Ned's POV
Her legs give out and I shoot forward to catch her and mamma.
"You ok mamma?" I ask
"Yeah baby. She is ok. I think it's just shock. Let's let her rest. Put her on the couch so one of us will hear her no matter what" Mom tells me
I nod and lay her down and Gina covers her up and sits in front of the couch not moving. I sat on the love seat and just watched her. A tear slipped down her face and she wiped it away quickly. A few hours went by with all of sitting around watching TV when Ali began to stir.
"Hey baby how you feeling?" Mom asks her
"I'm ok. I guess the shock and telling everyone hit me at once" She mumbles
"Are you sure your ok? We can go to the hospital if you want" BG tells her
"I'm fine. I think I wanna go tell the guys" She says standing up
I nod and stand and all three of us head to the compound. When we arrive she goes in first and everyone was sitting around talking. She walks over to Lily who smiles at her.
"Everyone can I say something" Ali says
"What's up babygirl?" Saint asks
"Well something happened two months ago and I what like to get it out in the open" Ali says
"Ali are you sure?" Lily asks
"Yes Lil. They need to know" She says
"know what?" Pops asks
"Well i'm pregnant" She shouts smiling
Everyone was stunned. Jax looked pissed as hell and Snake had a clenched jaw.
"Your what?" I hear behind me
I move and Phsyc walks over to her.
"I'm pregnant" She tells him
He grins and scoops her up spinning her around. She giggles happily and I chuckle watching her laugh. He sits her down and kisses her forehead.
"I'm happy for you A" Physc says
"Thank you" She says
"How did this happen?" Snake asks rudely
"Well when you love someone you usually have sex and well I got pregnant. Brantley and I are gonna have a baby" she says happily
"Really?" Jax snarls
"Yes. And I will be leaving to go back on tour with him." She says looking at BG
His eyes were wide and she walked over to him.
"Are you sure?" BG asks
"Yeah. This is your baby to. I don't want you missing out. If you don't want me to go I can stay with mamma" She tells him
"How about you go til your about eight months and then you can go stay with mamma" He suggests
"Alright. But we may wanna think about upgrading buses. I'm gonna get bigger and i'm gonna need room to move and we will have the kids" She says
"Alright we can do that. Maybe one with a tub for you" He says
"I knew I loved you for a reason" She says smirking
He chuckles and kisses her forehead and pulls her into his chest. I see her relax into him and I smile softly.
"Looks like i'm helping G get settled" I say
"Oh. I was excited about that. I hope she won't be mad" Ali whispers sadly
"ali she is happy your happy. she won't care if her big brother is helping her instead" I tell her
"Do you think we could tell the crew the night back?" She asks BG
"Of course we can. But I think we need to get you to the doctor first. They are gonna want pictures." BG tells her
"Yeah. We can go tomorrow." She says
She snuggles closer and BG chuckles at her.
"Can't get any closer baby" BG tells her
"I can to" She purrs at him
I smirk and I see everyone watching her.
"Hey short stack." Saint calls
She turns and walks over to him and he pulls something of his pocket and hands it to her. We see her look down and then her head snaps up to look at him.
"Are you serious?" She asks
"Yeah short stack" He tells her
"But dad gave that to you for when you have kids" She says
"I still have mine. Dad made you one" He tells her
We hear her sniffle and Saint hugs her tight.
"Do you think he would make my crib?" She asks
"Call him." Saint says
"Can we go visit?" She asks
"Sure. Let's go" He says
We all head to the truck and we drive for thirty minutes when we pull up to a huge house. Ali slides out and goes in without knocking.
"Daddy" She calls
"Ali" A man calls
She smiles and he hugs her tight.
"What are you doing here?" He asks her
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"Well I need a favor?" I tell him
"Come sit and ask away" He tells me
We all take a seat and I smile at him.
"Well I need a crib" I tell him
"For?" He asks
"For me." I say smiling
"really?" He asks excitedly
"Yeah. I'm two months or so. I wanted to know if you would make it?" I ask
"Of course I will. Once you find out what your having I can carve girl or boy themes into it and have their name on it" He tells me
"thank you" I squeal
"Your welcome cupcake. Now i'm taking it this gentlemen is your childs father" Charlie says
"Yeah this is Brantley." I tell him
"Are you happy?" Charlie asks
"Oh we aren't together anymore but yeah I am" I tell him
I see his face drop but he nods at me. I lean back and my eyes drop a bit.
