Brantley's POV
I watched he grow scared of me and then the guys started in on me. Alison screamed at us to stop and got sick. She informed us she was looking for a house and to leave her alone. she hopped on her bike and sped off leaving us all confused and pissed.
"This is all your fucking fault. You started drinking and she was trying to help you and you had to be a dick. Grow up BG your almost 30 time to be a man not a boy. She is being stalked again and she just left by her fucking self" Tommy shouts at me
I was shocked cause he knows I could have him on his ass but he didn't care. I sigh and walk back in my bus and close the door. I walk over and dump all the beers out and the bottle of Jack. I was scared now cause she could be in more danger because of me and my temper. I walk out and jumped in my truck and took off the same way she did. I drove for a while and then I see her bike. I stopped and got out. I noticed it was a grave yard and wondered what she was doing here. I walk in and found her laying in front of a grave.
"What am I suppose to do Eli? I can't keep doing this. I deserve to be happy and have a family. It isn't fair. I always get the shitty end of every guy I fall for. Look at Logan and mason and now B. I can't deal with this. It is probably best if I disappear all together" She whispers
She stood up and I backed into the dark so she wouldn't see me. She walked over to her back and I followed. She drove to a part of town I didn't notice and stopped. I noticed it was the motorcycles clubhouse. I knocked and the door opened and he nodded at her and she stepped in. I sat outside waiting on her and sighed. there was a tap on my window and then I was drug out of my truck and drug inside. When I was pushed inside Alison was sitting on the bar talking to some people.
"What the fuck are you doing here B?" She yells
"I may have followed you" I tell her
She sighs and looks at a huge buff guy.
"Play nice now Physc" She says smiling
"Oh I won't hurt him much" The man says
"I said no" She says sternly
He backs down and nods.
"Momma" alison calls
"Yes missy" A woman says walking in
"Get your son for me please" She says sickly sweet
She looks wide eyed but walks away and a tall guy walks in and goes wide eyed at the sight of Alison.
"Ali what the hell are you doing here?" He all but growls
"Oh come on now little brother be nice.I decided to take you up on that offer" She says
"Brother?" I say
"B meet my brother Eli. OR Elijah." She says smiling to sweetly
"E i'm gonna need to barrow a room. Me and B got some things to work out" She says hoping off the counter
"Ali take your ass back home" He tells her
"Home? What home Elijah? I don't have a fucking home. You left me with that monster that abused me for fucking years. I finally got tired of it and Tommy and Jason found me again. I'm being fucking stalked and you want me to go back to home that I don't fucking have?" she screams at him
He looks shocked at her outburst but this his whole gaze softens when he sees her start crying. he walks over to her and lifts her into his arms and motions for me to follow. I follow and he goes to a bedroom and lays her down and she clutches to him.
"Don't leave E" she whispers
"I'm just going to get you a drink. I'm not going anywhere shortcake" He says kissing her forhead
He walks out and I sit across from her. I go to touch her and she flinches and I sigh. I kneel in front of her and look at her.
"I would never hurt you baby. I need you to believe that" I whisper to her
She looks up at me with tired eyes and nods. She takes my hand and plays with my rings and i chuckle softly at her. Eli walks back in and I step back and she latches onto me.
"I'm not going anywhere Ali" I tell her
She nods and I sit on the bed behind her so she can feel me. Elijah sits down and hands he a drink and she sips it. She lays back down and he watches her.
"Tell me" He all but growls
"You have a nephew" She whispers
I look at her shocked and she starts crying.
"he died in me" She sobs
I look at Elijah and his jaw is clenched and he eyes me.
"A tell me what happened?" He says softly
"i told him I was pregnant and the beatings stopped til Tommy and Jason visited. I had just found out what he was. He hit me and I fell down the stairs. He just kept kicking me." She sobs
"He did what?" We heard from the door
"Physc not now" Ali says
"Alison Grace speak now" He roars
She stands up and walks over to him and I tense cause she is so little. She places her tiny hand over his heart and he totally relaxes.
"Self defense. Teach me" She says
"Tomorrow morning in the gym. I teach you and you speak" he says
"Deal" She whispers
He hugs her and she disappears against his huge body.
"Don't tell the girls. I will when i'm ready" She says
"you have my word" He tells her
She nods and he knees give out. He lifts her up and brings her over laying her down.
