Ali's POV
BG didn't let go of my waist but I didn't mind.
"Go on we are taking Gabi tonight and tomorrow" Justin says
"But" I say
"Ali when is the last time you left her alone?" Sel asks
"I have never left her over night with anymore and me not come back" I say
"Are we not her godparents?" Justin asks
"Jus that's not fair" I say frowning
"Ali we love Gabi and we want some time with her. We will let her call you in the morning and tomorrow night before bed. Go party, go sleep, go have a good time. Enjoy a baby free night and let us have our godchild that we never see" Sel tells me
"Fine but if anything" I start
"We will call you. I promise" Justin says
"Alright. Lightening bug your gonna go stay with Uncle J and Auntie Sel for two nights. Are you ok with that?" I ask her
"Yes mommy. Call you" She says yawning
"Ok Princess." I say kissing her forehead
"Unca J sing?" Gabi says
"Wanna hear your song?" Sel asks
She nods happily and Sel giggles at her.
"Alright cupcake let's go" Sel says
"Wait her stuff" I say
"We have it covered." Justin says
"What?" I ask
"We are her godparents Ali we bought stuff for when she stays with us" He tells me smirking
"Oh" i say shocked
"Don't look so shocked we love her ya know" Sel says
"I know Sel. But i'm use to it being us ya know." I tell her
"I get it babe but you aren't alone. I held you hand for christ sake and watched you push a watermelon out of you." She says smiling
"I know Sel. And i'm greatful. Any chance your gonna give me a godchild?" I ask smiling
"Not now. We have talked about it but not right now." Sel says
"We kinda just wanna spend time with Gabi right now" Justin says
"Actually we were wondering since we both have the week off if we could keep her for the week. I know you don't like leaving her but you know we will let you call you and we would never let anything happen to her." Sel asks
"I um sure. But she calls me every morning and every night before bed" I say quickly
"Yes ma'am." Justin says
"You should give us her insurance card just encase. You never know what can happened" Sel says
"Alright good idea. Come by tomorrow and i'll get it all together for you." I tell her
"You trust us right?" Justin says
"Of course Jus. It's just she's my baby" I say looking at her sleeping peacefully
"I know she is and we would never let anything happen to her. Now go get some well deserved sleep" Sel tells me
"Yes ma'am" I say
I walk forward and kiss Gabi's forehead and sigh.
"I love you my little lightening bug" I whisper to her
"Goodnight sprout" BG says kissing the top of her head
He takes my hand and pulls me away and my eyes tear up.
"You really haven't left her over night without you?" He asks me
"Never. Kolby keeps her but I always come back and sleep i the guest room." I say
"Momma?" He asks
"Never. I'm always there" I say
"She will be fine" He tells me
"I know she will. I trust them with her it's just me. After Caleb I don't wanna let her go" I say
"I know she our baby but everyone else wants time with her to" He says
"I know B. I get it I just wanna keep her safe from the world we live in" I say sighing
"I know baby. How about a hot bubble bath and some wine?" He asks
"Yeah" I mumble
He nods and scoops me up and carries me into the bus and shuts and locks the door. He walks me to the bathroom and sits me on the counter and starts the water in the tub. He lights all the candles and pours in some bubble bath. He walks away and comes back with a bottle of my favorite wine and two wine glasses. He walks over to me and pulls me off the counter and looks down at me. I raise my arms and he removes my shirt and bra and then removes the rest of my clothes. He strips himself and then scoops me up and places me in the tub and turns to pour us some wine. He turned and handed me a glass and then sank down in the tub with me. I sighed and took a long sip and leaned back against the side and laid my head back. I just laid back and soaked in the hot water but I could feel his eyes on me. I smiled and looked over at him to see him watching me. I sipped some more of my wine and looked back up at him.He placed his glass down and then took mine and sat it down and pulled me to him. He pulled my back to him and he started washing my hair for me. I moan when he scratched my head. He rinsed and conditioned and then washed me off. He washed off and then he drained the water and we stepped out. He dried and brushed my hair and then he led me to the bedroom and made me lay on my tummy. He came back with a bottle and crawled behind me and straddled my legs. He poured something in is hands and then started rubbing my back and I moaned loudly. He worked down my back and when he got to a certain spot I tensed and he rubbed softly.
