Alison's POV
I made it to my special place and I sat there thinking to much. How could he do that with that whore? He knows how much I hate her. I don't know how long I sat there but the sun started coming up so i sighed and got back on my bike and drove back to the clubhouse. I walked in and it was quiet but for some of the guys talking. I walk to my room to see it looks the same. I quickly change and don't bother with shorts. I walk back out to the guys in my t shirt. i see Saint and walk over planting myself in his lap. He grunts but looks down at me and winks at me. I curl up in his lap and close my eyes.
"she back yet?" I hear
"I got her" Saint says
I even out my breathing and go limp. I laid there listening to them talk and then I feel a blanket laid over me.
"Kitten" Saint whispers
I snuggle further into him and he chuckles. He lifts me up and I feel him walking. I feel him lay me down on my bed and cover me.
"Stop pretending he's gone kitten" He tells me
I peek a eye open at me and I smile at him.
"Love you" I say snuggling into my sheets
"Love you too faker" He says and walks out closing my door
When I wake up again it was noon and I was still exhausted. I walk to the common room to see all the guys sitting around.
"Hey sweets. You hungry?" Lily asks
I nod rubbing my eyes and I hear her laugh. I walk over and sit down in someones lap not even looking to see who was there.
"Still tired?" snake asks
"Very" I mumble
He rubs my back and I sigh. I open his eyes to see his girlfriend looking sad.
"Hey sweet girl. We are only friends promise. Like a little sister. No need to pout. I will share" I tell her
I wave her over and move my legs pulling her down and I place her legs over mine and lay my head back on his chest again. I peek a eye open to see her looking a little scared.
"She isn't going to hurt you" Snake tells her
"Only it you fuck him over" I mumble
Snake chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"Hey sweets let's feed you" Lily says
I nod and get up and go to the bar. I hop up on the bar and she places a plate by me. I quickly eat and yawn when I'm done. I sit there looking at the floor when I hear Geno walk in. I lift my arms to him and he laughs and comes over lifting me up and putting me on the floor. I walk back in the common room to see Jax finally there. I ignore him and walk back over to Snake.
"What is your name? I keep calling you blonde girl in my head" I mumble to her
"Hannah" she says
"Ok girlie move it over" I tell her
She lifts her legs and I get back in my spot and she puts her legs back and I sigh.
"You ok?" I hear her ask me
"Yeah. Snake is my seat when I wanna nap but don't want a bed. Been like that since I was 15." I tell her
"You known each other that long?" She asks
"Actually since we were in diapers. Our parents use to be best friends. Snake and I literally grew up together. He knows me better than anyone.Well accept for Ned but Ned has known the last 5 years" I say
"How are you single? Your beautiful?" She says
"Thank you. I actually just broke up with someone. My relationship before that was dark. He was abusive in every way" I tell her
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up" she says
"No it's ok. I'm over it. It took me a while to be ok again but found my family again and i'm ok" I tell her smiling
"So what was snake like when he was little?" She asks smiling
"Well Zack here was my best friend. We did everything together. I remember one time he punched this kid in the nose in high school for trying to grab my ass. I didn't date til I graduated cause he scared them all away. He was always my protector. We even went to prom together. I had everything I wanted for the perfect prom night. He use to pull me around in a wagon when we were little cause he said I didn't need to walk since he was around. At school I piggy backed it everywhere" I say laughing to myself
"Don't let her fool you she was a badass. she didn't put up with shit. She scared all the hoes away. I remember her punching some girls a few times." He says looking down at me
i smirk and start tracing the tattoo on his arm. I turned his wrist over and seen diamond on his wrist and smirked.
"He never will tell me about that one" Hannah says
"It's for me. I was platinum blonde. I was a diamond in the rough. He got one for me and I got one for him." I say
I stand up and pull my shirt up and show her my back. I feel fingers trace it and I grin. I drop my shirt and turn around.
"When?" Snake asks
"Um about 5 years ago before Logan. Took fucking forever and hurt like a bitch" I tell him
"I bet." Snake says
I smirk and lift the side of his shirt and smile at the one on his ribs. I trace it and laugh out loud.
"I remember this. I drew it when I was two. He turned it into a tattoo for us. Speaking of I got a new one for you" I tell him
I run to my room and reach in my pocket and walk back to him. I hand him the paper and he opens it and grins.