"And you don't flinch every time she is near me. I know i'm huge and all but i wouldn't lay a hand on her. She is family" he tells me and walks out
"ali" Elijah whispers
"I'm sorry" She whispers
"What for baby?" I ask
"I was to weak to protect my baby" She whispers
"That was not your fault. That bastard will pay. Physc will teach you and then i'm gonna invite him over and your gonna hand his ass to him." Eli tells her
"Don't let physc kill me" She says smiling
"never. you can handle a lot but I don't need you broke anymore. But I'll leave you two to talk. I'll send Rach in with some clothes for you two. Shower and sleep." He tells her
"Wait I wanna show you something" She says standing
She raises her shirt and shows him the tattoo on her ribs that she must have got a few months ago. I see Elijah trace it and he looks at her with tears in his eyes.
"Why?" he asks
"he reminded me of you. always leaving me but being the thing that makes me fight" She says
"I'm not leaving anymore I promise." He says hugging her tight
"I'm gonna leave if you don't let go I can't breathe" She wheezes
"Oh sorry" He says chuckling
"I love you E" She tells him
"I love you too A." He says and walks out
She falls back on the bed and her head lands in my lap. I grunt and I peeks up at me and mumbles a sorry. I run my fingers through her hair and she sighs. Some girl walks in and lays some clothes down and she eyes me as she walks out. Ali stands and walks over closing the door and locking it and then scoops up the clothes and walks into the bathroom and starts the shower leaving the door open. I can see everything but she doesn't look at me. She strips and steps in the shower. She is in the for five minutes and i head her sigh.
"B get in here" She says
I walk in and wait on her to tell me what she wants.
"Oh my god do I have to spell it out. strip" She says
I strip down and step in and I keep my eyes on hers. She leans her head back and water runs over her. She reaches out and yanks me under the water with her. I wrap my arms around her and she leans into me. She soon pulls back and we wash up and step out drying off and slipping on the clothes that were brought. She walks over and opens the door and motions for me to follow her. We walk back to see everyone sitting around. I hear a squeal and Alison is tackled into a hug by a short brunette.
"Hi April I missed you too" Alison says
She drags her over to the bar and I follow.
"Lyle give me a coke" Alison says
"beer?" The guy asks me
"Um no. Just a water" I say
Alison spins around and looks at me.
"For you" I tell her
Her eyes feel with tears and she smiles at me. I wink at her and smirk and she grins. She turns back around and talks to her friend. The girl from earlier walks up to me and starts talking and I sigh. She pushes up on me and before I know it she's screaming.
"If you don't back up from my man now you won't live to see the next hour" Alison hisses
Elijah walks over and looks down at Hannah.
"Get lost. You heard her" He snaps
The girls runs away and April is dying laughing.
"Since when am I yours?" I ask Ali
She looks at me with sad eyes and takes a step back.
"Can we go to your room?" She asks April
She nods softly and Ali goes to walk away and I yank her back and she slams into my chest and I kiss her softly.
"I was only playing baby. I'm yours" I say nudging her nose with mine
She smiles at me and her brother clears his throat. Ali looks over and rolls her eyes.
"remember I have to see it with you and April" She hisses at him
"touche sister" he says wrapping his arms around April
"Can I tell her?" April asks
Elijah nods and april grins.
"We are pregnant" April shouts
A smile spreads across Ali's face but it doesn't reach her eyes but she is happy but it still is hurting her.
"aw i'm happy for you both. We can celebrate tomorrow. I'm kinda tired" She says
"alright. get some sleep" April says
She nods and heads back to our room and I follow her. Once I close the door I see her shoulders shake. I walk over and wrap my arms around her.
"I know it hurts baby but your gonna get a niece or nephew" I tell her
"I'm for them I really am. I haven't been around a baby is so long I don't want to lose it" She tells me
"I understand. And I promise that when we are ready I'll give you as many as you want" I tell her
"B" She says
"What darlin?" I say
"Make love to me" She says
I growl and toss her on the bed and she laughs. I crawl up the bed and yank her clothes off and then I pull mine off. I line up with her entrance and push into her softly and she moans. Her nails sink into my back and I moan. I pick up my pace and slam into her and she screams. I toss one leg over my shoulder changing the angle and she screams out loudly.
"More B" She says panting.
I growl and slam in and out of her and I feel her pussy grip me like a vice and she cums. I pull out cumming all over her stomach and I sigh and try to catch my breath. I jump up and go grab a towel and wipe her off. I crawl in bed and she snuggles into my chest and I feel her breathing even out. I soon follow her into a dreamless sleep. When I wake up the next morning I was alone. I got up and walked down to find April cooking.
"She is in the gym" She says not turning around
"What the hell" I say
"When you live the life we do you know when someone walks in and who it is" She says
"Ok" I say
"Go left and then all the way down and then left again" She tells me
I mumble a thanks and follow the way she told me. And I hear Physc shouting at Alison.
"Get the fuck up Alison now" He roars
She was laying on the floor panting. She gets up and takes her stance. he swings and she ducks and swings and lands it on his ribs. He hisses and kicks her and she blocks it.
