Chapter 20
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The last thing Cameo remembered before he fell asleep was fur pressing against his bare torso. Now he was leaning against the tree where the wolf had found him. The bark was digging into his bare back, and his arm was bandaged tightly in his shirt. He stood up and shook his head, trying to figure out the past twenty four hours. He sat back down and took his head in his hands.
“What have I done?”
“Cameo? Cameo, where are you?”
He lifted his head, barely registering the many voices filtering through the foliage.
“Infinity? Harley? Guys, I'm here!” He scrambled to his feet and stumbled towards the voices, tears clouding his vision. “I’m here!”
“Cameo!” Infinity, Harley, Ethaniel, Tanner, and a few other kids he didn’t know very well came into view. He fell to his hands and knees, scraping them on rocks and sticks. Infinity rushed to him, clinging to him, afraid to let go.
“Cameo, when you didn’t come back, and we couldn’t find you, and I was so scared, and you were gone, and it was so cold, and I was all alone, and-”
“I’m here now. You’ll be okay. I’m so sorry. They didn’t understand, and I freaked, I guess. I’m sorry.” He cried into her shoulder. “They didn’t understand and Я взбесился. Они не могли понять, не поняли. И я оставил тебя! Как я мог оставить тебя? Особенно, когда тебя поведут в Джейден, как ягненка на заклание!”
Harley and Ethaniel looked at Tanner. He held his hands up. “The Russian’s not anything new, guys. To my knowledge, he only uses it when his mind is under pressure and he freaks.”
Infinity tilted Cameo’s head up. “I understand. I will always understand.” They stood up together and began the long trek back.
“What did I miss?” Cameo asked.
Infinity took a deep breath. “When you didn’t come back, we started a search party, but most of us had to go around that cliff face and WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR ARM?”
His shirt-turned-bandage had loosened and was dangling uselessly from his wrist, leaving his lesion fully exposed. “I, uh, scraped it?”
“Like yeah you did. What happened?”
“I slipped on the cliff, cut it on the overhang.”
“It’s all infected! How are we supposed to fix it? We don't have any med stuff in the buses. You- argh!” Infinity screamed, frustrated. Tanner and the rest of the kids turned and walked a few paces away, looking uncomfortable.“How could you leave me like that? I needed you! I chased you and chased you, and you kept running away! I NEEDED YOU!” She yelled and slapped his face. She turned and stormed back through the forest towards the highway. Cameo’s eyes followed her dolefully. Harley came up to him and hugged him.
“You’ll be okay. She’ll get over it. I know she will.”
“I hope so.” Cameo shivered. He sank to his knees. “I love her, you know? I love her. Я люблю ее, она мне нужна. Я нуждаюсь в ней больше всего на свете. Я знаю, что она любит меня. Почему я ушел? ЗАЧЕМ?”
The teenagers all stood back as Cameo sat in the dirt weeping. “I love her,” he sobbed, his heart breaking.