Ali's POV
i was up cooking breakfast dancing around in a t shirt. Singles you up and I smile and start singing and put the eggs in a big bowl. When I spin around all the guys were looking at me. I gasp and place a hand over my heart.
"Don't do that" I hiss
"Sorry you were in your own world love" Kane says
"Did you get all the movies?" I ask
"I did. What time do you have to be at the track?" He asks
"By 8. So i need to eat and get going. I have two races and then I have to get Wildfire settled at the house in the barn and I need to hire some ranch hands and get them settled" I say sighing
"I know some people I will call. Let's eat and get going" Kane says
I nod and rub my temples and hands massage my back and I moan softly.
"Relax. I bet a lot of money on this race" BG says
"Us to" Justin says
"Guys don't bet on me" I whine
"You got this love" Kane says
I nod and start eating and when i'm done I slip on some cut off shorts and my boots and then a random shirt. I pull my hair in a messy bun and we headed out. When i arrived at the track and walked towards Tony everyone gasped and I smirked,
"There is my girl. Are you ready?" He says handing my my clothes
"Yeah i'm ready. How are both my babys doing?" I ask
"She is a little ansty today" He tells me
"Alright. Get her saddled and let's get going" I say
He nods and I walk in the stall and change. I give my clothes to BG and then I follow Tony. He gets me in the saddle and in the gate and I pull my goggles down. I sigh and closes my eyes.
"Let's do this for daddy girl. We got this." I tell her
The bells ring and we take off like a shot. we ran hard and when we rounded the last turn a horse picked up pace.
"Let's do this girl. Let's go" I shot and pop her ass once
She takes off and we win by two links. I smile and we trot over to the winner circle and they place the flowers around her neck and hand me the trophy and I smile.
"Alison how does it feel running again?" I was asked
"It was great. I only agreed cause Tony is donating my winnings to a charity of my choice." I say smiling
"and how are you feeling riding Wildfire again?" I was asked
"That big softy is my baby. We have a connection like no other. I can't wait to run his last race." I say
"So Mr. Lawson does that mean you will be selling wildfire? I know some people that would love to get their hands on him" A man says
"well i'm glad to hear that but Wildfire has already been bought." Tony says
I grin at him and he winks at me and I sigh. After getting changed Bg met me and wrapped a arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and yawned.
"Tired" He asks
"Not really" I say
I hear some kicking and a scream and my head snaps up to see Pepper kicking around. I run on and jump in front of her.
"Woah girl. It's ok" I say grabbing her lead
She calms right down and snorts at the handler.
"What the hell did you to her?" I shout at him
"I only went to bring her to the trailer" He says but wont look at me
"Bullshit." I say
I walk around Pepper and notice welts on her left side. I growl and stomp over to him decking him in the jaw.
"You son of a bitch" I shout
I was yanked into a chest and I was fighting against it.
"Calm down Ali" Tony snaps
"No he beat her" I shout
Tony let's me go and I go after him again. I was yanked up again and this time it was Brantley that grabbed me.
"I would never beat a animal. You did it. You rode her" He snaps
"I'm right handed your fucking dumbass. Those welts on her her leftside." I scream
The cops come over and ask questions and I tell them what happened. They arrest the guy and I wave at him while smiling.
"Nice right hook" Tony says
"Thanks." I mumble shaking my hand
I walk over to Pepper and she snorts as I pet her nose. I load her and Wildfire up and drive them back to the ranch. I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top and slip on my boots and I go out to wash them. I tie them up and turn on the hose. I soap them up and wildfire shakes and soaks me. I spray him with the hose and laugh. He bumps me and I fall into a water trough. I cough and come up and he snorts at me. I giggle and get out and finish up what I was doing.
"What happened to you?" I hear behind me
"Wildfire and I got into a water fight." I say
"Hey Ali" I hear behind me
I spin around and squeal. I take off jumping on him and kiss all over his face. He chuckles and hugs me tight.
"Ky what are you doing here?" I ask jumping down
"Once you called yelling at me I knew you were here and had to visit." He says pulling off his soaked shirt
I smile and hug him tight.
