Alice Hughes’ POV
‘so, what do you want to know?’ I said as I took a sip on the water. I don't drink as my parents forbid me to do anything. I have to make sure that I stayed clean or they will know for sure. My parents were scientists. They have equipment that can know if I ever take any drugs or alcohol when I was away. I had to get tested when I was on holiday.
‘well, for started, you have not told me your name, gorgeous,’ he said as he leaned on his chair as he looked at me. I was blushing as I don’t think that he would be informal with me. I think that he was much older than me, comparing as how he would dress so formally in a black Armani suit and a white shirt underneath it.
‘well, my name is Alice. Alice Hughes,’ I said as I put the glass down. I don't know why but I felt hot all of a sudden. I looked around the restaurant but they have turned the AC on.
‘don't you feel hot?’ I asked Connor as I looked at him. He was completely fine. I don't know, maybe it was my imagination as I felt very hot right now.
‘no, why? Are you?’ He said as he was looking at me. He smirked as I felt sweat flow onto my cheeks.
‘excuse me, I have to get some fresh air,’ I said as I went out of the private booth and went for the front door. The waitress juts now stopped me when I felt much hotter than I was with Connor.
‘oh my, you’re sweating. Are you alright?’ I was asked by her. I stopped for a while as I smiled at her to ensure that I was fine when I was not.
‘yes, everything is peachy. I just wanted to get some air that’s all,’ I said before I went for the front door and I went outside. I took a deep breath as it was a good relieve as I felt I can breathe after a long drive.
‘what happened?’ I asked myself as I wiped my sweats on my forehead. What was wrong with my body?
‘Alice, is everything okay?’ Connor called for me when he was standing at the door. Please don't come near me for now. I sweat like a hippo, I thought as I was smiling at him.
‘yes, everything was fine. Just give me a minute and I will be inside,’ I said as I looked at him. He nodded at me.
‘okay. I just wanted to let you know that our food has arrived. So whenever you’re ready, we can eat,’ he said as he looked at me.
‘you go ahead, I will come after this,’ I said before I went to close my eyes as I turned my back on him. I took a deep breath as I looked at the ground. Whenever Connor’s near, I felt an intense fire inside me. What’s wrong with me? I never felt something like this when I have my dates with other guys.
‘are you sure you don't want me to stay?’ Connor whispered into my ear. I gasped as I was still as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind.
‘Connor?’ i asked him.
‘yes?’ He replied.
‘what are you doing?’ I whispered at him. I don't know what to do in that situation as I never had someone that was forward as him. This was the first time for me.
‘i don’t know. I felt like I have to stay with you for a while,’ he said as he was nuzzling my neck. I angled my neck for better exposure and before I can lose myself in his arms, I opened my eyes and get out of his arms.
‘Sorry, I’m not very comfortable with this,’ I said as I put Connor at arm’s length.
‘what? Is it something I did?’ He asked me. I shook my head.
‘no, it’s nothing, can you just leave me for a moment, please?’ I begged him to come any closer and I kind of wished Nora was here.
‘okay, I’ll leave you then,’ he said before he went inside the restaurant again. I looked up into the night sky and counting the stars that I saw. I took a deep breath before I sighed loudly.
what wad am I going to do now?
Connor O’Sullivan’s POV
I went inside the restaurant and there was nothing that I can say before the stares coming from my sister and my mother. I looked at them before asking them.
‘what?’ I asked them. They were doing the look at me as I rolled my eyes at them,
‘what do you think you’re doing?’ My sister asked me as I took a seat at a table. I looked at Alice who was still trying to calm her down. I know why she was like that. It was the reaction of being near me. She was trying to come of her shell. Her power was rising. I can sense it.
‘Look, brother, you need to take it slow. I don’t think she knows who she was. I think her parents did not know who she is,’ Ophelia said as I looked at her.
‘mum, are you trusting this?’ I asked my mum as she was looking at Alice for the longest time.
‘huh?’ She looked at me like she was lost.
