Katsume shook his head in annoyance "Why do you guys have to be such sooks? it's not that bad" He complained rolling his eyes at us.
"That place is complete and utter filth, I'm still sick if I went near that place I would probably die, I mean literally die!" I said overdramatically, there was dirt everywhere and smoke and there was probably drugs in there.
"Do you have a license Minaru?" I asked him, I really hope he does if he doesn't then I guess I'm going to have to use my clothes as pillows and blankets.
"Well....." He trailed off diverting his gaze a crooked smile on his face, "I-uh got it suspended for drink driving" He confessed. I gave him a blank look and shook my head in disappointment.
"Am I the only one here who hasn't done or been involved in something illegal?!" I exclaimed looking at everyone one by one. The reaction was the same when I looked at them they couldn't look me in the eye.
I groaned in irritation, I rolled my eyes, I guess I'm using my clothes as both a pillow and a blanket, how fun, as much as I want to have pillows, blankets and a soft, comfortable mattress under me, its better than sleeping in that place.
"Don't stay up too late kiddos" Katsume commented as he just left us hanging, he closed the door and left, I watched as he walked away into the hotel shop where he could get his room key.
"Night" Ayumi said as he got out of the car following after Katsume.
"Which one of you is softer?" I asked as soon as Ayumi and Katsume were out of sight.
"What do you mean softer?" Oskah asked confused by my question, it was evident on his face that he had no idea what I was talking about.
"I'm using one of you as a pillow, the only question is which one?" I asked myself, I looked at both my options, they both were muscular which means there not exactly pillow material. The only upside was that I wouldn't be scared or get cold.
It was kind of awkward, to say the least, we had pushed the seats forward and moved everything from the boot and the back into the front. I, of course, was put in the middle because Minaru and Oskah didn't want to be next to each other.
We had gotten our clothes from our suitcases and folded them to use as pillows. All three of us were just laying on our backs looking at the ceiling of the car. Minaru was to my right and Oskah to my left.
We didn't say anything, we didn't talk, we didn't move, we just stayed there in the silence an awkward aura coating the whole place.
"....." I opened my mouth about to break the silence but nothing came out and I couldn't think of any topic to talk about. My hands were interlocked on my stomach and I twiddled my thumbs.
"What was your first heat like?" Minaru said out of nowhere successfully making the atmosphere even more awkward while also breaking the silence.
I sat up and crossed my legs, Minaru and Oskah did the same we positioned ourselves so we were in a circle kind of thing. I glanced at Minaru than at Oskah, I took in a deep breath and sighed, this felt like we were having a sleepover.
I changed positions so I was in a ball, I leant my chin in between my knees. "I got the test back and let me tell you I was devastated, but once you get used to it it's not that bad, I mean it's actually pretty fun, but only if you're in a safe environment, like when I was in my room and locked away, plus you don't have to go to school" I explained.
"What does it feel like with the whole needing an alpha thing, I mean when we go through a rut we don't feel the whole needing an omega thing all we want is to fuck the omega" Minaru explained.
"Have you ever loved anyone in an intimate way of course?" I asked, explaining how I felt when these things happen well it's not exactly easy. It's like when you feel a need for something you don't know how to explain it you just want it.
"No," Minaru said with a frown.
"I don't have time for a girlfriend" Oskah commented.
"And I thought I was lonely" I commented, they gave me playfull glares, I shrugged my shoulder.
"Okay so you know when you have a craving for a type of food right," I said, they both nodded.
"Ok so imagine that but instead of the food you want a person, right, now imagine your really really horny and all you want is that person, all you can think about is that person aka the alphas you don't want any other type of person all you want is to taste an alpha to even be near an alpha" I explained.
They nodded saying they understood it. "But unlike when you guys are in a rut and only want that omega for an omega we don't care who it is, what they've done or who they are all we know is that we want the alpha, we need the alpha and we want to be fucked by the alpha" I added.
