Alison's POV
The boys were still sleeping the next morning when the door bell rang. I sighed but got up and hobbled down stairs to answer the door. It was the movers and I smiled.
"Hello. We have a delivery" He tells me
"Yes please come in. As you can tell i'm a little useless. Do you think if I told you were to put it you could?" I ask
"Of course. We can place it where you want as we move it in" He tells me
I nod and they start bring it in. Of course the washer and dryer and dish washer were easy. They placed the couch and love seat in their places and the big boy recliner for mamma.
"They new beds?" He asks
"Yes this way" I tell them
They nod and carry them in and set them up for me.
"Well that is all. Sign this and we will be on our way" He says
I sign it and he nods and they leave. I walk over and turn on the tv sitting down and propping my foot up. I sighed and leaned back. B come downstairs a little bit later and groaned.
"You aren't suppose to move on your own" he tells me
"i know but you all were sleeping. I didn't do anything the movers did it all." I told him
"Give you any problems?" He asks
"Did you hear me shout for you?" I ask raising a brow at him
He chuckles and kisses my forehead. He goes in the kitchen and soon enough all the guys come down.
"My poor neck" Ned whines
"Come here baby" I tell him
He comes over and sits down and I rub his neck.
"Oh I have missed you" He says smiling
I laugh and push a little harder and his neck pops.
"Got it" I mumble
"Oh I love you" He says standing up
"Me next" Jason says
I sigh but do the same thing and he smiles.
"I slept fine" I say shrugging
"You would. You slept on me and BG all night" Jason says
"Sorry. I tend to end up on top of B all the time." I say shrugging
"I was fine til you punched me in the eye" He says laughing
"Sorry. Was a little restless. My foot is killing" I say
"Breakfast and meds" B says walking in
I nod and I start eating and then I take my pain pill.
"Hey neddy" I call
"Yeah love" He says walking in
"Is everything done?" I ask
"Yeah." He says
"If I get dressed will you take me to see Sandra?" I ask smiling
"Of course. But have someone take you up since you just took your meds" he says
I nod and B carries me upstairs. I hobble over and get me some clothes and I sit done panting. I shake my head a little and change shirts. B bends down to remove my boot and I slip my jeans on. he puts my boots back on and I go in the bathroom. I do my make up and brush my teeth and then I sigh and stand up straight. I hobble over to B and he carries me back down. Ned walks over and helps me to the truck and all the guys follow. When we arrive I slide out and hobble inside.
"Sandy" I call
"Ali-Cat" Sandy calls
I smile and hug her tight. she pulls back and looks at me.
"What can I do for you sweets?" She asks
"This hair is in desperate need of your attention" I tell her
She smiles and pulls me over to a chair. She sits me down and gets to work. I close my eyes and let her work. A few hours later she spins me around and i gasp. My hair was a beautiful burgundy color and I smiled at her.
"Now it's not permanent so you will need a touch up in a few weeks." She tells me
I stand up and hug her and I thank her. I walk out to see the guys waiting on me. Ned drops the book in his hand and it smacks the floor hard. Everyone looks at him and then over to me. Their jaws drops and I smile. B stands and walks over to me and I smirk at him. he tugs on the end of one of my curls and smiles down at me.
"Well?" I ask
"Can I take you home and have my way with you?" he whispers to me
I giggle and shake my head at him. I hear Sandy turn on the radio and one of my favorites comes on. I start moving slightly and she turns it up. I smile and walk back over to her and make her dance with me. She moves and laughs and I start singing. I feel hands on my hips but I keep moving. I spin around to see it's Chris and he smirks down at me. I turn back around and push back a little and I feel him grow beneath me. I smile when the song ends and I walk back over to the guys. Chris comes over and sits down pouting.
"Not my fault" I tell him
"I know love." He says
"Have you two not?" I ask
He shakes his head and I look at him with wide eyes. He shakes his head at me and I nod.
"Alright where to next?" ned asks
"To see Viper" I say
His eyes go wide and he nods and we jump in the truck and head to the shop. I slid out and walk in hearing the ding.
"Viper" I sing
He walks out and I hear the guys gasp.
