Alison't POV
I woke up the next morning and couldn't move. It start a panic attack so I started moving a lot more trying to get free.
"Woah there Darlin it's only me" I hear behind me
I instantly relaxed still breathing hard.
"You ok?" He asks me
I nod slowly and sigh. I can feel him push my hair away from my face and look at me.
"I'm ok" I whisper
"No your not cause your whispering" He says
"I'm really ok. I couldn't move" I tell him looking at him
He nods and stands up and I see he is only in his boxers and I admire his tattoos. I sit up and reach out tracing one on his back and he jumps and looks back at me. I didn't even look at him I just continued to trace the tattoo.
"Darlin as much as that feels good we have to get moving. I have to go meet the guys for sound check. I'll lock the door since you will be here alone" He tells me
"B" i call out as he walks away
I was already shaking and looking around scared. He walks over to me and scoops me into his arms and carries me to the bathroom. He starts the shower and he turns his back to me and let's me strip I step in the shower. I wash up and turn the water off and he hands me a towel and I wrap it around my body and step out. we come out of the bathroom and Jessica was waiting on me.
"alright BG get moving" Jessica tells him
He oulls on his clothes and then shoes and looks at me.
"I'm only a phone call away if you need me. I'm gonna leave you with Jess. Get ready and I'll see you in two hours" He tells me
I nod and he kisses my forehead and walks out the door. Jess hands me my bra and panties and I slip them on and she gets busy flat ironing my long hair. Once she was done it reached my butt.
"Are we doing knock him on his ass or full on tease?" She asks
"knock him on his ass" I tell her
"that's my girl. Is BG treating you good?" She asks seriously
"He's been great. I freaked out this morning hence why he had to call you. I can't be alone right now." I say sadly
"It's not your fault Ali-cat." She says
"I let that man destroy me JJ. I hate being alone. I can't let any man besides the guys touch me. I don't want to be like this" I say sniffling
"And you won't be babe. you doing so good so far. We are here for you. But tonight forget your shitty life right now and enjoy the show with Tommy. You know he loves when your up there with him" She tells me
"Does it bother you that I go up with him?" I ask her nervously
"Of course not Ali. I know he loves me and I know you would never do that." She tells me
"I know. I just feel like i'm stepping on your toes" I tell her
"Babe if I could sing I would be up there with him" She says laughing
I giggle and she stands me up and I look in the mirror and you can't see any bruises or anything. She hands me the ripped in all the right places jeans and a shirt that was shredded in all the right places. She holds up heels or boots and I take the boots. I step into them and I add ruby red lipstick and look at Jess who nods.
"Let's get going it's time" She tells me
I nod and we walk out and to the back door of the building and we enter and go straight to the stage with Tommy. I walk up the stairs and wait on him to call me.
"Ladies and gents let's welcome back one of my favorite girls. Alison" He shouts
I run out with my mic and shout to everyone.
"How's everyone doing?" I shout
the crowd goes wild and i grin. Tommy starts up the song and I sing with him. Three songs later I walked off stage smiling. I walked to Brantley's dressing room and pushed the door open and stepped in. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me with wide eyes. I smirk and wink at them. The nod to the shower and I nod and walk around and walk in the bathroom quietly. I lean against the sink and hold up his towel. the water shuts off and he opens the glass door and his jaw drops. I smirk and hold up his towel on my finger. He steps out of the shower and steps towards me.
"No way B. your still wet and this took to long" I tell him stepping back
He snatches the towel and dries off and steps up to me pushes me into the wall. He runs a finger down my face and down my neck and I lean my head to the side and close my eyes sighing. He stops and I look at him and he was panting hard.
"You ok B?" I ask him
"You better leave before we don't leave" He growls
I smirk and kiss his neck softly and walk out and he smacks my ass and I laugh and walk out.
"Better give him a few extra minutes boys" I say walking out laughing
Jessica was waiting and I grinned and she high fived me. I walk back to the stage and I see they were setting up for Brantley.
"hey Kase" I call
"Yeah sugar?" he says
I walk up to him and look at him smiling.
