Ned's POV
We had went out last night to give them some time to themselves. When we got back it was quiet so we knew they were in bed.
"I'll start breakfast. Go wake Ali you know she is gonna need to soak" Chris says smirking
"Hey as long as our girl is taken care of I don't care what I have to do for her" I tell him
"I know honey. I was only joking. I know what she means to you. Now go wake our girl" He tells me
I nod and give him a kiss and walk to Ali's room. When I walk in she was asleep on her side of the bed. I smile and walk over to her and kneel down by the bed.
"Shortcake" I whisper
"What is it Neddy?" She whispers
"Bath time. Chris is cooking breakfast" I tell her
"To sore. Let me sleep" She says
"You can't hurt that bad" I tell her
She sighs and throws the covers back and I see her naked body. She was covered in bruises and hickies.
"Oh dear lord. I will kill him" I growl out
"Ned i'm fine. I'm just sore" She moans out
"Are you sure?" I ask her
"Yeah. Can you just start a bath and add that stuff you usually do?" She asks still tired
I nod and kiss her forehead and walk in the bathroom. Once it's ready I walk back and carry her to the bathroom and lower her into the hot water. She hisses and then sighs and leans back and closes her eyes. I kiss the top of her head and walk out. I walk over and smack BG and he sits up looking around.
"Go shower. We got eat and then get packing" I tell him
He nods and looks over and then I nod to the bathroom. He nods and goes to shower and then I walk in the kitchen. Chris was cooking so set the table. When he was almost done I went to check on Ali. I walk in the bathroom to find her sleeping in the tub. I chuckle and walk over and kneel down.
"Shortcake you gotta get out love" I tell her
"So warm" She whispers
"i know babe. But you gotta eat and pack and you need to talk to Amy today" I tell her
I washed her hair and then she lazyly washed off. I helped her out and she dried off. I walked in the bedroom and grabbed her some clothes and came back with the perfect outfit. I helped her get dressed and then I did her hair. She did her make up and then I lifted her up and carried her to the kitchen. I placed her on the counter and she moaned sniffing the air. Chris chuckled and turned to her and offered her a bite. She took it and moaned loudly.
"That is orgasm food" She comments
Chris laughs and fixes her a plate and she eats happily on the counter swinging her legs back and forth humming to herself. We all watch her and then there is a knock on the door. She hops down and walks over to the door and opens it. There stood a crying girl and Ali pulls her inside. She takes her to her room and shuts the door.
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Ali's POV
I sit Amy down on my bed and she sniffles. I kneel down in front of her and she sighs.
"i talked to my mom. She was all for getting me away but my step dad started yelling at me. He told me if I left not to come back and made my mom agree. Alison I really want to go. He stopped me from going to college. I just wanna get away and live my life. I love my mom put I shouldn't have to put up with what she does" She cries
"Sweetheart you don't have to put up with that. You are going with us. Did you bring anything?" I ask
"No. he wouldn't let me take anything" She whimpers
"B" I shout
He comes running in looking around and then looks at us. He sees Amy's tear stained face and he kneels down in front of her.
"What happened darlin?" He asks her
"Hey" i snap
"Sorry. What happened sweetheart" he says winking at me
"My stepdad" She whispers
"Did he hit you?" B asks
"No. He wouldn't let me bring anything with me" She says bowing her head
"Is that all? Ames we can go shopping for you." BG tells her
"I have no money. I'll have to get a job" She whispers
"Ames we aren't worry about money. Now let me pack and we will hit the road." I tell her standing up
"If you go in the kitchen Chris and Ned are in there and Chris cooked. He has orgasm food" B tells her smiling at me
"Orgasm food?" Amy says
"Go have a bite and you will understand" I tell her
She nods and stands and walks to the door and turns to look at me.
"Hey Alison" She says
"Yeah?" I say turning
"Thank you" She says
"Anytime sweetie" I tell her
She smiles and walks out. I look at Brantley and glare.
"What?" He asks
"That is my name" I snap at him
He chuckles and wraps me in his arms.
"Sorry darlin" He says
"Come on let's get going" I say pulling back
I throw all my things in my bag and we head in the living room. I hear Amy moan and I laugh. I slip on my hooker boots and walk in the kitchen. Amy's jaw drops and I look at her.
