Chapter 11
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Cameo’s jaw tightened and his fingers curled and uncurled. He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. It was all he could do to not burst into tears at the mention of his little brother.
Colton had been his closest friend and ally. Every time he was bullied, Colton came to Cameo, and whenever Cameo wanted to do something dangerous or risky, Colton was right behind him. Colton was prone to having nightmares, and Cameo was the one he crawled into bed with. Their parents always scolded the two of them, but they were closer than brothers. Partners-in-Crime was a better way to describe them.
But then the men from the government showed up at their door, demanding that Mr. and Mrs. Hunt hand over their two sons. Cameo fought the men as best he could, but was held as he watched his parents be shot for resistance. He was silent, knowing they were dead before they hit the ground. Colton, on the other hand, screamed and kicked, commanding the men to let him go. Cameo could still hear him.
“Let me go! I have to help them! You hurt them! I need to help them!” He could barely contain his tears as his brother thrashed in the soldier’s arms. Rearing his head back, he bashed the guard’s nose in, trying to escape. He ran to the man holding his brother, who dropped Colton and trained a gun on Cameo’s head. Colton glanced at his brother. Run, he mouthed silently, shifting ever so slightly. He sprang up and kicked the guard in the most vulnerable place he could think of, knowing it was a dirty way to fight. The man howled in pain. Cameo started for Colton, but the younger boy yelled for him to save himself. “Go! I’ll be fine!” Unable to argue, Cameo fled the house, knowing the soldiers would make away with their lone prize.
Now, he mentally kicked himself. He let a string of Russian curses fly from his lips, making Charisma draw back. Sometime during his flashback, he had sunk to the ground and was cradling his knees, rocking back and forth. Infinity knelt down and placed a hand on his waist and took his hand in the other.
“You can understand him?” Infinity asked the girl.
“Yes, quite. I must say that was some of the more unsavory things I have heard as of late. I can tell I’ve hit upon the correct thing?” Cameo couldn’t take anymore.
“How dare you?” He seethed, standing up and glowering at Charisma. He balled his hands into fists and took a few menacing steps toward her.
“Ah, come now. You wouldn’t hit a female. That would be very dirty of you. However, I’ll make you a deal. My dear late father had always said I was one to bargain. I will tell you where the rest of the children are, you will bring them to me, and we will resume life as normal. In return, I will tell you where you will be able to find your idiot of a president, Jaiden. How does that sound, my good man? A fair reward, with such a trifling price.” Charisma batted her eyelashes sweetly. Cameo gnashed his teeth and howled with rage. He could still smell the decay, the scent lingering in his nostrils. He could still see the blood splattered walls, the sight greeting him every time he closed his eyes.
He stalked back to the police car he and Infinity had abandoned. He pulled the door open so hard the handle flew off in his iron grip. Sliding in, he closed the door and locked the car, not wanting anyone to follow him. He pulled his legs up to his chin and tried not to cry, the tears hovering in his eyes, unshed. Grief overcoming him, he buried his face in his knees and wailed, the noise carrying through the walls of the car and out into the street. Infinity heard it and whipped her head around. She could barely make out Cameo through the tinted windshield at this distance, but she saw him and the cries of agony tore at her heart and twisted her gut. She tugged his forgotten backpack over her shoulder, and turned to Charisma. “Stay here,” she cautioned.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of moving,” Charisma said innocently. Infinity shot her a glare and ran over to the car. She knocked on the door but either he didn’t hear her or he was ignoring her. The wails continued, breaking her heart.
Cameo cried for over an hour. He shook as sobs wracked his body. His throat was sore and raw. His cheeks and pants were wet with tears, but he had now cried himself dry. He reached over to the glove box and opened it, revealing a small portable radio. He twisted a few dials and flipped a few switches. He pressed the call button. A voice issued from the device.
“I take it you’ve accepted the offer as it stands?”
“I’m on my way,” Cameo rasped.