Alice Hughes’ POV
‘you’re insane,’ I said as I tried to get out of his grip. man, this guy was firm on his grip. Damn it!
‘believe it or not, my love. This is where you truly belong,’ he said as he pulled me closer and he nuzzled my neck.
‘i think it was overdue for my wedding night, don’t you think?’ He asked me as he kissed my sweet spot. I moaned before I was being scooped by him and we went through a door that leads to a bedroom. He threw me onto the bed before he took off his cape and sash and joined on top of me.
‘i think you must be mistaken,’ I said as I tried to push him away. He took my hands and put it above my head. My back arched as I know my nipples would caress his chest.
‘i think you’re starting to like this,’ he said before he went to kiss my neck. I moaned a bit but I tried to keep it together. I cannot let Connor have his satisfaction.
‘your grandma told me that I need to tame you,’ I said as I was trying to make a sentence when his hands were doing wonders onto my body.
‘is that so?’ He said as he looked at me. I was mesmerized by his ruby orbs. Oh My God! I don’t think I would be so impacted by him right now.
‘yes,’ I said as I was trying to make sure that he did not get ahead of himself. I need to be able to tame him. Mhamó believed in me.
‘Well, if you say so, my love,’ Connor said before he went to release me and he just went to the window before someone was barging into the room.
‘My liege,’ the man who just showed up was bowing toward him. I was still behind the furniture as I don’t want to be stared by him.
‘What is it?’ He asked like it was normal for him.
‘The werewolves were getting restless. We need more wolf banes,’ he said as he was still bowing at him. I don’t know wanted to be impressed or confused about why the soldier did not look at Connor. I might ask about it later when we’re alone.
‘Tell the guards to get it from the dungeon. We might still have it over there,’ he said as he looked at the soldier.
‘Yes, my liege. If I may speak freely, my liege,’ he asked Connor before he arched his eyebrow at the soldier.
‘it is her, the one that was standing behind your desk, my liege? The one that will save us all?’ He asked as he looked toward me. I shifted inside for a bit as I don’t want him to see me practically naked.
‘yes, that’s your future ruler. now, leave, I have some matter to speak with your queen,’ he said as he waved his hands toward the soldier. He bowed before he got out of the room. He turned to look at me for a while before exiting through the door.
‘Do you like it when people stare at you, my love?’ Connor asked suddenly when he was behind me. I gasped before he dragged me toward the bed at lightning speed.
‘What are you?’ I asked before he dropped me onto the bed.
‘You’ll know soon enough,’ he said as he went to take off his coat and went on top of me, crushing my body with his weight.
‘Connor,’ I gasped as I was trying to put some space between us.
‘not now, love,’ he said as he went to kiss me again. I was moaning again as he was setting me on fire. It was more intense than the ones that he gave me when we were in his estate back on the Earth. I don’t even know where we were right now.
‘Connor, listen,’ i said as I tried to make him listen but he did not. He was trying to make me forget that we were getting it on with our carnal desire. I don’t know what to say but I have to make him stop and think rationally for a while.
‘Connor, listen to me,’ I said as I was looking into his ruby orbs. He stopped before he looked into my eyes. I don’t know what made him changed his attitude for a while but I glad that he did.
‘now, listen—‘
‘Woah,’ he said simultaneously as I was trying to make him listen to my explanation.
‘What?’ I asked him before I can see that he was gulping. His Adam’s apple was going up and down.
‘you’re, you’ re—‘
‘I what?’ I asked him as I don’t like it as he was stammering when he was trying to talk to me.
‘your appearance,’ he said as he was pointing at me when he was on his feet from the bed. He got off from me when I was bursting with my words. Trying to make him listen, he was getting away from me.
‘Why? What happened?’ I asked him as I know that I was still wearing the lingerie that was showing much more than I hoped it did. But it supposed to make me irresistible to Connor, which was good I supposed.
‘look it for yourself,’ he said before he summoned a mirror in front of me. A dark shadow was appearing before a full-length mirror showed my appearance. OH MY GOD! I cannot believe my eyes either. I blinked a few times before I looked at Connor. He was still gulping as he looked at me.
‘don’t come near me, you witch!’ He said as he put distance between us. I scoffed at him. It just nothing much. My hair was red and my eyes were glowing amber. okay, maybe it was major changed for my hair but it was just like dyeing the hair, right?
‘Connor, what’s wrong?’ I asked him. He was backing away from me before he went to give his back to me. He was standing over the desk as I was getting toward him.
‘This is for my power, for my kingdom, for the good of the people,’ he mumbled that I don’t even know what he was talking about. I was about to touch him before he waved his hands and I was suddenly at the wall, held by the dark shadows that were holding me still.
‘what the—‘
‘i don’t think we have officially met, witch. My name is Connor Belie O’Sullivan, the warlock of Monster Realm. What do you want from us, witch?’ He spatted as he was angry with me. I just changed my hair and all of a sudden he was mad.
‘I—‘ I was about to speak before I felt something was coming from me. I don’t know what was it but I know that the image of Connor in front of me was gone and I was held by darkness.
Connor O’Sullivan’s POV
I was not wrong to find that witch inside a sweet, innocent girl. Alice must be suffering so much right now. She was about to say something before she blackened out. Her head was looking at the ground before I sensed something powerful. Something dark and evil.
‘Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm,’ she chuckled darkly as she was still tied by my shadows. Clive helped me to conjure it and maintained its shape.
‘What do you want, witch?’ I asked one more time as I know it was no longer Alice Hughes. It was the most powerful and evil witch of all time, Abigail Hayes.
‘Well, well,’ she said as she slowly raised her head. She was smiling wickedly as I think that she knew who was in my body, the controller of my power.
‘Clive, my dear. Would you be so kind to release me from this hold? It was hurting me,’ she said with her sweet saccharine voice. I will not let him fall for it.
‘Clive was not here. What do you want witch? And why are you in this girl's body?’ I asked as I was trying to control Clive from being weak. He was not immune to her charms.
‘well, since you asked me nicely,’ she said before she moved out of the hold. She was floating toward me before I was sent toward the wall.
‘Argh!’ My back was hitting on the wall. I spatted some blood as my chest felt pain.
‘aw, are you in pain? well, don’t worry, it was only the beginning,’ she said as she waved her hand and I was in the air.
‘What do you want witch!’ I asked her as I was shouting from afar.
‘well, a very simple thing for you to do actually. If you would be so kind to let me speak to Clive, I will let your girlfriend here live,’ Abigail said as her flaming hair was flying around her head.
‘in your dream, witch,’ I said before I made pentagram to stop her.
‘Ferme,’ i chanted before she was being held by the bright hands around her hands and feet.
‘well, if you want to play hard, then hard it is,’ she said before she shook it off. No way! It was the most powerful spell that I can conjure.
‘Now, Connor. Use that love potion that you put in her system,’ Clive whispered into my mind before I closed my eyes as Abigail was coming at me.
‘Argh!’ She shouted as she was coming at me with her might before I went to avoid it and I did what I had to do, I kissed her as the Love potion will be in action. Her glowing amber eyes had died and her red hair was not turning black.
‘Huh,’ Alice huffed before she looked at me before she collapsed on my hands. I have to make sure that Abigail was out of her body before she can no longer be saved, not by me, Clive or anyone else.