Alison's POV
I woke up the next morning and B was passed out. I went to the kitchen and started cooking and I noticed Ned asleep on the couch. I turned on my Pandora and Rascal Flatts was playing and I smiled. Easy was playing so I was cooking and swaying and singing. Hands landed on my waist and I looked over to see Ned grinning. I kept singing and he wrapped his arms around me and moved with me and hummed in my ear while I sang. I heard the front door open and I ignored it. I finished cooking and placed everything on the table. I turned around to see everyone standing there watching me.
"What?" I say
"Nothing" Ned says eyeing them
I shrug and start fixing B a plate. I sit it down and walk back to see him still sleeping.
"B" I whisper
He groans and I giggle.
"Baby" I whisper in his ear
"What?" He says
"I cooked come eat. But get dressed it's a full house" I tell him and walk out
I walk back in and Luke Bryan's song was playing so I started singing. there was a knock on the door and I jumped back seeing who was standing there.
"Luke buddy come on in" Rhett says
"I thought I heard my song somewhere. I know BG wasn't singing it" He says smirking
"No that was be the pretty little blonde" B says walking out
"Really?" Luke says
I nod and he starts the song over and nods at me and I sigh and look at everyone. They smile at me and I open my mouth and it pours out. Once it ends Luke was shocked and I smirked and sat down in B's lap. He slowly fed me and when he went to give me another bite I pushed him away shaking my head.
"So you like to sing?" Luke asks
"I love to sing." I say smiling
"And she loves Rascal Flatts" B says
"They are here for a show tonight" Luke says
I got excited and looked at B.
"Please?" I pout
"Alright baby. Go get dressed and we will go find them" He says
"Whipped" Rhett snorts
"Like you aren't" I snarl back at him
He looks at Jess with all the love in the world and I smile at them. I jump up and run off to get dressed. I slip on my come and get it outfit and done my hair and make up. I walked out and Luke whistled. I smirk and walk over and sit on Ned's knee.
"We have a surprise for you later" ned says eyeing B
"Really?" I ask excitedly
B chuckles and shakes his head and I smile. He stands and everyone follows him. He walks away while I talk to Jess and I wink at her. I take off and leap on Brantley's back and he grips my thighs to keep me up.
"What are you up to spider monkey?" He asks
"Being clingy" I whisper
"You ok?" He asks
"I'm ok B" I whisper
He nods and kisses the side of my head and we walk into a big building and to the side of the stage to see Rascal Flatts rehearsing. B walked up the stairs and sat me down on my feet. I realized how tiny I really was compared to him. the guys walk over and shake his hand.
"This little one is Alison. And she is in love with you guys" B says
"Maybe not in love but I do like you guys" I say smiling
"Oh come on. Everytime their song comes on your singing it" BG says
"So. You said you liked hearing me sing" I say pouting
"Oh get married already" One guy pipes up
"um no" I say rubbing my arms
"baby it's ok" B says pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head
"Can I have a minute?" I whisper
The guys nod and walk off stage and I stand there looking around. I hear music start playing and I know it was Jess who turned it on. What hurts the most was playing so I started humming. It lead to me belting out the lyrics and keeping my eyes closed. When the song ended the guys were all back and looking at me.
"Oh my bajeezus. that was amazing" A man says and scoops me up
I scream and he drops me and I scramble back away from him. He looked shocked and B was scooping me up in no time. I was shaking and had my eyes closed tightly.
"hey cupcake it's ok. Breathe for me" Ned tells me
I take a deep breath and Jess was screaming at the guys.
"Jess enough" I say
She looks at me and I nod. She nods and Ned helps me stand up. I walk over to the guys and look at them slightly scared.
"I have a problem being touched by people I don't know" I whisper
"Short stack i'm sorry. I didn't know" The man says that grabs me
"It's ok. Let's start with small gestures before you pick me up" I tell him
He nods and pats the side of my face.
"Now where did those lungs come from?" Someone asks
"B making me scream" I say smirking
Everyone's jaws drop and Ned dies laughing.