"I had him stamped" I mumble
"Jax can you do this today?" Snake asks
"What is it?" jax asks
"Caleb's foot print" I say speaking up
"Yeah we can run it today" Jax says
I feel his fingers run across my shoulders and I pull away. I hear him sigh and walk away.
"Do you have one?" Hannah asks
I lift up my shirt and show her the saying on my ribs.
"How did you deal?" Snake asks
"At first I didn't. Ned found me in time. He took me to work with him and never left my side. Then the bastard found me again and then I ran and found Tommy and Jason. I wanted to call you guys but I knew you couldn't all come to me. I'm just happy i'm here now" I say yawning
"Ali-cat" Pops calls
"Yeah?" I say
"We pulled together and had something made for our fallen little guy and we also got you a apartment. I do not want you living here. It's only right down the street so your still close by." He says
He then holds up a tiny little leather jacket with Caleb's name on it. I smiled and took it from him. A tear slipped down my face and Snake wiped it away.
"Don't cry sugar" He tells me
"Happy tears. Could we get this framed?" I ask
Pops nods and takes it back and walks away. I settle back into snake and sigh.
"Now I need to go shopping" I groan
"I'll go with you" Hannah says
"Me too. Oh i'm Macy by the way" The bartender says
"Alright. We can go now. I need to get the keys from pops" I say
They nod and everyone follows me. I turn around to look at them and I know all the guys are gonna go with us. I sigh but get the keys and go get dressed. We headed to furniture outlet and bought everything I would need and then we headed to my apartment. I hadn't seen it yet but I knew I would love it. As soon as I entered I fell in love. I walked around looking at everything and then pops walked in with a box and placed it on my mantel. It was the little leather jacket for Caleb.
"You know I will never understand how you made it through that but i'm very proud of you" Snake tells me
I smile up at him and lean into his side. Hannah stands beside me and squeezes my hand. I smile at her, I step back and walk over turning on some music. Broken by Seether started playing and I started humming. I walked in the kitchen and start cooking some dinner and kept singing. I turned around to grab something to find everyone in the kitchen looking at me shocked.
"I haven't heard you sing in so long" Pops says
I picked back up with the song and went back to singing. I was swaying and cooking and letting the stress leave my body. Kryptonite started playing and I started singing along. I tapped my hand on the counter to go along with the beat and smiled. The song finished and I told the guys to come eat. I fixed my plate and hopped up on the bar facing the living room where everyone sat and I ate happily. I continued to hum while I ate and everyone just kinda talked and caught up. There was a knock on my door and I hopped down and walked over opening it and Ned stood there.
"Hi Neddy" I tell him
"Hi cupcake. I brought the kids for you" He says
"Tell Chris to bring them up" I tell him
"Kids?" Jax says
Chris walks up with my three babies and I smile. Hulk started barking and growling at Jax and broke his leash and stood between my legs growling. Jax stepped back and paled a little.
"Hulk sit" I command
He sits between my legs but still looks at Jax.
"Mazie and Demon come" I say
They walk over and i bend down to kiss their noses.
"How is my main man doing?" I say kneeling down to Hulk
He licks my face and I giggle.
"What is that smell?" Ned asks
"In the kitchen babe" I call
"oh I knew I loved you for a reason" He says stuffing his face
I smile at him and lay on the floor and my babies huddle around me. Snake stands and Hulk jumps up and walks over to him he sniffs him and then comes back to me.
"Well he likes you" I say
Snake walks over and Mazie stands over me growling.
"Well your girl don't like me" Snake says
"Mazie has a problem with men. She was there throughout the shit with Logan so she sees men as a threat to me" I tell him
He kneels down to her level and looks her in the eye.
"Hey pretty girl. I'm not gonna hurt your momma" Snake says and pets her
She licks his hand and I smile at that. I sit up and stand up and walk over plopping down in my chair. I lean back and I feel my eyes get heavy and I nod in and out.
"Come on baby. Let's go lay down" I hear
I was lifted and carried and laid down on a bed and that's the last thing I remembered.
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Jax's POV
I laid her on her bed and then walked back to the living room with everyone.
