“I’ll drive you to school today.”675Please respect copyright.PENANA0YeZDm88j0
675Please respect copyright.PENANABrBmd3DDHq
I looked up from the newspaper, to see my Dad standing right in front of me. He was smiling but something about it seemed strained. Or maybe I was just imagining it because of the voice…675Please respect copyright.PENANAmLZlNbavX3
675Please respect copyright.PENANAyMUI8bJtlh
“Is everything all right, Amy?”675Please respect copyright.PENANA8DunZFOBcH
675Please respect copyright.PENANADJvpk6SDov
“Yes…” I said mechanically. “It’s just…”675Please respect copyright.PENANA9lqMh8MeiA
675Please respect copyright.PENANAK8ITNZsjwD
I poured out the latest developments of the case, quite forgetting that my Dad must have read it already. He listened patiently with amused eyes, only speaking when I was done.675Please respect copyright.PENANAy5B8r73VsG
675Please respect copyright.PENANAOTzPNeDwCY
“And you don’t believe that, do you?”675Please respect copyright.PENANA6soIyNerm0
675Please respect copyright.PENANAorXkQWUyoV
“No…But the Inspector buys the theory.” I said, half angrily. “He said that there’s no doubt in his mind that Pinky had a role to play in this case. At least the newspaper says he said so.”675Please respect copyright.PENANAd2xidpbT7h
675Please respect copyright.PENANAKdaLX8vwAe
I looked at him, expecting him to comment but no. He simply turned away, a curiously blank expression on his face.675Please respect copyright.PENANAaX7Qrle8Eo
675Please respect copyright.PENANACxS56bFjxW
“Are you worried about something?”675Please respect copyright.PENANAanS77Uh7xn
675Please respect copyright.PENANAcFZBK2Rc9T
He turned around swiftly. “Why do you ask that?”675Please respect copyright.PENANAGBp8hz1Zd9
675Please respect copyright.PENANA3JYUSD7YAc
I was quite taken aback by the sharpness of his reponse. Too taken aback to formulate a reply. Although I did not want to admit it, I was scared too. Scared to think about the voice meant…Scared to think about the sudden change in my Dad’s attitude.675Please respect copyright.PENANATDT0wZoBgA
675Please respect copyright.PENANAHBL95vl0S8
“I just felt so…” I said quickly.675Please respect copyright.PENANAUQm49w3gEk
675Please respect copyright.PENANA78MDzSPMPF
“Don’t worry my dear…I’m quite all right.”675Please respect copyright.PENANAOisCu0HWYN
675Please respect copyright.PENANAijsR7OLYM4
I smiled a little but I couldn’t help but notice the stiffness of his voice. Before I could ask anything else, he disappeared into his bedroom. He didn’t come out again till it was time to drive me to school.675Please respect copyright.PENANAJxcWYOLvkU
675Please respect copyright.PENANAM4Y48Dzh4I
Dad was unusually silent all the way. I opened my mouth various times to talk but…somehow I couldn't bring myself to. It was as if he had put up a wall around himself.675Please respect copyright.PENANAYWHAihq4Ra
675Please respect copyright.PENANAiXi9Exh2TO
I saw the police car parked outside the school just as Dad stopped the car by the gate. Standing next to it was a ferocious looking man with narrow bloodshot eyes. If he hadn’t been in police uniform I would have thought he was some sort of gangster. He looked straight at us when we got out. I saw him stiffen and his eyes, if that were even possible, narrowed.675Please respect copyright.PENANAwDV520I1hW
675Please respect copyright.PENANAjO4xkcakjP
I wanted to move away but Dad seemed rooted to the spot. His eyes were fixed on the policeman who was quickly making his way towards us.675Please respect copyright.PENANAElhTuqpS15
675Please respect copyright.PENANAMf82dK4QXP
“Ram…” Dad mouthed675Please respect copyright.PENANAn4gmnnRJwf
675Please respect copyright.PENANAlIs9hA7EAm
“Tony…” The policeman glared at him. “Why are you here?”675Please respect copyright.PENANAr12DzOTaDN
675Please respect copyright.PENANAVPK5xjYMjq
To be continued...