"What?" I ask
"You look great" She says
"Oh um thank you." I tell her
She smiles and finished eating and then goes to wash the dishes. Once everything was cleaned. We loaded up the dogs and headed to the airport. Once we arrived the guys loaded everything so Amy and I could get out of the cold. Once we were seated she sat down by me and latched onto my arm.
"Hey it's ok." I tell her
"I told Brantley's seat didn't i?" She asks
"No sweetheart" He says lifting me up
I smiled at him and leaned into him. Chris and Ned come in and i smile at them. Ned handed me my frog and blanket and I smile at him. We finally take off and I fall asleep at some point. When I wake up again we are driving down the road. I sit up noticing where we are and I lean forward to Ned.
"Neddy stop" I tell him
He looks at me and nods. He pulls over to the side and stops and looks at me. I open the door and step out.
"B can you come with me?" I ask
He nods and steps out and we walk through a gate and past a lot of headstones. We finally come up on one and I sit down on the grass. I run my fingers over the stone letters and sigh.
"B meet my baby boy Caleb" I whisper
I can feel him sit behind me and wrap his arms around me.
"Thank you darlin" He whispers in my ear
"I haven't been here in so long. I see mamma has been keeping flowers out here" I say
I can feel Ned walk up and kneel down.
"Hi baby boy how you doing? Watching over your beautiful mom?" He says mostly to himself but I hear it
We sat there a little longer and I kissed my fingers and laid them on top of his headstone and we left. Once back in the car we drove another fifteen minutes to Ned's mom's. I got out and the door opened and I took off in a sprint. I crashed into her and she she cried.
"Oh my sweet girl. I have missed you" She cries
"Ali" Gina screams
I smile and open my arms and she crashes hard into me but Ned catches us.
"Hi baby. How is my favorite girl?" I ask her
"I'm doing good. Getting ready for prom" She says with a sad smile
"Neddy told me. But I was wondering if I could help you with prom?" I ask her
"Alison" Donna says
"Donna let me due this" I tell her
She nods and looks at Gina.
"Are you serious?" Gina asks
"Of course." I say
"Oh my god yes please" She cries
"Alright. I have to make a call but i'm all yours tomorrow. Now mamma do you have room for five of us?" I ask
"Girl you know better than to ask that. Of course I do" She says
I smile and hug her again and I squeeze not wanting to let go. I hear everyone clear out and i sigh.
"I finally got to visit him" I mumble
"Good for you baby. Gina and I got every week to put in fresh flowers. Natty use to go but with her in school it's hard for her to get away" She tells me pulling out of the hug
"You think she would mind if I popped in?" I ask
"For you of course not" She says
"I'm gonna run over and say hi. Put those boys to work while i'm gone. And the one with all the tats is mine. So mamma be nice. I actually like this one a lot" I tell her
"You have my word. Now go before he tries to stop you" She says
I smile and run out jumping in the truck and taking off. I pull up to the college and I walk in and ask a girl if she knows where Natalie's room is. She points me in the direction and I follow it. I knock on the door and a guy answers.
"Babe who's at the door?" Natty calls
"Special delivery" I call walking in
"Oh my fucking god. Ali" She screams
I laugh and hug her tight.
"How is my brother doing?" She asks
"he's good" I tell her
"And how is our handsome little man?" She asks
"Good. Went by today. He says hello" I say tearing up
"And how is one of my favorite mommas?" She asks
"I'm doing a lot better. Guess who i'm dating" I say
"Who?" She asks
"Brantley fucking gilbert" I say
"No fucking way." She screams
"Yes ma'am. We are here for a week or so" I tell her
"I'll come home this weekend then. Oh Ali meet Greyson my boyfriend. Greyson this is my older sister" Natty says
"Nice to meet you" He says
"You to. You taking care of my girl?" I ask
"Yes ma'am. We have been together almost 2 years. And my family loves her but I have yet to meet her family" He says eyeing her
"Because my whole family wasn't here. Now you can meet them this weekend" She says eyeing me
"I miss you nat" I tell her
"I missed you to. But you have to promise to make him behave Ali. I really love this one." She says with teary eyes
"OH he will behave or he will deal with me" I tell her
"Thank you" She whispers
"How about you playing hooky tomorrow and going with me and Gina prom dress shopping?" I ask her
"Sure. I only have one class tomorrow. Babe can you get me the notes i'll miss?" She asks
"Sure sweetie. Go have fun. But call me and let me know you get back ok" He tells her
"Why aren't you two living together?" I ask
"Part of me getting my college fund is not moving in with a girl til I graduate" He says sighing
"But that changes next week. He graduates and i'm moving in." Natty tells me
"Fine. But you finish school girl. Do not drop out. If you get pregnant you still take your ass to class" I tell her
"I promise Ali. But we aren't ready for kids. We are taking precautions" She tells me
"Alright. Well come home in the morning and we will go. I gotta go before B and your brother have a heart attack" I tell her
She nods and hugs me and I walk back to the truck. As i'm driving back I stop at the bank and walk in.
