Alison's POV
It has been three weeks and I finally got my house in order and started on the nursery. I found out I was having a girl and I was beyond excited. Today I was hosting a party to tell everyone and even Selena and Justin were coming. I had just finished the food when the doorbell rang. I walked over and opened it and gasped. All my friends and family were standing there smiling. A tear slipped down my face and they all came in hugging me.
"Surprise" Miley says
"Oh my god" I say hugging her
"I missed you" She says
"I missed you to. Thank you for coming" I tell her
"of course. You know my dad but this is Liam my finace" She says
"Nice to meet you" I tell him
"You as well" He says smiling
"My boys" I cry
They all laugh and hug me tight. I pull back and lead them all to the back yard.
"Yall wanna eat or find out first?" I ask
"Find out" They all shout
"Ok over there are little black guns. Everyone grab one." I tell them
I strip down to my all white clothes and I smile. They all circle me and grin.
"Not in the face" I hear
I look over to see Ned and BG.
"Go" I scream
They start squirting paint at me and I squeal and hear cheers. I was covered in pink paint and giggling.
"Have you thought of name?" Miley asks
"Yeah I was thinking Calley" I tell her
"Oh thats pretty" She says
"well I wanted something similars to my sons" I tell her
Her eyes grow huge and I shake my head at her and she frowns but nods understanding.
"What about Gabriellla?" Selena asks
"Oh I love that" I tell her
I see B walk over and everyone backs off and he stands in front of me.
"So a girl?" He asks
"Yes" I say not looking at him
"why didn't you tell me?" He asks
"I just found out last week and planned the party to tell everyone" I say shurgging
He didn't say anything and then I was spun around and kissed hard. I kiss him back and giggle.
"Hey baby" I say
"Hi love. Sorry I was running late. Traffic was a nightmare and I had to finish that report" He tells me
"so did you get it?" I ask
"Yes" He says smirking
"Yes" I scream
He chuckles at me and a throat clears behind me. I turn around to see a unhappy BG.
"Oh Brantley this is Chris my boyfriend. Babe this is baby daddy" I tell him
"Oh nice to meet you. So I see you found out today" Chris says
"Yeah I did." BG grunts
"That's good. Ali has been going crazy with baby shopping. We finally have everything we need." Chris says smiling down at me
"What is it you do?" BG asks
"I'm Chris Raymond. I own Raymond Enterprises." Chris says
"PJ" I squeal
"Hi lil bit. How are my girls?" He asks hugging me
"I'm good. just three more months" I tell him
"That good. I bought her something" He says handing me a bag
I pulled out a onesie that said don't mess with my daddy mommy is crazy. And another one that says If you think I'm cute you should see my badass mom. I laugh and hug him.
"thank you. I love them" I say
"There is one more" He says handing over a box
I open it and tear up. It was a onesie that said Brantley + Alison = Gabriella. It had hearts all over it and I smiled. I turned it around and showed B and a tear slipped down my fast. He sighed and pulled me into his chest and I sobbed. After a few minutes my whole body relaxed and exhaustion took over my body. I went limp against B and he held me up.
"Hey Ali" Gina says walking over
I turn around and she smiles and hugs me.
"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't get away" I say
"Chris pulled some strings" She tells me
I smile and hug her tight. I hear music turn on and I smile and pull Gina over with me. I danced with her. It was a little harder now since I had gotten a little bigger but I could still move.
"Ali" I hear
I spin around to see Lane and I smile. i hug him and his song starts playing and I giggle. He spins me and sings it to me and then it finally ends. One of BG's starts playing and I hum to it and then I feel a kick and I grin.
"Hey daddy" I say hollering at BG
He spins around and I crook my finger at him. He walks over and I grab his hand and place it on my belly and our daughter kicks again. He grins and pushes back and I laugh as they push at each other. He kneels down and kisses my bare tummy and talks to her.
"Hello beautiful I'm your daddy." He says softly
She kicks again and I giggle.
"Hey babe. Everyone is wondering if we can eat?" Chris asks
"Yeah go ahead" I say
He nods and we all head in. I fix a plate and sit down and B sits down on one side and Chris on the other.
"Those look good" Chris says reaching for my ribs
I broke my fork down in his hand hard and he roared in pain.
"Are you fucking crazy? Leave my food alone you asshole" I snarl
I yank my fork out of his hand and wipe it off and go back to eating. Everyone was watching with dropped jaws and Ned was laughing so hard he was crying and could hardly breathe.
