My name is Alison Myers or that is what it is now. I was currently packing my things as quickly as I could. I was so scared he would catch me trying to leave. Thankfully he was at work today and he forgot to deadbolt the front door. I shoved the last of my things in my car as quickly as I could and I even grabbed Mazie my husky. I put her in the front seat and then I jumped in and headed away from the life I once loved. I glanced in the mirror and seen how back my face was bruised. MY whole body ached to the point I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't til i got far away. I drove for 3 hours and stopped to walk Mazie and then we headed out again. After another long nine hours I was in Tennessee. I sighed and pulled over at a diner. I had some money that I slowly stole from my ex so he wouldn't notice money was going missing. I saved six thousand so that would so for now. I got out and went inside and ordered me something to eat and then went back to the car to eat with Mazie. After we finished I noticed a bunch of tour buses were all around so I sighed and hopped out to walk Mazie again. I let her out and she ran over to potty. Once she was done I called her but she bolted.
"Mazie" I yell and run after her
I kept calling her but when I ran around the corner I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a well built tattooed man petting Mazie.
"Your a pretty girl. Where is your momma?" He asks Mazie
"Mazie come" I command
She perks up and comes over sitting by my feet.
"Ah so you must be mamma" He says standing up
He was huge and that scared me.
"Yes. Thank you" I say quietly
"No need to thank me darlin. She is beautiful" He tells me
"She is. She is my girl" I say patting Mazie
"I see that." He says stepping closer
Mazie jumped up and growled at him placing herself between my legs. I looked wide eyed and so did this man in front of me.
"It's ok girl." I say bending down
She backed down slightly and I looked up at the man and I can hear him growl. My hair fell off my face and I gasped.
"Easy girl. I'm not gonna hurt your momma. Darlin what happened?" He asks stepping closer
"Nothing." I say stepping back
"Come on darlin I promise I won't hurt you" He says
"BG" Someone shouts and comes walking over
I notice this man right away.
"Tommy?" I whisper
His eyes snap to me and his eyes grow huge.
"Ali-car" He says
He walks over and scoops me up into his arms and the damn breaks and I start sobbing. He holds onto me tightly and doesn't sit me back down. After ten minutes he sits me on my feet and looks me over and growls deep in his chest.
"Tommy do me a favor?" I say
"Sure sugar" He says
"Catch me" I say before everything goes black
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Brantley's POV
I watch her faint and Tom catches her. He lifts her up and I see the anger radiating off him.
"Can you bring Mazie and lock up her car? Then meet me on my bus?" He asks
I nod and he tosses me her keys and mazie follows me. I lock up her car and then me and Mazie head back to find Tom. I walk in and Tom and Jessica are cleaning up her face.
"What did that bastard do to her this time?" Jessica all but growls
I have never seen her angry and it was scary cause she is so little.
"BG Call all our security while we get her settled. We need a meeting. And no do not ask her story it's hers to tell when she is ready. I just need to go over a few things" He tells me
I nod and call all the guys. The wait outside and when Tom is done he walks outside.
"I have a little friend in there. I want her watched cause she will be staying with us. Do not touch her unless she gives you permission. Don't constantly follow her just make sure she stays in someone's eyesight at all times. Do you understand?" He says sternly
"Sure Rhett." they all says
"Honey i'm going to go to her car and get some of her bags." Jessica says walking out
"Put them on my bus. She can have my room since I never use it." I say
"BG" Rhett says
I growl and he nods at Jessica. Jessica kisses him and then walks over and wraps her arm in mine and pulls me with her.
"Listen to me Brantley Keith if you so much as look at her wrong I will have your balls hanging from my tailgate" She says sternly
I flinch and lean forward and kiss her forehead. I slip my hand in her pocket and pull out the object and place it in her hand. she looks down and then her head snaps back up and she looks at me and I nod at her. Her eyes feel with tears and I wrap her in my huge arms.
