When I woke up Justin was sound asleep on my right and Sel was on my left. I got up and slid on some clothes and walked down to the kitchen. BG was in the kitchen drinking coffee so I moved around him and made my hot tea.
"Ali" He says
"You can leave. Miley is gonna stay with me and a in home nurse will be here today" I say not looking at him
Justin walks in and kisses the top of my head and i smile at him. Miley walks in glaring at BG and he sighs. He grabs her arm and drags her out and a few minutes later she walks in and looks at me. She pulls Justin away and a few minutes later they all three walk to the front door and I follow them.
"I'm sorry" Miley says and they all leave
"what the hell did you say to them?" I scream at BG
"I only told them to get lost so I could look after you" He says
"Well news flash I don't want you here." I snarl at him
"Well you will get over it" He snaps at me
I smirk and pick up my phone and call the cops.
"Hello" Deputy Haynes says
"Hi Deputy it's Alison. I have a man in my home that refuses to leave. I want him removed now" I say
"Yes ma'am. Ten minutes" He says and hangs up
I drop my phone down and look at BG and he is standing there glaring at me. I smirk and walk out onto the porch and take a seat. A few minutes later cop cars roll in and I point inside. About five minutes later BG walks out and looks at me. I seen something snap in him and he growls deep in his chest.
"You want me gone then so be. But don't call me when you have the bastard" He snarls and stomps off
I gasp and tears flood my eyes.
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I stomp off and I realize what I done was not right. As soon as I turn around she stands and then she falls. Thankfully the deputy was close enough to catch her. I was back on the porch in seconds.
"Ali baby i'm sorry. Please open your eyes. I promise I'll back off. But please open your eyes." I say panting
"Let's get her to the hospital" The deputy says
I nod and stand and carry her to his car. He speeds us there and in minutes she was on a gurney being wheeled away. I paced the waiting room for hours when finally the doctor came in.
"Alison is going to be fine. She is under some stress but she and the baby are perfectly fine. Thankfully the deputy caught her in time" The doc says
"Can I see her?" I ask
"She doesn't want to see you. She has asked me and the staff not to let you in for any reason" The doc says
"Please I won't go in just let me look in and see she is ok for myself. If she doesn't wanna see me fine I won't step foot in that room" I say pleading
"Fine but if you step in I will have you removed" He tells me
I nod and he leads me down the hall and pushes a door open. I see her sleeping and I sigh. I step forward and the doc looks at me and I stop. I turn and slide down the wall sitting on the floor outside her door. He gives me a sympathy look and closes the door but leaves it cracked for my benefit and walks away. Soon foot steps are heard and I look up to see Miley standing there. She smacks the fuck out of me and storms in Ali's room closing the door. I could hear them talking and Ali crying. It was literally tearing me apart but I knew it was my fault for saying what I did. I sat there for hours and finally walked out saying Ali was in the shower and left. I got some paper and pen and wrote Ali a note. The doctor showed up and I told him she was in the shower.
"Can I step in and leave this while she is in the shower? You can watch me. I'll just place it down and leave" I say
He walks in and nods and walk over and place it down and then I place a velvet box on top of it and I walk out not looking back. I got a ride back to Ali's from the deputy and I grabbed my things and headed back to Georgia.
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Ali's POV
I come out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed and sighed. I look over and see a box and a letter. I pick it up and read it and I open the box and gasp. I reread the letter but I ignored it. After I was released I decided I needed to get away. I packed up my house and moved again.
2 Year time ship
I looked back at Gabi in the backseat and smiled. I drove through town and sighed. I knew his tour was over cause I talked to mamma Becky and Kolby. I pulled up at mamma Becky's and stepped out. I placed Gabi down and Kolby came out smiling.
"Unca K" She squeals and takes off to him
He chuckles and scoops her up and kisses her cheek.
"How is my favorite girl?" He asks
"I's good. Mommy got me a puppy" She tells him excitedly
"Really? So you were a good girl?" He asks
"I tink so. But I tink I make mamma sad" She whispers
I hear her and I sigh and look at him. He raises a brow and I mouth her father and he nods.
"Princess you don't make mamma sad. Some things are hard but she loves you" Kolby tells her
I mouth thank you and he winks at me. I sigh and walk inside.
"mamma" I call
"In here baby" She calls
I walk in the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks seeing BG sitting there with a girl on his lap.
