Cornelia Hayes’ POV
I never thought that I would see my cousin again after all those years. I was happy, of course, but if my mum gets the hang of the news, she would hang her in public. I cannot let her know about this.
‘Cornelia, are you alright my darling?’ My husband asked me as he was looking at me concerned. He just came inside the bedroom where I was staring at the mirror after that night with my cousin and my first crush.
‘yes, I’m fine dearest,’ I said as I took his hand into mine. He was looking concern at me when I was smiling weakly at him.
‘but you don’t seem fine. please, tell me, my darling, what is bothering you?’ He asked as I was smiling at him before I chuckled.
‘well, it’s my mother,’ I said finally after I felt like I have to tell the truth about my mum.
‘right. What about your mother?’ He asked as he was arching his eyebrow at me. I sighed.
‘well, you see, I have this one cousin,’ I said.
‘the one that had been dead for 500 years ago and suddenly she showed up in dragon form?’ He asked me. I nodded as he already about her. My mother told everything about our family after we have been living in the castle for now.
‘she’s, well, she’s not dangerous like my mother told you,’ I finally said that. I know I might be selfish but what the heck, it was my cousin, after all, my family.
‘what do you mean by that my darling? Of course, she is. She drew the power from the dark world. And we all know what happened to those people,’ he said as he was getting up from our seating. I sighed as I stood up.
‘well, news flash, I am too,’ I finally said my darkest secret that I have been keeping for a very long time.
‘what do you mean?’ He chuckled as he just ignored the fact that I just said.
‘it means, my power was impure, I drew from the dark world as well,’ I said as I looked at him. He looked shocked at my declaration.
‘My darling, you must be nonsense. You said that only to protect your cousin,’ he said as he was pointing at me.
‘you wanna bet?’ I asked him as I was getting ready to perform my magic.
‘ouvrir, la Porte de ténébres. Je fais appel à vous!’ I chanted as I drew a pentagram with my fire. It has been generations for Hayes to be the witches/warlocks of element Fire. The bright flame ignited as I drew the spell before a typhoon was coming from the pentagram.
‘Cornelia, stop this nonsense!’ My mother’s voice was coming inside the room before the pentagram was closed by her.
‘thank god you came just in time, mother,’ my husband said as he was hiding behind the furniture.
‘i thought we would get stuck inside that black hole!’ He added. My mother was looking sharply at me before I gulped for my punishment. She had been very strict to open the secret of my true power, of our true potential.
‘my son, please, allow me to speak with your wife, alone?’ She said as she bowed at him. He just laughed.
‘mother, she’s your daughter. You can have her even though she was married to me,’ he said as he was walking toward the door to give us some privacy.
‘thank you, my lord,’ she said as she bowed at him. He waved his hand and get out. Immediately, my mother went to my side as she held my arm.
‘we are going to the dungeon, now,’ she said before we teleported there, my mother cast the spell this time.
‘are you out of your mind?! Wanting to live in ruins again?!’ She shouted as she was pacing back and forth in front of me. I was in the cell as I was sitting on the ground.
the murky and the damp of the dungeon was no place for royalty. But when my mother wanted to make herself clear, she dared to be here as long as she sees fit.
‘How could you tell him? Luckily for us, he was under our spell. What if it would be someone else? Like Clive Thompson?!’ She shouted at me as I was trying to hold my anger back.
‘your spell! yours, not mine and certainly not everybody else,’ I said as I was trying to correct my mother when she deliberately cast a spell on the young king.
‘i don’t know what to say to you, Cornelia. You are the dumbest evil witch I ever met,’ she exclaimed as she was huffing her breath.
‘gee, thanks for the compliment, mother,’ I said bored. I don’t even want to be a part of her scheme. She sighed.
‘no matter, have you heard about your cousin?’ She suddenly asked. Uh-oh, not good.
‘what do you mean? She’s dead, remember?’ I said as I was trying to play ignorant. She laughed wickedly.
‘my dear, you can never fool your mother. I may be old, but I am far more experienced than you in that department,’ she said as she was looking sharply at me. I gulped.
‘Perhaps I should do a visit with her,’ she said before she went to left me in the cell.
‘mother! Don’t leave me here,’ I pleaded her.
‘oh, but you must, my dear. It will make you eviler than this,’ she said before she closed the door and I sunk to the ground.
Abigail Hayes’ POV
I was on my way to find my cousin with Clive when suddenly my head started to be in pain.
‘Argh!’ I screamed in my mind as I was in my dragon form. I went down from my flight when we were in the lake region of the Enchanted Forest.
‘Abby!’ Clive shouted through the mind link that we formed together so that we can find each other when needed. I went straight into the middle of the lake as I was going down with a blast.
I was at the bottom of the lake. The lake was enchanted with power that transformed me back to my human form. I was trying to swim to the surface as I was being held back by something.
I looked at my feet and some sirens were holding me back. I wriggled my way out as I was kicking at them wildly. Finally, they let go. I swam upward and Clive was there to grab me from the lake. I was breathless when Clive put me on the ground before he transformed himself beside me.
‘Thank god, you’re safe. I thought I lost you for a minute there,’ he said as he went to hug me. I was trying to breathe before I pushed him away.
‘Sorry, my bad,’ he said guiltily as he was trying to calm me down. I was coughing badly before I could breathe normally.
‘What happened back there? What is it?’ He asked me after my breathing was normal before I looked at him.
‘i don’t know. There was something that was trying to get into my head. More like someone,’ I said as I was trying to calm my nerves.
‘here, let me warm you up,’ he said as he was gathering the woods for the fire. I smiled at his thought of keeping me warm, keeping me safe. I guess I could get used to this, I thought as I was smiling at him.
‘thank you,’ I said as I was warming my hands when the fire was ignited. Clive sat beside me and lend his warmth as well. The sky was dark now as the dusk was upon us.
‘We should make camp for the night. The castle must be miles away. We continue our journey tomorrow when you get better,’ Clive said as he was warming my arms. I held him close to me as his body heat was calming me down.
‘okay,’ i said before I heard something rustling in the forest. We were in a clear sighting that will make us an easy target.
‘what was that?’ I asked him as he was on his feet, drawing a dagger as getting ready for any intruders.
‘who’s there?’ Clive shouted as I was getting onto my feet as well. The rustling was getting crazier, Clive was gripping his dagger as I was holding his shirt.
‘beware yourself,’ he whispered to me as it was getting closer and closer to us. Suddenly, it was a rabbit as it hopped from the bush. We drew a relief after seeing it.
‘it’s just a rabbit, nothing to be—‘ was the last thing Clive said before he was being held up in the sky as he was hanging upside down.
‘Well, well, look what I have here,’ a voice that penetrates my mind. Too familiar. I should know it but I can place it where.
‘it looks like you have been working out, my dear niece,’ the voice was coming out of the bushes. then, she showed herself in front of me. The person that made my life miserable.
‘aunt Mona,’ I said as I was looking at my aunt but at the same time, at someone that I don’t even know who I was looking at.
she was well as I suspected but I never thought after all those years, she never changed. What was her secret?
‘so are you, you looked well,’ I said as I was trying to figure out to get Clive out of her telekinesis power.
‘don’t bother looking for weakness. You know I don’t have one and even if I do, you will never figure it out by yourself,’ she said before she waved her hands and suddenly, I was out of breath.