"Alright mamma bear no one is going to take your food." BG says
"Fuck off" I snarl still eating
"Leave her alone. I have a scar from wear she swiped a steak knife at me for stealing her food" Ned says lifting his shirt
"I didn't hear complaining daddy" I snarl at Ned
"of course not. I knew better but it looked so good" he says
"Wait you have another Child?" Chris asks
"Yes" I say not looking up
"And where?" Chris starts
"Shut the fuck up dude. I don't like you but i put up with you for her. I am Caleb's dad and that's all you need to know" Ned snarls harshly
"But your gay" Chris says
"So fucking what." Ned snaps
"babe calm down." Lane says
"Aw. Did you tell them?" I ask
"Yeah. they took it pretty well" Lane says
"Aw I'm happy for yall. Now when am I getting nieces or nephews?" I ask
"Not right now love." Ned says
"But I will right?" I ask
"One day" Ned says smiling
"Can I please have a coke Neddy? I'm dying" I whine
"Fine only for today" He says
I grin and he gets one opening it and passing it to me. I suck it down and moan.
"Oh love of my life I have missed you. Ned is so mean and won't let me have you" I cry out
BG was chuckling and I glare at him. He kisses my forehead and Chris gets up and leaves.
"Don't come back" I shout after him
Everyone looks at me and I shrug and go back to eating.
"So Ali I was wondering if Sel and I could throw you a baby shower?" Miley asks
"Of course." I say
"Are you up to a recording tomorrow? You have a done a lot but I need eight more before you go on maternity leave" Billy Ray says
"Of course. I can probably get three out tomorrow" I tell him
"Alright. Let's say ten. Let you have some rest" He says
"Alright ten works. Oh and Jas can you look at the damn electric fence again? Hulk keeps getting past it" I say
"Sure. And I'm going to work on something else as well." He says
I nod and finish off my coke. I hear barking and I stand up and walk out to see Logan coming at me.
"BG" I scream
He comes running out and catches me before I fall. He looks down at me and then up to see Logan still coming full speed.
"Suit up' BG yells
He sits me down and all the boys come out. Logan gets close and goes for me and all the guys jump him. Gina calls the cops and they show up in time before the boys kill him.
"He fucking came at her with a knife and gun and she is pregnant. I have every right to protect the mother of my child and my unborn child" Branley snarls at the cops
I run up and step in front of him.
"B baby it's ok. I'm ok. They have him. You did good" I tell him
He yanks me into his chest and is breathing harshly. I sighed and buried my face in his chest when I heard Logan start yelling at me. I whirled around and glared at him.
"officer" I call out
"ma'am?" He says
"i would like to press charges to the fullest. Four years ago he raped me and I got pregnant with his son. He beat me and I lost my son. I pressed charges but he ran. A few months ago he was caught stalking me in Alaska and I pressed charges and now he has come with the intent to kill me and my unborn child. I want to file another report and I will make sure he goes down" I say snarling at Logan the whole time
He pales and I smirk.
"Yes ma'am. I will rush this with the court for you. I'm hoping to get you in and out before your little one is born." He tells me
"Oh and Logan I will be calling your dad right now" I call at him
He starts screaming and thrashing and I smirk and wiggle my fingers at him. I hear chuckles behind me and I feel relief finally.
"I will be in touch" the officer says
I nod and he walks away. I stomp off into the house and grab my keys and go to my truck. I climb in and I tear off to Logan's fathers office. I park and head in and I go past everyone and go straight to his office. I pass his secretary and push into his office full force. he was in a meeting but didn't care.
"Alison" Mitchell says
"Hey Mitch. I need to talk to you now" I snarl
"I'm kind of busy" He says
"Ok well we will discuss your piece of shit son in front everyone I have no problem with that" I say
I walk over and plug a flash drive into the computer and turn it around to face everyone.
"Alison" He snaps at me
"No it's ok. Have a seat everyone. I have some upsetting shit to share with everyone. Logan as in this man's son was my boyfriend. He was suppose to protect me. He didn't he abused me in every way possible for three years. Every time I ran he found me and would beat me from a inch of my life. Then one night he came home drunk and raped me. I got pregnant and when I told him when i could no longer hide it he beat me so bad I had to give birth to my dead son. Mitchell hear knew Logan was hitting me but never did anything to stop it. Recently I ran from Logan and found some friends and a boyfriend. I was vacationing in Alaska and Logan was stalking me. I pressed charges and today he showed up at my home with the intent to kill me and my unborn child. I will be pressing charges to the fullest. I will not be bought again Mitchell I have plenty of money I don't need more. I will also be bringing up how you forced me to take the money to keep my mouth shut about that poor excuse of a little boy. You will no longer make me scared. I am done with you and your whole fucking family." I snap
I was breathing hard and he looked pissed.