"Ah my two favorite kiddos" Tony says hugging us both
"Hey dad" Ky says
"Hey kiddo" He says and hugs him tight
"SO dinner?" KY asks
"Let's go out" Tony says
"Aliiiii" Ky whines
"I"ll cook but your going to the store while I shower" I tell him
"Done." He says and leaves
"He's home" I say looking at Tony
Tony nods and pulls me into his chest.
"Thank you" He tells me
"Of course. I missed my best friend to" I say
"go on up and shower. I'll put them away:" He tells me
I nod and run up to the house to see BG sitting on the porch with some of the guys who start laughing at me drenched state.
"Wildfire knocked me into the trough. I'm gonna shower and then i'll cook dinner" I say stripping on the front porch
"Ali what are you doing?" BG asks
"Not stepping foot into that house soaking wet. Momma would come back to beat me and shove me back out her door" I say walking in
I shower and dress and walk down the hall and stop when I see a picture of momma. I reach up and trace it and arms wrap around me.
"I miss her. I ever stripped before I came into the house" I say smiling softly
"She would come back long enough to beat you" Ky says
"I know." I mumble
He kisses the side of my head and leads me to the kitchen. He plugs in my phone and turns on some music and I get to cooking. Still the Same starts playing and i start belting out the lyrics and I drop what i'm doing and just sing. When the song ends I turn around and see all the guys staring at me. Ky was grinning and I wink at him. I turn around and start cooking again and I dance to the music. Once every thing was done my phone rang and it was Robby Ray. I answered it and smiled.
"HI daddy" I say
"Hey baby girl. Ready for rehearsal tomorrow?" He asks
"Yes sir. I'll be in at ten." I tell him
"Alright see you then. Love you" He says
"Love you too. Tell Mile to call me" I say and hang up
I place every thing on the table and call the guys. We all eat and make conversation and then Ky does the dishes when we are all done. I hugged Tony and Ky kissed my forehead as we leave to head home. Once we got in I turned and pushed BG up against the door hard and kissed him. He growled deep in his chest and I moaned.
"Do me a favor" I say pulling back to look at him
"What?" He asks
"Be rough" I tell him
He growls and yanks me up into his arms and stomps off to the bedroom. He tosses me on the e bed and strips right there. He rips my clothes from me and walks into the closet and comes back with a bag. He reaches in it and pulls out some handcuffs and smirks at my wide eyes. He cuffs me to the bed and then blindfolds me. I feel him push my legs apart roughly and I moan. I hear a buzz and then something is placed on my clit and I scream.
"Fuck baby let me cum" I scream
"No. You will not cum. If you do I will spank your ass red." He growls at me
I whimper and tug at the cuffs. I try to snap my legs closed and roll away but he clamps his hand down on my leg keeping it open and keeping me in place. About the time I was going to bed he threw away whatever he was using on me and slid into me hard and fast. I screamed cumming all over him and he growled and pounded into me picking up his pace. He gave a few hard thrusts and growled releasing inside me. He collapsed on top of me and groaned and rolled over. He uncuffed me and pull off the blindfold and I blinked a few times and looked at him and smiled softly. He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.
"Sleep baby" He says
I hum and close my eyes and drift off. When I wake up the next morning I was alone and I was still exhausted. I got up and showered and headed out to find everyone. I walked over to Kane's bus and walked in without knocking and see him in his boxers with his back to me. I leaned against the door and pulled out my phone and snapped a picture and when he turned around he jumped seeing me and I snapped another picture. I giggled and he shook his head at me.
"I won't post them I promise." I say laughing
"I don't care if you do i'm covered" He says
I walk up to him and look at his tats close up. I trace one and he tenses. I take a step back and smile. I lift my shirt showing him rib tat and he traces it and looks at me with pain filled eyes.
"it's that your only one?" He asks
"No i have more. I have someone that runs them for me usually." I tell him
My phone dings and i look down at it to see Jess sent me a picture. I open it and it's a picture of Brantley with Amber. He was kissing her and I click off the picture and look at Kane.