"Jessi you know I would never hurt a woman on purpose. I don't even know her but i want to get to know her" I say
"Love you B" She whispers
"Love you Jess" I say
She pulls back and I wipe her face and we finally grabs those bags and head back to the bus. When I enter my bus Rhett was laying her in my bed and I placed her bags down and Mazie jumped up on the couch and layed down.
"We have to get on the road. I'm having her car stored for us til we get back. If she panics sing to her. It works every time." Jessica says
I nod and they leave and we hit the road. Soon enough i fall asleep and I wake up later to screaming. I jump up and run back and see Alison on the bed crying and shaking.
"Woah darlin. It's ok. Rhett put you here. I never use this room so it's yours." I tell her
"ma-ma-mazie" She stutters out not looking at me
I give a soft whistle and Mazie runs in jumping on the bed and crawling over to alison. She lays down and I can see Alison relax.
"Would you like a drink?" I ask
"Do you have coke?" She asks softly
I nod and stand up and grab her one and walk back handing it to her. She tried to open it but she was shaking to bad. I reach forward slowly and take it from her and open it and hand it back.
"thank you" She whispers
"your welcome darling. Why don't you drink that and then have a shower." I tell her
"Ok" She whispers
"I'll get it started for you. Mazie and I will hang out while you shower and then come on out and we can watch a movie til your tired again" I tell her
She nods but still won't look at me. I get up and leave her and start the shower. About thitty minutes she comes out wrapped in my towel looking scared.
"My clothes" she whispers
I get up and grab her bags and take them in the bedroom and place them on the bed. I turn and walk out and ten minutes later she walks out in some soft pajama pants and one of my long sleeve shirts.
"I don't have any long sleeves and I was cold" She says softly
"I don't mind Darlin. help yourself anytime" I tell her
She sits down by mazie and winces. I stand up and walk over to her and kneel in front of her.
"Can you show me darlin?" I ask
She looks at me with wide eyes and then drop he gaze.
"I just want to make sure your ok. I even have some stuff for what you may need" I tell her
She nods and closes her eyes and then shimmies her pajama bottoms down. What I see causes my anger to go sky high. I growl and I see her tense. I stand up and walk away and comes back and kneel in front of her. I open the tube and squeeze some stuff into my hand. I rub my hands together and I reach forward. I look at her and she nods slowly. I place my huge hands on her tiny thighs and gently rub. Once it was rubbed in I pull her pants back into place. she gulps and pulls my shirt off. Her eyes stay closed and I growl again. I once again repeat the process and her breathing picks up.
"Breathe for me darlin. I promise not to hurt you. Is your back okay?" I ask her
She nods but doesn't open her eyes. I slide the shirt back over her head and I get up and walk away. I grab a pain pill and another coke and walk back to her. I hand her the coke after opening it and hand her the pill.
"it's to help with the pain" I tell her
she nods and takes it and sighs. I lean down and scoop her up and I sit down in my recliner and lean back wrapping a blanket around her. she sighs and snuggles into my chest and I flick on the tv and turn on a comedy. i can hear her giggle every now and then and then soon enough she falls asleep. I didn't have the heart to move her so i leaned back and watch a few more movies until we stopped. I stayed up making sure she didn't need me. When we stopped and got settled the door open and Rhett stepped in with the guys and I released a growl. Rhett's eyes widened when he seen where Alison was and he come over looking her over.
"How did she sleep?" He whispers
"Nightmare" I say
He nods and leans down and whispers in her ear.
"Come on sugar Jess made blueberry pancakes" He says smiling
She snaps up and then hisses and grabs her side. I can see her eyes fill with tears and I rub her back.
"Sorry sugar" Rhett says
"It's ok. I forgot for a minute. So you said something about pancakes" she says
"Yeah. Jessica made them." he tells her
She nods and stands up and my shirt falls to her knees and I chuckle cause she is so tiny.
