of Eris anyways? I know Eris is your sister, but she may not let you in unless you want to see Madame Nyx," Chione explained, putting her finger to her chin in thought. "Is that why you want to go?" She tilted her head, finger still rested on her face.
Thanatos let out a small sigh, wondering why the child was asking questions. "Yes, it is." He began walking again, lifting each foot through the heavy snow. "Did you dye your hair on purpose?"
Chione snickered, following. While Thanatos had to lift each foot out of the snow, she didn't leave any hole in the ground when stepping anymore. Chione was the snow goddess, anyways. She could dented the snow or not if she wanted."Yes, I actually did! Boreas, my father, ya know, the northern wind god, was being an ass towards me, so I dyed my hair!" She let out a grin, closing her eyes for a moment. Chione then proceeded to lock her hands tightly behind her back.
Thanatos looked at her. "What did he do this time?" The death god questioned.
Chione's smile suddenly became a grumpy face, like a troll's would be, although her version was much more cuter. "What every girl had to deal with a long time ago! And even now! Boreas tried to marry me off! Can you believe him?!" She twirled around in the snow.
Thanatos seemed surprised. "Really? He did? Boreas should understand you don't really like to be told what to do." Thanatos became attached to her side.
Chione stuck her tongue out at him. "Seriously, though. I mean, he tries to marry me off, but kidnaps my mother. Such a weirdo." The snow goddess smiles at Thanatos.
Thanatos felt a blush creep over his face. "Yeah, but you know how the gods are, they kidnap the women who don't agree to mate with them." He brought up a valid point, albeit he never acted like those desperate gods.
Chione giggled. "Hehe. Mate. Speaking of that, Zeus should be the mating god, not the sky god." She danced in the snow, her toes standing up. Chione danced in a ballerina type of style.
Thanatos nodded. "I agree, although you should not speak of the God of Gods in that matter," He corrected her.
Chione stopped in her tracks, slowly turning around. "What's he gonna do, kidnap me? That little pansy won't ever reach my territory. It'll kill him if he tries." Her eyes turned a pure silver.
Thanatos stopped as well, taking a step back. "All right, sorry, sorry. He might not be able to reach you, but if he hears me agreeing, he'll kill me."
Chione's eyes returned to normal. "It's fine! If he tries to hurt you, come to me--I'll protect you." She pointed straight ahead. "That's the place you're looking for, isn't it?"
Mountains covered in snow stood before them, possibly miles away, but extremely close. They were pure white mountains except for the occasional brown and black that showed where snow didn't take over. The castle on the mountain was shaped like Prague Castle in the Czech Republic, although it was gray, black, and depressing. One could barely make it out in the nighttime. Howls in the distance echoed across the lonely plains.
"Wolves," Chione smiled, licking her lips, "That's Alaska for ya." She commented. "Wolf it be nice if I showed you to the Castle of Eris?" She giggled, face filled with color.
"Haha, very funny." Thanatos bit his lip, pulling his hood over his head again. "Yes, that'd be very nice." He agreed with a smile.
"Oh my!" Chione's face became red. "Did the deathly Thanatos just smile at me?!" She laughed, falling on the ground comfortably.
Thanatos tsked. "Whatever." He turned his head to the side, his face turning pink.
Chione jumped up. "Emergawd, now he's blushing!! Haha, what a day! This is very magnificent." She stuck her tongue out at him. Chione grabbed his wrist, jolting him forward quickly. The Snow Goddess pranced through the snow like it was nothing, dragging Thanatos not-so-elegantly behind her. Together they raced to the castle, where the howls and snarls of wolves could be clearly heard now.
Chione paused for a moment, Thanatos noticing the pine trees that sprung up around him. Black squirrels paused on the tree branches to look at them, whilst ravens with silver eyes stopping chiming their deathly harmony to sneak a glimpse upon the two interlopers.
Bounding up to them, a black wolf with startling deep hazy green eyes approached, skidding in front of the two deities. Behind him was a gray wolf with a white underbelly and gingery paws. Her eyes were a shade of violet that gleamed in the night in spook.
"Ey, Levi, Lebiue." Chione waved at the two wolves.
The black wolf, Levi, placed forward a paw. "Snow Goddess Chione, although Minor, you are still a goddess,"
Chione huffed while crossing her arms,"Hell yeah I am."
Levi continued his sentence, nevertheless. "So I may address you respectfully and ask you what your sole reason for coming here may be." He spoke in a low growl.
Chione gave a 'are you serious' face. "To see Queen Eris, of course. Dude, she needs to see me! One, she in my territory, two, she has a visitor," The pale goddess gave a beckon towards Thanatos.
Thanatos scratched his head awkwardly. "Hello?" He asked more then stated.
Lebiue snarled. "And who might this be?"
"Bruh," Chione attempted to keep her palm away from her head, "You seriously need to catch up on your mythology. This is Thanatos, the God of Death, older brother to Eris, I'll have you know." She resorted with a sassy look.
Lebiue and Levi genuflected in respect. They pressed their noses into the ground's icy snow.
Levi spoke softly, "Then you are welcomed here, as long as you have not had any feuds with Eris."
Thanatos grinned. "Trust me, nobody wants to have a feud with Eris."
The wolves jolted up, Lebiue running ahead. Levi followed slowly behind, and Chione grabbed Thanatos' hand quickly. "Come on, slowpoke." She giggled, following Levi.
Levi rolled his eyes, seeming like he needed to say something but held his tongue.