"Let's get out of here" I say
He nod and slips some clothes on and we head out. I walk over to truck and we get in. I drive to the compound and Trigger let's me in. I reach in the back seat and grab my clothes and I strip down in my seat and change. I fix my lip stick and grab my leather jacket. Kane looks at me with his jaw dropped and I laugh. I hop out and wee head in.
"Um Ali" Kane says
"It's ok. I'm family" I say
He nods and I take his hand and we head inside.
"There's my girl" Pops calls
I smile and walk over and hug him.
"who is this?" Pops asks
"This is Kane. We are good friends" I tell him
"ah ok. So what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my baby today?" Pops asks
"Just thought I would pop in. I kind wanna play and relieve some stress" I tell him
"Go get out of them leathers and change and I'll get the boys ready" He tells me
I nod and pull Kane with me. I unlock my door and walk in and Kane closes the door behind him. I strip and slip on my spandex short shorts and a sports bra and my tennis shoes. I pull my hair into a ponytail and turn to see Kane looking at me.
"Let's go" I say
He nods and follows me to the gym.
"Stretch" Pops calls
I nod and pull Kane over. I throw my left leg up and place my ankle on his shoulder and stretch out. I do my right next and then turn and flip up against the wall on my hands and I do a few push ups. I come down and bend backwards and do a back bend. I come back up and stretch my arms some more. Pops comes over and wraps my hands and he nods at me.
"Whatever you do don't interrupt" I tell Kane
He nods and I jump in the ring and pops stands by him and watches. Jax walks up and I bounce around and then stop and close my eyes and breathe in and hot in deep breathes. I head a swoosh and i duck and jab and land a punch. I throw another one and I hear a thud and I open my eyes and jump on top of him and lay into him. I as quickly pulled off and I was panting hard. I turn and swung and laid into snake next and after three minutes I was pulled off again.
"Relax baby" I hear in my ear
I relax and slump against Kane and sigh.
"what was that?" Snake snaps at me
"payback" I snarl at him
"What did I do?" He snaps back
"You left" I scream at him
I push past him and stomped over to the punching and lay into it. I swing my leg sending it flying down the rack and spiting it sending sand flying.
"Ali" Snake says
"Does she know?" I ask not looking at him
"Know what?" His girlfriend says
"that he slept with me" I say turning to look at her
"Yeah prom" She says
"No. three years ago when I asked to borrow him. I only needed him to talk to but he turned it into a night of sex. He kissed me and it went from there." I say laughing
"Is that why you wouldn't go near her and turned me into your girlfriend?" She snaps at him
"Your pathetic. At least I knew what to expect from Jax but not you. You were always my ride or die. No matter what you would stay when I was down and having a bad night. You used me to take our your frustrations and left when I went to sleep and then lied to her. You used us both" I say laughing
I stomp off past him and head for the armory room.
"Oh shit" Saint mumbles
I pick up my guns and throwing knives and head out the back down. I make my way to the range and all the guys part ways. I take my stance and start emptying my clips. I spun and started throwing my knifes left and right straight into the dummy. The last one I landed in dead center of the head I was panting hard. I reloaded and I hand was placed on top of mine and took my gun and I turned to see Brantley. I pulled my phone out and shoved the picture in his face and he looked guilty. I shake my head at him and walk away and Kane meets me and we head back inside. I jump in the shower and change and we jump back in my truck and head back to the buses. I go in BG's bus and gather my things and head to Kane's bus. I knocked and he opened the door and I looked up at him. He moved over and let me in. He slowly took my things from me and sat them down and pulled me into his chest. I yawned and he lifted me up and carried me to the bed and stripped me down and pull a t shirt over my head and I laid down. He covered me and laid down beside me. He ran his fingers through my hair til I was asleep and that was it.
I watched as she fell asleep and sighed. BG is so fucking stupid. Someone started banging on my door so I slid out of bed and walked out closing the door and going to the front door. I opened to see BG standing there.