"I didn't know you were coming today" She says to me
"I got out early and wanted to surprise you" I tell her
"Well i'm glad you did. I missed you." She says hugging me
"Grammy" Gabi screams running in
"Gabi-bear" Becky says lifting her up
"I miss you" Gabi says
"I missed you too bug." Becky says kissing her cheek
"Mommy got me a puppy" She squeals
I smile loving how much she loved that dog.
"Really? What kind did mamma get?" Becky asks
"I got a husky." I tell her
"Good family dog" She says eyeing me
"Don't start again or we will leave" I tell her
"Fine. Now sit down so I can feed you" She says
"Actually we can't stay for dinner. Gabi and I have a date" I say
"Oh that's nice. How are you and Jax doing?" Backy asks
I hear BG growl and I smile at mamma.
"We are doing good. He is trying to convince me that little miss is ready for her first four wheeler" I tell her
"I think she is" Kolby says
"I will think about it. IF you three keep pestering me the answer will be no" I tell him sternly
"Yes ma'am. But I was wondering if I could keep Gabi tonight. She owes me a disney movie night." Kolby says
"Let's go for a walk" I tell him
i grab Gabi and we walk outside.
"You can keep her but BG is to be no where near her. I'm not ready yet" i tell him
"Understood." He says
I hug him and we watch Gabi play.
"Unca K can we goes fishing?" She asks
"Of course we can. Maybe even go swimming" He tells her
"Alright you two have fun" I say walking back in the house
I turn the corner and bump into solid muscle. I stumble back and a hand latches onto my wrist and stops me from falling over. I look up to see BG looking down at me.
"Um sorry" He mumbles
"No it's my bad. I'm in my own head today not paying attention" I mumble
"Hey Ali" Mamma calls
"Yeah mamma" I call still looking at BG
"When you leaving?" She asks
"Now. Kol is keeping Gabi tonight. They have a date apparently. My ow kid ditched me" I say pouting as she walks around the corner
"She loves her Uncle. Go have fun. I'll check on them later I promise" She says
"But I'll be back tonight" I say
"NO you will not. Your off duty tonight. You have our numbers if you need us and we know how to get to you if something goes wrong. Go put on that dress we bought and do your hair and get out of here" She tells me sternly
"Yes ma'am. Do not let Kolby give her a lot of sweets" I say sternly
"I won't. I know she can't handle it. And no five more minutes before bed. And she sleeps in her bed" Mamma says
"I know you can handle it but you know I don't leave her over night" I say slightly afraid
"You gonna be fifteen minutes from her. She is safe here" Becky says
"I know she is. That's not what I'm worried about" I say
"He is leaving right now. I'm locking us in. We gave our word that we would let you handle it" She tells me
I nod and go up to her room to change and get ready. I come back down and Gabi gasps.
"Mommy look pretty" She says
"WEll thank you darlin. Your my pretty princess" I tell her
I kiss her forehead and straighten up. Kolby whistles at me and I smirk and do a small twirl.
"I was right it looks great on you" Becky says
I smile and walk over picking up my phone. I walk out to see BG talking to that girl and I roll my eyes. He sees me and looks at me with wide eyes. I walk over to the garage and push the button to open it and my big huge jacked up truck comes into view. I click the button to unlock the doors and I climb in. I roll down my windows and crank up the truck. I turn on my music and smile. I pull out and rev the engine a bit and Gabi runs out with Kolby on her heels.
"Do it mamma" She squeals
I laugh and pull out into the yard and I step on the gas and spin the truck around really quick. I can hear Gabi squeal and I laugh. I stop and look at her and she waves. I blow her a kiss and and wave and I see BG with his jaw dropped. I pull out to the road and step on the gas swinging myself onto the blacktop and I laugh and fly down the road. I pull up to the compound and jump out walking in. Everyone gets quiet when they see me and I sigh. I walk to his room and throw the door open to find him in bed with a club whore. He jumps up and looks at me shocked.
"Wanted to surprise but I guess I was the one surprised. I'm so done with your shit" I say
I walk back out and see Snake but I ignore him. Jax yells my name but I ignore him. I get in my truck and I drive down the road not knowing where to go. I turn down a dirt road and find myself on a clearing looking down a mountain. I step out taking off my heels and I sigh and take a seat on my tailgate watching the sun set. MY music was still playing so i leaned back and just listened. I hear another truck but I ignore it and sigh and close my eyes. I feel a hand on my thigh and I jump. I open my eyes to see BG looking up at me.
