Alice Hughes’ POV
‘i don’t know about this, Fae. Should I go or not? I mean he asked me to go but I don't know, do you think I should go?’ I asked myself in the mirror as I was trying to tell Fae about this date that I have with this hunk. I sighed as I looked at the mirror. I touched my reflection but it was still as it just stared at me. I closed my eyes as I was doing myself to be myself.
‘hey, girl. What are you doing by yourself? Talking to mirror, I see,’ fae said as she looked at me. I turned to look at her. I smiled as I was tongued tied as I don't know what to say to her. I wanted to tell her but I don't have the strength to say to her.
‘Fae,’ I said as she looked at me. I
‘hmm?’ She asked me as she was sitting on her bed. she took off her heels as she was massaging her feet.
‘i have to get out tonight. I have some important tasks to be done at the University,’ I said as I was trying to keep a smile on my face. I don't want to be eager but I sounded like I was. Fae looked at me as she eyed me up and down. I was wearing only my usual sweater and legging. She arched her eyebrow at me.
‘okay, whatever you say, Alice. I hope you don't get lost in the hole. I mean, you can’t get out without the mad hatter,’ she said as I was taking my bag and I was heading toward the door.
‘what are you even talking about?’ I asked her. I don’t understand her metaphor when she used one.
‘you’ll see,’ she said before she took her towel and went into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes before I went out of the bedroom and went out to the library. It was still 5 PM. There was like 3 hours before the appointed time. I sighed.
‘i have so much time to do my work,’ I said as I went to the library as I wanted to finish my assignment and I don't want to procrastinate more.
I went inside the library. It was not packed at the time since the examination period was over. I was relieved as I don't like that many people in my solitude. I went to my usual spot and took out my laptop from my bag and started doing my work.
I was stretching myself when I looked at the finished documents of my History class. We were assigned to do some research on the role model that I respected the most. I wasted no time to search about Avicenna. He was like the greatest Muslim scientist and was considered as the father of modern medicine. I smiled at his accomplishments.
‘what a productive day,’ I said as I stood up from my seat. I looked around the library. There was not a lot of people now as they have deserted the place to be home for dinner. I chuckled before I looked at the time.
‘Shit!’ I hissed as I looked at the clock on my MacBook. It was from 8:30 PM. I promised that hunk to meet at 8 PM. I was so doomed. So, I packed my things and left the library in haste. I don’t know what was going on in my head but I felt guilty and ashamed of my clumsiness.
‘wait a minute, he said that if I wanted to get to know him, I can meet him,’ I said as I was not running anymore. I was a few kilometers from the cafeteria. I sighed as I looked at myself. I was a mess.
‘Great, now he thinks I was not that interested to meet him as I just showed up like this,’ I said as I looked at my watch. It was 8:45 PM now. I looked at the building.
‘i don’t think that he would be there now. I was too late,’ I said as I shrugged myself. I was about to leave before a voice interrupted me.
‘ready to leave? So soon without getting inside the building?’ He asked as I turned sharply in the direction of the voice. I gasped as he was standing under the pine tree, hands in his jeans’ pocket and he was leaning on the tree. His ruby eyes glistened under the dim moonlight.
‘well, I don’t think anyone would wait for that long,’ I said as he started to walk toward me. I gripped my bag even tighter than I think I have sweats on it. His cologne hit me as I smell it. I closed my eyes before I started to get dizzy. Since when I started to get dizzy around this douche?
‘well, aren’t you going to say your answer?’ He asked as he stood in front of me. I looked into his eyes as it was like a fire that was ready to burn me down.
‘am I being here not enough?’ I asked him bluntly. I blushed after I realized I responded on the instant. He laughed as he looked at me. I avoided eye contact.
‘well, for one, I would like to know your name, mystery girl,’ he said as he crossed his arms. I can see that his lean muscle was well defined in the green checkers that he was wearing.
‘well, I wanted to know yours first,’ I said bluntly again. What was wrong with me? gratefully, he did not retaliate. I felt safe before he looked at me and arched his eyebrow.
‘it might be more polite if you tell yours first,’ I added as I don’t want anything stupid coming out of my mouth again.
‘Okay. fine, you win. My name is Connor O’Sullivan. Nice to meet you. And you are?’ He said as he took out his hand to shake mine. I stared at it before I looked at him.