"Can you help me with something?" I ask
"Of course" He says
"Well I wanna show BG something I can do but I need your help since your the drummer" I say
"alright what is it?" He asks
"Well I can play. I know BG's songs. I wanna take over one song." I tell him
He chuckles but nods and I grin and skip off.
"Don't tell me" Tommy says
"Oh i'm about to really knock him on his ass" I tell him
He chuckles and nods and walks away. Brantley walks up and growls at me and I blow him a kiss.
"hey B" i call
"Yeah?" He calls back
"Red isn't your color" I tell him
He looks at me confused and Jessica walks up to him and wipes off the lips on his neck. His eyes grow wide and i smirk and wave and walk off. He starts playing and singing and I grin. I sneak up behind Kase and he slides back and I slide into his lap and pick up my stick that are purple camo and I start playing and Kase stops and slides out from behind me and stands behind. I play not missing a beat and when the song ends B turns around and his eyes grow huge. he starts up the next song looking at me nervously and I wink. I start playing rocking the hell out of it and when it ends I stand and Kase takes his place back and I walk over taking Turner's guitar from him. I play a little bit and hand it back. I kiss his cheek and walk off stage. After everything was done I was waiting on BG and he still hadn't come back. I walk around the corner to see him kissing Jana. I knew it was to good to be true.
"Hey Ali" Chris calls
Brantley jumps back and sees me and he looks scared.
"Yeah?" I call
"Wanna sing one with me? I think mama wants me to bring a girl home" He says smirking
I grin cause he knows I love that song. I nod and wrap my arm around his and he leads me to the stage. We sing the song and then I head back and see Jason. He doesn't have a show tonight so I walk over to him and lean into him even though he is talking to a girl.
"You ok sweets?" He asks
"Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask
"um" He says looking at the girl
"Oh sorry. Nevermind. Have fun" I say walking away
"Ali wait" He calls
"really Jas it's ok." I tell him
"You can stay with me sweetheart" Scotty says
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Of course." He says
I nod and he wraps his arm around me and leads me to his bus. We enter and he gets me a t shirt and some basketball shorts and I change. I curl up on the end up the couch and sigh. Before I knew it I was out like a light. When I woke up the next morning I was in bed so i got up and walked out to find Scotty asleep on the couch. And then I felt back for kicking him out of his room and bed.
"Scotty" I whisper
"What is it Ali?" He says
"Could I use your phone?" I ask
He nods and points to the table. I call Jessica and she comes over with some clothes and I change. I lean down and kiss Scotty on the cheek and thank him and I head out. I walk in Tommy's bus and spot BG right away.
"Hey tommy can I barrow the rumble today?" I ask
HE looks at me shocked but pulls out the keys and tosses them to me. I grin and kiss his cheek and look over to Luther.
"Can you pull out the grills for me?" I ask him
"Oh please tell me your going to cook and i'll do whatever you want" Jason says
I giggle and nod and he fist pumps and stands up kissing all over my face.
"Eww get off me" I squeal
"alright i'll get to it." Jason says running out
I laugh at him and shake my head. I walk out the door and feel B following me. I unlock the car and slip in sliding the key in. I let the top down and then I crank the car and listen to it rumble. I grin and I can see tommy watching me. I turn on the radio and Take back Home Girl was playing and Chris looked at me and I winked. I pulled out and to the dirt and gravel and slammed on the gas and flung myself around screaming and laughing. I stopped and stepped on the gas again and took off like a shot. I went and bought me a new phone since tommy slipped me his card and did some shopping and then I bought the food I needed. When I got back everyone was sitting outside. I took my bags in and changed into some just right cut off shorts and slipped on my boots and a shredded shirt. I walked out to see Jason set everything up. jessica was inside cooking and I was grilling. I got the steaks, burgers and hotdogs on and then music was turned on. the same song from earlier was on so I started singing and Chris come over and grabbed my hand and started dancing with me. I smiled and moved with him and sung the song with him. the song ended and he dipped me. I laughed and he pulled me up and I walk over to check the food. I felt hands on my hips and I knew Jason was behind me.
"Not to much long Jas." I say swaying with him
He brings and shot glass around and hands it to me.