"Ali-cat" Jess sings coming through the door
"Hi JJ" alison says hugging Jessica
"I'm hear to feed you" jess says
"Oh thank god. I'm starving and I have missed these" she says
I noticed this is the most she has spoken and the loudest she has talked. She eats her food and moans. Rhett chuckles at her and kisses the top of her head.
"Hey there Ali" Luther says stepping in
"Hey LuLu." She says with a mouthful
He chuckles at her and kisses her forehead.
"So do I get to kill him this time?" Luther asks
alison stiffens and bows her head.
"Luther shut the hell up" Jessica snaps
"So Ali-cat shopping?" Jessica asks
"sure" She mumbles
"Alright everyone out" Jessica shouts
Everyone jumps and leaves and I stand up and go to pass Alison and she reaches out and grabs my arm tightly. I look down at her and her eyes are filled with tears. I nod and sit down pulling her in my lap. she relaxes and I look up to see Jessica with wide eyes.
"alright missy let's see the damage this time. Strip" Jessica orders
Alison sighs but stands and moves to put her back to the fridge. Jessica gasps and so do I cause now I can really see the bruises. She sucks in a slow breath and turns her back to us and I slam my hand down on the table. I growl and scoop up her clothes and walk over to her and pull her clothes on again and I scoop her up again.
"You can go shopping but i'm going with you two" I tell jessica
"BG" She starts
"Jessica" I snap
She jumps but nods and walks to the back and comes back with jeans and shoes for Alison. She changes her and then fixes my shirt so it's not to long and she can still wear it. She slips her shoes on her feet and I notice they are boots and I smirk. Jessica turns her in my lap and starts braiding her hair. Once she was done jessica turned her again and done her make up to cover the bruise. Once Jess was down she kissed Alison's cheek and winked at me. Jessica stood up and stretched and winced and grabbed her ribs.
"i got a idea" I say standing up
I walked away and come back with half a pain pill.
"it's half so it won't make you near as sleepy but you won't hurt" I tell her
She nods and swallows in down dry. She walks out the door and Rhett stops in his tracks and grins.
"There is my favorite girls" he says
he kisses Jessica and then spins Alison who giggles.
"Call your girl. She won't listen to me" Rhett says
Alison sticks her fingers in her mouth and whistles loudly and Rhett covers his ears and Mazie comes running.
"There is my girl" She says smiling
"Your gonna have to leave her with Luther. She won't listen to me" Rhett says
"LuLu can you watch Mazie?" Alison asks
"of course. Come on girl let's go watch some football" He says calling Mazie
Mazie takes off and Alison holds out her hand to Rhett who groans.
"Give it up Tommy" She says
"Do not destroy my baby" He says sternly
"i'll put her in a field and even wash her before I bring her back" She says with a grin
He groans but hands over the keys to his beast and my eyes grow huge. She smirks and walks off to the beast. I didn't know how she was gonna get in there without help but she surprises me and sings herself up into the driver seat. Jessica slides into the middle and i get in the passenger seat. She cranks the beast and backs out and then floors it shooting down the highway. Jessica turns on the radio and Rewind by Rascal Flatts was playing and I can hear humming.
"Come on ali-cat sing for me" Jess says
"My ribs I can't" Alison whispers
"Come on just softly?" Jessica asks
"Fine" She says
She starts singing along and I listen and she has talent. The high note comes on and she hits it perfectly but I see her flinch. the song ends and Jessica is grinning from ear to ear.
"I do love to hear you sing" Jessica says
"Your husband sings way better than I do" Alison says
"that is not true. Yes he can sing and i love to hear any of my guys sing but nothing beats hearing your best friend lose herself in a song" Jessica says
Alison doesn't say anything she just pulls up to the mall. I get out and walk around and open her door. She looks down and sighs.
"Could you? I can't jump" She asks softly
I nod and lift her up and lower her out and place her on her feet.
