Abigail Hayes’ POV
That night was magical. The way Clive showed me that he loved me was magical and everything about his techniques was, well let’s just say, incredible. I was huffing and panting on the ground as Clive draped a cloth over our entangled bodies. I was resting my head on his chest.
‘well, I must say, our makeup sex was the most incredible thing that happened to me,’ he said as he was playing with my hair. I smiled as I know it was true. He was the best thing that ever happened to me, even after all those years as we were separated from each other, and living in a host.
‘Clive?’ I asked him as I looked at him. He looked at me with his eyes were hooded as I can sense his boner was coming.
‘yes, my love?’ He asked. I was getting up a bit from his chest as I was trying to look deeply into his eyes. He rests his head over the tree that we laid together.
‘do you think we still have a chance? To be together?’ I asked him as I let the cloth fell from my body. His eyes were hooded as he was looking at my naked breasts.
‘if I say so myself, love, we have been together for as long as I can remember. I think we deserve proper union this time,’ he said as he got up as well before he hugged me as he nuzzled my neck.
‘my love?’ Now it was him that asked me.
‘yes?’ I replied to him as he was leaving a trail of fire from his kisses on my neck and jaws.
‘i think I can never get enough of you,’ he said as he was pushing down on me. I giggled as he was being a caveman toward me right now. Not that I don’t mind but I was horny as well. I was glad that he was making the first move onto me so that I don’t have to do it.
‘well, in that case, why don’t you just get on with it?’ I said as he was on top of me.
‘With pleasure,’ he smirked and we were in each other’s arms again.
It was dawn when I felt the first ray of light that morning. I stretched before the ground. I was looking for Clive as I reached for him beside me. He was not there. I looked around the campsite that we set up but he was not here. The ashes from the fire last night were still hot but Clive’s clothes were not on the hanger.
‘where are you, Clive?’ I asked myself when I got up and put on my clothes. It still damp but I can use my power to get it dry. I went toward the river that we felt into last night and there he was.
My love, my life, my Clive. He was wearing his trouser but he was shirtless. His perfect abs and toned muscles were glistening under the sunlight. I gasped as I was trying to clear my mind. I looked at the shirt that he threw on the ground. I picked it up before I went closer to the riverbanks and I cleared my throat. Clive looked up to me.
‘my love,’ he smiled as he went closer to me. He got onto the riverbank before he kissed me squarely on the lips.
‘you’re up. I was hoping that you would sleep some more and I will be done with breakfast ready for you,’ he said as he was smiling at me. I smiled before I looked at the river.
‘is there anything over there? I thought there might not be any fishes in that Enchanted River,’ I said as I looked at him. He looked confused at me.
‘really? I thought I heard some sound from last night,’ he said as he looked at the still river. It was true, there was no living creature in that river.
‘well, if that so, I guess we have to make do with mushrooms and leaves from the trees?’ He said as he looked at me. I laughed at him before I touched his arms. I let the water evaporated from his body before I handed him his shirt.
‘Thanks,’ he said as he was smiling at me. I was blushing hard as he reflexed his muscles as he put it on. I looked away as I was trying to control my heart right now.
‘you don’t need to be shy. You have seen all of it last night,’ he said as he was smirking at me. I turned sharply at him.
‘yeah right,’ I said after I scoffed at him. His smirk grew bigger.
‘and you have touched it as well,’ he whispered to me as he was getting a head start before me.
‘hey, wait up!’ I shouted as I went to walk side by side with him.
We were walking for a while as we were chit-chatting along the way to get out of the Enchanted Forest before another night came.
‘shh, do you heard that?’ Clive asked me when we suddenly stopped as he paused me in my steps.
‘What is it?’ I asked him as I looked around me. I don’t sense anything as I was trying to make sense of anything that was happening.
‘Someone was coming our way,’ he said as he was sensing the earth. I did the same but I don’t feel anything.
‘what are you even talking about?’ I asked him but he ignored me.
‘there were hundreds, no maybe thousands of soldiers were coming at us. We must go now. Your cousin must send someone to track you down, seeing that you shape-shifted in the middle of the night.
‘well, sorry then. My anger was getting the best of me,’ I defended myself. Clive sighed before he looked at me.
‘All I’m saying is that she knew that you were coming so we must get out of here, quickly,’ he said as he looked at me, holding my face in his hands.
‘where to?’ I asked him. He sighed again as he shook his head.
‘i don’t know. But we might figure something out,’ he said as he went to calculate how do we get out of here.
‘it’s daylight, we cannot shape-shift. It will be too dangerous for you and me,’ he said as he was looking at the sky. I smiled at him when he was not looking. so, he did care for me.
‘We must go, quickly,’ he said as he took my hands and we were running through the woods.
‘do you even know where we are going?’ I asked him as we were running along the river. It must be obvious to our hunters as we might look for the source of water for survival.
‘We must go to Connor’s home first, then—‘
‘Connor? Who is this Connor?’ I asked him as I felt a pang of jealousy in my body.
He smirked as he sensed that I was jealous of this person named Connor.
‘Connor is my host, he was a good guy,’ he said as he looked at me. I nodded before I felt a twig broke.
‘Stop right there,’ a voice was coming from the woods. I did not notice it but Clive has had me behind him.
‘it looks like you both have nowhere to go now, dragons,’ a familiar voice that was all too well for my ears. Cornelia!
‘well, Hello dear Cousin. Did you missed me so much that you get out of the grave to find me?’ She asked me as she stepped out of the guards that were making a front line, ready to attack us.
‘ah! And my dear, sweet Clive. How long has it been? 500 years? Anyway, I don’t believe you made me waited for all that time,’ she said as she was smiling wickedly at me. 500 years? What was she talking about?
‘oh, sorry to mention this now but our wedding has been postponed, no thanks to you, Cousin, my groom went out on me on my wedding day. But no matter, I have a better replacement for him,’ she said before the Crown Prince of Monster realm came out with his eyes that were unreadable as if they were emotionless.
‘you see,’ Cornelia said as she was getting on top of her horse beside the prince, ‘I might not get what I wanted, and that’s you my dear Clive, but I have the rest of my lifetime to make you guys suffer for everything that I will never have,’ she said as she charged the guards at us. I was about to do my magic before Clive waved his hand in front of us making an ice shield igloo to protect us and buy us some time to plan an escape from here.
‘i can take on her,’ I said as I was getting ready for my fight. He pulled my hands into his.
‘no, I have to make sure that you’re alive to fulfill your promise,’ he said as he was looking at me. I looked at him confused.
‘Promise? What promise?’ I asked him as I was drawing a blank. He sighed before he looked at me. The shield was getting thinner and thinner by second.
‘the promise that you made with the Lord of the Underworld. I made him a new deal that if you delivered what he wants, he will not touch your soul,’ he said as he was smiling sadly at me. The ice was breaking down fast.
‘but what about you? Clive, what have you done?!’ i said as I looked at him. He kissed my hands as I was about to ask him again.
‘don’t worry about me, okay? Just deliver the promise and we will be together again,’ he said as he was about to stand up.
‘the hell with that,’ I said before I pulled him in and kissed him on the lips. I focused on how we met and why I get attracted to him. He was the perfect guy for me but fate will not let us have each other. I poured my frustration into the kiss as the ice was getting thinner and thinner and the guards were yelling. Suddenly, we were gone.