The gates slammed open as a brown-haired woman strolled in. Helmet in her hand, she bowed down to the inane god that sat upon his throne with a high head.
"Father, you requested my presence?" She stood back up. Her knee-high black heeled boots clicked on the ground as she took a step back.
Zeus nodded his head simply. "Indeed I have. Did you find him?" He questioned, dim glaze in his eyes.
Athena nodded, "Indeed I have," She snapped towards the door to make it open.
Lily stepped in with a chained up blond. His hands were bound by blue string and his face was lifeless.
What the hell?! Chāpu thought, his mouth opening in disturbance.
"Dad!!" He exclaimed, going over to the god, "What the hell?!" He questioned out loud this time.
Lily pointed back to the spot Chāpu had just come from. "Go back, please. Refrain from touching the god," She demanded.
Chāpu was confused, "Why?! He's my father, I have every right to question and touch him," He growled at Lily.
Athena, the brown-haired woman, turned around to the Japanese boy. "You don't seem to understand. Apollo's lost his touch with reality, so he can't hear you anymore. He needs to be punished accordingly," Athena let out an awkward smile. Her smile was forced and showed that Athena rarely did that. Her smile would blind even a blind person.
Chāpu gritted his teeth angrily, "Why does he need to be punished? I don't understand."
Zeus cleared his throat, "Ahem," He looked down upon everybody, "Chāpu, it seems that you are very confused. Apollo has released a disease upon the Japanese people, an airborne disease that is basically a combination of Noma and FOP. The victim's muscles, joints and ligaments are replaced with bone, and the gums and skin by the mouth are eaten up by bacteria, " Zeus explained.
Hades, still being in the room along with Persephone who was weeping and Thalia that had a sassy look on her face gasped. "That's horrible! And it's airborne?!"
Zeus tsked, "Hush, Hades. But yes, yes it is."
Apollo's eyes slowly turned to Hades' direction. He squinted them and bared his teeth like a defensive, rabid feral cat. He clearly had a hateful look in his eye. It was mostly because of Miáou's remark and how he interpreted it.
Athena glared at her half-brother with a 'I'll F you up if you do anything reckless' look. Chāpu was shocked of what was going on around him.
Socks decided to speak up, "Then, Athena, Zeus, what should we do?" Her eyes were wide as she was scared before the gods.
Athena tapped her chin, walking around the bound Apollo. She was in thick concentration, working her wise magic. Her heels clicking on the ground balanced out the silence in the room. She was contemplating ideas that would either work or fail.
Then it clicked.
No, not her heels.
She paused her circulated movement and smirked. Goosebumps grew on Chāpu's arm at her awkward smirk.
She's really scary a dictator deciding the fate of the country, Chāpu decided in his head.
Athena, using her wisdom, spoke softly yet loudly, "We will send someone to investigate people we suspect to be working for the enemy," She suggested, with lovely intelligence that made everybody else in the room look idiotic.
Zeus nodded, "Excellent choice, my dear daughter," He complimented, which caused Athena's bust to perk out in obvious pride, "However, we will need to send a demigod or two on this journey. The gods are way too busy to do something such as this."
Chāpu rolled his eyes. So what they're basically saying is that demigods don't have anything to do. He had a sassy response, but decided not to provoke the deities.
"Yes, that'd be a grand choice," Athena smiled.
Zeus nodded. "Then it'll be,"
"Koartnebuchaock" Athena and Zeus both said as offerings on who should go on the flawed journey.
Everyone perked a brow. The hell.
Zeus cleared his throat, "Ahem, personally, I think Chāpu and Socks should go," He offered.
Athena shook her head, "Nonsense father, I believe that Neart and Kobu should have the honors of going on this journey."
"Frick yeah," Neart added.
Socks seemed shocked. How could they say 'no' to Zeus that easily?! What sorcery!
Zeus shook his head after Athena did. "No. Chāpu and Socks will go. Chāpu needs to redeem his father and his mother. Socks' father is Hermes, so we will be updated with messages regularly." His points were great.
