"No....No...." I moaned. The pain I felt wasn't physical. It was a totally irrational sense of loss...The need to cry... to grieve...
A gentle hand touched mine. "It's ok dear...I'm here...It's ok...
I opened my eyes to see my mother. Her eyes were red as if she had been crying for several days in a row.
"I really thought I'd lost you..." She said, planting several kisses on my forehead. I closed my eyes. But the pain I felt...Like something important was ripped away was still there. My mother's comforts seemed to not work against it.
"Dad...W..." My voice was too weak. My mind felt too weak to panic.
"He's ok...Security and police made it just in time. Relax dear...I'll explain everything once you feel better."
Relax...How could I when the baby's cries still echo in my ears. And...
I tried to think but my brain decided it had enough and started to drift. Again I was somewhere in the past...Hearing my Dad crying for Doctors and someone to help...
"Sorry but she's gone...She lost too much blood. You were too late..."
"I...I..." My Dad was sobbing.
"I'm sorry Clara."
To be continued....