"Mr. Roper." I say
"Miss Alison. What can I help you with?" He says
"I would like to pay off Donna's mortgage" I tell him
He nods and I follow him to his office. I sign the papers and leave it in her name. I pay the amount and then I take the deed and head home. When I get home I fold the deed and hide it in my bra and walk in. The guys all sigh and I smile and wave.
"Mamma can I talk to you in private?" I ask her
She nods and we walk to her room and she closes the door.
"Please don't be mad. I did something and I really want you to accept it. You have Neddy have done so much for me and I could never repay you so promise not to fight me on this" I say
She nods and I pull out the paper and hand it to her. She opens it and gasps and starts crying. She drops it on the bed and hugs the life out of me.
"Thank you so much" She cries
"Don't thank me mamma. I don't want you worrying so much anymore. Now you can work less hours and have more time with Gina before she leaves to" I tell her
"Well thank you baby. Can I tell Ned?" She asks
I nod and she puts the deed in her safe and we walk down together.
"Mom what's wrong?" Ned says jumping up
"Well Ali paid off the house and it's now ours." She says
"What how?" Ned asks
"When Logan use to leave me home alone he would let me use the laptop but only for movies. Well I found where he was hiding money in a offshore account so I moved it to a account in my name. There is more money in there then I know what to do with" I say shrugging
"So you stole it?" Ned asks
"It was his. I just simply moved it to my account. I had him sign all the necessary paper work while he was drugged up or drunk so it's all legally mine." I tell him
"thata girl" Ned says hugging me
"Tomorrow Natty is playing hooky with me just this once. She is gonna go with me and Gina. Ned I need to talk to you" I tell him
He nods and we walk out and he leads me outside. He walks up to the old treehouse and i laugh and start climbing. Once in a take a seat and wait on Ned. Once he's in he takes his normal place and I move over and lay on him and smile.
"What's up?" He asks
"I have all that money I will never know what to do with. I would like to replace all mamma's appliance's to updated ones and pay up all the bills for a while. She stresses to much and I don't want you constantly worrying she will work herself into the ground. And please don't fight me on this. Let me do it. You both helped me so much and I want to do this. I'm paying for everything for Gina's prom. She needs a normal night as a teenager. Now I wouldn't tell her to sleep with her boyfriend but if she chooses to I want her prepared." I tell him
"OK shortcake. Tell me what you want me to do." He says
"Can you get mamma out of the house for two days? Take her on a spa weekend? I wanna try to redo the whole inside and outside in two days while she is gone" I say
"Yeah I have a idea. You know i'm very proud of you. You have come a long way. Yes you still have your days but after what you have been through I understand. But BG is a good guy and even though he probably hasn't said it he loves you shortcake. I may be gay but Caleb will always be my son. I would never in a million years change that." He tells me
"If it ever happens again Neddy will you be there holding my hand?" I ask
"You never have to ask. As long as you want me I will be your biggest coach. Just enjoy being free and happy before you give me a niece or nephew." He tells me
"I love you" I tell him
"I love you more" He whispers
I sigh and close my eyes. I don't know when but I fell asleep and slept peacefully for once.
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Donna's POV
I smiled watching them walk out to the old tree house.
