I froze in my tracks. Kill her? Kill who? And more importantly...Where on earth did that voice come from? I wasn't scared. Just confused. Walking forward as slowly as I could, I listened hard. Nothing...Just the usual babble from my classmates.
Some of my confusion left me by the time I reached the school gates. Taking several deep breaths I told myself that it was nothing but my imagination running wild. Some of my classmates may be mean...but I believe they would stop short when it came to murder.
"I'll cut her up into a dozen pieces...I'll..."
This time I gasped out loudly earning a few odd glances from some of my classmates. No one asked me anything though. That was quite fine with me. The last thing I wanted to do was explain hearing murderous voices in my head.
"I'll bury her where no one will find her. There she can stay and rot..."
"Stop it!" I screamed. "Just stop it!"
More odd glances. I took several deep breaths. What in the world was happening?
"She is too nosy...too too nosy..."
My heart raced but I kept my composure. Keeping my mouth locked against yells and screams trying to escape from it, I listened hard. A part of me wanted to run far away and never look back but another part kept me rooted to the spot.
"Amy is too nosy."
This time, throwing all caution to the winds, I cried out loudly and ran. The only thought in my head was...I must reach my house. I must lock myself in my room. Maybe then I'd be safe.
Amy...Amy is my name.