"If you guys want to head out you can. I'm gonna clean up the kitchen and finish setting everything up. I'll probably crash her so she can't avoid me in the morning" I tell everyone
Snake eyed me but sighed and nodded. He stood up and walked out with Hannah.
"Hey pops" I say
"what is it my boy?" He says
"Security cameras. I wanna make sure she is safe here." I tell him
"I'll get Hatchet on in." He says
I nod and and he nods back and heads out.
"Do you guys need to go out?" I ask the dogs
They started jumping around so I put the leashes on them and took them out. When I come back they ran over and laid down and I locked the front door and got to work on the rest of the apartment. I found a spare blanket and pillow when I was done and laid down on the couch. It was 3 in the morning when I laid down and I couldn't sleep for anything. I must have fell asleep at some point the next morning cause i woke up so Ali cursing. I jumped up and ran into the kitchen to find her on the counter struggling to reach something. I walk silently up behind he and grabbed her hips and sat her on the ground.
"Jax don't do that" She scolds me
"sorry babe. Your so short" I tell her
"You scared me half to death. I didn't even know you were here" She tells me
"I finished setting everything up when everyone left and I crashed on the couch" I tell her
"You didn't have to do that. I was gonna do it today" She tells me
"It's alright." I tell her yawning slightly
"Did you sleep?" She asks
"A little." I tell her
"Go get in my bed and sleep. I gotta run out anyways" she says
"For what?" I ask
"I need to go grocery shopping, get a new truck, and get things for the dogs" She says
"I'll come with" I tell her
"No it's ok. I could use some time alone" She says
"I have nothing to do today so I'll go with" I tell her again
She drops what she is doing and walks into her room slamming the door. I sigh and take a seat and wait for her to come back out. About a hour later she comes out dressed in tight ripped jeans, a crop topped shirt, heels and her leather jacket. Her hair and make up were done and she walked over picking up her keys and phone. She kissed all the dogs on their noses and walked out. I walked out and she shut and locked her door and then headed down to her bike. I slipped on mine and took off after her. She pulled into a dealership and went to the front office. A hour later she had her truck and was grinning from ear to ear. The man lead her over to a big jacked up truck and my jaw dropped. The man even had his crew load her bike in the back. She jumped in and sped off to Wal-Mart. I pulled in behind her and walked in with her. She done her grocery shopping and even grabbed a shit ton of wine and then bought a bunch of stuff for the dogs. Her phone rang and she answered it.
"Hey babe" she says smiling
I try to listen but I can't hear who is on the other end.
"Of course. I need to run home and put my groceries away then I can meet you." She says and hangs up
She walks up and pays for everything and I help her load it up. she takes off to her place and she unloads everything and puts it away. Snake and some of the guys show up and she smiles at them.
"My bike is on the back of my truck can you boys unload it? I have a date I need to get ready for" She says
My anger burns more now and jealousy rips through me.
"Who is the lucky guy?" Snake asks eyeing me
"it's JC actually" She says
I eye her and she smiles.
"As in JC and Ashley?" Snake asks
"Yeah. Ash died a year ago. I ran into JC and we were suppose to do lunch but I had stuff to do and he called and I agreed to tonight. He's taking me to my favorite place" She says
"alright sugar get ready and we will unload it." Snake says walking out
She nods and runs off. We all go out and unload her bike and when we get back inside Alison was standing there barefoot in a short tight dress applying her lipstick. She bends down and picks up her heels and slips them on her feet. Snake whistles at her and she winks at him. She spins and he kisses her forehead.
"You look good" Monster says
"And the heels make my ass look great" She says spinning around
Snake smacks her ass and she laughs.
"You sure it's real?" Snake asks
"Snake you of all people know it's real" she says
He chuckles and shrugs looking at her.
"Wait what?" I say speaking up
"Who do you think I lost my virginity to?" She asks
"Um Logan" I say
"haha your funny. No snakey here took it." She pats Snakes chest
"What?" I hiss
"Yeah when i turned 18 after prom." She says eyeing snake
"How come no one knew?" Monster asks
"Snake and I have been best friends since diapers. he knows me better than anyone. I wanted to give it to someone and not regret it. Snake agreed to my terms and was more than happy to take one more of my firsts" She says shrugging
"Hey it was a great night. Apart from you being nervous you were great" Snake says
"Uh duh i'm me" She says smiling
"That you are sugar. Alright we will leave you. Have fun and call me if you need me" Snake tells her
She nods and the doorbell rings. She walks over and opens it up to see JC standing there.
