"Amy, what are you doing in there?"
I peeked out from underneath the thick blanket on hearing my mother's voice. My whole body was covered in sweat. Yet, I was shivering, muttering all the prayers I could think of. Waiting for the inevitable moment someone breaks open the door and comes to murder me. My mind kept telling that I was being ridiculous but my terror-struck heart refused to listen.
"Are you going to come out or not? Jenny's here to see you."
Jenny? I threw off the blanket quickly and wiped my sweaty face. However scared I was, I didn't want my best friend to think I'm a nutter.
"Amy? Can I come in?" Jenny's sweet, timid voice sounded at the door just as I got up from bed. I quickly unlocked the door for her and let her in.
Of all the girls in my class, Jenny was the prettiest. No one could help envy her hazel eyes and silky black hair. But unfortunately, in our school, talent and beauty quickly added up to spite and jealousy. And if you were a person like Jenny who never fought back...you were treated like you have a 'kick me' sign pasted on your back. More than a few times, I've heard people say awful things about Jenny and and stood up for her. If you hadn't guessed already, that is the reason I am invisible to most of them. But, as I said, who cares about that!
"Are you all right, Amy? Jolly told me you were acting strange and ran away screaming..."
I bit my lip as I tried to think of an answer. A normal one that explained these strange things. While I was thus engaged, I heard the voice again. It was so loud this time, as if I was listening to it on earphones at high volume.
"What?" I gasped loudly. Then got a hold of myself really quickly. What was I doing...I must not act oddly...I must remain clam...
"Amy?" Jenny looked startled. "Is..."
"I'm OK." I said quickly.
The voice spoke again. Louder and clearer than last time. "How can Jolly be so mean? How can she?"
This time I did not gasp. I gritted my teeth and took several deep breaths.
"Did Jolly do anything horrible today?"
Jenny started. "How did you know that?"
I felt my heart racing. My fingers trembled.
"She always does something nasty." I said matter-of-factly.
"She was really nasty to Nancy at the rehearsal for the talent show..." Jenny said slowly. "But...How did you know I was thinking about her..."
It was with difficulty that I stopped surprise from showing on my face. I had just...I had just asked that question based on a wild assumption. I didn't expect to be right. What I kept hearing...were...And that meant...Someone in my school, someone I knew well...
"I hope Amy is all right..." I resisted the urge to clutch my head to clutch my head and scream. The voice...The wretched voice again. It was not too loud this time.
"Are you all right, dear?" My mother walked in, two cups of tea in hand.
I stared at her as if she was a ghost. My heart was beating really fast. My wild assumption was turning out to be right. And that meant...
Someone in my school...Someone in my school was plotting murder.
To be continued...