"Where is she?" He asks
"Asleep and no you can't come in and wake her. If and when she decides she wants to talk she will come find you. What the hell man? Amber really?" I snap at him
"Look Amber wanted to see if it was really over and I needed the closure as well" He tells me
"So you have been with me, fucking me and having a baby with me but you needed closure from the whore that cheated on you. Wow i'm so stupid. I will see you in court BG" ali says and shuts the door in his face
She looks up at me and a tear slides down her face. I pull her into my chest and she starts sobbing. When she finally calmed down she sniffled and pulled back and walked over picked up her phone.
"Hello" Selena says sleepily
"Sel" Ali says sniffling
"Justin wake up its Ali" Selena hisses at him
She giggles a bit at Sel and sniffles again.
"What's wrong Ali?" Justin says
"I know you have Gabi for a few more days but could you work with having her another week?" She asks slightly shaking
"Of course Ali. What's wrong?" Sel asks
"BG cheated with Amber. I'm taking him to court I want full custody." I say
"Alright Ali. We will make sure he doesn't get Gabi. Who are you staying with?" Sel asks concerned
"She is staying with me for two weeks guys" I say speaking up
"Alright K. Take care of our girl" Justin says
"You know I will. Kiss Gabi for us and call tomorrow" I say
"We will. We love you Ali" Sel says
"I love you too" She tells them
She hangs up and looks at me.
"You are really going to see him in court?" I ask
"Yes. This life isn't for me. I've sat back and watched the women come and go. He can't even fucking tell me he loves me. I deserve better and he is always going to and only home a couple of months. Gabi doesn't need this life" I tell him
"I'll call me lawyer" I tell her
"No I know who I'm calling. He is the best and owes me a favor" she says calling a number
"Alison" A man says sleepily
"Hank I need to put in that favor" I say
"Done. What is it?" He asks
"Full custody of Gabi" I tell him
"Done. I got you Babygirl. Now go to sleep and I will call you Friday" He says
"K. Love you" I say
"Love you too Ali" Jeremy says
"Bye boys" She says and hangs up
"He is gay?" I ask
"He is. His boyfriend is amazing. He watched Gabi while I got my degree" She says smiling
"what did you get your degree in?" I ask
"Which one?" She asks smirking
"Both i guess" I tell her
"Nurse and cosmetology" she says smiling
"which do you like more?" I ask
"Cosmetology. I wake do hair and make up for rich and famous" she says smiling
"Then do it. You can take Gabi with you" I tell her
She nods and yawns and I scoop her up and put her back to bed. 34Please respect copyright.PENANAAsH2nGgpWv
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Alison's POV # 3 Week time skip
We were currently in court and BG was being a dick.
"Mr. Gilbert why do you want your daughter?" The judge asks
"So i can be her father" He says eyeing me
"And Miss Myers why do you want your daughter?" She asks me
"Your honor I'm her mother. I gave birth to her. Mr. Gilbert left us when I was pregnant. I will admit I kept her from him for the first two years because I didn't want her life tainted with that life. Yes I use to be a singer but now I have the money to stay home full time with her if I choose and be with her. She has godparents that she visits and she does visit Mr. Gilbert's mother and brother. I do not keep her from them. Gabi is my second child and my entire world. she deserves what is best for her and that is not having camera's shoved in her face all the time" I say and take my seat
"That's bullshit. Your honor she doesn't even work or have a degree" BG shouts
"Mr. Gilbert that is where you are wrong. I have two degree that I can use if I choose. And I have 22 million dollars to my name I don't need to work. I can be lazy as hell and not lift a finger if I choose to. But my daughter will have what she needs and wants" I snarl at him
"Enough. I have made my decision. Full Custody goes to Miss Myers. If you choose to let him see her it's on your terms. As for child support" She starts
"Your honor I don't want his money. We don't need it" I say to her
"Very well. Dismissed" She bangs the gavel and I jump up and hug Hank
"Thank you" I whisper
"Of course." He says kissing my forehead
I run over and jump on Kane hugging him tight.