"Little lamb. How is my favorite girl?" He asks
"no what would Lil says?" I ask hands on my hips
"She will get over it." He says hugging me
"Still not ready?" I ask
"Nah. Now what can I do for you?" he asks
"How much time you got?" I ask
"Three hours" He says
"I want them all" I tell him
His eyes grow wide and nods and leads me to a room and shuts the door.
"Alright little lamb what are we doing?" He asks
"Tat on my hip, clit, and nipples. More later but i'm gonna be in some pain" I tell him
"Alright let's do clit first." He says
I nod and pull my jeans and panties off. I spread my legs and he does it quick and I get dressed.
"No sex for a week." He tells me
I nod and he does my nipples. I slip my shirt back on and he gets busy on my tat. Two hours later he was done and i sighed and fixed my jeans. I walked out and went to pay and he waved me off.
"Come by tomorrow. We are having a BBQ" He tells me
"Alright. Bye V and thanks" I tell him
"See you tomorrow little lamb" He says
I nod and walk out and smile.
"So what did you get done?" B asks
"you will have to wait and see" I tell him
"Oh come on i wanna know" Ned says
I lean over and whisper in his ear and he pulls back looking at me with wide eyes.
"Are you not hurting?" He asks
"My side does a bit" I say eyeing him
"So your side?" B asks
"I'll show yall when we get home" I tell him
He nods and we pull up to the house. We all walk in and the sit down. I unbutton my jeans and pull them down a bit showing them my hip.
"There is more I want but Viper said I needed to only do a few today since it was pain on my body. Of course I didn't feel anything cause i'm still drugged up" I say
"What else did you get done?" Jason asks
"Um I kinda have to get half naked for that one" I say
"We all have seen you Ali" Jason says
I sigh and pull my shirt over my head and then pull my bra down and I see B gulp and I smirk.
"DId it hurt?" Amy asks
"No forreal" I tell him shrugging
She nods and I get dressed and hobble upstairs. B follows me and shuts the door.
"I can't have sex for a week" I tell him
"What why?" He asks
I strip making it look like i'm putting jammies on. I drop my panties and lay back on the bed and spread my legs. He curses under his breath and I smirk.
"You like?" I ask him
"Oh yes. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this" He says sinking two fingers in me slowly
I moan and throw my head back. He pushed hard and fast and strokes my g-spot and I cum all over his fingers. I sigh and lay back. He comes back and cleans me up and slips on my panties and one of his t shirts. He slides me up the bed and crawls in with me. I smirk and get up and go over to my bag. I grab something and go in the bathroom. I quickly slip in it and walk back to B. He had his eyes closed and I crawled up between his legs pulling his boxers down. I lick the tip of his dick and he moans. I suck him slowly avoiding the center of my tongue. I pull back a little and give my tongue ring a twist and the I suck B back down my throat and he roars feeling the vibrations. His fingers sink into my hair and I bob my head fast and faster.
"I'm cumming" He growls at me
I suck him all the way down and he spills down my throat. I pull back and go in the bathroom changing my tongue rings and cleaning my vibrating one. I brush my teeth and hobble back into a panting Brantley. I smirk and walk downstairs and see all the guys watching me.
"What was that?" Ned asks
I stick my tongue out at him and he chuckles shaking his head. I hobble into the kitchen and grab a coke and hobble back to the kitchen. I plopped down on the couch just as my phone rings and I sigh. i answer it and I hear screaming.
"What the hell Alexandra. Calm the fuck down" I growl into the phone
"I'm sorry. Please come get me." she is crying
"Alright babe. I'm on my way. Just breathe for me" I tell her
"Hurry" She cries
I jump up and hobble out to the truck. I jump in and speed down the road. I pull up to a house and slide out going to the door as fast as i can. I push it open and see her laying on the floor. I gasp and hobble over to her and sigh.
"Come on babe get up" I tell her
She struggles but gets up and i get her in the truck. I drive as fast as I can back to the house and park.
"Ned" I scream
He comes running out with the guys as I open her door.