‘you’re the Connor O’Sullivan? The heir to the O’Sullivan textiles? And you’re the chairman’s son of this school?’ I said rapidly without thinking for a second. I gasped before I just realized that I spew out the information that I just searched in the library earlier. Connor looked at me as I was a freak. right, I was doomed.
‘well, it looks like you are well known about me. But, the real question is,’ he said as he was circling me. I felt I was being preyed by the vulture. I looked at his red eyes before he stopped in front of me again, the original spot that he stood.
‘i wanted to know about you even more,’ he whispered as he caressed my hair to put it behind my ear. I was ensnared by his ruby orbs as I was trying to focus something else but failed to avoid his eyes.
‘well, shouldn’t you be taking me out to dinner then?’ I asked him as he just chuckled at my response.
‘i’m glad that you wanted to go out with me the,’ he said before he took my hand into his and he started to walk toward his car. I don't know what he had done but I cannot break from his hand nor his order to get inside the car.
‘watch your head,’ he said as he opened the door and let me inside the car before closing it and went to the driver's side and got in.
‘buckle up,’ he said before he smiled at me. I was obliged to smile before he started the engine and we were off to go to the destination of our date.
The air was chilly as I just got my sweater on and legging. I don’t have any coat on as I don’t think we would go out of the campus area.
‘where are we?’ I asked him as he was turning right before he stopped in front of the restaurant that he decided to make it the first place for our very first date together.
‘well, this was famous for its authentic Irish dishes. I hope you like it,’ he said as he went out of the car and went to get the door for me.
‘thank you,’ I said as I took his offered hand and I looked at the sign of the restaurant. It was called the Celtic Heritage.
‘looks nice,’ I said as he ushered me to get to the restaurant. I did not notice that he put his hand on the lower back of my back. I just let him as he got the door and we went inside the restaurant. It was empty.
‘isn’t the restaurant closed at 8 PM? It was almost 10 PM. Are you sure we’re not trespass?’ I asked him as I looked at the restaurant warily. I don't know what to say as we might be going to jail for this. Connor just laughed at my question. I blushed as I just realized I called him by his first name.
‘weel, as you can see the owner of this restaurant is—‘
‘oh my, you made it just in time,’ the voice that coming from the back of the restaurant made me turned to look at someone. She was in her 40s but still going strong. There were wrinkles on her face but it was not that visible before she came at me and hugged me like I was a teddy bear.
‘finally, my son came to me with a girl, nonetheless. What is your name child?’ She asked me as she released me from her iron grip hug.
‘mum, you’re scaring her. Let her be,’ Connor said as he looked at the old woman. I don’t even know this woman was his mum.
‘oh my, where are my manners? I’m Eva O’Sullivan. I’m Connor’s mum but as you can see, he does not seem to see me that way,’ she said as Connor sighed.
‘mum, you might scare her off. I just got her out on a date with me,’ he said as he looked at his mum. He was in his defense and I just wanted to laugh as he was making his pout face.
‘yes, of course, dear. Why don’t I show you to the table then?’ She said before Connor interrupted her.
‘mum, we’ll manage,’ he said.
‘he always says that but he couldn’t do it after all,’ his mum said as she winked at me.
‘mum! Stop embarrassing me,’ Connor whined before he ushered me to a private booth. I thought they have only regular sitting but I guess Connor was bounded to surprise me even more.
‘i like your mum, she seems nice,’ I said as I looked at him. He scoffed.
‘Yeah, well, try to live under the same roof with her. You might go mad,’ he said before he looked at the menu. I looked around. There were no employees around.
‘where are the employees?’ I asked as I looked at the menu.
‘it’s already closed. They went home already,’ Connor stated as a matter of fact.
‘Right, I forgot,’ I said as I tried to cover my blush.
‘Hello, my name is Ophelia and I will be your waitress today. May I start with your drink?’ The young lady that just came looked at me and Connor. I bet she was one of the employees that need to stay over.
‘well, I just wanted some water please,’ i said.
‘no, we get a bottle of chardonnay and we have the special menu please,’ Connor said as he passed the menu to Ophelia.
‘right, we get started on that and thank you for your patient,’ she said before she went on. She looked at me for a moment before smiling at me. I smiled back. I don’t know why but I felt like I have known her somewhere.
‘so,’ Connor stated, ‘why don't we get to know each other now?’ He said as his red orbs glowed in the dimmed light.