"Alright enough for today. take a hot bath a soak" He tells her
"Ok" She whispers
"hey A" He calls
"Yeah" She says turning around
"I am proud of you" he tells her
She nods and lets out a shaky breath and turns around to see me standing there. She walks past me and I hear her curse.
"Neddy" She whispers
"Ali?" The man says
She leaps at him and wraps herself around him.
"I thought you were gone" She cries
"Hey cupcake i'm here. I just come out of a coma a few weeks ago. I had already told Eli I was coming to find out. But your here. Come on let's get you a soak and we will talk" He says carrying her off
I follow and find them in the bathroom. He fills the huge tub and drops in a bath bomb and some bubble bath. she strips and slides in and leans back .
"What was the last thing that happened?" He asks sitting by the tub
"I found out that I was having a little boy" She whispers
He whips around and she shakes her head. I see him tense and she raises her hand to hold his.
"I'm so sorry. I tried cupcake" He tells her
"Neddy you jumped in front of him for me. That's enough. I tired to fight but it didn't help." She says
"So I take it your the boyfriend?" This man says
"I am." I tell him
"I'm the best friend. And yes I am gay" He says chuckling
"Oh" I say
"I wouldn't be aloud in here with her if I wasn't. Elijah would have my head on a silver platter" He says chuckling
"He doesn't run my life. He left me with that monster" She snaps
"Watch the attitude" Eli says stepping in
"Oh fuck you E. Your the one that told him to look after me. Yeah a lot of good that fucking did" She snaps
His eyes grow huge and he looks like he is trying to find something to say but he doesn't know what to say to her.
"How?" He asks
"Oh please. You always thought I was clueless and naive. News flash little brother I was never both. I heard you tell him to look after me when you left. I knew about the phone calls and Logan always saying I was out with friends or out shopping. No little brother I was locked in a closet starving and fighting for my son. You just as much at fault as that bastard. What did you tell daddy? I was always daddy's favorite so what excuse did you give him about me disappearing?" She asks breathing heavily
Elijah looked shocked and turned and walked out. She stood up and Ned handed her a towel. She wraps it around her and Ned helps her out and she groans. She quickly gets dressed and Ned and I follow her. She runs in the front area and sees April.
"April I need your keys" She says
"By the door" april says
"Alright. I'll fill the tank. I'll be back" She says
We run after her and jump in and she drives 45 minutes away and pulls into a driveway. She gets out and runs up knocking on the door. She doesn't give up til a older man answers the door.
"Daddy" She says
"Ali?" He says
She launches herself at him and starts crying. The man doesn't move to hug her or anything. She pulls back and looks at him.
"What are you doing here?" He asks
"Elijah lied to you. Daddy he left me with Logan who beat me. Tommy and Jason found me again. I found Eli and confronted him and here I am." She says sniffling
"Who are you?" The man asks
"I'm Brantley. I'm your daughters boyfriend and this is her best friend" I say speaking up
"Come inside Ali" He tells her
We all walk inside and take a seat. Ali on the other hand walks over picking up a picture and coming over to sit by her dad.
"Where is momma?" She asks
"Your mom left after you did. She said it was my fault that you left with Logan" He says
"I'm sorry daddy. I swear I didn't want to." She says crying
I stand up and scoop her up and she curls up in my lap and cries. She fists the front of my shirt and sobs.
"Hey baby calm down. this is not your fault. This is your brothers fault." I tell her softly
"Where is she?" Ali says
"about ten minutes from here" Her dad says
she nods and stands and we all including her dad get in the car and he tells her where to go. We pull up and we all get out. She knocks on the door and a man answers.
"May i help you?" He asks
"Yes i'm looking for Suzanne" alison says
"Sure come on in" He says
We walk in and the man walks away and a woman walks in.
"Well hello mother dearest" Alison hisses
"Alison" The woman says
"me leaving wasn't daddy's fault it was your sons. they forced me to leave with Logan. Wanna know what he done. He beat me every day and caused me to lose my son." She shouts
Her mother gasps and goes to touch Ali and she steps back.
Her mom jumps back and I place my hands on her shoulders and she relaxes instantnly.
"And who are you?" Her mother sneers
"Brantley Gilbert i'm Alison's boyfriend." I say smirking
"Alison what have I told you about men with tattoos?" Her mother snaps
"My life is none of your fucking concern besides the sex is mind blowing" She says smirking
i can hear her dad chuckle at her comment and I laugh. The man from earlier walks in and alison straightens her back.