"Oh come on that was funny. Yall have no sense of humor. Neddy I can't have these people as friends" I cry
He chuckles and B lifts me up and sits me on his shoulders. I just sit there and smile.
"Hey I don't feel so small anymore" I say smiling
B chuckles and pats my thigh. I hear the music to I like the sound of that and I tap B to put me down. I start singing and Ned pulls me to dance with him and I grin at him. I lay my head on his chest and we sway as I sing. I look over at B and smile and he smirks at me and winks. I pull from Jon over and make him dance with me. I still sing and he starts with me. He spins me out and brings me back into his chest and chuckles. The song was coming to a end so I just hummed the last bit and then it ended.
"You really do have a great set of lungs." Jon tells me
"Thank you." I say smiling
"Are you guys coming to the show tonight?" he asks
"we aren't. We actually have plans" B says
I look at him wondering what he was up to. I pouted and gave him the puppy eyes.
"Don't pout. You get to bring Ned and Chris with you" He tells me
My eyes light up and he chuckles.
"And Mazie?" I ask
"Do you wanna take her? we will be gone about 3 months" He tells me
I nod excitedly and Ned chuckles at me.
"You never leave that damn dog" he says
"That's my baby. Would you leave your baby at home?" I snap
He throws his hands up in surrender and all the guys chuckle.
"Don't laugh at me" I snap
"Baby your a foot taller than a grasshopper like you could really do any damage to us" B says
I look at Ned and he nods and i swing my leg knocking B over and I press my foot down on his throat. I hear gasps all around and he looks at me with wide eyes. Ned pulls me back and B stands up.
"How the hell?" He says
"Physc is a good teacher" I say shrugging
"I see" he says
My phone started ringing and I jumped and pulled it out to see Eli calling me. I answered it and sighed.
"What Eli?" I say
"Where are you?" He snaps
"None of your business. I'm done with you Eli. I officially am a only child" I scream at him
"A" he sighs
"Fuck you Elijah. FOr once it's me leaving you. I hope you have a great fucking life" I say and hang up on him
Everyone looks at me and I walk off. Jess goes to touch me and I trow my arm up telling her not now. She looks shocked but lets me walk out. I go back to the bus and get Mazie. I take her to the open field and let her run. I toss the boss and she runs after it. I turn my music on and The gound up starts playing. I smile and start singing while playing with Mazie. Mazie comes running back full blast and jumps on me knocking me over. She licks all over my face and I squeal and pet her. She lays by me and I lay there looking up singing and staring at the sky. I don't know how long I stayed there but when I woke up I was in bed and my body hurt. I look down and I was in B's shirt. I got up and walked out to see all the guys talking. I noticed Ned was drinking a beer so I walked over and sat in his lap and picked up his beer finishing it in two gulps.
"I forgot how fast you can down a beer. I just opened that" Ned tells me
I shrug and lean back closing my eyes.
"How long was I out there?" I ask
"Well we went looking for you and couldn't find you so BG called Mazie and she lead us to you. So about 30 minutes or less." Neddy tells me
I nod and lean into him and close my eyes.
"alright slip some pants on and let's hit the road." B says standing up
"But i'm still tired" I whine
"You can sleep once we get one the plane" He tells me
I pout and he glares. I sigh and run back pulling on my sweats and some socks and I walk back with my phone and purse in hand. I lift my arms to be and he looks at me weird.
"I aint putting shoes on so your on carrying duty" I tell him
He sighs but lifts me up and i wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. I was little enough to be carried like this.
"you were right she is tiny" Jon speaks up
"Leave my tinyness out of this." I snap
B sighs but carries me to the truck and Chris and ned slide in and B gets in driving to the airport. We pull up to a private jet and I look at B.
"it's Chris'. It's cheaper to take this then deal with hassle of tickets and waiting in line for a flight." B tells me
I nod and he jumps out and Chris opens my door and lifts me out and carries me into the plane.