"Is that a good idea?" Brantley asks
I roll my eyes and throw the whisky back. I don't flinch or anything and hand the glass back to Jason who laughs at Brantley's face. Soon a line dancing song comes on and I pull jason out with me. I start moving and he moves with me. I had everyone moving and laughing when I was done my ribs were hurting but it was worth it.
"hey baby" I head
I turn to see Jana who winks at me. I roll my eyes at her and go back to cooking.
"Don't worry about her Ali" Jason whispers
"I'm not worried. But I can't stay with him" I tell him
"Scotty" Jason calls
He comes over and looks down at me.
"Yeah?" He says
"can Ali stay with you?" Jason says loudly
"Of course. I don't mind taking the couch. That's usually where I sleep anyways" he says
"Are you sure? I don't wanna invade your space" I tell him
"Of course Ali. Your always welcome. I can have Jess move your things into my room. My bus was custom made so you even have a big garden jet filled tub" He says smirking
"Oh I love you already" I tell him
""Oh I know. The girls like to use it when the visit" He says
"Eww" I say
"No no no. Not like that. My nieces" He says laughing
"oh thank god" I say
He chuckles and walks away and Jessica goes to get my things and takes them to Scotty. Brantley kept staring at me but I ignored him and that slut on his lap.
"Foods up come and get it" I shout
I walk over and take a seat and sigh. I sit there for a few minutes and I walk over to the bus and I go in changing into my riding gear. I come out and whistles are heard. I smirk and walk towards Brantley he looks excited but I bypass him and go to Tommy. I reach in his pocket and take out my key. Luther comes around with my bike and i grin. I walk over and swing my leg over. I slid the key in and crank the bike. I slip my helmet on and I look over to everything and jana was glaring. I flip her off and take off.
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Tommy's POV
I new when she pulled the bike out she was hurting or needed some space. I walked over to BG and punched him in the face. He stumbled back and he looked at me shocked.
"I told you. And you didn't fucking listen. She only rides that thing when she is hurting or needs space. And she probably needs both. You chose a whore over someone who is a once in a lifetime kind of girl. If you come near her again i will seriously hurt you" I shout at him
"Baby come on. Let's go find our girl" Jessica says
"No. Leave her be. SHe will be back. You know how she is" Luther says
"Alright. I'm gonna get her a flight home. See if she can stay with mom for a bit. She needs to get herself together" Jessica says
"Jana get out and don't come back." Brantley shouts at her
She glares and shakes her head.
"Your gonna chose that patheic bitch over me" She screams
Before I could stop her Jessica was on top of jana beating her ass.
"Listen to me you stupid whore. If you do not leave and never come back I will make your life a living hell. Remember I know everything jana. I could make sure you never work again and make sure daddy will drop you as well. and if you think i'm playing try me bitch. I will destroy you" Jessica growls in her fave
she stands up and walks over handing BG his brass knuckles. His jaw drops and she smirks and walks over to me. Jana runs out crying and I chuckle and kiss Jessica.
"I love you" I tell her
"So do i" We hear behind us
Ali walks over to us and hugs us tight.
"I thought about booking you a flight to moms for a while. Maybe getting away will help you" Jessica says
"Will Mas be there?" She asks excitedly
"I can call him or you can go stay with him" Jessica says smiling
"Yes please" She say smiling
"Alright. I'll book your flight and you pack" Jessica says
"Call Mas" She yells
I chuckle and wrap my arms around her and she smiles. She runs in and packs and comes out with her bags. Scotty loads them in the truck and then kisses her forehead. Everyone hugs me and Luther lifts me into my seat. Brantley steps up and I shut the door in his face and I see his face fall. I tell tommy to drive and he does. Him and jess hug me tightly before I board my plane. Once I arrive Mason was waiting on me. He was a year younger than Tommy and I use to have the biggest crush on him. I dropped my bags and launched myself at him. I wrapped all around him and he picked up my bags and carried me and my bags to his truck. He placed my bags in and set me down on my feet. he kissed me hard and I moaned into his mouth.
"that's my girl" He says smacking my ass and lifting me into the truck
He gets in and drives us to his place.
"Wait this isn't the way" I say
"I moved baby" He tells me
I nod and he pulls up to this beautiful cabin. I jump out and look around and I feel arms wrap around me. I smile and lean into him. He follows me inside and shoes me around. Soon enough he leads me out the back door and I gasp. He grins at me and I smile at him.