They nodded once again, "So you don't care, like at all?" Oskah asked with curiosity in his eyes, "Basically" I nodded. "What if the alpha killed your family?" Minaru said jokingly.
"Yep, the hate, rage and pain would turn into love, admiration, denial and lust for him or her" I explained making Minaru frown as he evaluated the information he had gotten.
"What if you had a mate? would you at least be able to try and stop it?" Oskah asked, I hummed, it really depends on everything, the situation, the person, how much they love their mate.
"It depends if the omega has had suppressors or not, the suppressors help but it's still there, in that situation yes the omega can think straight, but if the suppressors wear off which they do immediately after their time is up, it' really annoying, they only work for like 4 hours then you have to immediately have more" I sighed.
"So unless the omega has had suppressors it wouldn't matter if the omega had a mate they loved with all their heart, all they'd think about is doing the dirty with the alpha" I explained answering his question.
"That must suck," Minaru said with sympathy, "It does but it's better than becoming a mate with someone you don't love," I said changing the topic once again.
"That would suck" Oskah agreed, that's why omegas wear collars if an alpha bites an omega on the neck than it's like a spell of sorts that links the omega to the alpha, it doesn't do anything for the alpha but for the omega it just means that during there heat they'll crave the alpha that bit them.
I mean we'd still want the D but when we're alone we'd want that alpha, that's why omegas are called sluts or whores because we can have more than one alpha that we're bonded to.
"What about you guys? What do you feel when the pheromones hit you?" I asked curiously as I shifted my position so that my legs were crossed.
"Oh it's weird, extremely weird, you know how your suppressors wear off immediately after their time is up and you go straight back into felling all those urges?" he asked, I nodded.
"Well, it's like that when we smell the pheromones we lose all self-control, unlike you though we can resist it to a certain point, when we smell it we get horny, do you understand what I'm saying?" He asked making sure I was understanding it.
I nodded "Yeah I think I understand" I explained.
At that moment the car shook as Katsume slammed the door open "What up pussies?!" He yelled scaring me half to death. he came out of nowhere.
I was frozen with fear and I could feel tears in my eyes, a small squeak came out of my mouth. "Why would you do that," I said in a strained voice. What made it worse was the fact that I was closest to the door he opened.
I could see regret flash in his eyes, "My bad" He apologized putting his hands up in defeat.
"I hate you, NY, I despise you" I whimpered as a single tear slid down my cheek, I think I'm still in shock from him scaring me like that. I mean for all I know he could have been some hooligan that was going to come into the car and kill me.
It was dark and the only light we had in the car was the roof light which cast light down on Katsumes face that made him scare me even more. I took in a deep breath, you know when you see a child and they have that face that makes them look like they're about to cry?
That's my face right now, I'm taking in the air so I can cry. Katsume realized this along with everyone else. "No-no-no don't cry y/n, it's okay, it's just me, I'm sorry" Katsume assured me in an attempt to not make me cry.
I started giggling "HHAHAHAHHAH You fell for that!" I laughed as wiped away the tears. He did scare me not going to lie but he needed to learn, these tears they weren't tears of laughter, I was still in shock but I played it off as if I was just joking.
I have to act tough, even though I'm not. Thankfully everyone bought it, "Ha Ha Ha" Katsume laughed sarcastically.
"What are you here for anyway?" I asked, changing the topic. "I brought gifts," Katsume said holding up a large bag.
"What is it?" Minaru asked, Katsume replied by throwing the bag in the car. I snatched it and looked inside, my eyes sparkled, there were pillows and even a blanket!
"Katsume, you are a saint" I complimented. He nodded with a smile, "And yes, yes they are new, I walked down the block and brought them so you better be thankful" He added before he left, closing the car door.
I pulled out the pillows and the large blanket, there were three pillows and only one large blanket. "One for you and one for you," I said as I handed the pillows out to Oskah and Minaru.
We had chatted for a little bit then decided to go to sleep. It was still uncomfortable with the fact that we were still laying on a hard surface. It was much better though, that was the good thing.