How long has it been since Jolly died? I have absolutely no idea. The world simply moved around me while I sat still, unable to collect my thoughts or even walk around without falling.
The ambulance arrived. It's shrill sound shattering the illusion of peace. Underscoring the cold reality...The reality of death. People in white carried Jolly away. Soon, the doors closed. In another minute, it was gone. Gone...Jolly was gone.
Many around me were crying...Some simply looked too shocked to display any emotion. What did I feel? Just numbness...All my feelings appeared to be frozen inside my heart.
"Police...Police...Did anyone call the police?"
Lawrence...Tears were brimming his red eyes. And...for some reason...he was looking straight at me.
"We haven't confirmed any sort of foul play." Benjamin Sir, our English teacher said. His face was as pale as Lawrence's but his voice was quite steady. "If something of the sort..."
"Of course, it's foul play." Lawrence said. Again his eyes met mine. "I...I noticed..."
"Is there something in particular that you'd like everyone to know?"
"Someone was hanging around...By the prop room..."
Many of my classmates started at his words. Whispers spread all around. Some of them stared at me.
"Someone tried to...I...Tried to bump into her and make her fall..."
"It was..."
I heard my name being said. I felt all the uneasy glances in my direction. Suspect...Suspect....My mind kept muttering stupidly. The voice laughed. Smug, satisfied laughter of a hunter who caught his prey.
To be continued...