"Are they ok?" Brantley asks
"They are fine. When they wanna be alone that's where they go. I'm surprised that old thing is still out there. Ned built it for her when she wanted to be alone. Brantley promise me you will love her. Don't destroy what is life of my precious girl. I can't rebuild her again" I tell him
"Of course i'll take care of her. If I didn't your son would happily murder me with a smile on his face." He says chuckling
"I have pictures would you like to see?" I ask
He nods and we walk in the living room and I grab my scrapbook. I take a seat and he sits by me. I sigh and open it.
"Ali had just met Ned. They clicked right away and were together constantly." She says
"How long have they known each other?" I ask
"Almost 7 years now. When we found out she was pregnant we moved her in here and Natty and Gina helped out a lot. I'm sure you know Ned took responsibility for Caleb. We were all so excited. Ned was excited to be getting a son and I had never seen Ali so happy." I say with a shaky voice
Brantley grips my hand and I give him a sad smile. I turn the page and a pregnant Ali was there. She was grinning and Gina was kissing her tummy. Gina then walks in and sits down on the other side of me. She looks down and smiles widely with tear filled eyes. She runs her fingers over the picture and sniffles. I close the book for now and smile.
"What do you say you and I go make our girl some dinner and Brantley you can go pull a sleeping Ali out of that damn thing" I tell him
"How do you know she's sleeping?" he asks
"Boy you have a lot to learn. When they go out there they talk and then nap. But don't drag them out yet. Wait til i'm almost done. Could you do they steaks?" I ask
"Of course. Chris and I can." he tells me
I nod and we all go in the kitchen. Soon enough the front door opens and Natty walks in with a guy.
"Hi mom" She says walking over to us
"Hi baby. What are you doing here?" I ask
"Well I decided to play hookie this week. and before you snap. I'll only need to get my notes from someone and I only have 3 classes the rest of the week so i'm not missing anything." She tells me
"Alright your grown. Now who is this man?" I ask
"MOm this is Greyson my boyfriend" She tells me
"Nice to meet you" I say
"You to Ms..." He says
"Just call me Donna sweetie." I tell him
He nods and smiles.
"Babe this is my little sister Gina. She is a senior this year and getting ready for prom" Natty says
"Nice to meet you" Greyson says
"You to." Gina says
"So prom that's a big deal. Got a big date?" Greyson asks
"NO. Going solo" She says shrugging
"What would you say if I said I knew a kid that would maybe go with you. He is a senior you. It's my best friends brother" HE tells her
"Oh are you talking about Ryan? You two would be perfect. He is a sweetheart. He has his asshole moments but good kid. Smart and graduating top of his class. He isn't going to his prom but I'm sure he would love to go with you. Babe call him and invite him over." Natty says
"Um i could meet him" Gina says shyly
"Alright. I'll call" He says and walks away
"Natty" Gina whispers
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Natty's POV
Gina whispers my name and I pull her to her room and close the door. I turn to look at her and she looks scared.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting by her
"I'm scared. You know I don't date. Hell i'm still a virgin for the love of god. What if he doesn't like me?" She whispers
"babe he would be stupid not to love you. Let's get you into something cute and let's let your hair down" She tells me
"i don't have anything cute. With mom struggling i haven't been shopping." She tells me bowing her head
I sigh and run across the hall and throw Ali's bag open. I pull out a cute pair of jeans and a top and walk back to Gina. I toss them at her and she puts them on and then I straighten her hair. I lightly do her make up and then I had her a pair of heels. She puts them on and I smile and turn her to face the mirror. She gasps and I wrap my arms around her neck and smile.
"There is my beautiful sister. Stop hiding behind your hoodies and glasses babe. Be a little outgoing for once. Enjoy life." I tell her
She looks at me in the mirror and smiles. She stands up and hugs me and we head down stairs.
"Oh girls this is Amy. She is with us. Amy this is Gina and Natty. Greyson is Natty's boyfriend" Brantley says
"Hi" Amy whispers
"Oh I need to work on you next. BG where is ali?" I ask
"Asleep in the tree house" He tells me
I nod and walk outside and climb up and pull out my phone and snap a few pictures.
"Ned. Ali" I say
"What nat?" Ned says
"Come on and get up. I have someone i want you to meet" I tell him
"Ok nat." he says still sleeping
He jumps up and smiles at me. I grin and climb down and he comes down followed by Ali. he sweeps me into his arms and spins me around.