"Tired baby?" Branley asks
I nod and stand and go over to him curling up against his chest. I sigh in content and his chest rumbles as he laughs.
"well let's get you back and in bed for a nap. When you wake up we need to go look at a new bus." BG says
I nod and he stands and charlie kisses my forehead and we head back to my apartment. soon I felt myself being laid down and that was it. Some time later when I woke up I could hear voices in my living room. I rolled outta bed and stumbled into the living room.
"Hey baby. Nice nap?" BG asks
I nod and sit down and rub my face.
"We still gotta go look at a new bus" I mumble
"Go get dressed" BG tells me
"Going like this" I mumble
"Baby you have no pants on" Ned says
"Sweats" I say closing my eyes
About three minutes later I feel sweats being pulled up my legs. I open my eyes to see Ned smile at me. He stands and I lift my arms to him. He chuckles and lifts me up and I sigh in content. We head out to my truck and BG drives us to a lot that sells tour buses.
"Hi I'm Sara and I'll be showing you around today" She says flirting with BG
"Well don't kiss my ass. You need to kiss wifes ass. If she doesn't like it we will look else where" BG tells her
She looks at me and smiles and nods.
"Don't kiss my ass. Just show me the biggest. It also needs to include a big tub. I'm pregnant and will be on the road with him." I tell her
She nods happily and shows me around. I didn't like the first two but the third was pretty. It was huge. The master bedroom had a king size bed and huge closet. The bathroom had a jet tub and separate shower with twin sinks. It had bunks for quests and a extra bedroom. The kitchen was full size and the living room was big enough for BG's big boy chair and anything else we wanted. There was even a door to separate the driver from our noise.
"Do you like it baby?" BG asks
"I do. I think it's big enough and Ned could visit and the girls" I say hopefully
"I think that's a great idea. We can even keep the other bus for family to travel if you would like. Just encase the boys wanna visit" He tells me
"I think we should take it. I have enough room to move around when I do get bigger" I tell him happily
"Alright Sara wifey is happy so we will take it" BG tells her
"Alright. Just follow me and we will sign the paperwork" She says
I yawn loudly and Ned chuckles and Sara smiles.
"Sorry. I"m so tired" I mumble
"It's quiet alright. This is tiring in itself." Sara says
"B will you carry me?" I ask yawning again
He smiles and nods and lifts me up. I wrap myself around him and we head off to sign the papers. Once they were signed BG called PJ to pick up the new bus.
"Is there anything you wanna go shopping for?" BG asks
"Yeah new furniture. I didn't like what was in there. We also need to get kitchen stuff and bathroom stuff." I mumble
"We can do that tomorrow after your appointment" Ned says
"DId you make me one?" I ask
"yeah. Jill is ready and waiting" He tells me sadly
"You got me Jill?" I say
"Yeah. I ask for her. She was more than willing to see you." He tells me
"Did you tell her why I was coming in?" I ask
"Yeah. She said she has your first thing in the morning. Now you know she may put you on mostly bed rest" Ned tells me
"I know. I'm hoping she doesn't but if she does I'll have to deal. Besides with the new bus I can be comfortable." I say
"Can we go look at furniture?" I ask
"Are you sure you wanna do it today?" B asks
I nod and stand up and I go to change when I was ready we headed to the furniture store. I picked out a big couch with a fold out bed in it. A big boy chair for BG and a new mattress for the master bedroom. If I was gonna be stuck I was gonna be comfortable. Next we headed out to get kitchen stuff. I picked out new plates, bowls, cups, wine glasses, pots and pans. I got a new coffee maker, toaster and some cooking utensils. I grabbed silverware and some dish towels and rags. Once we were done we took everything to the bus and I unpacked everything and got it put away.
"So I was thinking tomorrow after you appointment we can head out to see my mom before we hit the road." B says
I nod and hum to myself.
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4 month time skip
You could barely tell that I was pregnant. you would honestly think I was just bloated. BG had a concert tonight but it had all kinds of singers tonight. I was currently in BG's dressing room straightening up and listening to my pandora. Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA started playing so I started singing and dancing around picking up after BG. I heard chuckling and giggling behind me and I whirl around jumping out of my skin.
"Damn it Brantley Keith don't scare me like that." I snarl at him
"OH come on love it was cute" A voice says behind me
Miley steps around him and I grin.
"Go ahead" BG says
I squeal really loud and she laughs with BG.
