What was I doing? The whole school was in the auditorium, enjoying the talent show. And me...I was standing backstage, peeking occasionally into the prop room. It was already past 8:00. Most of the programs were over. Just the play left...Just the...
Inside the prop room, on an old ornate desk, sat the cup of lemonade. It had already been made by the time I got there, lead by the sudden stupid idea to keep watch and make sure no one poisons it. Ok...maybe not that stupid. What else could I do? I could hardly explain things to Jolly...I couldn't go to my parents or teachers and ask for their help.
I debated sneaking inside and throwing it away. No...The prop room was full of people always - both students and teachers. There was no way I could do that unnoticed.
My presence outside was attracting unwanted attention. I wasn't in the talent show. So obviously everyone wanted to know why I was hanging around. I mumbled all kinds of excuses, trying not look like I was lying.
"Move over!"
I started on hearing Jolly's voice. She was dressed in a glittering white gown, looking positively stunning. With her was a tall, handsome boy I knew very well. Lawrence...I gritted my teeth when I saw him, resisting the urge to slap him full in the face.
"If you are looking for Nancy, she isn't here." He said silkily. "Too proud to admit she's nothing without her precious dancing ability..." He snickered.
I glared at him, taking several deep breaths, forcing myself not to open my mouth. If I did...I was afraid I'd say things I'd rather not say with teachers around.
"Don't waste your time talking to her..." Jolly said sweetly. "Look at me...How do I look?"
"Lovely as always..."
I moved away quickly, just as a few more of my classmates came over. Their lovey-dovey act always made me feel sick. The desk was moved and a few minutes later, Jolly emerged from the prop room, holding the cup of lemonade in hand.
"Remember to clap..." She told Lawrence, who was beside her. "It's time for the beautiful Isabella to drink poison and suffer a tragic death."
Suddenly, I had a brainwave. I waited till they walked past me. After they were some distance away, I hurried forward and bumped into Jolly.
"What the..." She exclaimed as she lost her balance. But Lawrence caught her before she fell, the cup of lemonade still in her hand.
"What in the world were you planning to do?" He roared at me. I opened my mouth to find some excuse but couldn't think of anything.
"Perhaps Nancy sent her to hurt me..." Jolly said mockingly. "Good try..."
They left to the stage, leaving me standing there.
I watched the play, feeling useless and helpless. Jolly drank the lemonade and the curtain fell. As the rest of the audience clapped, I sat sill, feeling cold and numb.
The curtain lifted for the second act. Jolly , who was supposed to play the ghost of the murdered heiress, came onstage. She did ok in the beginning but...As the scene went on she forgot her lines...her voice got messed up. Then...Just before the act was to end, she collapsed. I felt as if my insides turned to ice. A scream rose into my mouth but froze somewhere in the region of my lips. She's dead...She...
For a few minutes there was total confusion. Somebody screamed. Everyone got up and moved towards the stage. I started to get up too. But...
Suddenly, I heard the voice again. It was laughing. Wild, maniacal laughter, growing louder every second. Pain erupted in my head. The world blurred before my eyes...
Then everything went black.770Please respect copyright.PENANAP66rq9PzfA
To be continued...770Please respect copyright.PENANAH4JknOScNt
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