"Oh and I never cashed the check you gave me. I still have it and the letter of you threatening me. It's time for you to go down as well" I say smiling
"Mitchell we no longer want to invest. Come on Miss Alison you don't need to be here anymore" A man says
I nod and he leads me out. My legs get wobbly and I stumble but he catches me. I shake my head a little and I finally get down stairs and B was waiting on me. I walk over to him and he lifts me up and carries me to his truck and puts me in. He throws my keys to Ned and we drive back to the house. We get back to the house and B carries me inside and straight to my room. He walks in the bathroom and sits me on the bathroom counter and starts the water in the tub. He comes back over and strips me down and places me in the tub and walks out. About ten minutes later he comes back with a glass and I smile knowing there was coke in it. He hands it to me and I gulp it down and sigh. I lean back and then the emotions hit me all at once. I wash up quickly and I stand up. B holds open my towel and I step out and he wraps it around me. I go in my bedroom and slip on a t shirt and some undies and then I walk downstairs. I see Pops and I smile and walk over to him.
"How are my girls?" He asks
"We are ok. I'm tired but I don't want to sleep yet" I say
He nods and kisses the top of my head. My phone rings so I walk over and answer it. After a few minutes I hang up and smile and shake my head a bit.
"Who was it?" B asks
"Miley and Selena. They want a girls day tomorrow." I say
He nods and sits down in my recliner.
"Oh no sir. Get up. That's my chair" I tell him
he sighs but moves to the couch and I sit down in my chair and kick back and I turn on the vibrations and it starts massaging my back. I moan and then sigh. I open my eyes and look around to see the guys eyeing me.
"It's a massaging chair. Billy Ray bought it for me. He said his wife had one and she loved it" I say
"I see why it's your chair" B says
"Yeah my chair. Ned got a brush thrown at him for not moving. And Lane got bit" I say
They chuckle and Ned walks in and brings me my fuzzy blanket and i curl into it and sigh.
"She loves that thing" I hear
I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up the guys were still around chatting.
"Hey there sleeping beauty. Nice nap?" Ned asks
"Hi" I mumble
"Hungry?" Ned asks
"No" I say
He nods and goes back to talking to Lane. Hulk walks in and jumps up in the chair and lays down and BG stands up and comes over to me. Hulk starts growling and barking and stands over me and I smile. BG looks stunned and Hulk keeps barking and baring his teeth.
"Woah boy it's ok" I say soothingly
He finally settled down and laid down with his head on my belly. I laugh and pet his head when there is a knock on my door.
"Ali" I hear
"In here Sammy" I call
"Oh my. Are you ok? I heard what happened?" He says
"I'm fine. Took care of the trash and took a much need nap" I tell him
"Good. I was worried and couldn't get here in time for the show. So tell your favorite man what we are gonna get" He says
"A Girl" I say smiling
He grins and kisses me and I laugh.
"Alright missy get up. It's time for the draw and I bought you something" He tells me
I nod and he helps me up and walks me over to the board. I turn sideways and he outlines my belly and puts the date on it. He takes my hand and leads me to the front door and blindfolds me. He walks me out and carries me down the stairs once I was on my feet again he removed the blindfold. I was standing in front of a brand new jeep. I squeal and hug him tight.
"It's four door and completely safe. Top of the class fully loaded and it's baby safe" He tells me
"Thank you Sammy. But I told you we would go look together" I say
"I know. But this is my baby present" He tells me
"Well thank you I love it." I say
"I'm glad. There is something in the back" He tells me
I walk around and open the back door to see a brand new pink camo carseat and stroller and a tear slips down my face.
"Thank you Sammy. I love it. It's the exact one I wanted" I tell him
"I know. I kind of stole your phone one day and looked through what you wanted" He says smiling
"Well it's perfect" I say grinning
"did you finish the nursery?" He asks
"Yeah. Charlie is going to deliver the crib next week." I say
"Good" He says and we walk back in the house
I sit in my chair and I lean back rolling my shirt up to rub my belly. Baby girl starts kicking and I pull out my phone.