She nods at me and I nod back. She closes the door and locks the truck. we walk in the mall and they shop while I stand guard. after four hours they were done and Alison looked dead on her feet. I took the keys and lifted her in the truck and then drove us back. When we got back she was sleeping so I got out and picked her up and carried her to bed. I stripped off her shoes and jeans and covered her. A few hours later the guys and I were all sitting around talking when a sleepy Alison walks in with only my shirt on. She grabs a blanket and comes over curling up in Jason's lap. He wraps his arms around her and she sighs and leans into him.
"You ok sugar?" Rhett asks
"hmm." She says
"I'm making fijatas" jessica says
"k" Alison mumbles
Jason chuckles and kisses the top of her head.
"I know your wondering but we have known Alison since we were little. We five grew up together." Jason says
"there is only four of you" I say
"No there is or was five of us" Alison says speaking up
"Oh" I say stangely
"My brother use to be with us" Alison says tensing
I nod understanding and Jason rubs her back.
"Kitten I wanna have doc come look at you" Jason says
"No" Alison snaps
"Ali" Jason says sighing
"No Jas I mean it" she growls out
"alright. But if you hurt anymore I'm taking you kicking and screaming" He tells her
"I wouldn't have it any other way" she says winking
I stand and go grab me and drink and bring back a coke for her. She takes it and then looks at me and crooks her finger at me and I bend down and she kisses my cheek. She whispers a thank you and I kiss her forehead and take my seat again.
"Maz" She calls
"She is still with Luther" jessica says
"Oh" Alison says sadly
I text Luther to bring Mazie over and he does. Mazie runs in and jumps on Alison who giggles and pets her girl. I just watch her and chuckle at her. the door opens and Scotty steps in.
"Hey boys" He boys
"Hi Scotty" I say
"now who is this little one?" He asks
"that's Alison" I say
He steps closer and she leans back into Jason and mazie growls.
"Woah sorry" Scotty says
"Alison doesn't like people to close or touching her." Jessica says
"Oh Sorry sweetheart" He says
"S'ok" she whispers
I walk over and scoop her up and she instantly relaxes and leans into me. I sit down and she curls into me and scotty takes a seat. the guys pull out their guitars and Scotty starts singing. I can hear Ali hum to herself and then when everything stops she continues to hum to herself and then she starts singing and the guys start playing the music to the song. i smile and watch her sit up eyes still closed and finish her song. when she was finished Jess was crying and Rhett was grinning. She opens her eyes and goes wide eyed.
"Sorry" She whispers
"Don't be sorry. you have a set of lungs" Scotty says
"Had to learn to use them" She sassily says
His eyes go wide and looks at me and i nod and he grows angry. I shake my head at him and he sighs but nods.
"Do me a favor?" She says looking at Scotty
"Sure sweetheart" He says
"Five more minutes" She says
He grins and starts singing and the guys play and she sings along quietly and I rub small circles on her back. Once he was done she leans back into me.
"We all have shows tomorrow night" I say eyeing Alison in my lap
"Ok i'm going with" She says
"Um ok" I say
"Ooh Tommy can we do our thing?" She asks
"Um can you?" He asks
"I got it covered" Jessica says
Alison nods happily and Rhett shakes his head and says ok to her pouting.
"Aren't you worried about you know who?" I ask
"No. He won't come near me when I'm with Tommy." She tells me
I tighten my arms around her and she hisses. I release her and mumble a sorry and she shakes her head at me.
"Alright I love you all but get out. I'm tired" She tells them
They nod and all leave but not before kissing her on top of the head. She leans back into me and turns on the tv and turns it to a horror movie. She snuggles in and watches quietly Soon enough Mazie was in the chair with us and I was not comfortable at all.
"Let's go lay in the bed and you can still lay on me. But this isn't big enough for the three of us" I tell her
She nods and I scoop her up and walk her back and lay her down and turn on the movie from before and Mazie jumps up and lays down. I strip down to my boxers and slide in bed with her and she snuggles into me and sighs. Before I know it we were both out like a light.
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