Abigail Hayes’ POV
I felt like I was running for miles now. I was trying to get away from the dark energy that was chasing me. I fell to the ground before the entity was in front of me.
‘Pay or be paid,’ it said before it consumed me. I gasped. I opened my eyes and the first image that I saw was Clive’s happy face.
‘my love, you’re awake,’ he said with relief. I looked around me. I was in an unfamiliar room. I tried to get up before Clive stopped me.
‘woah, hold on. You were still weak. You need to rest,’ he said as he was helping me up to rest against the headboard.
‘where am I?’ I asked him before he handed me a glass of water. I thanked him before I drank it. I was parched before I gave him the empty glass.
‘we’re in Connor’s room. His family will be home in a minute. We have to transform,’ he said as he looked at me. I knew what that means. That means we need to get out of the host’s body. I sighed. I don’t think I live my life to the fullest when I was alive.
‘what’s wrong?’ Clive asked me as he knows that I was uncomfortable. I looked at him before I sighed again.
‘please, my love, if you don’t tell me, I cannot help you,’ he said as he held my hands. I smiled at our intertwined hands.
‘i don’t think that living in someone else’s body has made me wished that I have my life back. I never really thought I loved living so much,’ I said as a tear was trying to escape my eyes.
‘my love, don’t say that. It would upset the balance of the world,’ he said as he kissed my cheek to wipe away the tears.
‘i know, I know. Witchcraft 101. I don’t mean to be bad as well. I just, I just hope that we have more time together,’ I said as I looked into his red eyes. He wished the same thing as me but I don’t want to upset the balance of the order and chaos.
‘I think I can help you with that,’ a voice came from the door. We both turned to look at who was it. It was Lucifer, the Lord of the Underworld himself.
‘well, it looks like you’ve got what you wanted,’ Clive said as he went to Lucifer and shook his hand. I was bedridden and Clive forbid me to get up.
‘well, I can never be happy than that. I never thought I would be killing two birds with one stone,’ he said as he looked at me before he came to sit on the bed by my side.
‘here, let me help you ease with that,’ he said as he holds my hands and he chanted something in a language that I don’t know. Maybe it’s Latin but who speaks that language any more? Suddenly, I felt my body was light as feathers. Lucifer was a miracle worker.
‘thank you, my lord. Your kind gesture will always be my debt to you,’ I said as I bowed at him. He waved his hand as he dismissed me.
’it’s nothing. besides, what’s between family,’ he said that made me looked at Clive and he shot an eyebrow at me.
‘what do you mean by that?’ Asked Clive when we have a moment of awkward silence. Lucifer smiled before he looked at me.
‘well, it was hard to say but your cousin, well, let’s just say she will be stuck with me for a while,’ he said as he stood up from the bed. I smiled before I looked at Clive. He smiled as well.
‘now, about that living again part, shall we discuss it?’ He asked me as he looked at Clive and me respectively.
‘don’t mean to brag but as the Lord of the Undead, I can help you guys to have lived with each other and without interference with the hosts,’ he said as he clapped his hands.
‘Does that sound good?’ He asked us both. I don’t know what to say but I’ve learned my lesson.
‘what’s the cost of that?’ Clive asked him. I nodded as I was thinking the same thing as him. Lucifer smiled at us.
‘well, the only thing that I would as you guys was to remain in the Monster realm and your hosts will be living in the Mortals realm forever,’ he said as he looked at us. I don’t know what to say as I never tapped with my host about anything.
‘we’ll think about it,’ Clive replied.
‘well. Be quick because I can only do it on the night of Hallow’s Eve,’ he said before he disappeared through a pentagram that he conjured. I smiled at him before he was gone from our sight.
‘so, what do you think?’ I asked Clive. He took my hands before he sighed.
‘i don’t know. Living in this realm only. Can you be happy that way?’ He asked me. I was lost for words. I was speechless. And the matter about the hosts as well. I need to talk to her. I sighed.
‘i need to talk to her,’ I said as I looked at Clive. He nodded.