"Sorry I called your name four times" He says pulling his hand back
"Um it's ok. I was just thinking" I say
"You were lost in the music" He says
"Yeah I guess I was" I say
"Everything ok?" He asks
"yeah just thought I would get some alone time in" I say
He nods and steps back and walks to his truck. He comes back with a bottle of jack and hands it to me. I take it and take a huge gulp and start coughing. He chuckles and I glare at him.
"I haven't drank in over 2 years" I say clearing my throat
He looks at me shocked and I shrug. I take another gulp and this time it goes down easily. I sigh and lean back and listen to the music. You won't ever be lonely starts playing and I start singing. I feel his eyes on me but I don't look at him.
"Ali we need to talk" He says
"There is nothing to talk about" I say
"Ali you have my daughter" He says
"She may be your daughter but you aren't her dad. You left and didn't look back so I did the same" I tell him
You Don't Know Her Like I Do starts playing and he chuckles and raises a brow at me.
"She is your daughter afterall. She loves this song. She makes me sing it to her" I say wincing
I see him tense and look at me.
"Does she ask?" he asks
"All the time. She can tell I don't want to talk about it so she tries to ask on my good days but I don't lie to her." I tell him
"Kolby sees her a lot?" He asks
"Yeah all the time. She loves him. They have their date nights which gives me time to catch up on house work or just to have a hot bath." I say
"and mamma?" he asks
"Was there when I had her. I didn't want my dad in the room so Mamma, Miley and Sel were my couches. mamma cut her cord and Sel recorded it. Mamma was a big help after I had her. I had some issues and almost died. It was hard for me to move at all after I had her so mamma and Kol came and helped out. Kol probably knows more about my body than I would like but he didn't give up and he told me to shut up and let him do what he needed to do. Mamma took care of Gabs the first four months since I could barely leave the bed. I wasn't even aloud to hold my own child unless i was sitting down. Once I was better I kicked them out and told them they had lives of their own and now we just visit for a few days and then we go home. We are here for two weeks this time. Gabs was begging for fishing with Kolby and I got out of work early so I said we could come a few days ahead of time" I tell him
"What happened?" He asks
"I hemorrhaged and bled out. I had to have six bags of blood and still had to have more once they got me stable. From the damage Logan done and then I was to small for Gabi she tore me up inside. The doctor told me I would probably never have more kids." I say slightly hurt about it
"But you can if your careful?" BG asks
"I don't want anymore. If I try again I can miscarry or I can lose my life when I go into labor" I say not looking at him
"I'm sorry Ali. I know how much you have wanted to be a mom" He says
"It's ok. I have Gabi" I say smiling
My phone rings and I smile seeing it's Kobly.
"Hey baby" I say smiling
"Mommy can you sing for me?" she asks sleepily
"I got a better idea. Mommy will see you in five" I tell her
"Otay" She whispers and hangs up
"Follow me" I tell him
He nods and follows me to Kolby's. I step out and BG follows me and Kol answers the door and looks shocked. I walk over and pick up the guitar and hand it to BG and motion for him to follow me. I walk in Gabi's room and smile.
"Hi princess. Instead of mommy singing to you I have something much better" I tell her
"What?" She asks yawning
"I have a very good friend that can sing it to you" I say eyeing BG
He sits down on the chair and starts playing and Gabi perks up and sits up. She climbs in my lap and BG starts singing and Gabi grins.
"Your him" She squeals
I giggle and my eyes feel with tears. BG watches me and then looks at Gabi and still sings. Gabi turns and raises her arms and I sigh. I pick her up and start swaying with her. BG sings and watches us closely. The song ends and Gabi looks back at him and smiles.
"One more time?" she asks
"One more then bed time princess" He tells her
He looks at me for approval and I nod. He starts up again and I sway with her. I sing along softly and when her eyes close I kiss her forehead. I lay her down and B finishes the song and I cover her up.
"Goodnight my lightening bug" I say kissing her head
BG stands and we walk out closing the door. I sigh and slump against the wall. I yawn and next thing I know I was off my feet and moving out the door.
"Be safe" Kolby calls
I was placed in a seat and then I was moving. About five minutes later we stopped and I was lifted out again and carried inside. I was placed on a bed and my dress was removed and a shirt was pulled over my body.