"Wow you look great Ali" Jc says
"thanks. You look nice" She tells him
"Hey boys. You alright with me stealing your girl?" JC says laughing
"Of course. Have fun baby" Monster says
"Thanks Mon. I'll see you guys later. Lock up for me snake" She calls and leaves
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask snake
"She didn't want to tell people. I respected keeping it to myself. It was her secret. She trusted me and I would never break that trust. She is and always will be my best friend" He says locking the door as we walk out
I grunt and go down and get on my bike and head back to the clubhouse.
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Alison's POV
"So Fuji?" JC says
"Yes please" I say smiling
"So how have things been?" He asks
"It's been hard but now that i'm back i'm a lot happier" I tell him
"That's good. I honestly thought you would have said no to tonight." He tells me
"JC we have known each other a long time and the sexual tension is there. Friends with benefits will be all this will ever be" I tell him straight up
"I know Ali. I don't want the relationship and neither do you" He says
"As long as it is clear" I tell him
Dinner goes by smoothly and I get a little tipsy from my mixed drinks.
"Can you drop me at the clubhouse?" I ask
"of course" He says
We pull up to the club house and I lean over and kiss his cheek and I step out and walk to the door. I watch him leave and then I walk in. There was a party going on and I stumble a little bit. I walk further in and stumble over to Snake and Hannah.
"Hello my beautiful people" I say smiling
I stumble and Snake catches me.
"You ok sugar?" Snake asks
"I'm good. Maybe a little to much to drink but I'm ok" I tell him
"You sure?" He asks
"yeah love i'm good. Could you drive me home though? I had JC drop me here so I didn't have to invite him in" I say
"of course. Han you ok here?" Snake asks
"of course. Get her to bed before she falls over" Hannah says
"Night Han" I mumble
"Night Ali. Call me tomorrow and we will go shopping" She says
I nod and stumble and snake reaches down and lifts me into his arms.
"She ok?" Monster asks
"Yeah. She just needs to sleep" Snake says
"Nuh night mon" I slur
"Night baby" Monster says
Snake carries me to the SUV and then drives me home. I feel him lift me out and carry me up to my door and he sighs.
"Sugar where is your keys?" He asks
I reach in my bra and pull my key out and he chuckles.
"No pockets" I mumble
He unlocks the door and carries me to my room and I feel him strip me down and pull a shirt over my head.
"Need anything before I leave?" He asks
"Can you walk the dogs first?" I mumble
He chuckles and walks out and about ten minutes later he comes back.
"Call me tomorrow" I hear him say
He kisses my forehead and I hear the front door close.
When I wake up there is knocking on my front door. I get up and stumble over opening the door. Jax stood there and I groaned. I walked away stripping as I went and stepped into my shower.
"We need to talk" I hear him say
"SO talk" I tell him
"Look I know your upset about what you seen" He says
"Jax that's the thing i'm not upset. You can fuck whoever you want. I don't care." I tell him washing my hair
"What happened you two use to be best friends" Jax says
"I told her how I felt about someone and she went behind my back and fucked them and got into a relationship with them and rubbed it in my face. Sad part is he told one of his buddies he liked me to. After I found out what happened I told her to go fuck herself and I never looked at the guy the same again. All we will ever be is friends" I say
"Who was it?" Jax asks
"it doesn't matter. JC and I have a friends with benefits agreement. I don't want a relationship cause it involves trust and I don't trust anyone anymore" I tell him
"You trust Snake" He sneers at me
"I do. He is my best friend. He has never gave me a reason not to trust him" I say
I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me when the doorbell sounds. I run out and open it and Ned and JC stood there.
"Um I just stepped out of the shower. Ned can you fix that damn handle on my shower? It's lose and I don't wanna pull on it and it pop off. JC let me get ready and Jax was just leaving." I say
"Need me to do anything?" JC asks
"Could you walk the dogs while I get ready?" I ask
He nods and grabs their leashes and they head out. I walk in my bedroom and look through my lingerie and sigh.
