"Amy??" I was still looking at the screen when Nancy's voice broke into my thoughts. I looked up to see her and Jennifer standing next to me.
"Was that Inspector Vikram I saw go out of the hospital?" Jenny asked. "Did he..."
"Yes. He wanted to see how Dad was doing."
"Really?" Nancy frowned. "I thought...Hey? What are you..."
Before I could say anything she snatched the phone from my hands. Her eyes widened when she saw what was written on screen. She looked at me and then at Jennifer. "Amy...You look unwell...Come on. Let's have a cup of coffee." She pulled me up from the chair and nearly dragged me to the hospital cafeteria.
"This was in no way an accident!" She said the moment we were there. "See the date on the text? It was the day of the accident.He got the text, knew who it was, freaked out and went to..."
"Someone tried to kill Uncle Tony?" Jenny looked alarmed.
"The secret..." I said quietly. "That's what nearly got him killed."
The truth was slowly sinking in and it was crushing. My Dad had a secret he didn't want anyone to know. He rushed into danger so that it wouldn't be found out.
"We have to tell the inspector." Jenny said.
"Maybe we could..."
"You want to look around in my Dad's study." Her thoughts were written so plainly in her face that it took no effort to read them.
"Well..." Nancy said slowly. "What I said doesn't necessarily mean it's not an accident. We need something more if we want to convince the inspector."
"I agree." I said. I saw how surprised both Nancy and Jenny were. It must have felt odd to them that I would agree to snoop through my Dad's things.
But I wanted the truth.
I didn't care how much chaos it caused.
To be continued...