"What happened?" He asks
"My epidural. They misplaced it and had to take it out and do it again so now that spot is tender and hurts sometimes" I tell him softly
"Are you ok?" He asks concerned
"Yeah i'm fine." I say
He finishes up and gets up and walks away and then comes back minutes later. By time he laid down by me I was half asleep.
"I want a new tattoo" I mumble
"We can go look tomorrow" He tells me
"k" I mumble
I was out in seconds after that. When I woke up the next morning I felt refreshed and great. I hadn't been able to sleep in like this in so long that it felt great. I rolled out of bed and slipped on some panties and one of B's long sleeve shirts and walked out rubbing my eyes.
"Hey cupcake" Ned says
I smile and walk over and crawl in his lap.
"HI neddy" I whisper
"How you doing baby?" He asks
"I'm good. Gabi is with Jus and Sel for a week" I mumble
"How are you doing with that?" He asks
"I'm ok I guess. I know I can't hold on to tight but I don't wanna let go either" I say
" I understand cupcake." He says kissing my forehead
"There you are" Chris says walking in
"Hi Chrissy" I mumble
"Hi baby." He says kissing the top of my head
"Still tired?" Ned asks
"Yeah a bit. I never get to sleep in" I say yawning
"Well it's only 7:30 why don't you lay back down?" He suggests
"Where is B?" I ask
"He went out for a bit but will be back soon" Ned says
"Can we um watch Home Alone? " i ask looking up at him
"Sure baby" He says
I walk off to my room and grab my blanket and frog and go back and see Ned in the recliner so I go over and crawl in in his lap and he turns it on. I put my blanket over me and silently watch.
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When she asked to watch Home Alone I knew she was gonna have a off day so I agreed. She curled up in my lap and watched silently. At some point she fell back asleep and BG walks in and looks at us. I point to the TV and he looks at it and sighs.
"She ok?" He asks queitly
"Yeah. We talked about the kids and I guess Gabi being gone brought up Caleb feelings so she wanted to watch it" I tell him
"When did she go back to sleep?" He whispers
"About ten minutes ago" I say
"let her sleep. I have some other things to do before tonight" He tells me
"Alright. Chris can you grab us something to eat?" I ask
"I can cook. What do you want?" He asks me
"Anything she needs to eat as well" I say
He nods and gets to work and I just sit there watching my Ali sleep.
"I love you more than you will ever know. If you were weren't so clumsy you never would have bumped into me and almost knocked me over. You were wearing that black dress that didn't look right on you and had on flats. Your hair was a mess and you looked like you hadn't slept in years. I remember finding you later that day asleep in the library and you said it was the only quiet place you liked and only quiet you could get. I remember asking what you meant but you jumped up and ran out so fast I couldn't find you. One day i followed you and seen what you life was like and ever since then I have watched you grow. You survived the abuse. You made me a dad and godfather. You are my best friend, my other half, my ride or die, and so much more" I whisper
"I love you" She mumbles
I chuckle and kiss the top of her head. I look up to see Chris with tears in his eyes and he winks at me. I give him a tight smile and he goes back to cooking. A few hours pass with her sleeping on me before BG comes back in with her three babies. I smile and he let's them go and they come straight to her.
"Demon get off me you slober box" She says swatting at him
Mazie barks and she smiles and looks down at her three babies.
"Well hello my sweet girl" She says
Mazie jumps up and starts licking her face and she giggles. I chuckle and slide out from under her.
"Sit" BG commands
All three sit down and look up at Ali. Ali wipes her face off and stands up stretching.
"Taking over my clothes already?" BG says to her
"comfy" She says yawning
"Well you need to get ready we are going to eat with the guys" He tells her
She nods and walks to the bathroom and we hear the shower cut on. About twenty minutes later she comes out wrapped in a towel and goes in the bedroom. She comes back in a bra and her panties and goes back in the bathroom. We hear the blow dryer for about twenty minutes and then her curse. I go and look in the bathroom to see her running her hand under cold water.
"You ok?" I ask
"Yeah I just caught my hand in my straightener" She says sighing
I walk behind her and do her hair for her. Once I was done she done her make up and then went back in the bedroom.
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Ali's POV
I stared at the two outfits and decided on the skin tight ripped jeans and then I slipped on a low cut shirt and my boots and I grabbed my phone. I walked out and Ned winked at me.