"What the fuck?" He says
"Don't ask questions get her the fuck inside" I snap
He nods and lifts her out an I hobble in as fast as I can. Ned lays her on the couch and I kneel down next to her. Amy runs in with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth. I get busy cleaning her face and sigh.
"Can you get her into the bathroom and me and Amy can take care of the rest?" I ask
"Babe you need to wait til she wakes up to find out what happened. You don't wanna wash anything anyway" B tells me
I tense and I choke back a sob but nod. I sit back the couch watching tb for the longest time when I hear a groan. I turn around and gasp.
"Alex" I say
"Ali" She whispers
"I'm here. What happened?" I ask her
"John has gotten worse. He is just mad all the time" She tells me
"We are calling the cops and gonna go get some of your stuff. You are not going back" i tell her
"I'm pregnant" She whispers
"It's alright. We don't have to tell him." I tell her
She nods and I call the cops and they show up thirty minutes later to get her statement.
"Alright Ms. Mason. You will get your restraining order. Myself and some officers will escort you to grab some of your things." He tells her
"thank you" She says not looking at him
"Of course." He says
I help her stand and I stumble cause of my ankle and a officer catches me and I hiss.
"What did you do?" B growls
"Babe it was my fault. I was helping Alex up and stumbled he caught me and I bumped my ankle" I tell him
"I'm sorry. you know I worry." He says kissing my forehead
"Alison who is this?" Peter asks
"Peter this is Brantley my boyfriend." I tell him sternly
"Peter. I knew Alison when she dated Logan" Peter tells B
"Glad he's gone." B snarls
"Yeah. I helped Alison run this time. I kept Logan occupied so she could pack" He says looking at me
"Thanks Pete" I say smiling sadly
"You know Willow misses you. Come to dinner while you here please" He says
"I would love to see her. Why don't we all go out to go out one night soon" I suggest
"Sure Ali. I'll let her know." He says
He pats my cheek and I smile at him.
"Take care kiddo." He tells me
"I will. And take care of that wife" I tell him
"Always" He says and leaves
"So?" B says
"Peter helped in the hospital. His wife worked with me when I worked. He was the officer that took my statement. I called him right before I ran into you. He occupied Logan while I packed and ran. Pete saved my life" I mumble
"He seems older" B says
"he is. in his early 40's. His wife is ten years younger but they love each other so much." I tell him smiling
"hey ali. Can you um come with me?" Alex asks
"Of course." I tell her
I hobble after her and we drive over to the house. When we get there we step out and head inside while the cops wait in the living room. She quickly packs with my help and we head back to the truck.
"Pete" I call
He comes over and I look up at him.
"Yeah sweets" he says
"She is pregnant" i mumble
"I will handle it myself." He says
"Pete promise me you won't let what happened to me happen to her. It will kill her" I tell him
"I promise. Now get going" He tells me
I nod and we head back to the house. We get inside and Ned had cooked. I walk in the kitchen and bury my face in his chest and I take in a deep breath.
"Hey shortcake what's wrong?" He asks
"not now" I say panting
He pulls back and pick me up sitting me on the counter.
"Hey baby breathe for me. you have to calm down." He tells me
The damn breaks and I start sobbing hard. HE pulls me into his chest and rubs my back softly.
"It's ok babe. Breathe. Your ok. Tell me what happened?" He whispers
"She pregnant" I sob out
He stiffens but still holds me tightly to his chest. I can hear the guys walk in and stand around.
"Ned" B says
"Not now Brantley" Ned snaps
I sob and cling to him. He pulls back and steps back.
"No" I say reaching and clutching to him
"Hey shortcake. I'm not going anywhere honey. Right now we are going up stairs and stripping you down and getting you into bed. Your taking your meds and we will watch home alone" he tells me
I sniffle but nod and he scoops me up. He pushes past everyone and takes me straight to my room. He strips me down and gets me in his jersey and I smile. It was royal blue and white and I loved it. He turned on netflix and played Home Alone 2. I snuggled into him and B walks in with my meds and a coke and I take them.