"Everything you ever wanted." He tells me
I smile and lean into him.
Mason and I started dating after he begged me and I was happy. Today was the day I would finally get to see the guys. I was currently in the kitchen cooking in my cute dress with my boots and I was singing and dancing.
"Baby they are here" Mason shouts
I smile and turn off the stove and run outside. Tommy scoops me up spinning me around and I grin. he sits me down and all the guys take their turns hugging and kissing my forehead. I look over to see BG and sigh. I ignore him and lead everyone in.
"I see Mason put the back part to good use" Tommy says
"Yes he did. I spend most of my time back there while he is at work." I tell him
"Hey sugar sing for me" Scotty calls
I smile as he starts playing and I start singing. I had been taking lessons so I had gotten a lot better. Everyone stopped to listen and once it was done Tommy was shocked.
"I have been taking lessons to better myself. I'm actually going to talk to someone about starting my on career out of singing" I tell them
"That's great kitten. I call the first duet" Jason says smiling
"I can work with that." I tell him
"Hey baby. Do these look done?" Mason calls
"So hopeless in the kitchen. I would starve if I could cook" I mumble under my breath
I walk in and my music is still playing and i smile. I walk over and check everything and turn it off. Mason start dancing with me and I smile at him. He leans down and kisses me and I grin and kiss him back harder. A throat clears and all the guys are looking at us.
"When did this happen?" tommy asks
"Um about four months ago. Mason helped me with self defense and I told him everything and I can finally stand being touched without tensing. Best job anyone could have ever done. He begged me a few times for a date but I wasn't ready and then I got tired of the puppy eyes and gave in." I say smiling at Mas
"that's great ali-cat" Tommy says
"But brother or not i will kill you if you hurt her" Tommy tells Mason
Mason looks scared but nods.
"No more threats. let's feed those bellies" I say
everyone fixes a plate and we all eat. I get all the guys a beer and a mountain dew for BG. I picked up my beer and took a big swig of it and moaned. the guys looked at me and I smirked.
"Wanna go for a ride?" I ask
everyone looked at me and I ran off and changed into skin tight jeans and slipped my boots on and walked downstairs. I crooked my finger at the guys and the followed me to the barn. All the horses were saddled and waiting. I pulled my boy out and hop up in the saddle and moved around time I was in the right spot. All the guys followed me and I took off. They all followed and i grinned when Scotty come up next to me. I pushed Buddy harder and pushed past Scotty. I stuck my feet in the holes of my saddled and stood up and spread my arms out. I dropped back down and slowed down. I turned on my music and Chris' song started playing and i smiled. he started signing and I started up after him. I jumped off buddy and walked out into the field and just sang my heart out. Once I finished I turned around seen all the guys watching me. I smile and walk over to tommy and pull him over to dance with me. he spun me around and moved with me. I sang to him and he grinned and just kept moving with me. all the guys took their turn and BG was the only one that hadn't stepped up so I crooked my finger at him smirking. He shook his head and I nodded and glared. He rolled his eyes and stepped up and all the guys tensed. He held out his hand and I placed my tiny hand in his huge one. He spun me around and swayed me with.
"Sing for me" He whispered in my ear
I started humming and it lead to singing. He spins me back around and I lay my head on his chest and continue to sing. I close my eyes and let all the stress leave my body. I stop singing when the music stops and I pull back and step away from B. I can see the dark circles under his eyes and he hadn't shaved in a while. I walk over and pull myself up on buddy. I give him a slight kick and he starts back towards the house. The guys follow me and we put the horses up and I walk towards the house. Tommy looks down at me and I look up at him and he sighs.
"What is going on with him?" I ask quietly
"He started drinking again." Tommy whispers
I gasp and look at him.
"You really don't love Mas do you?" Tommy asks
"We need to talk in private" I tell him
He nods and I lead him to the office and close the door. I sigh and walk over and pull out the folder I found. I hand it to Tommy and he reads over it and I can see the anger flare.
"He has been stalking me. I played nice til you got here" I whisper
"Has he hit you?" Tommy asks
I shake my head at him.
