The night went on. The talk about poison grew louder and louder. Jenny and I sat apart from everyone else. She kept looking at me, as though expecting me to explain…But explain what? How I couldn’t have poisoned the drink? Or maybe she expected me to say I didn’t do it…Heck! I would never…I…
“Who could have done such a horrible thing…”
I started at her voice. It was so calm and composed that it was almost scary. All the panic I heard earlier was gone.
“I don’t know…” I said mechanically. All of a sudden I wanted to shout, “It’s not me” and be done with it.
Jenny’s eyes met mine. They seemed to ask, “It’s not you, is it?”
“I…Jenny…I don’t know what happened. It’s not me…You know…”
“Of course it’s not you.” A voice said curtly. I turned in amazement to see Nancy walking towards us. She glanced at me briefly before sinking down on a chair next to Jenny.
“You are horrible.” She said, her voice no less hostile than her glance. “But you are not the type to commit murder. That, I know.”
Jenny opened her mouth, presumably to ask why but Nancy answered her before she could speak.
“It takes a decent amount of courage to commit murder. You…”
“And I’m a coward? Is that what you are getting at?”
Nancy snorted. “Of course…You unnecessarily spread gossip and cause trouble…”
“What I said then wasn’t gossip, Nancy. It was the truth and you know it.”
Nancy pretended as if she hadn’t heard me and went on. “But I doubt you have enough guts to…”
“Nancy! Do you even have any idea what you’re saying?” Jenny stood up, her voice firm. "Are you a fan of the person who did this?”
“Of course I’m not.” Nancy said, matter of factly. “But really…I’m not going sit around looking shocked because Jolly died…If you ask me…She deserved it.”
I stared at her. She deserved it? No…As much as I hate Jolly I would never say that. Jolly was a cruel poison-tongued 17 year old but…She didn’t deserve to die.
“Serves her right for everything she did…Especially after what happened two weeks ago. Nancy’s eyes glinted dangerously as she spoke. Suddenly I heard the voice again. It was laughing softly. Pleased and content.
“Serves her right.” It said.
To be continued...