"Well it's nice to meet you to" She says hugging me
"Sorry usually I don't fangirl but I love you" I tell her giggling
"So I see you like my music" She says
"Absolutely." I tell her
"Then come sing one with me tonight" She tells me
"No way. NO Alison. You can't be on stage" BG says
My bottom lip trembles and my eyes fill with tears.
"Come on BG she will be fine" Miley says
"Miley she can't. She is almost 6 months pregnant" BG says
"Really?" Miley asks grabbing my shirt
I nod and she lifts it up and she grins.
"Just one song please?" I ask softly
"Fine just one. But stay away from the edges of the stage." He tells me
I grin and Miley laughs.
"Whipped. Now let's go get ready in my room." Miley says
I look at B and he sighs but nods. I smile softly and walk over and wrap myself around him. He sighs and hugs me against him. He kisses the top of my head and I smile.
"Do you know what you are having?" Miley asks
"We will find out tomorrow. We are doing a gender reveal with our family tomorrow" I tell her
"You should come Mile. Bring your family." BG says
My head snaps up and I nod happily. She grins and says she would love to. I kiss BG's cheek and head out with MIley.
"I know that ass anywhere." I hear behind me
I spin around and see Saint and grin and run over to him. I hug him tight and sigh.
"I missed you" I mumble
"I missed you to kitten. I see your busy so I'll go find BG." He tells me
I nod and walk back over to MIley and smile. We get to her room and she picks out a outfit for me and I slip it on. It hid my belly and I grinned about that. Pandora was playing and a hannah montana song started up and I smiled. Miley started singing and I picked up with her. We were dancing around singing and dancing and then we heard laughing from the door. I look over and my eyes bug out.
"Hi daddy" Miley says
"Hi bud" He tells her
"Daddy this is Alison. She is BG's girlfriend. And a huge fan. We are gonna sing some tonight" Miley says
"Nice to meet you sweetness." Billy Ray says
"Nice to meet you to." I tell him
"Well at least she didn't fangirl" Miley says
"Don't judge me." I say pouting
"I"m not judging. I've just never met a grown woman to love my music. Usually it's kids and teens." She says
"Well Hannah Montana done it for me" I tell her
"Like most kids. But i'm glad you enjoy it" Miley says
"I do. BG gets mad cause I have to watch all the new episodes or i'm grouchy" I say laughing
"I'll happily send you all of the DVDS" SHe says
"Oh I really love you" I say
I move and gasp and my hand flies to my tummy.
"Everything ok?" She asks
I nod and walk over to her and grab her hand. I place her hand on my belly and the baby kicks hard. She gasps and grins.
"That is amazing." She says in awe
"Your pregnant?" Billy Ray asks
"Yeah. six months." I say
"And BG is letting you get on stage" He says
"Technically I don't need his permission. I love to sing and he won't top me or I will happily knock him on his ass" I say
I finish doing my make up and Miley laughs at her dad's shocked face. It was finally time to go on and I grinned. Miley went on first and then brought me out.
"I think it's time to party a little bit" Miley says winking at me
I nod and laugh and and we start up Party in the USA. We were dancing and I rolled my hips and we enjoyed the few songs we sang. I said my bye to everyone and walked off stage.
"So your BG's girl?" A voice asks
I turn to see Justin and I grin.
"You could say that. you here for Mile?" I ask
"No my girlfriend is singing tonight" He tells me
"Oh nice. Your dating Sel right?" I ask
"Yeah." He says
"I've met her. She is a sweetheart" I tell him
"Well thank you sweets" I hear
"Hey Sel. I met the boyfriend finally" I tell her
"I figured you would. That show with Miley was great. Wanna do a few with me?" Sel asks
My eyes grown huge and then I feel a huge chest against my back.
"Um maybe another night" I mumble feeling disappointed
"Go on" I hear in my ear
I whirl around and grin and lean up kissing him softly.
"I would love to" I tell her grinning
Miley starts singing The Climb and I start dancing to it. I started singing and closed my eyes getting lost in my own world. When I finished Selena's jaw was on the floor and BG had a look of pride in his eyes.
"I'll give you a record deal with now" Billy Ray tells me
"What about?" I ask
"I will come to you." He tells me
"Deal" I tell him
He grins and nods and tells me he will be in touch next week. I was suddenly swung around and I squealed.
"Ryan put her down" BG growls
Ryan puts me down and I grip my head stopping he spinning.
"I'm ok. Just a bit dizzy" I tell him
Miley starts up You Will Always Find Your Way Back Home and I grin. I push past everyone and grab a mic and run onto stage and start singing with her. she grins and wraps a arm around me and we sing out the song. When it ends she grins at me.