"B" I call
"Yeah" He says walking over
Ned comes over and rights baby girls name on my belly and I stand up. I put my back to his chest and brings his arms around me and place them on my belly with my hands over his. Ned takes my phone and takes a picture and I smile looking at it. I quickly post it to Instagram with the caption of "Mommy + Daddy = Gabriella" I tagged B in it and posted it. After a few minutes our phones were blowing up. BG looks at me and smiles softly.
"So I have to do my maternity pictures this weekend I was wondering if you wanted to be in them or not" I say to him
"Yeah I would like that" He says
"Hey B" I whisper
"What's wrong?" He asks looking at me
"Can we talk alone?" I ask not looking at him
He stands and offers me his hand and I take it and he leads me to the back yard. I walk over and sit down in a chair and he sits in front of me.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asks
"Um how many more shows do you have?" I ask nervously
"Just one. Tomorrow night and then I'm done" He tells me
"Well I was wondering if you would be willing to stay here for a bit afterwards. With everything that's happened I don't want to be alone. I would ask Ned and I know he would say yes in a minute but I've taken to much of his time with Chris lately and it's not his place to make sure I'm ok." I say looking down at my hands
"Of course I will Ali. You know you don't have to ask that. But I do think you should talk to Ned. You know he loves you and just wants you happy and safe." He tells me
"I know he does and I love him for it but he has a life to" I mumble
"Alison Grace. I love you and I want you happy. Chris knows that I'm going to be here no matter what" Ned says kneeling in front of me
"I know Neddy. I love you guys but you have your own life. B agreed to stay with me so you two could go away for a bit. Just take some time for the two of you." I tell him
"Are you sure? I can stay" He tells me
"Ned go have sex with your boyfriend" I say
He chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"I love you" I tell him
"I love you more" He says back
I grin and the baby kicks. I laugh and place my hand on my tummy and Ned leans down to my belly.
"Hey there little girl. Don't give your mommy to much trouble. You know I can't wait to meet you. I honestly believe your big brother picked you to brighten your mamma's world again" He whispers to my belly
I smile and he stands up and looks down at me. He kisses the top of my head and walks back inside.
"It's getting dark let's get you inside and we can watch a movie" B says standing up
He helps me up and wraps a arm around my waist and leads me inside.
"B" I say
"Yeah darlin" He says
"Thank you" I whisper
"For what?" He asks
"For everything. saving me, making me a mom again, just being here" I say
"Darlin I'm not going anywhere i promise." He tells me
"Can I come to the show tomorrow?" I ask
"Are you sure?" He asks
"Yeah I can get PJ to stay with me. It's your last one and I don't want to be here alone. I'm probably going to be tired though cause the girls want a girls day." I say
"Alright but Pj stays with you at all times." He tells me
I nod and lean into him and he starts rubbing my shoulders and I moan loudly. I hear the other guys chuckle and I glare at them.
"You have no idea how great that feels. Everything aches now. I never got to this point with Caleb." I say
"Speaking of" Ned says walking over to me
He removes his shirt and kneels in front of me. I see Caleb's name on his chest over his heart and his birth date. I slowly reach forward and trace the letters and a tear slips down my face.
"Baby please don't cry." Ned tells me
"Happy tears" I whisper
He nods and places his hand over mine. He stands up and all the guys decide it's time to leave. I hug them all and lock the front door and I set the alarm. I go in the kitchen and start cleaning up when I hear a bang. I run down the hall and into my bedroom to see B laying on the floor groaning.
"What happened?" I ask
"I was trying to fix your damn loose handle and I slipped on a wet spot" He groans out
I start laughing and couldn't stop. I was holding my tummy bent over laughing so hard I was crying. Once I finally stopped laughing I looked down to see B smiling up at me.
"What" I say looking down at him
"Nothing it's just it's been a while since I seen you laugh or smile like that" He says standing up
"Well it's been rough. I'm still small to be six months pregnant but I can't even shave my legs or vagina anymore. I cried one day so Ned done it for me. I wanted Gina but she had school so he ran me a hot bath and done it with no complaints. My hormones are all out of whack. I'm constantly craving sex and a vibrator isn't doing the job" I say panting
"Woah ok. First off we can shave your legs and anything else now" He says
"Gina done it yesterday for me" I say sighing
"Alright now as for sex I can fix that but that's up to you" He tells me seriously
"B do you think I would turn you down?" I ask him tilting my head at him
"Yes. Things haven't been great with us" He tells me
"B for the love of God, I love you. I'm having your child. I got over the fact that you can't love me." I snap at him
He pulls me over and sits me on the bed and squats down in front of me.
