Hiatum's plan hadn't even erupted into its climax, yet serious turmoil had erupted in Olympus.
Zeus slammed his hand on the purely black, wooden table that sat before him. The remaining Olympians sat around the table.
"I want to know what has happened!" Zeus yelled at his sister, Demeter.
Demeter let out a sigh, almost tempted to punch the God of Gods' in the face. "Zeus, shut up. Nobody was watching over Artemis, and no one suspected that Artemis's 'dead' body was going to be kidnapped." She had her arms crossed, eyes deadly serious.
Zeus bit back a low growl. "I want my daughter back."
Hera decided to cut in. "Well, banishing Apollo from the Olympians' meeting was not suspicious at all." She spoke sarcastically.
Zeus let out a huge sigh. "Well, I had to."
"Yes, I'd have to agree. Apollo might bring the next plague if he knows his sister is 'dead.'" Poseidon cut in, trident at his side.
"Still, it was not wise. Apollo would most likely cause far more greater harm, now that you're keeping stuff from him." Athena leaned in her chair carefully.
"Haha, let the filthy mortals catch the plague! They'd most likely blame each other over such a thing! Ah, such a entertaining thought!" Ares laughed, clutching his side.
Aphrodite let out a small giggle at Ares. "Oh, dear." She said.
Hephaestus was right next to her, the grumpiest look on his face. Well, you'd probably feel that way if your wife, Aphrodite, loved your idiotic brother, Ares, right?!
"Why are we discussing Apollo? Shouldn't we talk about something worse, like who stole Artemis, and where Hestia is?" Hermes asked, the wings on his head dancing in frustration.
Dionysus nodded, stuffing a grape in his mouth. "Yeah, that's most likely a better topic."
Zeus rolled his eyes. "All right, does anybody know where Hestia is?" He asked his ten Olympians, and Hades, who was standing in the back of the room.
"No idea." Demeter grumbled, giving Hades angry glances. All the other Olympians seemed to agree with Demeter, without the angry expressions.
Hermes practically face-palmed. "Why aren't you all worried about Hestia? Apollo would be."
Ares laughed devilishly. "Bwahaha! Apollo would because he wanted to wed Aunt Hestia!"
Hermes growled. "That's not what I meant. You all are simpletons."
"Whoa, whoa, Hermes." Ares put his hands up, looking innocent. "No need for profanity! I'm sure simpleton isn't even in your vocabulary!" He laughed once more.
Hermes pushed back his seat, giving a deadly glare towards Ares. "You want to hear profanity? Stop acting like an ass!" He screamed.
Hades uncrossed his arms. "Both of you, stop it." He finally decided to join in.
"Ha!" Demeter gave Hades a look. "You're one to talk! You always seem to want my daughter, Persephone, staying in Tartarus longer than the deadline Zeus set."
Hades huffed. "Goodness, Demeter. It was a serious problem I had to attend to! She's the only one I can trust."
Demeter snorted. "More trustworthy than you." She shot back like a rebellious teenager.
Zeus was rubbing his temples, stressed out completely.
The door of the meeting area clicked open. A boy that appeared to be at the age of eighteen or nineteen looked in the room quietly. His hair was shockingly yellow, almost blinding. His eyes; however, were a beautiful blue.
Hades exhaled once. "Please, calm down everyone, and let's talk about Artemis' and Hestia's disappearance."
This pricked the boy's curiosity. Suddenly, the boy let out a grim frown. He slammed open the door, causing every single Olympian in the room to look at him.
"So this is why you banish me from today's meeting? Keeping things from me, father?" He glared around the room, towards all the Olympian's shocked faces.
"Apollo..." Zeus was currently speechless.
"No. Don't speak to me. I hope you all are ashamed." Apollo spun around, stomping out of the room.
Hermes let out a deep breath and began to follow, fluttering behind Apollo swiftly.
"Apollo, wait." Hermes muttered behind the indignant god.
Apollo grumbled, still walking down the hallway.
Hermes lay his hand on Apollo's shoulder. "Look, I-"
He was cut off by Apollo.
Spinning around, Apollo had hate carved into his eyes. "No, Hermes. Don't even try." Tears filled his eyes. "You of all people shouldn't talk to me."
Hermes looked at the ground, ashamed.
"Are you two sad?" A haunting voice hung around them. Apollo looked in front of him, and at the end of the hall was no other than Hiatum.
"Very." Apollo answered.
"Is it because Artemis is gone?" She asked, tilting her head.
Hermes quirked an eyebrow. "And Hestia."
"Well, yeah, her as well." Hiatum put a finger up to her mouth. "What if I told you two I could help you find them...?"
Apollo's eyes sparked. "I'd join you."
Hiatum snickered. "The young as so gullible," She whispered to herself, "What about you, Hermes?" She asked the teenage-looking God.
"Of course. After I carry out official business, anyways." He responded.