"Come on let's go" I say streching some more
We head out and I see Tommy so I hold out my hand to him and he sighs and fishes out the keys and I smile. I skip over to the Camero and unlock it. I open the driver door and slide it. I slide in the key in and roll down the windows. As soon as I crank it up it rumbles and I grin. I turn the radio on and Something in your mouth was playing. BG slides in and closes his door. Everyone lines up and I pull out first. I step on the gas and send us shooting forward. I squeal and we fly down the highway. BG looks at me shocked and I smirk. I pull up to Logan's Steakhouse and step out. All the guys and some of the girls come up and we walk inside.
"Hi. How many?" The hostess says
"15 of us" I tell her
SHe nods and looks down at the book and then grabs the menu's and leads us to our section. BG pulls out my seat and I take a seat. Two waitresses walk up and one smiles at BG. I see him smirk and wink at me.
"I'll have a bahama mamma and a sweet tea" I say speaking up
I show her my I.D. and she nods and takes everyones drinks while we order. I order and everyone follows.
"Can I get you anything handsome?" The bitch says
"Yes you will need a new face if wifey gets a hold of you" Ned says speaking up
"S-sorry" She says and hurries away
Everyone chuckles and I see Kane Brown walk in with some people and I grip BG's arm and he looks at me. I nod and he chuckles and shakes his head. I pout and he sighs and stands up. He walks over to him and shakes his hand and talks and then they walk over together.
"Baby this is Kane. Kane this beautiful spitfire is Alison my girlfriend" BG says
"What's your favorite?" Kane asks
"Heaven" I say
"And the second?" He asks
"What If" I tell him
"Nice. Now come on let me hear it" He says
"We are in a public place" I say gulping
"It's only for singers tonight. Everyone has heard it before" he says eyeing me to see if I will do it
"Dude rethink that statement. Her fangirl is loud" Ned says
Kane raises a brow at me and I couldn't stop it. I squealed so loud BG shrunk back and Ned laughed and Kane threw his head back laughing.
"Feel honored I have only fangirled for two people" I tell him
"Well I am honored. So BG tells me you sing" Kane says sitting by me
"I do. But mostly it's to my daughter now" I say
"There is no way your a mom" He says
"To two babies actually. I have a boy and a girl who is two" I say smiling
"I love kids just haven't found the one yet" He tells me
"I'll happily share mine. She is always taking on aunts and uncles." I say
"I will take you up on that. I'm a only child so no nieces or nephews" He says
"Aw. Well Gabi loves people especially ones that will sing to her" I tell him
"Nice. So tell me what are plans for tonight?" He asks
"Nothing just dinner." I say
"Let's go dancing. I need a date" He says looking at me
I look up at BG and he nods and I smile and wink at him.
"Alright dancing it is." I say
He nods and stands and goes back to his table and BG sits back down. I kiss him and he chuckles.
"You know your a singer you can introduce yourself" He tells me
"No I can not. That's what you are for" I tell him smiling
I lay my head on his shoulder and grin up at him. He shakes his head at me and kisses my forehead. Our food comes and we all eat and chat about random things. When we leave Kane gets my number and then we all head back to the buses. I go in and sigh looking through my clothes. I smirk and pull out my ripped jeans and a corset top and slip it on. I slip on my boots and I fix my hair and make up. There is a knock on the door and BG opens the door and Kane steps in. I walk out picking up my phone and BG clears his throat. I look at him and he eyes my outfit. I walk over and kiss him and then turn and offer Kane my hand and we head out. Kane had drove his big jacked up truck and I grinned. He opened the door and went to help me in when I pushed him back and swung myself up in the seat. His jaw dropped and BG chuckles.
"Bro her truck sits just as high or higher" He says and gets in
Kane comes around and gets in and we all head to the bar. When we get there we go to the bar and grab a drink. They were playing a mix of music tonight and Strip that Down started playing and I grinned. I grabbed Kane's hand and drug him to the dance floor. I started moving and he followed and I sang along as well. The song moved on to Bad At Love and I grinned.I sang along and moved softly to the music. Once it ended Footloose started playing and I grinned and started moving quickly and Kane's draws dropped. I grin and the guys joined me. A guy smacks my ass and all the guys step up and I stop them. I turned and smiled at the guy and he reached out to touch me. I grabbed his arm and spun and twisted it behind his back and bent him over.