"Ali I'm not saying I can't love you. It's going to take me time. I love hearing you tell me you love me. I'm so happy we are having this baby. I love how you smile when you hear one of your songs come on the radio. I love watching you goof off with your friends. I love watching you melt when Ned tells you he loves you more. I love that he is always there when you need him. I love that your always on my ass to do better. I love how when some groupie gets to close you knock the down by marking your territory. Baby you and our daughter mean the world to me. I'm very glad Mazie found me that day. It brought a cute little blonde into my life that turned my world upside down." He tells me
A tear slips down my face and he wipes it away. I lean forward and kiss him softly and Gabriella kicks me. I smile and lean back and sigh.
"Your daughter has perfect timing" I tell him
He smiles and pulls my shirt up over my tummy.
"Hi there baby girl. I'm your daddy. I can't wait to meet you. Don't be to hard on your momma she already has to deal with me" He says to my belly
I grin and he kisses my tummy. His hands run up my legs and I moan softly. He looks up at me and smirks. Before I could snap at him he had me on my back and my shorts pulled off. My legs were spread wide and his face was berried in my pussy. My back arched and I screamed.
"B" I screamed louder
I was so close to my orgasm but so far away as well. He suddenly sank two think fingers in me and I came all over his tongue. I was panting and coming down from my high when he slide into me in one quick thrust.
"Yes" I screaming coming all over him again
He thrusted fast and harder and I was a screaming mess.
"That's it baby. Cum for me again" He says lifting my leg to get a better angle
He hit that spot deep inside me and it made me see stars. I came again with a silent scream and he roared following right after me. He fell on the bed beside me panting and I smiled and rolled over on top of him.
"Again already?" He asks
"No B. I was thinking we could clean up and put my Jacuzzi tub to use though. I can't get a actual hot tub but my tub has jets and we can add bubbles" I tell him
"You naked in hot bubbly water. Yes please" He says wrapping his arms around me and carrying me into the bathroom
I giggle and he sits me on the counter and starts the water adding bubbles and then comes over and removes my shirt and bra. My boobs had gotten bigger and were way more sensitive but I didn't mind it. B's eyes grew with the sight o my newly found enlarged chest.
"It's cause I'm pregnant. They are getting ready for milk" I tell him
"Have you thought about breast feeding?" He asks
"I have and I want to give it a try. I heard it can be very painful" I tell him
He nods and lowers me into the tub and slides in with me.
"Have you started your birthing classes?" He asks
"No. I don't want to. I've already done this so I know what to do" I tell him
"I understand. Are you sure your up for tomorrow?" He asks
"Yeah. I haven't been in a while and I miss the guys." I say
"Alright. So did you finish the nursery?" He says looking at me
"Yeah. Ned and Chris painted it and I have most everything I need. I still need to get a swing and bouncer but that's it I think" I say
"Well I can get those. Seems like everyone pitched in" He mumbles
"Yeah they did. Especially mamma. I think she is happy to be getting another grandbaby" I say smiling
"She is excited. I went by and seen her before I came here and she set up a room for Gabi at her house" He tells me
"yeah I know. She is excited to keep her when she can" I tell him
"So soon?" He asks confused
"No not for the first few months at least. I mean we can go over and stay the night so she can take care of her is she wants but if I breast feed I'll have to be there with her" I tell him
"Oh ok. Have you gotten stretch marks?" He asks curiously
"Yeah. On the sides of my boobs and my ass. None on my tummy yet though" I say smiling
"Any weird cravings?" He asks
"Not really. I wanted hot wings but Ned said no. He's afraid my heartburn will act up again" I say shrugging
"If you want them I can pick some up or make them and get you some tums and milk helps" He says to me
"Maybe tomorrow. I'm not hungry right now. What time do i need to be back to get ready?" I ask
"Um the show starts at 6 so I would be back by 4 so you can get ready and we can leave out by 5:30" He says
"Alright." I say groaning
"What's wrong?" He asks concerned
"My feet are hurting a bit and I have a aching back" I say arching a bit
He chuckles and starts rubbing my feet and I smile and lean back closing my eyes. He hits a spot and I moan. I hear the water start draining and he stands up and wraps a towel around his waist and then helps me up and out of the tub. He dries me off and walks me to the bed laying me down. he rubs my back for a bit and then dresses me and turns out the light. He slides in bed with me. He wraps his arms around me and before I know it I was out like a light.
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