Apollo nodded. "I need to carry out business as well, but mine will be quick."
"Give me a few days," Hermes looked over at Apollo.
"What? A few days?!" Apollo looked at Hermes like he was insane.
"My child is very important business." Hermes responded.
Hiatum gave them a deadly glare. "Children are not of importance. You shall come now." She told them.
Hermes shook his head while Apollo nodded.
"Children are important." Hermes told Hiatum.
"Fine." Hiatum turned around, walking slowly. "Follow me if you dare."
Apollo was about to follow, but Hermes took him by his jacket hood.
"What about your child?" He questioned Apollo.
"Artemis." Apollo responded.
"Still, you should worry about those who are still here." Hermes advised his brother.
It seemed like Apollo fell out of Hiatum's spell. "All right..I'll go visit my child." He agreed.
Hiatum huffed silently, knowing she was losing the battle. "Fine, as you wish. However, if you want to see your beloved twin and aunt again, you will meet me in front of Tartarus in a few days," She told the two with a swift nod, and finally turned away.
☠ ☯ ☠
Hermes had come to the human world, specifically Quebec, Canada. It was early spring, and currently thirty-one degrees. It was extremely different from Greece, which was a whopping fifty-three degrees.
He walked up to a group of Acadiana designed homes, a small smile plastered on his face. Hermes trotted up the stairs, his beanie on his head jiggling because of his little wings dancing in excitement.
Now, this was a very embarrassing part about being a young god, and having a family. A group of young gods and goddesses had decided to try and raise an actual family with one spouse, and multiple children. These young deities decided this because of Zeus. He was purely a creepy old man with a bazillion children spawning everyday. That's an over-exaggeration, yes. Anyways, the gods and goddesses that decided this were no other than Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and Eros II. There were more, but those are the well-known ones.
Hermes straightened up his back, and ran up the stairs quickly. He reached for the door bell, tapping it only once.
A click was heard from the other side, and a pair of bright blue eyes peeked through the door.
"Daddy!" A girl jumped out from behind the door, jumping on Hermes tightly.
"There you are, Ageláda!" Hermes let out a beam, and hugged his daughter back.
"Don't call me Ageláda! It's too long and weird." She shook her head. "Mommy calls me Angie." She told him.
Hermes smiled. "But your name is so beautiful, Angie. It's Greek."
"So?"Angie released her father from the hug.
"Speaking about Greek...are you still studying Latin and Greek?" Hermes asked Angie.
"Yes! I finished learning them, now I'm working on French." She smiled.
"Great!" Hermes pat Angie's head. "Where's your mother...?" He queried, stepping in, looking around the house.
"Work. She's a doctor, remember?" Angie answered.
Hermes nodded, knowing his wife was a doctor. "Yes, I do indeed remember."
Angie let out a grin. "Do you want to see my art book?" She asked mirthfully.
"Of course!" Hermes purred, lifting his daughter up. "Goodness, you're heavy!"
Angie giggled. "I am eight, after all."
Hermes nodded. "You are getting very big!"
"Yep!" Angie smiled. The two finally reached her room. It was decorated with black walls, and a purple roof with dark wood flooring. Her bed was a mattress on the ground. She had multiple bookshelves. One was jammed with history books, another with mythology books, and the last with comic books and manga. She had quite a small room, shared with her sister, and a window shining bright light inside the room. There was almost no need for lights in the house.
"It's so clean!" Hermes gasped.
"Mhm! Mommy made me clean it." Angie purred like a cat.
"But I'm the one who cleaned it." A feminine voice spoke by the door.
"Ah, Epistolí̱!" Hermes smiled at his eldest daughter. "School already done?" He asked.
His eldest daughter had brown hair, with light purple streaks in them. On her head was a green beanie, much like her father's, but a different color. It was a camo beanie. Her eyes were blue, with pale white skin. Little wings sprouted from behind her ears, and above her heels. She wore a black My Chemical Romance jacket, and short that reached down to her knees. Black, ripped up stockings covered her legs, with hand-made, brown boots. She had a messenger bag by her side, and a laptop in her hands.
"Yes. You shouldn't call me Epistolí̱, though. Socks is fine." She told her father.
Angie smiled. "Sister's name means letter in Greek!" She pointed that out.
Hermes smiled. "Of course it does! I did name her, after all." He returned Angie's smile.
Socks lay the computer on the top of a bookshelf. "Welcome home." She told her father.
"Thank you. Will your mother come home soon?" He asked.
"No." Socks responded. "Didn't you get the news? She seven months pregnant." Socks informed her father, sitting on the mattress.
Hermes was flabbergasted. "R-really?" He asked to make sure.
"I wouldn't lie. She has a doctors appointment today." Socks responded, jumping on the mattress while still holding her laptop. Angie joined her too, snuggling up beside her sister.
Hermes felt terrible, now. He was a very busy guy, being the Messenger God and all.