"Ned?" I call
"Yeah cupcake?" He says walking in
"Black or red?" I ask
"you and JC?" He asks
I nod and he walks over picking up the black and nods handing it to me. I smile and slip it on. I walk in the bathroom and dry my hair and straighten it. I quickly do my make up and then I slip on my ripped jeans and a cute shirt and then I walk out to find JC sitting on the couch.
"Ali something came up and I need to go. Can we do this another night?" He asks
"Of course. Be safe and call id you need me" I say
He nods and leaves and I sigh dropping down onto the couch. Ned walks out and looks at me and I smile at him.
"JC leave?" He asks
"Yeah. Said something came up. Hey what if we go out dancing" I suggest
He nods and I jump and go put on my boots and I come back grabbing my phone and texting the guys and girl to meet us at the usual bar. When Ned and I arrive everyone was waiting on us. I pulled Ned to the dance floor and made him dance with me. He laughed and spun me around and pulled me back into him. Monster come over and offered me his hand and Marry Me started playing so I moved with him and sang along.
"What happened with Jax?" He asks
"Long story Monster." I tell him
"How about a dance for your old man" Pops says
I nod and Monster hands me over and pops pulls me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest and we slow dance.
"You know he loves you baby" pops tells me
"Not enough" i say back
He sighs and kisses my forehead and I see Jax walk in. Pops pulls back and I walk over to the bar..
"give me a shot of whiskey" I tell the bartender
Jax sits down by me and I down my shot and a cowboy walks up to me.
"Wanna dance?" He asks
I place my hand in his and he spins me and we start dancing. after that song ends a line dance comes on and I start moving. When the song ended I was panting and slightly sweaty. I walk back to the bar and I take a seat and drink some water. Once I cooled down I danced with Ned some more and then I see Elijah walk in and I sigh. I had my leather jacket on so I walked over and sat between the boys and drank some of my drink.
"Alison" Eli says
"Can I help you?" I say
"Ali please" He begs
"Goodbye Elijah" I tell him
"did you become a club whore?" He sneers
"No. I'm the bitch" I say standing showing off my patch
He takes a step back shocked and I smirked.
"But" He says
"I'm done with your bullshit. I never want to see you again. The next time you bother me I won't stop what happens. We out number you 5 to 1. Leave me alone Elijah. If you come back I will handle you once and for all" I snarl at him
He backs away and Physc winks at me and I wave and blow him a kiss.
"Love you Physc" I call
"Love you baby" He says and walks out with Elijah
I take my seat back and sigh.
"You and physc are close?" Monster asks
"Yes. Physc helped me after Logan. He has been a big loving teddy bear but he pushed me and made me better" I tell him
"So kinda like me?" Monster says
"Yeah kinda. But Phsyc is brutal. I was so bruised and in pain after he got a hold of me once. I love him for pushing me but I couldn't move for a week. It trained me well encase anything happened. He has broke some ribs and a few fingers. The only thing he didn't beat on was my stomach and face. He did knock me out a few times though" I explain
"You stomach?" Pops asks
"After Caleb Physc wouldn't touch my stomach. He knows how much I wanna be a mom and that was always off limits. Physc has problems mentally and he can lose it and he did with me. Jessi brought him back from the dark. Even losing it on me he never once touched my stomach." I say
"So he knows" Pops asks
"Yeah. Physc wanted to kill Logan but He won't do it cause he knows that I will do it if I ever get my hands on him. Physc will be there when the time ever comes. Physc rubbed off on me a bit. when I get into torturing someone who beating on someone I lose it. He's been the only one to be able to pull me back. Ned got a broke nose once because I swung on him when I was beating on someone" I say
I can see how tense Jax is out the corner of my eye and I sigh.
"Alright I think i'm headed out" Jax says
"Me too. I'm tired. All I wanna do is snuggle up with my babies and sleep" I say standing up
"I'll give you a ride since you rode with Ned" Jax says
I nod and kiss everyones cheek and we leave. I was glad to see he brought the truck so I hoped in and he drove to my apartment complex. I got out and he followed me to my front door. Once I unlocked it I stepped and I turned to him.
"Thanks for the ride" I tell him
"Of course." He says
"Night" I tell him
"Goodnight Ali" He says and kisses my forehead and leaves
I quickly shut and lock the door and go to my room stripping and slipping on my jammies. Once I was in bed I was out like a light.
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