"I missed you" I whisper
"Kid you have no idea" I tell her
i place her down and kiss her forehead. We all walk inside and Ali goes over to Bratley and leans into him.
"Nice nap?" He asks her
She nods and snuggles into him further.
"darlin you can't get any closer" He says looking down at her
I pull out my phone and snap a picture.
"I can to" She mumbles
He chuckles and kisses the top of her head.
"Who the hell are you?" Ned shouts at Greyson
"Ned this is my boyfriend Greyson." I tell him
"Oh hell no" He shouts
"Ned Allen roberts. Calm the fuck down. Your sister is a grown woman. She doesn't need your permission to have a boyfriend and life. You will sit down and shut up til you can say sorry and actually talk to that man with respect. Now Gina what has you all pretty?" Ali says smiling
"Greyson has someone he wants me to meet. We may go to prom together" She says shyly
"Aw well you look amazing. I see Natty stole my clothes" She says winking at me
"I did. Besides her ass looks good in those jeans" I say
"True." Ali says shrugging
Mom giggles and eyes Ned who is sitting there sulking. I walk over to Greyson and wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him and smile. He grins down at me and kisses me softly.
"I love you" I says
"I love you most" He tells her
I hear a laugh behind me and I turn to see ned shaking his head smiling.
"what?" I ask
"Nothing. You just remind me of me and Ali." He says standing up
"Ya'll still do that?" I ask
"Yeah all the time. Let's go for a walk little sister" He tells me
I nod and we walk outside.
"Natty i'm sorry. It's just my baby sister. I don't wanna see you get hurt. I look at Ali and I see you girls. Greyson seems like a great guy. I see the way he looks at you. He loves you no doubt. Just be careful please" I tell him
"I always am Neddy." I tell him
He sighs and wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.
"I love you" I say
"I love you more" He tells me
I smile and pull back. Greyson steps out and I head back in. About ten minutes later the come in and take a seat. I sit around smiling looking at my family and lean into Greyson.
"I need a updated picture. You guys know the drill" Mom tells us
We sigh but stand up and go in the living room. We get in position and she snaps a few pictures. SHe nods and smiles and goes back to the kitchen. A car pulls up and Ryan steps out and I go to the door to meet him.
"Hi Ry" I say
"Natty. Still beautiful as ever" He says
"Sweet talker. Ryan this is my little sister. If you hurt her in anyway I will have your balls crushed" I tell him quietly
"I understand Nat. You know me I can be a ass but I would never hurt anyone on purpose" He tells me
"I know Ry. It's just she's shy. She hasn't dated at all so you know she's still um you know. so be patient don't push and be nice." I tell him
Of course. He kisses my forehead and steps in and I walk him to the kitchen.
"Ryan this is Gina my little sister" I say introducing him
"Wow your gorgeous" He says
I smirk and step back.
"Well they do get it from me" Mom says stepping up
"Yes they do Ms. Roberts." Ry says
"Nice to meet you" Gina says
"So prom?" ryan says looking at Greyson
"Yeah it's a week away. I know short notice but I was gonna go alone but Natty said no way" She says shrugging
"I'm in." Ryan says
"R-really?" gina says
"Of course. Maybe we can go on a date before then and really get to know each other." He suggests
"Um sure" She says trying not to blush
I smile and kiss Greyson.
"Thank you" I whisper
"Anytime. He's a good kid and I trust him. You know I love Gina and I would never set her up with a douche bag." He says chuckling
"So your the kid taking my little sister to prom. Well let's go over a few things. Keep your dick in your pants and we won't have a problem. But have a nice time" Ned says smirking
Ryan pales but nods a little scared.
"I second that." BG says stepping up
Ryan pales completely and gulp at how huge BG is.
"Um Yes sir' Ryan says
"Have a good time love. Tomorrow when you choose the color of your dress call me and let me know. I have a surprise for you. And Natty what is your favorite color?" BG says
"Um green. But like emerald green" She tells me
"Ok. and mamma R what about you?" BG asks
"Um teal" She says
He nods and sits back down. My phone rings and I step away and walk back in a few minutes later pissed.