"If I wanted your hands on my ass I would have put them there. If you don't back off these men in front of us will happily rearrange your fucking face" I growl and shove him to the floor
He groaned and laid there and I walked over to Kane who wrapped a arm around me. He grinned and kissed my temple and we headed over for another drink.So far I was enjoying my me time but I was missing my baby. My thoughts were cut short when Singles you up started played. I stood up and started singing. I was dancing to myself and then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Jordan grinning at me. I smiled and kept singing and he spun me around and danced with me. BG was smiling and winked at me. The song ended and Jordan dipped me and brought me back up straight and I smiled.
"Your amazing" He tells me
"Thank you" I tell him
"BG I need to barrow her." Jordan says
"Thats up to her" He says
Music started and I smirked and walked over to BG and Something In Your Mouth started playing. I planted myself in his lap and rotated my hips a bit and grinned. I winked and the guys and sped up a bit. I sang along and he gripped my hips hard. I moved faster and when the song ended I knew I would have bruises on my hips from him. I stood of skipped over to Kane and pulled him to the dance floor. Heaven started playing and we danced slowly and he sang in my ear and I smiled. I don't know how much longer we danced but I was sleepy so we decided to leave. I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up to BG carrying me to the bed. He placed me down and removed my shoes and clothes ad slipped one of his t shirts over my head. Blankets were pulled over me and he kissed my forehead.
I woke up to B sleeping beside me so I got up and started cooking. I called the guys to come eat and I went to wake B up. Once he was in the shower I finished everything up and sang along to my Pandora. All the guys filed in and I handed them plates and told them to eat up. BG walks out and I hand him his plate and he takes his seat. I walk over and sit down on Tommy and start eating. You Broke Up with Me started playing so I was humming and eating. Once I finished I started doing the dishes. I was swaying and dancing and when I turned around everyone was looking at me.
"What?" I ask
"Does your underwear say H. Potter on the ass?" Kane asks
"Yes. Why?" I ask
"You like Harry Potter?" He asks
"Yesss" I say
"Matathon please?" he begs
"I'm down. It's been a while since I have watched them" I tell him
"Ok we need junk good, jammies, and pillows" He says standing up
"Slow down dude. I have to finish up here and shower and find my batman jammies" I say
"top drawer" BG says
I raise a brow at him and he shrugs.
"I bought you new ones" He says
I giggle and walk over and lean down kissing him. I pull back and he spins me and pulls me down in his lap wrapping his large arms around me. My phone rings and I grin and answer it.
"wi Mommy" Gabi squeals
"Hello my lightening bug. Are you having fun with Auntie Sel?" I ask
"Yes. Gots fishie" She squeals
"Don't get mad but we got her a fish" Justin says
"It's fine. At least it's something easy" I say smiling
"Daddy" Gabi says
"I'm here sweetheart. Are you having fun with your fishie?" he asks her
"Yes. Nemo" She says
"Oh you got a nemo? That's awesome" He says happily for her
I smile and lean into him and sigh.
"Buh bye mommy" She says
"Sorry Justin pulled out pop the pig" Sel says
"Nice. Is she being good?" I ask
"Of course. Are you enjoying yourself?" Sel asks
"Yes I am. Thank you Sel" I tell her
"Anytime babe. Now go have fun and we will call you by 7" She says
"Yes ma'am. Love y'all" I say
"Love you babe" She says and hangs up
I sigh and lay my phone down. I jump up and I get ready and I come back out wearing jeans, boots and a random shirt. I pick up the keys and the guys follow me. I drive thirty minutes to a farm and I jump out and go up to the door and sigh. I knock and a few minutes later the door open.
"Hey kiddo. Let me guess you wanna ride?" Leo says
"Yes please" I say smiling
"go on." He says
I smile and kiss his cheek and run down the steps and the guys follow me. I run in the barn and I saddle my girl.
"Hi pepper. How is my favorite girl?" I say petting her
She kicks and I laugh and climb on her. I walk her out and pick up the bluetooth speaker and I connect my phone. I turn on my music and clip the bluetooth to the saddle and the guys follow me out on horses. I take off through the field running full out smiling. I don't know how long we stayed out but when we made it back I was tired.
"Alison" Leo calls
"Yeah" I say
"I need a favor" He says
"Leo I only ride for fun. I'm not a jockey" I tell him
"Come on it's good money and your the best on Pepper" He says
"If I say yes then you will donate my winnings to any orphanage I choose?" I say eyeing him
"Done. the race is tomorrow. I know your tired but you will need to be here at 6 to practice in the morning" He says
"We can do it now. Where are my clothes?" I ask
"Same spot" He says
I sigh and nod and turn to see the guys looking at me.