"Thank you for being there for me" I tell him
"Your welcome babe. Now you owe me a date. A deal is a deal" He tells me sitting me down
"You win" I tell him
"Ali" Becky calls behind me
I turn around and look at her.
"Yes ma'am" I say
"Could I take Gabi for a few days?" She asks
"Of course Mamma. You want to take her tonight and I'll pick her up Sunday?" I ask
"I can have her all week?" She asks stunned
"Of course mama. I trust you and Kolby with her" I tell her
She sniffles and hugs me tight.
"I know what he did was wrong but I am happy for you baby. Your a great mother and right now i'm pissed at me son so don't worry he wont be let in if he shows up" She whispers in my ear
"Thank you mama" I tell her
She pulls back and kisses my cheek and walks around me.
"mamma call Sel to switch with her with Gabi" I call
"Alright sweetie. Call you tonight" She calls
I laugh and shake my head at her when I was picked up and spun around.
"Kolby put me down" I cry out
He chuckles and sits me down and I laugh.
"I'm happy for you babe. Now I'm going to spend some time with me niece. I bought some Disney movies for us" He says
"No sugar" I tell her
"I know Ali. Trust me I know" He tells me
I nod and he kisses my forehead and walks away.
"So about that date. I want it all. I want steak and a baked potato and a Bahama mama. Then I want to go dancing" I tell him
"Done beautiful. I'll drop you at home and let you get ready and pick you up in a hour and a half" He tells me
"Omg Ali you did it" Caroline screams
I smile as she hugs me and kisses my cheek.
"I did. Now look at you. Your glowing" I tell her
"Luke and I have a question" She tells me
"What's up?" I say
"Will you be our daughters godmother?" She asks smiling widely
"OMFG yes" I scream
They laugh and I hug them tight.
"Alright call me later I have to get ready for my date" I say
She nods and Kane leads me to my truck and helps me in. He drives to my house and helps me out and I walk in with him following me. When the door shuts I spin around and kiss him hard. He was shocked but soon enough kissed me back. He backed me into the wall and I moaned loudly. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist and he yanked on my shirt and ripped in down the middle. He yanked the cups of my bra down and sucked a pink nipple into his hot mouth. He bit down and I screamed.
"Please" I whimper
He growls and carries me over to the couch and lays me down on it. He tore my clothes from me and latched onto my clit. He sucked hard and flicked it a few times before I was coming everywhere.
"Yes" I scream
He comes up and kisses me softly. I sigh and close my eyes when someone knocks on my door. I look at me clothes and sigh. I reach over and yank Kane's shirt off him and I slide it on along with my panties. I run over and open the door and there stands BG.
"What?" I ask
"I was wondering if I could see Gabi before I leave" He asks
"No that's not going to happen. She isn't home right now and i'm busy" I tell him
"What can be so important?" He asks
"Me getting laid" I say smirking
"Babe who is it?" Kane asks wrapping his arms around me
"Baby daddy" I tell him
"Oh hey man. Gabi isn't here and this woman has to get ready" He says and closes the door in BG's face and I giggle
He chuckles at me and kisses my temple. I run off to get ready and when I come down stairs again Kane was walking back through the front door. He stopped dead in his tracks when he seen me and I smiled at him.
"You look beautiful" He tells me
I smiled and thanked him and look down at myself. I was wearing a tight black dress and some purple stilettos and my long hair was curled. I walked over to him and kissed him softly. He took my hand and lead me outside and I seen the Camero and grinned. He tossed me the keys and I grinned. He opened my door and I slid in and crunk up the car. Kane got in and i back out and pull out onto the black top. I step on the gas and we shoot down the highway. We pull up to a nice restaurant and I step out and we walk in and we are seated right away. After sitting for a bit the waitress walks up and grins at Kane. I sigh and Kane eyes me and I smile at him.
"Hi I'm Kayla and I'll be your server tonight. What can I start you two out with?" She asks
"I'll have a Bahama mama and a sweet tea please" I tell her
She sighs and rolls her eyes and writes it down and Kane groans.