"Ali i'm not asking for a another chance but I'm begging you to let me be her dad." He whispers
"One chance" I mumble sleepily
"thank you" I hear
I was soon knocked out and I slept great. When I woke up the next morning I rolled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
"Well good morning beautiful" I hear
My eyes snap open and I see the guys sitting around. I squeal and run over hugging them all.
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"No the question is what are you doing here?" Tommy asks
"I carried her sleepy ass from Kolby's" BG says behind me
"I must have been really tired" I mumble
"And those three shots of jack helped" He says chuckling
I hum and walk over and reach into the cabinet to get a mug and I fix my hot tea.
"How?" I ask
"I ran out and got some before you got up" He says
"Oh well thanks" I say
He nods and sips his coffee.
"Mommy" I hear
I smile and a little body slams into my legs.
"Hi baby. Did you have fun with uncle Kolby?" I ask
"Yes. We is gonna fish now" She says smiling
"Alright princess. What are the rules?" I ask
"Let Unca K do the hook. Stay where he can see me and never go near the water alone" She says
"Good girl. Now go get changed" I tell her
She nods and spins around and he little jaw drops. She squeals and I giggle at her.
"Please please please can you sing it?" She asks BG
He chuckles and looks at me asking to pick her up and I nod. He scoops her up and she grips him tightly.
"Sure. And the whole band is here. I bet if you asked they would play with me. And there is a show tonight maybe mamma will let you come and you can come on stage with me" He says eyeing me
"Please mamma pleaseeeeeee" She begs
"I don't see why we can't but you listen to me do you understand. The first the whining starts we will go home" I tell her sternly
"Yes ma'am" She says smiling
"Can you sing now?" She asks BG
He chuckles and I see his whole body shake with laughter.
"Of course sprout let's go" He says carrying her to the music room
The band starts up and BG starts singing. Gabi raises her arms to me and I smile. I pick her up and sway with her. she looks at me and tells me to sing. I sigh but sing along and she lays her head on my shoulder.
"I love you mamma" She whispers
"I love you too princess" I say with tears in my eyes
"Boys can you excuse us?" I ask
They nod and walk out and I sit down with Gabi in my lap.
"Gabi there is something mommy needs to tell you" I say looking at BG
"What mommy?" She asks
"Well you see Brantley here is your daddy" I tell her
she gasps and looks at him and then me.
"Really?" She asks
"Really baby." i say
"Can i go with Unca K now?" She asks
"Sure" I say
SHe nods and runs out and I sigh and place my head in my hands.
"What just happened?" He asks
"She is mad. she isn't gonna talk til she is ready" I mumble
"She is only two" He says shocked
"Yeah I know" I say
"Hey it will be ok. Thank you for telling her" he says
"Yeah." I say
"Hey she will come around. Let her have her time with Kolby" He tells me
I nod and he stands and kisses the top of my head and walks out. I sigh and stand up and walk over to the piano. I sit down and let my fingers glide of the keys and I just start playing. The song pours out of me and when I turn around the guys were standing there with their jaws hanging open.
"I didn't know you could play" BG says
"Yeah. I took lessons when I was little and then I picked it up again right after I had her" I say turning back around and playing a playful childish tune
I hear chuckles and I smile. I start playing another song and the boys start playing along and I sigh. I stand up and walk out and straight out the back door. I plop down on the swing and look out into the back yard. I feel someone sit beside me and I peek up to see BG looking at me.
"She will come around" He says
"You don't know her like I do" I say
"And who's fault is that?" He snaps at me
I stand up and walk back in the house. I change clothes and then I walk back outside and down to the creek.
"Hey princess something came up and we need to go. Kol can you drive me to my truck?" I ask
"Of course" He says
I help gather their things and we put everything away and I scoop up Gabi. Kolby drives us back to his house and I place Gabs in her seat. I grab some of our clothes and I drive us to a hotel. After getting us checked in and in our room I place Gabi on the bed. I kneel in front of her and give her a small smile.
"Baby there are things you don't understand right now. When I was pregnant with you daddy and I fought a lot. We could never get along and one of us was always messing up. Well right before I had you daddy said something that hurt mommy really bad. Mommy had to go to the hospital and daddy left something for me. Mommy needed time away and I wanted to protect you. Daddy is famous and I didn't want his life rubbing off on you. Daddy loves you so much and he would never hurt you but mommy is having a hard time. Do you understand?" I ask her
I sigh to myself cause she is only 2 almost 3 and I know she doesn't understand but I had to try.