‘i understand. Let’s go together,’ he said before we laid on the bed. I held Clive’s hand before I smiled at him. He replied. We then closed our eyes and off to the VOID to talk about our desires.
Alice Hughes’ POV
We have been trapped in the VOID for days now, maybe more than a week. I sighed as I was leaning on Connor’s chest. He was peaceful when he was closing his eyes, taking a nap right now. We don’t even know what time it was in the real world.
suddenly, there was a tunnel of lights that shone my face. I had to block it with my hands. I got up before Connor was wide awake beside me.
‘woah,’ he said as he got up. He offered me his hand and pulled me up to stand beside him.
‘Hello?’ He asked that light before the very person that I have been dying to know was in front of me.
‘Clive!’ Connor said before he went to hug that fella. I stood awkwardly as I was looking at the person who was trapping me here unwanted.
‘Hello, Alice,’ the woman who has red hair and glowing amber eyes were smiling at me. Clive and Connor were looking at us when the very person was coming closer to me.
‘can we talk? In private?’ She said as I nodded at her before I looked at Connor.
‘go,’ he mumbled as I nodded before I went with that person as another door was appearing in front of us.
‘after you,’ I said as I ushered her to go in first. I don’t know what to do but to be polite to her. She smiled as she walked through the door and I followed her pursuit.
when I walked through the door, I was in another realm, I supposed, or maybe a memory of the person that was standing in front of me. She was smiling as she looked at the images that appeared in front of me.
‘i know you have so many questions for me but I think it would be more efficient if I just showed it to you, our ancient history,’ she said. I arched my eyebrow.
‘our ancient history?’ I asked her. She turned to look at me.
‘you’ll see,’ she said before she waved her hands and my baby image was in front of it.
‘you might wonder why I choose you to be my host,’ she said as she was looking at my baby image.
‘yes, pretty much,’ I said bluntly. I closed my eyes as I can no longer hold my tongue. She just smiled at me.
‘Sorry, don’t mean to be rude,’ I said as I opened my eyes as I looked at her. She chuckled.
‘i was once like you, but maybe in a different setting,’ she said as she waved her hand and another picture of me was showing beside the present one.
‘who’s that?’ i said before I was beside her. She looked at me before she smiled.
‘well, that’s me when I was first born into this world,’ she said as her eyes and hair were the same color as mine that we could be twins.
‘but that picture was only a memory from my mother who had me when my father was away. I never knew him. He did in the war between realms. But we came to an agreement to find peace and lived happily with each other,’ she said as she waved another image appeared.
‘that’s my grandma,’ I said as I pointed at the child that was running around. I remembered it seeing in my family photo albums.
‘and that was my granddaughter. I never knew that I have a descendant from the goddess of Witchcraft, Hecate. I was a foolish teenager before I finally find my soulmate. But the thing is I never spend my time with him. so, I want to talk about that with you,’ she said as she looked at me and all the images were gone.
‘what do you mean?’ I asked as I don’t understand her.
‘i wanted to live my life again, an old friend of mine can make it happen but I need your permission first,’ she said as I looked at her.
‘what is it?’ I asked her, wanting to know what was the permission that she was dying to ask me.
‘if I wanted to live my life one more time, I have to remain in the monster realm as well as Clive,’ she said.
‘so, Connor’s host will be joining you as well. Clive, is it? yeah, he tried to get to me on time,’ I said as I was remembering that moment in Connor’s room. She just laughed at that.
‘well, he was planning to get me out from you. Maybe that’s why,’ she said. I smiled at her before I laughed as well.
‘so, why don’t you?’ I asked her again. She sighed at me.
‘the thing is, you and Connor must remain in Mortals realm if we wanted to start over again. I just don’t think you would agree with that,’ she said. I was tongue-tied. I sighed.
‘i have to ask him as well,’ I said. I looked at her. She was smiling.
‘i know, after you saw all this mess, you might want to escape this realm,’ she said. I nodded.
‘maybe I should just keep in the dark about all this magic and stuff,’ I said before I looked at her. She nodded and suddenly. My vision blurred and I was out.