"Thank you all for coming out tonight. And a big thank you for alison joining me tonight." She yells
I laugh and we walk off stage together. She hugs Sel and Justin and they start talking.
"Well let's get you changed and get ready for me" Sel says
I nod and walk off with her. We enter her dressing room and she tosses a outfit at me. I change and touch up my make up as music plays. Eenie Meenie starts playing and I start singing. Selena giggles and shakes her head.
"Are you two really jammies to my song?" Justin asks walking in
"I am. What cha gonna do about it?" I ask
He looks shocked and I smirk and I go back to my dancing and singing. I hit the high note and when I look over Justins jaw was on the floor.
"If you can hit my high note then you can hit Whitney Houston's" Justin says
"Oh I can and I have" I say shrugging
Bg walks in to find me dancing and signing to Justin's music and he rolls his eyes.
"Branley Keith do not roll your eyes at me. I will become a nun" i snap at him
"Your already a nun. remember we aren't together Alison" He snaps back at me
"BG get out" Selena snaps at him
He growls and stomps out and I refuse to look at them.
"Um Justin can you walk me back to the bus? Sel i'm sorry but can we do this another night?" I ask
"Of course sweetie. I'll come back afterwards" She says hugging me
I nod and Justin leads me out. We make it past BG's dressing room and my knees give out. Justin lifts me up and carries me to the bus. I punch in the code and he walks me in and places me on the bed.
"Are you ok?" He asks sadly
"I'm fine" I mumble
"Need anything before I leave?" He asks
I shake my head and he takes my phone and places his number in and then kisses my forehead.
"Call if you need us" He says
I nod and he leaves. I strip and walk over closing and locking the door. I crawl in bed and finally find sleep. A few hours later I hear bumping around so I get up and open the door to see some slut on top of BG kissing him. I gasp and he spins around and looks at me with wide eyes. I slam the door and lock it and I pack my shit. I text Justin and he says he's on his way. There is a knock on the door and I hear arguing. I pick my bags up and walk out to them.
"Are you sure I can stay with you and Sel? It's just til we get back to Tennessee" I tell him
"of course. We have room" He says picking up my bags
I refuse to look at BG. I go to walk out and he grabs my arm .
"Let me go" I mumble
"Ali i'm sorry" He says
"we aren't together so it doesn't matter." I say yanking my arm away
I walk out and I don't look back. When I got to their bus I was in tears and sel was waiting with fluffy jammies and ice cream. My crying lead to her crying and Justin holding us both letting us cry it out. My sobbing turned to sniffles and my tummy growled.
"What do you want?" Sel asks
"Mcdonalds fries and pickles" I mumble
"i'm on it" Justin says standing up
"No questions asked?" I ask
"Please babe. I can tell your pregnant" He says smiling
"how?" I ask
"When I hugged you the little one kicked" He says
I smile and rub my belly.
"Are you sure it's ok for me to stay here?" I ask Sel
"Of course. You can have the other room" She tells me
I nodded and sighed and a few minutes later Justin walked in with bags of fast food. He sat all them down and pulled out plates and started taking everything out. He walked to the fridge and brought pickles back. He put some on a plate and handed it to me. I popped a bunch of fries in my mouth with some pickles and moaned loudly. they giggle at me and I roll my eyes at them. I see Justin eating a taco and he smirked and offered me a bite. I took one bite and made a face.
"Nope eww" I mumble swallowing the bite
He chuckles and goes back to eating. I jumped when someone started banging on the door and Justin stood up and walked over and opened it and BG walked in. I refused to look at him and put my food down. He walked over and looked at all the food and scowled.
"She had cravings so Justin went out" Sel says
"Oh. Can we have a minute?" BG asks
"No" I say speaking up
"Ali" He says sighing
"We aren't together Brantley. Fuck whoever you want. I have decided to fly home tomorrow. I'm going to New York. I miss my family and I already have a house there." I tell him
"Alison wait please" he says
"I will let you know what i'm having when I find out. I will have someone call you when I go into labor" I say standing up stretching
"Your place is in New York?" Sel asks
"Yes." I tell her
"That's nice." She says
"You two should come visit" I tell her
She nods and smiles and I grin and then I feel my food coming back up. I rush to the bathroom and empty my tummy and I feel someone hold my hair back and rub my back. Once I finish I flush and stand up and Notice BG to close. I step away and refuse to look at me.
"Ali" He says sighing
"Goodbye Brantley" I mumble