"Daddy hurt you?" She asks softly
"Yes he did." I say
"Can I talk to him?" She asks
I sigh but nod. I dial his old number and he picks up.
"Ali" He says
"She wants to talk to you. Come to the grand Hotel. Room 428" I say and hang up
"Can I talk to daddy alone?" She asks
"Of course. Mommy can have a shower while you two talk" I say
She nods and crawls in my lap.
"I love you mommy" She says
"I love you too my little lightening bug" I say
A few minutes later there is a knock on the door so I stand up and walk over opening the door. I pushed it open and let him in and he looked around.
"She is on the couch. She wants to talk to you alone so i'm going to have a shower. Don't leave til I get out cause I don't want her alone" I say
He nods and I walk over and kiss the top of her head and walk in the bathroom closing the door. I stripped down and slid into the hot water and sighed. Before I knew it I was crying hard but trying to keep my sobbing slow so they wouldn't hear me.
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BG'S POV65Please respect copyright.PENANAh1V6QoUl18
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She opened the door and told me to stay til she got out of the shower so I nodded and then she closed herself off. I walk over and sat down by Gabi and sighed.
"Mommy says you said something bad and she had to go to the hospital" Gabi tells me
"Yes I did" I say
"Why?" She asks
"Mommy and I fought a lot. I was mad and said something I should have never said" I tell her truthfully
"Why did mommy keep me away?" she asks
"Because she was protecting you and herself" I tell her
It gets quiet for a minute and then I hear it and sigh.
"Mommy always gets sad when she talks about you" Gabi tells me
"Really?" I ask
"Yeah. She said she loved you but never loved her" Gabi whispers
I pull her in my lap and she leans into me and yawns.
"Sleep sprout" I tell her
She yawns again and closes her eyes. Once she was asleep I laid her on the couch ad covered her up. I walked through the bedroom and into the bathroom to find Ali on the bottom of the shower crying her eyes out. I sigh and reach in turning off the water and grabbing a towel. I leaned down and wrapped the towel around her and lifted her out. I looked down to see the dark circles under her eyes and groaned. I sat her in a chair and walked over pulling out some clothes. She just sat there staring so I dried her off and slipped her clothes on her and then I carried her to the bed. Once she was settled I sat down by her and just watched her sleep for the longest. I don't know when but I fell asleep at some point and when I woke up again it's cause Gabi was shaking me.
"I'm hungry" She whispers
I nod and sit up to see Ali still sleeping. I noticed it was about 7 a.m. so I slipped on my shoes and scooped up Gabi and took her down to get some breakfast. While we were out I let Gabi pick out some flowers for Ali and we grabbed her some breakfast and headed back upstairs. When we entered the room Ali was yelling at someone on the phone. She said nevermind and hung up and scooped up Gabi out of my arms and hugged her tight.
"Where were you?" She asks
"I was hungry" Gabi says
"Alright go in the bedroom and watch TV while we talk" She tells her
Gabi nods and runs in closing the door and before I could speak Ali smacks the hell out of me.
"OW" I hiss
"Don't you ever do that again." She yells at me
"Ali she woke me up saying she was hungry I only took her downstairs and we came right back." I try to explain
"I do not care. Brantley Keith that little girl is my world and so help me god if you ever pull a stunt like that again you will never see us again" She screams with tears in her eyes
"OK Ali. I'm sorry. We should have woke up or left you a note. You were sleeping and she didn't wanna wake you so I took her. You looked so tired and I just wanted to help" I tell her calmly
I didn't wanna upset her anymore than she already was so I stayed calm for the both of us. She sniffles and looks at the flowers in my hand and her whole body relaxes. I hold them up and she takes them and smiles softly.
"We also brought you breakfast." I say
"I'm sorry" She whispers
"No i'm sorry. Your right I should have told you i was taking her to eat" I say
Gabi pokes her head out of the door and looks at us.
"It's ok lightening bug you can come out" Ali tells her
Gabi runs over and Ali scoops her up and kisses her forehead.