Athena glanced at Socks. "Daughter of Hermes, hm? That's rare, since he spoke with me about not having children anymore, but all right," She cracked her fingers threateningly, "I'll deal with him later."
Socks' eyes widened in fright while her wings fluttered angrily. "Urm..." She was pretty speechless.
"Wtf," Reptar spoke for her.
Athena shrugged, "Merely a sibling thing," She responded with a very...colorful smile.
Kobu shivered while Neart spoke, "You two are pretty close, aren't cha?" His hands were poked in his pockets casually.
Athena did not hesitate to nod. "Yes, but on with what we were conversing before, I will trust Zeus' keen instincts on choosing who will go on the journey."
Chāpu mumbled, "VERY keen." He spoke sarcastically, receiving a giggle from Thalia.
Zeus heard this giggle and cocked his head towards Thalia. "Is something funny, Thalia?" He queried with an unpleasant tone in his voice.
Thalia smirked while gazing at him, "Your mom is funny."
Chāpu snorted at the 'your mom' joke. And he thought he was too sarcastic for his age, but here was a goddess making 'your mom' jokes to her father. What a small world.
Zeus rolled his eyes. "Anyways, Socks and Chāpu, step forward." He demanded.
They both stepped forward, Socks being as nervous as ever. Chāpu gazed at her. His face asked, 'are you all right?'
Socks nodded at him, reading his facial expression correctly.
Dang, Chāpu thought, She wasn't even this nervous when her mother was in the hospital giving birth!
Zeus cleared his throat, like he usually always does. Wouldn't want to speak as the God of Gods with a cracky voice! "You two are going on journey to try and track down our main enemy. We suspect her name is Hiatum, a goddess born from within the walls of Tartarus. She has black haired, blue eyes and has taken the form of a mere...preteen as you would call it," He look at their astonished faces. It was fairly obvious that Socks and Chāpu knew who Zeus was speaking about, "We've gotten a report from a place called Alaska. Hades was pure enough to give me the report. His friend who we suggest is having suspicious activity against us, Thanatos, has been seen there conversing with his sister Eris." He explained.
Socks nodded shakily. "I see. So you want us to go find this Eris in Alaska?" She asked in return.
Zeus agreed, "Yes, yes, that's exactly what I mean. You will fly to Alaska and go to the north where the Castle of Eris is," He demanded.
Socks gulped. "Northern Alaska?"
Chāpu smiled, "What's wrong Socks? I thought you loved the cold. You do live in Canada, after all." He spoke in monotone although made a true remark.
"Shut up, Chāpu. It's way cold up north." She shot back.
Zeus' voice shook the room, "Silence!!" He yelled. "Athena will give you something for your journey," He beckoned Athena over. Out of thin air two packs appeared, "These are your bags you will take. They have everything you could ever need or want in them." Zeus smiled crookedly, "Also..." He took a can out of his pocket. AGS was written in big bold red letters, "This is Anti-God String. It's made especially from Athena's brilliant weaving skills. It will be used to bind up any god that is working against Olympus." He instructed with easy instructions.
Athena nodded. "This includes Thanatos and Eris, of course. I personally found from the beginning that it was unnatural for Thanatos to visit any female, even his sister, besides Althea's grave. He's usually really secluded in Hades' Realm," She finished, clearing her throat, "So if you bind him up he is most likely the culprit of rebelling. Do not feel bad."
Socks nodded, catching the can of AGS that Zeus tossed at her. Meanwhile Nymphs rushed around to put the backpacks on the two pre-heroes.
The other demigods were carefully guided out of the room. Hades, Persephone and Thalia remained locked up in the huge white room. Chāpu and Socks were shoved out of the room.
"Now now," Zeus' voice could be heard, "This meeting has taken up way too much time; Enjoy your journey, Socks and Chāpu, for we will be counting on you."
Socks sighed as the huge door closed behind them. "Well, we're gonna have a fabulous journey, eh, Chāpu?" She nudged him in the stomach with her elbow.
Chāpu merely grunted, angry that his father had disobeyed like that.
What a great father...He thought while walking away with Socks.843Please respect copyright.PENANARPctHj77KH