Alice Hughes’ POV
I went inside the house, not wanting Nora to get up as I was home at 1 AM. It was the worst thing that I could ever do. I walked very slowly as I entered the bedroom. Nora must be sleeping right now. I went to my bed as I put my bag and I went to take my towel and tiptoed toward the bathroom. When I opened the bathroom door, the light of the bedroom went on.
‘well, well, well. If it isn’t the missy goody two shoes. Just got home, eh?’ Nora said as she stood and she looked at me. I sighed before I turned to look at her. I smiled awkwardly.
‘Nora, I thought you’re already asleep. What are you doing up?’ I said as I looked at Nora who was standing at the door. She just came inside the room.
‘i was at the study room, I cannot sleep so I decided to make some assignments that I forgot to do these last couple of weeks,’ she said as she went to her bed. She put her laptop down as she looked at me.
‘so, who was it? Is it Connor O’Sullivan?’ She said as she got inside the bed. I laughed before I wanted to get inside the bathroom.
‘well, he is,’ I said before Nora said something that I don't think I would ever hear it from her.
‘so, is he a good kisser?’ She asked.
‘what? Why do you think I would kiss him on the first date? What are you thinking of me?’ I said as I looked at her. I felt my face was hot that I was sure I was blushing.
‘well, I did saw you kissed his lips on the last minute before you went inside the house,’ she said as she looked at me with that sly look.
‘shut up,’ I said before I went inside the bathroom and I locked the door. I sighed before I heard her mumbling outside.
‘tell me every detail,’ she urged me before I went inside the shower and cleaned myself.
After a few minutes that I spent inside the shower, I got out and was ready to get to the bed before I hit the sack. I sighed before I pulled the duvet and I looked at the ceiling. It was nice as I remembered his ruby orbs and his brunet hair that was tousled on his head. Did I want to run it through my fingers, wondering if it spiky or not? I smiled before I closed my eyes and I was drifted to dreamland.
I was still running away from something. Something powerful for me to handle.
‘over here,’ a voice called for me. I turned right as I went to follow that sound. And before I know it, there was someone in front of me.
‘come on, we need to get out of here. Vlad will kill us if we don’t leave now,’ he said. I don't get to see his face but I know that husky voice somewhere.
‘right but what about Ariel?’ I asked him. He grunted before he went back to the direction that we came from.
‘you just kept running. I’ll catch up,’ he said and before he left, I held his wrist.
‘be careful,’ I said as I looked at him. I don’t know what his face looked like but somehow I know that red eyes somewhere. Someone that I hold dear to him.
‘i love you,’ he said before he went to kiss me on the lips. His kiss lingered even after he left me.
‘i love you too, Clive,’ I responded before he went to left me alone in the forest before I started to run again.
I gasped as I looked at the ceiling. It was morning but somehow I felt that running, that kiss, everything was real, vivid in my mind.
‘hey, are you alright?’ Nora asked me. I looked at her. right, it was the end of the semester. I need to go home for thanksgiving.
‘i don’t know. It was just a nightmare, I guess,’ I said as I pinched my head.
‘right. So when will you be leaving, Alice?’ Nora asked me as I looked at her suitcase. She was ready to go.
‘i don't know if I wanted to go home or not,’ I said as I looked at her. Nora arched her eyebrow at me. I don’t know what I was about to say at her as I don't wanted to go home to my parents. They might be going somewhere anyway.
‘i see if you want to come to my home,’ she offered but I shook my head.
‘thanks but no thanks. I don’t want to disturb you with your family,’ I said as I looked at her. I smiled before Nora looked at me sadly.
‘but there will be no one to spend time with you,’ she said. I was about to answer before someone honked downstairs.
‘oh, my taxi’s here,’ Nora said when she looked outside the window. She smiled before she looked at me wickedly.
‘well, now I know why you don't want to go home for holiday,’ she said before I went to look who was it. It was no other than Connor O’Sullivan himself. I sighed before I looked at Nora.
‘not a word,’ I said before I went downstairs.
‘i told you, no one could resist you,’ Nora shouted before I opened the door.
‘hey,’ Connor said as he looked roguishly handsome. I gasped as I looked at him.
‘hi, what are you doing here? I thought you would want to me at 6 PM,’ I said to him before I went out of the room. I don't want Nora to hear our conversation. She would go wild for it.
‘right. I thought that if you've wanted to go home for the holidays, I might come to say you goodbye,’ he said as he fidgeted his fingers. He looked adorable when he did that. I cleared my throat.
‘no, I don't travel home for Thanksgiving. My parents were abroad anyway,’ I said as I looked at him. instantly, his eyes were glistening like he heard the greatest news ever.
‘well, if you’re free this weekend, do you want—‘ he stammered before he cleared his throat.
‘do you want to go to my home? Visiting my family?’ He asked me directly. He did not hide the enthusiasm that he wanted me to celebrate the holiday with me.
‘are your family okay with this?’ I asked him as I don't want to disturb his family.
‘well, actually, it was my mother’s idea. My sister supported her so, here I am,’ he said as he looked at me. I don't know what to say. I never had a good holiday with my family but this would be a good outing.
‘umm,’ I said.
‘you don't have to force yourself if you don't feel comfortable with the idea,’ he said quickly as he doesn't want to force me. I smiled at his thoughtful consideration for me.
‘well, I would say I would love to join you,’ I said as I looked at him. I smiled at him before he smiled like he was a kid that received a present on Christmas’ morning.
‘well, I pick you up at 6,’ he said before he kissed my lips briefly. I gasped as it was all of a sudden.
‘Sorry, we’re at that stage yet,’ he said before he just realized what he did. I smiled before I pulled him closer.
‘i think we already past that stage,’ I whispered before I kissed him again. He was shocked before he responded to my kisses. After we broke our kiss, Nora showed up from above.
‘don't forget to take some of your clothing, Alice,’ she shouted as she looked at me. We looked at her before I laughed at her behavior.
‘i’m sorry. She’s a little bit excited,’ I said as I looked at Connor. He just smiled at me.
‘well, the more the merrier,’ he said as he looked at me.
‘no, she had plans already,’ I said before Connor went to his car.
‘see you tonight,’ he said before he drove off and I waved at him before his car disappeared from my sight.
Connor O’Sullivan’s POV
‘well, that was intense,’ I thought. Clive smirked at me.
‘What was it?’ I asked him before he went silent. I shook my head as I just focused my driving.
‘you used a spell on her did you?’ He asked me. I scoffed at him.
‘you think I was so low that I would go for that option?’ I asked him before he gave me the look as if I did something bad.
‘what?’ I asked him.
‘well, you did right? I know when you’re lying, Connor,’ he said before I rolled my eyes.
‘i have to do what I have to. The stake of the world was high. We can't lose her, not now when everything was coming at a fast pace,’ I said as I turned left to get inside my own apartment’s garage. I parked my car before I got out and I went inside the house. I haven’t packed for our little road trip as well.
‘well, just to warn you, boy. Nothing will be solved if you revert to magic. You must know how to handle it naturally, boy-o. The last thing we need is the unstable magic spell,’ Clive said as I was looking for my clothes to be wear for the holidays.
‘yeah, yeah. I know what I was doing okay,’ I said as I went to pack it into my backpack.
‘Whatever you say, Connor. But don't come to me if anything happened,’ he said before he went silent. I sighed as I looked at my backpack.
‘sometimes, I felt like this was not my life, this was his,’ I said as I laid on the bed. I don't know what to do but to drift into the dream that I have been having since Clive first kissed Alice.