"And you are?" Alison says
"I'm Matt. And you?" He says
"I'm Alison. I'm her daughter." Alison says smirking
"What?" He says
"Yeah she has two kids and this is my dad and boyfriend and best friend" She says
"You said you didn't have kids" Matt says
"Um i" She stutters
"So you lied. You really are on your fucking on now. If you come near me ever again you will be staring down the barrel of my gun" Ali snaps
She turns and walks to the door and walks out and gets in the car. We wait to get in to give her a few minutes. She nods and we get in and she drops her dad off promising to come back soon and she drives back to give April her car back. She grabs her keys and jumps on her bike and I jump in my truck with Ned and we drive back to the tour buses. She gets off her bike and all the guys stop to stare at her. Tommy gets to her first and collapses. He catches her and sits down with her.
"It's a long story but it's hers to tell. Let me get her a bath and in bed." I say taking her
"Alright. i'll check in later" Rhett says
I nod and carry her to my bus. Ned sits down and I take care of Ali. Once I got her out of the shower I dressed her in one of my shirts and laid her in the bed. I walked out closing the door. Jess runs in panting looking around for Ali. I hush her and point to the bedroom. She nods and walks back closing the door. I drop down in my recliner and groan.
"I think you should take her away for a while. You only have what two shows left?" ned asks
"Yeah." I say
"Take her on a vacation for a while. She loves the snow and the beach. Maybe split it up. Now she loves the snow but she doesn't like being in it. She likes to stay inside by the fireplace reading or just watching a movie" Ned says
"I have a great idea. I own a cabin in Alaska and then I can take her to Bora Bora" I tell him
"Yeah great idea. She needs to relax and let loose" Ned tells me
"Can you stick around for the last two shows so she isn't alone?" I ask
"Of course. I can stay at her place while she is gone and take care of Mazie." He says
"Her place?" I ask
"Well it's mine but i'm never there so I call it hers. I guess she didn't come to me cause she was scared of Logan finding her again." He tells me
"Again?" I ask
"Yeah. She ran to me one other time and he found her and took her while I was at work. I won't stay there without her. I had it remodeled to the way she would like it. She loves that place. It think it's one of the places she can actually call home and feel safe" He tells me
I nod and lean back and I eventually fall asleep. When I wake up I look around to see Ned asleep on the couch so I get up and walk back to the bedroom. I push the door open to see Ali and Jess curled into each other and I chuckle softly. I pull my phone out and take a picture and send it to Rhett. He texts me back to meet him out by the fire so I do. I take a seat and he sighs.
"They ok?" He asks
"Yeah. Jess went in and hasn't come back out yet." I tell him
"And she won't til she knows Ali is ok." He says looking into the fire
"She is gonna be ok. She just needs to process everything" I tell him
"How bad?" HE asks
"She found Elijah. Found out he left her with Logan. He lied to her dad and her mom left cause she blamed her dad for Ali leaving. ALi found her and shit hit the fan and here we are" I say
"There is more to the story?" He asks
"Yes. But I won't say anything else til she says anything" I tell him
"I understand. She is really ok though right?" He asks nervously
"Yeah man." I tell him
He nods and I hear a scream. I bolt back into the bus with Rhett on my heels and I throw the door open to find Ali hiding in the corner. I walk over to her and scoop her up and she latches onto me.
"It's ok baby. I'm here. I didn't leave. I was only talking to Rhett. Your fine." I whisper to her
Jess walks in with a coke and opens it and hands it to Ali who gulps it down. She was still shaking but I held her close and she finally relaxed. I lifted her up and sat her on the bed. I went to walk away and she grabbed me.
"I'll be right back" I tell her
She releases me slowly and nods and Jess sits by her. I walk out and call my manager and see if there is any way we could cancel the next two shows. she tells me I have to see if Rhett can fill in. I hang up and go to talk to him. I pull him out and close the door.
"Hey man I need a favor" I tell him
"What's up?" He asks
"I wanna take Ali away for a while and I need to cancel my last two shows. Can you fill in for me?" I ask him
"Of course." He says
"thanks man. I need to go talk to Chris real quick. Can you keep a eye on her?" I ask
He nods and I run out the door and over to Chris' bus. I knock and he opens it sleepily.
"Hey man. What's wrong?" He asks
"It's Ali. I have to cancel my last two shows. I'm taking her away for a while. Since your shows are over I was wondering if you would wanna tag along with us and her friend Ned." I say
"Sure man. Anything that will help her. When we leaving?" He asks
"In the morning. I'm gonna go book flights and everything now" I tell him
"Alright. I'll let all my people know and i'll pack. what kind of weather?" He asks
"both" i say chuckling
He nods and I run back over and go back in the bedroom to see Jess got her to lay down again. They got up and left and I stripped down and slid in bed with her and wrapped her in my arms. She sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep again.