"Go pack" He tells me
"Already did." I tell him
"Alright. We are gonna tell him your going to run to the liquor store with me. I'm sending a texts to all the guys. Where are your bags?" He asks
"the side of the house. I threw them out the window" I say
He nods and takes my hand and walks out.
"Hey guys Ali is gonna go with me to the liquor store" tommy shouts
Everyone nods eyeing me looking at their phones. I walk out and Tommy helps me grab all my things. He puts them in the truck and he gets me in and I sigh.
"How is Mazie?" I ask
"Great. She misses you though" He tells me
Soon enough all the guys meet us at the buses and as soon as I step out of the truck my knees buckle and Jason catches me.
"Your ok sweets. Let's get you laid down" He says
"I wanna see Mazie first" I tell him
He nods and walks towards BG's bus. He carries me in and sits me down and Mazie jumps on me.
"Hi girl. I missed you" I tell her
She keeps licking my face and I giggle and she finally calms down. I lean back closing my eyes but I still pet her. The door shuts and I open my eyes to see BG standing there drinking a beer. I snap and stand up and walk over yanking it from him and dumping it down the sink.
"Sit down" I snap
He growls and sits down. I walk over and stand in front of him and look down at him.
"Why B?" I ask softly
"Don't worry about it" He snaps
"Come on B. Talk to me. What happened to that smirk i love so much?" I ask him
He looks at me with a blank face and I sigh. I offer him my hand and he looks at it before he slowly takes it. He stands up and I pull him to his bedroom. I remove his hat and then his chains and rings. I lay them down and then I remove his shirt and unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants and unzip them. I push them down and then I push him to sit. I take off his boots and socks and remove his pants. I point to the head of the bed and he slides back. I walk over and pull out one of his long sleeves and I strip and put it on and then I walk over and slide in bed with him. I lay down and face him and I run my fingers over the side of his face and he closes his eyes. I keep up the slow tracing til I notice he is asleep and then I let me eyes slip closed. when I wake up again I was asleep on B's chest so I started tracing his tattoos. After a few minutes he shifts and I know I woke him up. I look up and he is looking down at me.
"Sorry" I whisper
"It's ok." He says
"How are you feeling?" I ask
He shrugs and won't look at me. I growl and sit up straddling him. His eyes snap open and he looks at me with dark eyes.
"Talk to me B." I snap at him
Next things I knew I was flying. I landed on the other side of the bed almost falling off. he was walking out of the room growling. I tensed and started shaking cause he has never touched me like that. I slowly got up and got dressed and slipped my shoes on. I walked out of the room still shaking. I made it to the door and called Mazie.
"Come Mazie" I whisper
I open the door and walk out and she follows me. I make it to Scotty's bus and knock. When the door opens a girl was standing there.
"Can I help you?" She asks
"S-scotty?" I say
"babe" The girl shouts
Scotty shows up at the door and curses. He comes down the stairs and picks me up and carries me inside. He sits me down and runs off and comes back with a blanket and wraps it around me. He sits down and pulls me into his chest.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asks
"He wouldn't talk to me so I sat on him and he threw me off and stomped out. I almost feel off the other side of the bed" I whisper
"I will kill him. Kelsey stay with her and make sure she stays warm. Get her a coke" He says and walks out
The girl comes over and sits by me and holds my hand. She doesn't say much she just asks if I'm ok. Soon enough I hear shouting and fighting. So i run out and see them fighting with BG.
"Stop" I shout
Everyone stops and looks at me.
"Haven't I been through enough shit in my life? I don't need you all fighting with your friends. Just fucking stop." I scream
Everyone just looks at me and I clamp a hand over my mouth and run over to the side of the bus and puke. I feel someone hold my hair up and rub my back. I finish emptying my stomach and I stand up and a bottle of water is handing to me. I clean out my mouth and sigh. I walk back over to everyone and glare.
"this is going to stop now. Or i will call all your mothers. I shouldn't have come back here. you all have work and you don't need to be worrying about me. I'm gonna go tomorrow and look at a house and I want you all to leave me alone." I tell them
I turn and see Luther waiting with my bike. I walk over and swing my leg over and I start it up and take off.
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