"You ok baby?" He asks
"I'm fine. Can you get Alex settled?" I ask
"Oh Jason is taking good care of that" B says
"Really?" I ask with hope
"Yeah. Don't worry. Just rest" He say kissing my forehead
I nod and snuggle down into my blankets and close my eyes. Some times later I was woke up to screaming. I jumped out of bed and hobbled downstairs. I found Alex in the kitchen screaming and Donna and the girls squealing.
"Everyone stop" I scream
Everyone shut up and I rubbed my temples.
"Now what's going on?" I snap
"Alex had a dream" Jason says
"Alex two minutes. Now Donna girls the house has been redone. Go unpack and shower and get ready for dinner. And do not whine" I tell them sternly
They all nod and scurry off. I hobble over to Alex and sit her down and sigh.
"Alex your safe here. I know nightmares suck but we are all here for you. Now Jason take her and lay her back down and run your fingers through her hair. She will be out in no time" I tell him
He nods and lifts her up and walks out. B walks up and wraps his arms around me and I shrug them off. I hobble over and grab the keys and go out to the truck. I drive down to the grave yard and walk over to my baby boy. I take a seat and lay back in the grass and just hum. I closed my eyes and sighed.
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Brantley's POV
I watched her leave and i sighed. I sat down on the couch and leaned back closing my eyes.
"Dude where did Ali go?" Ned asks
"I don't know" I say
"Dude she has been gone for 4 hours" Ned snaps at me
I jump up and run out to the other truck and Ned jumps in with me. I start driving and he sighs five minutes later and tells me to pull over. He jumps out and goes throw the gate and we find her sleeping next to her sons grave. Ned bends down and pushes her hair out of her face and she sighs in content.
"Come on shortcake. You been here long enough" He says lifting her up
"i'm sorry" She whispers
"What for love?" He says
"Not coming back" She says
"It's fine babe. Just rest" He tells her
He puts her in the truck and I get in the other one and we drive back. Once we get settled in at the house Ali sits at the table rubbing her temples. Alex walks in and Ali stops her and looks up at her. Alex squeezes Ali's hand and smiles.
"So when are you going to the doctor?" Ali asks
"tomorrow. um will you go with me?" Alex asks
"Alex I love you but I'm not ready to go back into that place. I'm sorry" Ali says bowing her head
"Hey I get it. I just thought I would ask. I'm not mad or upset I promise." Alex says
"What are you going to the doctor for?" Jason says speaking up
"Um i'm pregnant" She says eyeing him
His eyes grow huge but he nods and sighs.
"I'll go with you" Jason says
All our heads snap to him and he glares at us.
"Um ok. Thank you" She says
"Of course." He says
"Ali" Donna says walking in
"Hi mamma" ali says
"You ok sweets?" Donna asks
"Of course. Did you three have a good time?" Ali asks
"Yes we did. I needed it. Now what happened to my house?" Donna asks
"I replaced everything. Things were going back so I upgraded it all. The guys fixed my tree house and some people replanted the flowerbeds." She tells her
"Ali stop spending your money on me" Donna tells her
"Donna I have so much money I will never use it all" ali says
"Baby" She says
"Donna I have 23 million" Ali tells her
Her jaw drops and Ali smirks.
"Wanna bigger house? Closer to the girls. Heard Gina was going to school in new york" Ali says
"Ali" Gina yells
"What?" Ali says
"I haven't told her" Gina cries
"Oops sorry babe" Ali says
"Your going to New York?" Donna asks
"Yeah. I got into Juilliard" Gina says
"You got into where?" Ali yells
"I got in Al" She says smiling
Ali squeals and runs over hugging her tightly smiling.
"Oh my God i'm so proud of you" ali says
"Thank you" Gina says
"Ali" Donna says
"Yeah mamma" She says
"I'll take it" Donna says
"Done. we can fly out in a few days and go looking. I'll call up a real estate agent and get the ball rolling" Ali says jumping up and down
"No jumping" Us guys snap at her
She stops and grins shyly
"Sorry" She says still grinning
I chuckle at her and she picks up her phone and starts making calls.
"Hey G. You want your own apartment?" Ali asks
"Um yeah" gina says
"Alright." ali says
"Baby" I call
"Yeah love" She says walking in
"move in with me" I tell her
Her jaw drops and i smirk and she looks around at everyone.