‘Should I go all out or should I play it slow?’ I asked my mother as she was looking at me. Her eyes were red just like mine but I don’t think mortals would see the real colors of our eyes. We have the fogs to cover our true identity.
‘well, I think you’re doing just fine, honey. Just don’t do it too much,’ she said before getting inside the kitchen.
‘thank you,’ my sister said before she looked at the door. Alice was coming inside. I can sense her heat from afar.
‘well, good luck to you, I guess,’ she said before she went inside the restaurant.
‘sorry, I don’t mean to make you wait,’ she said as she looked at me. Her yellow eyes were looking at me like a citrine was glistening in the moonlight.
‘No, you’re fine,’ I said automatically. She laughed before I smiled at her.
‘so, can we continue our date? I need to impress you still,’ I joked as I offered her my hand. Thankfully, she took it.
‘woah, this isn’t something that I ever had in a long time,’ she said as she took her seat as I guided her.
‘yeah, my mum thinks it would be best to serve it to my date,’ I said before I took my seat.
‘i don't know if you’re drinking so—‘ I said as I wanted to pour for her but she shook her head.
‘Sorry, I don't think my parents would approve of that,’ she said as she looked at me.
‘Right, of course, no alcohol,’ I said before I poured for my own and I put the wine back inside the bucket.
‘so, bon appetite,’ i said as I urged her to take a bite on the Full Irish. Alice took a bite and she moaned which made my senses tingled with excitement.
‘oh my god, I haven’t had full Irish since I was 5 years old,’ she said as she looked at me.
‘you’re so lucky to have eaten this all day,’ she said as she looked at me. I don’t know what to say but just smiled at her.
‘well, I can always bring you’re if you’re my girlfriend,’ I joked before I looked at her. She stopped in her eating before she took a sip of her water. I cleared my throat as I don't think about saying that line.
‘are you sure you wanted me as your girlfriend? You don't even know me quite well,’ she said as she looked at me with that big yellow eyes. I was speechless for a while but I blinked a few times before I looked at her.
‘it would be an honor for me to have you as my girlfriend because,’ I said as I took her hand into mine. She eyed it before she looked at me, tilting her head a bit.
‘i would be the first and last man that you ever need,’ I said confidently as I looked at her. I hope my spell was working. She looked inside my eyes before she laughed and took away my hand.
‘well, you have to try harder, Mr. O’Sullivan,’ she said before she took a sip of her water.
After a while, it was time to bring her home. She said that she had curfews that her parents decided for her since when she was young and she had to stick to it. I drove her and sent her to her house. I got out and opened the door for her.
‘thank you for a lovely night.’ She said as she looked at me when she stepped inside her house.
‘well, since you said it was lovely, can I see you again?’ I asked her as I tried to be bold. I don't think I would ever want to see her again but I just wanted to. It must be the soulmate bond that forced me to.
‘well, since you asked nicely,’ she said as she put some of her hair behind her ear,
‘i see you next week, same day, same time?’ She said as she looked at me. I smiled before I cleared my throat.
‘well, I hope it would be earlier, let say 6 PM?’ I said as I was trying my luck.
‘pick up then,’ she said before she went inside and closed the door. I gripped my hand and I was cheering before Alice opened her door again and kissed me on the lips for a short while. I froze to my feet before I looked at the door. I smiled before I went toward my car. It was indeed a very lovely night.
Ophelia O’Sullivan’s POV
‘no, no, no,’ I said as I looked at the tarot cards. It showed some disaster will happen in the future.
‘come on, show me something different,’ I said as I shifted it again and made another reading again. It has the same result.
‘so, how it goes?’ My mother asked me as she went to my table.
‘no such luck. If Connor doesn’t have her awaken before the next full moon, we all be destroyed. The Chaos was closing in,’ I said as I looked at my mother who was sitting across me. My mother looked like she was still in her 40s even though she was 400s years old.
‘well, we can only hope that Connor does his part well,’ my mother said before she looked at the tarot cards.
The Devil.
The Justice.
‘yeah, let’s hope as well,’ I said before I looked at the starless night sky outside.