"What's wrong?" Gina asks
"the band for your prom fell through. I have to find some others before that night" She says sighing
"You help with the schools prom?" BG asks
"I do. I'm going to school to be a party planner. This helps me get some hours in" I tell him
"I could do it" BG says
"Me too" Chris pipes in
"Forreal?" Gina squeals
"Sure. I can even call the guys up and see if they could drive down and help out. They are done with shows and we could probably do it like a show." BG says
"Yes please" Gina squeals happily
"Alright little one. Keep those lungs in and i'll call them" He tells her
"I officially love you" She tells him
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Alison's POV
I laugh as he walks out shaking his head. Music turns on and I see Natty smile. I sigh and start singing. I close my eyes and focus just on me. Once i was done I open my eyes to see mamma crying and I smile at her.
"I haven't heard you sing in so long." She says
"Will you sing again?" Gina asks
"as long as you sing with me" I tell her
She nods happily and comes over by me. Natty starts up a new song and I start and Gina follows. She holds my hand and I can feel her start shaking. I knew why she was shaking and I smiled at her. Once it all stopped she closed her eyes to clear the tears and then looked at me.
"Thank you" I tell her
"You never have to thank me Ali" She tells me
"Wow you two both sound amazing"BG says walking in
"I wanna go to school for singing" Gina says looking at me
"really? Why?" BG asks
"Ali actually. She started singing and made me sing with her. Over the years i've gotten better. I um sang to Caleb a lot. Ali told me I should shoot for what I want. And I wanna sing. I love it. It calms me and relaxes my whole body." She says smiling at me
"Good for you love. I'm proud of you" I say standing to hug her
I can feel her touch my belly slightly and I smile.
"next time love" I whisper in her ear
"You mean?" She says pulling back
"When and if it ever happens then yes. Our deal still stands" I tell her
"What deal?" BG asks
"Ali and i bet she would have a girl and Gina bet for a little boy. Ali lost so Gina gets to sing happy birthday or a song she chooses as the babys first song. Gina sang to ali's belly a lot and Caleb loved it. If and when it ever happens Gina gets to sing" Ned says smiling
"you know I go to his grave every other day alone and I sing to him" She tells me
"Really?" I ask with teary eyes
"Yeah. It's my thing. I like to go sing and tell him about my day. He can't talk back but it soothes me." She says shrugging
"I didn't know that. Is that why your always a hour late?" Donna asks
"Yeah. A journal didn't help me but that did. I figured talking to Caleb was better than anything." She tells us
"Whatever helps you love. I'm glad you go. I don't go as much as I wish I could. It probably sounds bad but I can't go a lot. It hurts to much" I say sighing
"of course not. People grieve differently." Donna tells me
I think about what she says and smile softly. I walk in the living room and see the see the scrapbook and pick it up. I flip through it and pull out a picture. I walk in the kitchen and walk over to B. I hand him the picture and he looks at him closely.
"he was beautiful." He says
"He was. I got to hold him for three hours before they took him. I wasn't ready to let go so Ned got me one more hour. He was so tiny he fit perfectly in both of my hands." I say
Everyone gathered around to look and smiled.
"Ok who is hungry?" Donna pipes up
we all laugh and nod. I walk back into the living room and place the picture back. I run my fingers over it and close the book. I play it back in it's spot and walk back to everyone. I sat down in Ned's lap and curled up.
"You ok?" He whispers
"I'm fine." I tell him
I pull his arms around me and he holds me against him. His fingers slide under my shirt and he stokes me skin calming me. He hits my scar and I tense.
"What is that?" He says
I sigh and stand and lift my shirt. He ran his fingers over it and leaned forward kissing it softly. he looks up at me with tears in his eyes.
"It doesn't hurt. It found about it til now. It happened right after you." I tell him shrugging
He pulls my shirt back into place and I sit back down. BG's phone rings and he answers it. He talks for a bit and then hangs up.
"The guys are in. I need to find a hotel and book rooms for them" B says standing up
"There is a hotel down the road. I know the manager so just tell him I sent you and he will get it done" Donna says
"Thanks Donna" B says and calls down there
"Alright let's feed those bellies" She says
We nod and sit down to eat. I look around and smile knowing I was around people I loved and for once felt safe.
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