"Where would we live?" She asks
"Anywhere you want" I tell her
"You will be sorry you said that" She says
I look at her scared and she smirks.
"Oh really?" I say
"Hey G" She calls
"Yeah?" Gina calls back
Ali turns on a song and looks at Gina and she starts singing. Ali leans into me and closes her eyes and just listens. I can see a smile grace her lips and she sighs. Ali walks over to Gina and pulls her over to Alex and make Alex stand.
"What's up?" Gina asks
"Tell me" Ali says
Gina looks at Alex and grins. She gets on her knees and grab the end of Alex's shirt and looks at Alex for permission and she nods. She lifts her shirt and places her hands on her belly and closes her eyes. After a few minutes she pulls back and smiles. She lets Alex's shirt go and stands back up.
"Well?" Ali says
"It's a girl" Gina says
"How?" Jason asks
"I've always had a knack for the thins. Told two other friends what they were having and told Ali about Caleb" Gina says swallowing hard
"So i'm having a girl?" Alex says
"yeah." Gina says
"What about Calina? Or Ruby?" Alex says
"I like Ruby" Ali says
"Me too" Jason says speaking up
"Me too." Alex says smiling
"Let's go out and celebrate." I say speaking up
"Sounds good" Ali says
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I look at Alex and smile. She was amazing and I was attached to her already.
"Alex let me talk to you' I tell her
She nods and we walk outside taking a seat.
"what's up?" She says
"Look I know you have been through a lot. I know your no where near ready for a relationship but when you are ready I am here. I want to be there for you and your baby. I can't explain it but I like you so much already. Even if you aren't ready i would like for you to come stay with me. I have a few homes all over. Pick a place and that's where we will go. I want to be there through this pregnancy." I tell her
She doesn't say anything she just stares at me with shock.
"Say something please" I beg
She still says nothing but leans forward and kisses me softly.
"Thank you" she whispers
"I don't care if she isn't mine but I want to be there" I tell her
"Let's take it slow but tonight let's go celebrate with our friends" She tells me
"Yes Ma'am" I say
I stand up and help her up. I scoop her up and she squeals and I walk us inside. I stop in my tracks when everyone was smiling at us.
"Jason listen to me. If you so much make her shed one tear you and me will visit Physc" Ali says growling slightly
"Understood" I say gulping
She nods and winks at Alex who blushes slightly.
"So Ms. Alex I could use a date tonight? Wanna be mine?" B asks
"Um I" She stutters
"Please" B begs whining
"Sure" Alex says
B nods and i sit her down and Ali hobbles over to me and I wrap a arm around her. I kiss the top of her head and she snuggles in more.
"Love you" She whispers
"Love you more" I tell her
"So does this mean your my date" She asks
"Looks that way sweets" I tell her
She smiles and nods and head upstairs. About a hour later all the girls come downstairs except Ali.
"Where is she?" B says
"I'll go check" I say and go on up
I knock on the door and I hear her curse. She opens the door hopping on one foot holding up her dress.
"need help?" I ask
"Please" She whines
I chuckle and step in and she turns around and I zip her up. Once it was done she sighed. She sat down panting and I put her boot on and she slipped her shoe on. We headed downstairs and B sighed.
"About time" B says with a slight attitude
"If your gonna have a fucking attitude i'll stay here. You try getting dressed hopping around on one damn foot with no fucking help" Ali snaps back at him
Everyone goes quiet and looks between the two. Ali looks like she is about to cry and B sighs aggressively.
"Jas can you take me back upstairs. I wanna stay here. Alex tomorrow I promise I will make it up to you" I say
"It's ok. Go rest" She says
Alison's POV
Jason scoops me up and takes me to my room and helps me into my pajamas. He kisses my forehead and leaves closing the door. I sigh and close my eyes and I hear the door open.
"Go away" I mumble
"babe" B says
"Go away Brantley" I tell him
"baby" He tries again
"Go the fuck away Brantley Keith. And have fun sleeping on the damn couch" I shout at him
Ned walks in and pushes him out the room and closes the door in face. He comes over and slides in bed with me and rubs my back til I go to sleep.
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