"Where is Mazie?" I ask
"In cargo." Chris tells me
I nod and he sits me down in a seat. Ned walks up with a bag and hands it to me. I open it and inside was my stuffed frog and fuzzy blanket. A tear slips down my face and I look up at Ned and he sighs.
"I'm sorry baby" He says hugging me tightly
"Its not fair" I sob
"What did you do?" B shouts
"Calm down. She is having a moment" Chris says
B comes over pulling me into his lap and I hold up the frog.
"I bought hopper when I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what I was having but it was the first thing I saw so I bought it. I left it at Neddy's so Logan wouldn't destroy it to" I mumble
"I'm sorry baby." he says kissing my forehead
I sigh and snuggle into his chest and I pull hopper to my chest and hold him tight. My blanket is laid over me and B buckles us in as we take off.
"B?" I mumble
"Yeah baby" he whispers
"Sing for me?" I say looking up at him
he picks a song and sings softly in my ear. I don't know when I feel asleep but when I woke up I was freezing. I was alone in a bed so I stood up and walked over to the window and looked out. There was snow everywhere and i smiled. I ran down the stairs and seen B standing in the kitchen. I ran over and jumped on him catching him off guard and kissing all over his face. He chuckles and kisses me back. I can hear Ned and Chris laughing and I pulled back and smiled.
"Can we go outside?" I ask
"Go get warm." B tells me
He sits me down and I rub up getting all my snow gear on. I walk down stairs and B laughs at me.
"Are you ok in there?" He asks
"I am. If I don't wear all of it I will be sick and you really will hate me" I tell him
He nods and we all head outside. I take off into the snow and I turn around and fall back in it and smile. I stand back up and smile when Mazie runs out. She was bouncing around and I giggle at her.
"I have a surprise for you" B tells me
I look up at him and smile and lean into him. He steered her in the house and stopped her to tear some of the clothes from her body so she could move properly. He walked her over and sat her down and told her to close her eyes. She did as told and a few minutes later she heard him walk back in.
"Open your eyes baby" He tells her
She opens them and there are two dogs in front of her.
"Omg" She squeals
"First Demon is the husky and Hulk is the pit. He is for your protection. He will be a big baby for you but anyone else he will growl and follow your commands. We will work on that later." He tells me
I stand up on the couch and kiss him hard. He wraps his arms around me and I kinda hang there.
"Well I see she liked her surprise" I hear Chris whisper rather loudly
"I defiantly did. Is Demon fixed?" I ask
"No. He is pure bred and so is Mazie right?" B asks
"Yeah. She has papers." I tell him
"So does Demon. Pretty puppies" Chris says
"Hey Chris" I call
"Yeah" He says
"When were you gonna tell me you were gay?" I ask
His jaw drops and he looks at me shocked.
"How?" He asks
"Oh please babe. I seen you and Ned oogling each other. And if your gonna make out and get handsy be quiet" I say
Ned goes bright red and i laugh.
"Oh baby boy don't be shy. I sure as hell aint." I tell them
"A you can't say anything. We aren't ready to come out to everyone" Chris says
"I'm not gonna out you Chris. But don't hide it from your friends." I say slightly hurt
"Oh sweet girl I knew you would be the one to figure out but the only reason I haven't came out is cause I still have to tell my family first. I'm not ashamed of being gay or feeling for Ned I just need to tell them first" He explains
"i get it." I tell him
He nods and Ned is still bright red.
"hey neddy" I say
"What sugar?" He says
"Can we cuddle up and watch Home Alone?" I ask
"Yeah sure. go put your jammies on and get out of those wet clothes before you get sick. Grab hopped and i'll make hot tea and popcorn" He tells me
"I knew I loved you for a reason" I say smiling slightly
He winks and I run off to change. I slip on my grinch onesie and I grab hopper and my blanket and I run back wearing my bunny slippers. I walk in and Brantley dies laughing.
"Do not laugh at me Brantley Keith or I will become a nun" I snap at him pouting
He shuts right up and I smirk and walk over slipping in between Neddy's legs and leaning back into him. He turns on the movie and Chris and B sit down and watch with us. Ned rubs my tummy and I tense and he stops. I place my hand on his and tell him it's ok and he does it again.