"Don't feel bad about not knowing she was pregnant. You should feel bad that she has to drive herself to the appointment and back." Socks made Hermes feel deeply horrible now.
"Couldn't you have driven her?" Hermes asked.
"No. I'm fourteen. Oh, and dad, did you know the neighbors are scared that you look nineteen, and your wife is thirty-two...?" She teased her father about the form he had taken. "Some even think you're my boyfriend." She told him.
"Oh Chaos." Hermes sighed, falling on the mattress. Angie was now asleep, cuddled on Sock's side.
"Yep, feel bad." Socks sighed, closing her eyes.
☠ ☯ ☠
Socks woke up to the doorbell ringing. She quickly thought it was her mother, and got up from her spot on the mattress. Running to the door, she carefully opened it. What was in front of her almost made her puke. A dead tortoise, smelling of entrails, lay before her. A bloody letter lay on top of it, and Socks dared to pick it up.
☠ ☯ ☠
Meanwhile, Apollo surprisingly kept his promise. He really stood out, though, walking in the streets of Fukuoka, Japan. His purely blond hair and blue eyes gave him away as a foreigner. He walked down the street, plenty of people passing by him, some noticing him and others not. Apollo quickly turned a corner, arriving at an apartment complex.
He jogged up the five steps, and opened the door. Going to the counter, a tall, slender Asian man greeted him. "Kon'nichiwa!" He greeted.
"Kon'nichiwa." Apollo answered back, bowing slightly, hands to the side of his body. "Doko de mitsukeru kamo shirenai Rabe?" He asked where he could find Rabe.
"Go-kai." The man told Apollo, in which he said, 'fifth floor.'
"Arigatō." Apollo thanked the man. He decided to take the stairs. Apollo ran up the stairs, arriving at the fifth floor quickly. He remembered his wife's room was the second one. Apollo reached the room, knocking on the door quietly.
"Dare ga aru ka?!" A voice yelled at the door. A small woman with long, choppy, messy black hair that hadn't been brushed in a long time opened the door. "Oh, Apollo!" She quickly hugged her husband.
Apollo smiled, hugging his wife. "Rabe, how have you been?" He asked.
Rabe purred, opening the door wider. "Come, sit. And I am doing very well." She told him.
Apollo came in, his wife shutting the door behind them.
"I'm sorry to barge in like this, Rabe. I should have sent a letter." Apollo scratched his head.
"It is fine, Apollo. Chāpu has been dying to see you." She told him calmly.
Apollo nodded. "Is he doing well?" He asked while sitting on the couch, Rabe next to him.
Rabe shook her head. "No, not really. His Pneumonia is getting much worse when he gets older. It keeps coming back, no matter what you or the doctors do. It's like he's cursed." She told Apollo somberly.
"I see." Apollo responded. He was on a weak point here, not able to cure his son.
"Mhm." Rabe responded.
"Hahaoya!" A male voice called. The door opened, and a boy walked in.
"Chāpu! Look, it's your father!" Rabe pointed at Apollo.
Chāpu narrowed his eyes. "Oh." He simply said.
"Hello, Chāpu!" Apollo waved at his son.
Chāpu had short, black hair, and blue eyes. He was very much Asian, but with the blue eyes he received from his father. Chāpu's clothing consisted of a Gakuran, a male school uniform used all across Japan. It was black, with long sleeves and straight-forward pants. He wore normal sneakers with his outfit.
"Mother, they called me a zasshuken again," He informed Rabe.
"Seriously? I will go pound their faces in." Rabe looked at Chāpu, to Apollo. "Or...your father could give them chicken pox." She suggested, snickering.
"Wait, they called you a mutt?" Apollo asked.
Chāpu nodded. "The guys did. They got mad that a group of girls said my eyes were beautiful."
Apollo sighed. "I'll give them the worst case of chicken pox ever."
Chāpu let out a weak smile, coughing in his elbow.
"My dear, come sit down." Rabe beckoned her son. Chāpu nodded, dropping his school bag on the ground. He sat next to his mother, leaning on her shoulder. Chāpu didn't even dare to take his shoes off.
"Hush, hush, child." Rabe groomed Chāpu's head affectionately.
The fifteen year-old boy seemed to collapse under her spell of comfort. He was now sleeping.
"Artemis has been kidnapped, Hestia as well." Apollo told Rabe.
"Oh my. That's horrible!" Rabe kept her voice in whispering tones.
Apollo nodded. "I wanted to visit you before I go. Sorry if it's a short visit."
"It is fine. Find your aunt and sister. I believe we'll be fine." Rabe looked at her son, then Apollo.
"Thank you." Apollo got up, and kissed Rabe on the head. "I love you."
"I love you as well." Rabe smiled. With that, Apollo was off.
But when he left, the pet birds Rabe had went off into a maniacally symphony of chirps, as like they were screaming for Apollo to come back.
★ ♬ ★ ♬
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