"Hey what do you say you and I spend the day together and mommy can go have a day to herself" I suggest eyeing Ali
"can we mommy?" Gabi asks
"I don't see why not. But you better be good and listen to your dad and use those manners" Ali says
"Yes ma'am" Gabi says
"You can get her carseat out of my truck." Ali says handing me the keys
I nod and head down to her truck and grab the carseat when I see a photo of Jax and Ali and Jax is holding baby Gabi. I growl and put it back and slam the door.
"Hey no need to be man at my doors" Ali snaps behind me
"Sorry" I grumble
"Alright she has everything she will need in here. You have my number. I'm gonna go to the nail salon and get my hair done and then I will meet you at your house so we can go to the show" Ali says
"Sounds good. Is there anything she is allergic to?" I ask
"No. But no sweets. She can't handle a lot of sugar so do not give it to her for no reason at all." She tells me
I nod and take everything and Ali walks Gabi to my truck. After she is buckled in Ali climbs up and leans in to kiss Gabi. Her ass is stuck right in my face and I groan. She pulls out and I reach up and grab her and sit her down on her feet.
"Alright we will see you in a little while" I tell her
"Ok. Have fun you two" She says waving at Gabi
Ali closes the door and looks up at me and sighs. She walks to her truck and drives off and I sigh and climb into the driver seat and drive off.
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ALi'S POV 6 HOUR TIME SKIP65Please respect copyright.PENANA1hALJcaqaG
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I pulled up to BG's and walked inside to hear screaming.
"Shut up you little brat. IF you think your slut of a mother is going to pin you on my boyfriend she has another thing coming. IF you think of telling anyone anything about this I will make you disappear." I hear
I watch in horror as this bitch slaps my baby across the face and she hits the floor.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I scream
She whirls around in shock and I dash for her. I swing hard and knock her in the jaw. She hits the floor and I crawl on top of her.
"Baby go bang on the door and get daddy now" I tell her
She gets up and runs down the hall screaming.I well on the bitch and soon I'm pulled out still swinging and screaming at her.
"Ali calm down." B shouts in my ear
"No" I scream still thrashing
"Calm down before I turn that ass red" He growls in my ear
I go limp and I pant in his arms. The bitch was laying on the floor crying and holding her face.
"What happened?" He asks
"I want the cops called. This bitch threatened our daughter and then slapped her across the face" I scream and start thrashing again
"Ali baby calm down" He says gently
"Mommy" Gabi whispers
I gasp and thrash and BG lets me go and I pick Gabi up. BG picks up his phone and calls the cops and five minutes later they were there and I explained what happened.
"Ali what happened?" The deputy asks
"I walked in and seen her hit my child so I hit her" I say smirking
"Ali" He sighs
"John what would you do if some man slapped your daughter across the face in front of you?" I snap
"Ok fine I get it. BG get a hold of her so I can get the girl" He tells B
BG nods and wraps his arms around me and I tense as John brings the bitch out.
"Easy baby." B whispers in my ear
"Daddy you have no clothes on" Gabi says
I turn and look down to see him in a towel and I start laughing hard.
"You came out in your towel" I giggle
"Well Gabi was banging on the door yelling she needed me. As soon as I opened the door I heard you screaming so yeah i'm in a towel and still very wet" He says chuckling
"Go dry off and get dressed. But don't put a shirt on" I say
He raises a brow at me and I roll my eyes.
"Not like that you perv. I bought you something" I say going to my truck and pulling bags out
"Did yoou buy the whole store?" He asks
"No most of this is for Gabi" I say shrugging
"ohhhh" He says going in the door
About five minutes later he comes back in jeans that hung low on his hips and I looked away quick. I pull out a shirt and toss it to him and he laughs. It says Daddy got Horny. I pull mine out and change shirts and mine says MOmmy got pregnant. And I change Gabi and hers says And a princess was born.
"We are really gonna wear these?" BG asks
"I mean if you don't want to we don't have to I thought it was funny" I say tossing him another shirt
It said Daddy and mine says mommy and Gabi's says = Me.
"No it's fine they are funny but I like those to" He says
"We will save these for a family friendly day" I say
"Family?" He asks
"Yes BG that is what we are. Just cause we aren't together we are a family." I say
He hums and looks down at Gabi trying to get her boots on so he kneels down and helps her.
"You shirt is a little tight" He grumbles
"That's cause these never went away after her" I say gesturing to the twins
I walk into the bathroom and gasp cause I was in love. I sigh but do my make and fix my hair and then I slip on the ripped in all the right places jeans and my boots and I smirk. I added all my piercing back in and slipped on my rings and bracelets and walked out to Gabi.