Soon they became upon stone steps that glowed in the thick, black night. Frost glistened on the steps, threatening to make one of them slip if they abused its place.
Chione danced up the stairs with ease, showing off, in some sort. Thanatos followed, silently wishing he had been born an elegant god. I mean, everyone thinks he's a bad guy, being the God of Death and all, or people think he's a skeleton. He hates that form! Everyone's so afraid of Thanatos that he can't even get laid. Sad, but true.
Levi and Chione waited for the Death God on the top of the stairs patiently.
"Sorry," Thanatos finally caught up with them, "I'm pretty slow."
Levi shook his head. "No, it is fine. You're more faster than the annoying suitors who come to Eris."
Thanatos tilted his head, following Levi into the castle. "She retrieves suitors?"
Levi stopped, turned his head around, and snickered. "No, I'm joking." He stuck his tongue out.
Thanatos let out a chuckle and stepped into the open castle.
It was so large as well as extremely detailed. On the left and right side of the opening room there were spiral staircases that were of dark pine wood. Doors surrounded up the stairs and on the bottom as well. With the misplaced doors, you'd think it's a Doctor Seuss house, not a divine mansion. With dark red walls, it complemented the Gothic-like furniture and appliances.
Thanatos opened his mouth in awe. "This is very large!"
Chione let out a creepy grin. "That's what she said! Ha!" The goddess lounged herself up the stairs swiftly.
Thanatos sighed, following, although still more slowly.
Levi padded beside him, glancing up at the God. "Do you always have to put up with this?"
Nodding viciously, the Death God smiled to Levi. "Sadly."
A moment of silence passed before Levi turned around again. "I am so very sorry."
Thanatos shrugged. "Eh, no biggie."
Levi barked happily, dancing up the stairs crazily. Reaching the top of the stairs, Thanatos paused a second for a deep breath. "Such exercise given to me."
A ginormous door appeared, no, not spawning like a Pokemon, but appeared in Thanatos' vision. It had carvings of animals such as elk, wolves, and ravens on it, all dashed in a crimson paint coloring.
Thanatos gazed at it in wonder, for a second envying his little sister. Levi went up to the door, pressing his nose to it, and then--
It was gone!
"It dissipated," Levi explained before Thanatos could question. Chione stood behind them all, sweating heavily.
"Guys, it's too hot in here, I think I'm gonna go back outside..." She sniffed up.
Thanatos quickly glanced at her. "All right. Be careful."
Chione snorted. "Careful isn't very suitable for me," And then she left downstairs.
Thanatos shrugged, strolling into the room. Sitting on a crimson red Love Seat was his sister, Eris. Her dark brown hair flowed down her back, and she held a baby raven in her arms firmly, tending to its wounds. Eris looked like she was fresh from her freshman year of college. She peeked up once, than back down to the baby raven, then up again.
"Oh my goodness!" She smacked her hands to her cheeks quite violently. "Thanatos, brother, is that you?!"
Thanatos couldn't help but smile. "Yes, my dear Eris. It is me. I have a favor to ask of you." He went straight to the point.
Eris' face went down a notch. "You aren't gonna ask me to bore your children or anything, are you?" She laid down on the couch with the baby on her chest.
Thanatos gasped, not expecting that to come out of his little sister's mouth. It caught him off guard. "No!! Why the hell would I ask that of you!?!" He practically screamed.
Eris sighed, raising an eyebrow. "Wellll, I've had Hypnos, Aether, and Apollo try, but I think Levi might have bit them..." She counted them on her fingers. "Don't know what the hell was wrong with those people, since they want demented babies or something, but, okay." She stuck her tongue out with a smile, "Plus Hypnos is your twin brother, so be ashamed.
Thanatos wasn't really ashamed at all. "Damn," Thanatos flipped his hair. "Pretty popular, aren't cha?"
Eris dusted off her layered, short dark-grey dress. "Pretty damn." She agreed.
Thanatos shook his head. "So much to go off topic on. Listen though, I do need a favor."
The raven nested in Eris' breasts. She tickled the raven's chin with her index finger. "What is it then, brother?"
Thanatos cleared his throat, straightening his back. "I need to see mother," He declared with confidence.
Eris stopped and gazed up at him. "Excuse me? You know you can't--I have no key. You can go stand by the door if you'd like. Just don't go to the bathroom there. We had this wolf, Kimni, pretty nice dude, but he--"
Thanatos pulled something out of his pocket. It gleamed like the moon in a dark night, even though the lights in the room were clearly on.
"Oh my Chaos." Eris was astonished, she sat up with the raven cupped in her hands. "Where in the hell did you get that?!"
"Uncle." Thanatos stated simply.
"The hell," Eris raised an eyebrow. "Who's 'uncle'?"
Thanatos smiled. "You're too young to remember, but he's Nyx's older brother, Tartarus. Tartarus can find anything buried underground, and he's planning something, so he wants me to release mother." Thanatos' explanation was little rushed and flustered, but it was pretty accurate.
"Tartarus? The thing Hades lives by?"
"Yup. Tartarus is a primeval deity, can be a place, and a sustainable life form at the same time. He woke up from his long sleep, and wants to change how the world is."
"Wow," Eris groomed her chin, "Must be hard to wake up and get hit by a bus when you remember shit from the B.Cs." She stood up, placing the baby raven on her matching crimson pillows.
Thanatos held the key out to Eris, and Eris grasped it.
"Whatever it is, my dear brother, I'm going to help. This'll be a fun little rehearsal."
★ ♬ ★ ♬
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I'm a bit curious. Anyways...
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