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I watch her snuggle into Ned and giggle at the movie. I can see Ned rubbing her tummy and she tenses but he starts again when she gives him the ok.
"Stop watching me and watch the movie" She tells me without taking her eyes off the tv
My jaw drops and she smirks. She picks up her mug and drinks some and places it back down and pulls the frog to her chest. Chris had her feet in his lap and he started rubbing and she groaned and closed her yes. He kept rubbing and she continued to watch the movie and laugh when needed. It ended and she asked for the second one which Ned happily turned on. she finished her hot tea and asked for more so Chris made it and came back with chocolate and her eyes lit up. She ate happily and watched her movie and before long she was sound asleep. I stood up and Ned shook his head.
"She is fine. I'm enjoying this. I haven't spent time with her like this since she lost Caleb?" he says
"You were there?" I ask
"Yeah." He mumbles
"What was she like?" I ask
"beautiful as ever. She was slowly getting bigger and bigger and I loved watching her grow. She was so excited. I was with her when she found out what she was having cause Logan refused to go. I held her and let her cry over her getting her son. I picked his name and she loved it. I will never forget the look on her face. It was pure happiness, something i had not seen in so long. Then one night I was on a date and she carried me crying. I quickly left and went over to their house. I banged on the door til Logan let me in. I rushed to the bathroom to find her swollen and bleeding. I picked her up and ran her to the car. I think I broke every law possible getting her to the hospital. They rushed her back and hours later the doctor come out telling me she would be fine but the baby didn't make it. He told me they were still patching her up and that I would have to wait another hour. I walked out of the hospital and drove back to the house. I walked in to find Logan on the couch drinking a beer. I layed into him and didn't stop til I had broken all my fingers on my hand. I asked him how he liked to be beaten. He groaned and laid there not moving. I packed all I could for her and went back to the hospital. I stopped the doc and asked him everything that was wrong and he told me. I told him to let me tell her so they didn't have to knock her out. I walked in and she was awake so I calmly walked over to her and told her everything that was wrong. She processed it and then looked up at me with tear filled eyes and i shook my head at her and she cried. I mean I knew she would but this cry was not normal. She was beyond angry and hurt. She made me call the cops to put it on file what Logan did. The bastard ran and hid and when they told her that they kept her in the hospital for a week. I stayed with her and slept in that tiny uncomfortable bed with her. He watched Home Alone over and over again and one day she smiled. I knew she was going to be ok so the day she was released I took her home and she stayed with me. I had missed so much work I couldn't miss anymore so I went. When I came home that night my door was wide open and she was missing. I looked everywhere for her. I even went to her brother who helped me find her but when I kicked the door down Logan shot me and I ended up in a coma for 2 years. As soon as I was released I looked for her again but it seems she found me" He says looking down at Ali
He hugged her closed and kissed the top of her head and she sighed in her sleep. He smiled and played with her hair and I knew I would never be able to separate these two. She turned and buried her face in his chest and groaned. She wiggled again and then sighed. We all chuckled at her and watched her sleep.
"How did you deal with watching her go through that?" Chris asks Ned
"Trust me i wanted to kill him but she was more important. I couldn't take care of her if I was in jail. I knew she had to be number one in my life. Hell I didn't date anymore for almost a year while she was with me. She was scared to be alone so my boss allowed her to come to work with me some days and she even helped in the office when she had a good day. most of the time was spent curled up on my couch that I had put in so she could nap or read. My office looked like she lived there but I didn't care. I knew she was safe. the one day I leave her home alone and she disappears again. I swear if I ever get my hands on him I will kill him this time." Ned says
"Your not a killer" Ali whispers
Everyone tenses but she looks up at Ned with tears in her eyes.
"No but I may be one day. Go back to sleep shortcake" he tells her
She nods and snuggles back into him and her breathing evens out.
"Wanna take her to bed?" I ask
"No. I think i'll keep her tonight." he tells me
I nod understanding so we all camp out in the living room.
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