"What was that?" BG asks
"I'm gonna be his jockey for the race tomorrow. I did say Pepper was my favorite girl" I say
I pull out my clothes and change and then I walk out to the track to see a man on Pepper and she wasn't listening to him.
"Get the hell off my horse before I tear your arms off and beat you with them" I screech
Leo chuckles as I stop by him and yank the man off. Leo helps me on Pepper and she calms down.
"Good girl." I whisper petting her neck
I set her up and when the bell rings we take off running full sprint. I nudge her and she takes off like a shot. When we come back around I slow her down and she stops and turns around.
"You just shaved 5 seconds off his time" Leo says nodding at the man
I slide off and smirk at him.
"and that's how it's done. Stay away from my girl. Leo may own her but I will hurt you bad if you touch her again" I snarl at him
Leo chuckles and wraps a arm around me.
"Calm down honey bee. He isn't gonna hurt your girl" Leo tell me
"I'm fine" i say relaxing my body
"Now where is my favorite guy? I know he needs a stretch" I say
Just as I finish Bobby leads him out and I fall in love all over again.
"Hello boy. wanna run?" I say talking softly
I smile and climb on him and my whole body relaxes right away. I nudge him and he starts out slow and then picks up speed and then he takes off without warning and I smile.
"Let's go buddy" I shout
He pushes and when we come around he stops and goes over to the guys.
"3 seconds off. He always does so good for you" Leo says
"That's cause Wildfire knows me and I know him. We have a bond and I love him" I say petting him
"Yall have went through a lot together. He won't let anyone ride him but you. I may have to sell him" Leo says
My head snaps to him.
"I'll take him. I have the money." I say
"Alison" Leo says
"Leo no. You wanna sell him then I will buy him fair and square. You aren't selling him to anyone else. I'll pay you double for him." i snap
"Ali" He says
"Leo i'm going to hurt you" I snarl
"Ali stop and let me finish. How about you run him in the last race and if he wins he is yours" He tells me
"Seriously?" I say shocked
"Yes" he says
"You know we won't lose right" I tell him
"I know" He says smiling
I smile and walk over hugging him. He squeezes me tight and sighs.
"Take care of him" He whispers
"You know i will. Gabi will love him" I whisper
He chuckles and kisses the top of my head.
"has he called?" I ask
"No. I haven't heard from him since he left" Leo mumbles
"I'll kill him myself" I say stomping off
I pull out my phone and call the number i know by heart.
"Kyle you have two seconds to call your dad before i hunt you down and hurt you" I snap at his voicemail
a few minutes later leo's phone rings and i smile. I wave at Leo and we head back to the buses. I climbed out of the truck and heard shouting. I ran over to see Jess pissed and packing her stuff.
"Jess babe what's going on?" I ask
"I found another girl's underwear in here and they aren't mine" She cries holding them up
I stop in my tracks ad die laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" She cries
"Jess babe... Those are mine. You know I did stay with both of you. My clothes are all over. Those are mine" I say giggling
she sighs and drops them and takes a seat.
"Now you knew those were mine what's really going on?" I ask
"I'm pregnant" She whispers
I gasp and look at her and grin.
"That's amazing" I tell her
"Tommy already said he doesn't want kids right now. What am I going to do?" She asks still crying
"You tell him. Jess he loves you." I tell her
she sniffles but nods and Tommy walks in and runs over to Jess when he see her crying.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asks
She looks at me and I nod at her.
"I'm pregnant" She tells him
He looks at her then at me and back to her and he grins. He kisses her and she laughs. I quickly slip out and head to the bus. When I enter i strip and head to bed. As soon as I hit the bed I was out cold. I don't know how long i slept but I was woke up to music playing. I got up and slipped on BG's shirt and walked out to see the guys playing some songs.
"Hey baby nice nap?" B asks
"Yeah. I needed that" I say sitting in his lap
I lean back and he starts humming and I can feel it vibrate through his chest and I moan a little and snuggle deeper into him.
"I have such a long day tomorrow can we just stay in tonight?" I mumble
"Of course baby. How about I go grab us some food and we can have a movie night" BG says
"Yeah that sounds good" I tell him
He chuckles and lifts me up and places me in Kane's lap and then goes out the door. I turn a bit and snuggle into his chest and Ned lays a blanket over me.
"Love you" I mumble
"Love you most" He says
I smile and close my eyes and that's the last thing I remember.
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