"I'll have a sweet tea" He says not looking at her
"I'll get those for you" She says and walks away shaking her ass
"this is going to be interesting" I tell him
he chuckles and winks at me.
"Here you go. And that gentlemen over there would like your sisters number" The waitress says
"First of all I'm not single and second I'm not his sister I'm his fucking wife" I snap at her
She gasps and runs away and the manager comes over.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asks
"Omg Harry" I say standing up hugging him
"Ali you look amazing" He tells me
"Thank you. And that bitch pushed me off as his sister and i set her ass straight" I tell him taking my seat
"I'll have it. Now what do you want for dinner?" He asks
"Steak please" I tell him
"And I'll throw in your favorite or dessert" He tells me
"And Kane what do you want?" I ask him
"The same please" He says
Harry nods and walks away and I smile.
"So you know him?" Kane asks
"Yes. Harry use to be in a MC with pops. He has a family and wanted out and I helped him out and he has a beautiful husband and two great kids" I tell him smiling
We talked a little longer and then our food came and I smiled. I ate happily and moaned when the stake melted like butter in my mouth. Kane looked at me and raised a brow and I smiled at him and finished eating. I drank my drank and Harry walked up with a huge container and showed it to me. I smiled and took it from me.
"Tell that husband of yours that I love him" I say smiling
Kane stood up and pulled out his wallet and Harry waved him off. I hugged Harry tight and pulled back. I picked up the container and said my goodbyes and we left. Once we got to the club I was ready to dance and have some fun. I walked in and Kane followed holding my hand and I smiled back at him. I walked to the bar and ordered a few shots and downed them and grinned.
"Are you not drinking?" I ask him
"No. I will drive us home" he shouts at me
I nod and order me some more and then I drag Kane to dance floor and grind against him.
"Holy shit Kane Brown is in the house tonight" The DJ shouts
Kane sighs and looks around and everyone was grinning.
"Sorry guys i'm out with my girl tonight. No autographs or photos tonight." He tells them
Everyone booed and I sighed.
"Go ahead but only for a hour" I tell him
"Babe" He says
"It's ok. This is your life and I understand" I tell him
"Fine but no photos only autographs and you sit with me the whole time" He tells me
I nod and he sighs and walks up to the mic.
"Alright guys my lady agreed to a hour of signing autographs only after that no more will be done and you will leave us in peace" He says
"Agreed" A few people shout
I giggle and Kane winks at me. I walk over to him and take a seat and he starts signing away. The hour passed quickly and I stood up.
"Alright guys that is it. Time's up" I shout
They nod and walk away and Kane stands up and kisses me. I smile and at him when I pull back and the music starts back up. I pull Kane to the middle of the floor and make him dance with me. Once three songs played I went for more drinks. After a few more I was buzzing pretty good and was giggling. Kane chuckled at me and someone sat down on the end of the bar and I noticed BG watching me. I turned and kissed Kane hard and he kissed me back. I pull back and started dancing against him again. A drink a few more shots and then I was drunk.
"Alright princess let's get you home" Kane says lifting me into his arms
He places me in the car and drives us back to my house. Once we get there I notice my front door open so i was up and push it open and my whole place was trashed.
"Damn it" I shout
I pick up the phone and call the police and soon enough the sheriff showed up. I told him about court today and BG showing up before I left and then again at the bar and then I called mama Becky to let her know. She wanted me to come to her house but Kane told me to pack and we would lock up the house and go stay at his place so that's what we did. When we gt to his place I was in love with it. It was huge but homey. We got settled and I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair.
"What was all that about BG?" He asks
"I think he did it. He's pissed cause I got Gabi. And he was at the bar and restaurant tonight" I say
"What?" He growls
"Yeah. It's crazy. I never thought he would turn to stalking me" I mumble
"Come on let's get you in bed and get some sleep" He says stripping me down
Once I was under the covers I sighed and closed my eyes as Kane ran his fingers through my hair. After that I don't even remember falling asleep. 34Please respect copyright.PENANAaF2IreywPE
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