"Mommy my earrings" She cries
I smile and walk over and pull them out and I bend down and put them in and smile.
"Daddy we are ready" I call
"Don't call me that" he says walking in
He stops dead in his tracks and rakes his eyes over my body. I smirk and he growls deep in his chest.
"Are we ready?" Kolby shouts
"Unca K" Gabi squeals and runs out the door
I head to the door and BG smacks my ass hard and I squeal. I spin around and glare at him and he chuckles and winks at me. I roll my eyes and shake my head at him.
"Stop it" I say smacking him
"No my fault you wore those jeans" He says shrugging
"Come on daddy we have to go" I purr at him
"No more you two come on" Kolby calls outside the door
I sigh and walk out and Kolby whistles and i smile. We all climb in the truck and head to the area. When we arrive Gabi wanted her daddy So he carried her on is shoulders and she giggled the whole time. He grabbed my hand and I looked up at him and he nodded to the groupies and I nodded back. We made it past them but he didn't drop my hand.
"Auntie Miley" Gabi squeals
BG puts her down and Liam scoops her up and kissees her cheek and hands her to Miley.
"How is my little diva?" Miley asks
"I is good. I spent the day with daddy" She says
Miley looks at me and I nod and she smiles.
"There is my favorite girl" Justin says
"Hey" Selena says
"Sel I love you but it's our bug" He tells her
She laughs and nods and Gabi goes to him.
"Hey sprout wanna go on stage with me?" BG asks
"yes please. Please mommy?" She asks
"One song" I tell her
She squeals and everyone laughs with her.
"Hey bug let's go get into some trouble" Justin says
She nods and he runs off with her and winks at me. I head to BG's dressing room and plop down on the couch and yawn.
"Tired?" BG asks
"Very." I say
Why don't you nap. I have two hours before I go on I can watch her" He suggests
"No it's ok. IF I sleep now I won't sleep later" I say
"Could I make a room at my house for her?" He asks suddenly
"I don't see why not. Mamma is begging me to move back closer" I say
"And are you?" He asks
"Not right now. I like my job and I have friends there. I'm not ready to move back" I tell him
"And Gabi?" He asks
"Your always gone so you can always stop and see her when your near us" I tell him
I don't know how long we sat there and talked but it was time for him to go on. I walked over and opened my purse and pulled out a box and tossed it to him and he opened it. It was a ring that had Gabi's birthstone in it but the ring itself was black. He looked up at me confused.
"It has Gabi's birthstone in it" I say
He slips it on and walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. I was swallowed in his huge arms and I melted into him. He kissed the top of my head and then PJ stuck his head in. BG let me go and PJ smiled at me.
"Well hells bells look who it is. BG time to go" He says
BG nods and I follow him out. He scoops up Gabi who giggles and I follow him. He hands her to me and walks on stage. He sings a few songs and then stop to talk to the crowd.
"Tonight I have two special ladies here. I would like for them to come up and join me" He says looking at me
I walk out with Gabi in my arms and she reaches for him.
"Everyone I would like you to meet my beautiful daughter Gabriella and you all know her mom Alison" He says winking at me
He nods to the stool and I take a seat and he places Gabi in my lap. He starts up the song and Gabi claps her hands and the crowd goes wild. I sway with her in my lap and sing along and she lays her head on my chest. Once the song is finished BG picked up Gabi and she snuggled into his chest and yawned. I smiled and stood up and he wrapped a arm around me and kissed my forehead. BG handed Gabi off to PJ and then looked at me.
"As many of you know this beautiful woman knocked me on my ass almost 4 years ago. She is a pain in the ass, stubborn as hell, sweet as honey, and a wonderful mother. Now in the past I messed up a lot between us and said some things I shouldn't have but I'm standing here now in front of all of you and I'm asking you Ali if you will give me another chance to be the man you fell in love with and a father to our little girl" He says looking down at me
I had tears in my eyes and my lip trembled slightly but I nodded softly and he grinned. He dropped the mic and scooped me up in his arms spinning me around in circles. I laughed and smacked him and told him to put me down before he made me sick. He sat me on my feet and kissed me hard in front of everyone. He pulled back and picked up the mic and said goodnight to the crowd and we walked off stage and got our daughter together.
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