I waved goodbye to Minaru with a smile on my face. He waved back to me then dissapeared from sight. I smiled to myself as I walked back into my room closing the door behind me. I got my phone and laid in bed. A smile lingering on my face.433Please respect copyright.PENANAMRSc2tKKmP
Oh no... this can't be happening, I... I think I have a crush on Minaru, Minaru of all people! Oh god how did this happen? No this can't be happening, I don't like him, nope. He's like 21 he's older then me by like 4 years.
I'm still in high school, nope I can't like him. He's an alpha, an Alpha! That's right I don't like him it's my omega self making me like him. Yep that's it. What about Ayumi? No, he's unavailable because he's my brother and I'm his sister. I mean sure we're only step siblings and my mum and his dad never actually married to eachother and my mum and his dad broke up like a year after they moved in.
Ayumi stayed with us thankfully since his father wasn't exactly father material since he was at work 24/7. Nevermind that, I can't, I refuse to like Minaru.
Oh I know what's going on I'm feeling this way because my heat will be here in like a weak and I'm getting emotional. That's the only explanation, it makes sense. This happens every time I'm a week or two away from my heat. I always end up feeling emotions for any alphas that I talk too.
I looked at the clock next to my bed, the current time was half past two, wow we were at the cafe longer than I thought we were. I stayed in my room for a few hours untill I needed to eat.
The time was five o'clock and I was starving. I got up out of bed and walked out of my room to the kitchen. As I walked in I noticed a folded up peace of paper on the counter, leaning up against an energy drink.
I walked up to the counter and opened the peace of paper.
To y/n,
I went out with Adelin to get some drinks i won't be back till late tonight there's food in the cupboard or fridge eat what you want be safe!
It said, I processed what it said, the words only making sense after I'd read it the second time. Oh c'mon that brother snatcher. I haven't seen Ayumi in a whole year or more and when I finally get here I don't get time to spend time with him. I've got to go to school next week that's in like, it's Wednesday today so, Thursday, Friday, sat and sun then Mon so four days.
Four days I have to spend with Ayumi before I have to got to school. If you thought I was lazy now imagine the me going to school, waking up early and doing homework.
I sighed as I looked down at the letter with sad eyes. My emotions are getting the best of me. Your okay y/n, Ayumi has his own life, you can't rely on him forever. When I go to school I'll get my own friends maybe even a boyfriend.
Yep that's my goal, get a boyfriend and get some friends. My stumoch growled making me lose my train of thought, oh right food. I made myself some delicious food. I ate my food then went back to my room.
I was still a little upset that Ayumi left me alone so I decided to do the most obvious thing I could do in this situation. I'm at home all alone without anyone and Ayumi won't be back for awhile.
I decided to watch porn, yes that's right as a teenager with hormones I'm allowed to watch pornography. I made sure that my earphones were in.
I started watching but I felt dirty, way to dirty to watch so I stopped watching. I sighed, I can't even watch porn in peace.
I started watching some anime and binged watched it.
Current time: 1:17am
I rubbed my eyes and yawned, it was way later then I thought it was. Way later then I wanted to stay up. The sad part was that Ayumi still wasn't home. I mean it wasn't that sad. I don't care...
My stumoch grumbled signalling that I needed food. I hopped out of bed and stretched, I walked out of my room and too the kitchen. I dug through the freezer and pulled out a frozen meal. I put the meal in the microwave, set the time accordingly.
I waited and watched as the meal spun in the microwave, the time slowly ticking away. I heard the front door open and close. Great Ayumi's home. I walked over to the draw and pulled out a fork to eat my meal with. I looked at the time It still had a few minutes left. I placed the fork next to the microwave as I watched and waited to eat.
"Boo" I masculine voice said against my face, the person's warm breath hitting my ear. His arms snaked around my waist as his face snuggled into the crook of my neck.
"A-Ayumi? What are yo-" he cut me off by taking his right hand off my waist and putting it over my mouth stopping me from talking.
"Shh, shh" he said into my neck his hand that was over my mouth changed so that his index finger was up straight against my lips. Did he just shush me? He did. This is weird why is he doing this, I can feel his breath against my neck.
His hand fell from my mouth and back to my waist. He gently swayed, swaying me along with him. "You smell nice" he complimented I guess.
"Um Ayumi, I don't think this is-" he cut me off again by putting his hand over my mouth.
"Y/n" he growled "I told you to be quite so shhh, shh, shhh" he said as he inhaled my scent. "Hey y/n~ Can you say it again" he cooed into my ear, his hot breathe blowing against my neck.
I'm extremely uncomfortable, how is this happening, why is this happening, Ayumi's not thinking straight, I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
Just relax y/n, "say what again?" I asked trying not to stutter, my face was starting to warm up. I new for a fact I was blushing.
"Tell me you missed me, I want to hear you say it y/n, it makes me happy y/n, don't you want to make me happy after all I've done for you?" He asked guilt tripping me, what? Why?
Please stop beating so much heart I can practically feel you pounding in my chest. "I missed you" I said. I felt him smile against my neck.
"I love you y/n" he said. My whole body froze and I tensed up, he ment it in a sibling way right? Right? Right!? Why do you have to play with my feelings like this Ayumi.
"Y/nnn? Say something~ please" he pleaded. Ok y/n handle this like the mature person you are. All you have to do is get him to bed. He'll fall asleep and you can go to your room and forget this had ever happened. Good idea me.
"Ayumi, it's late you should go to bed" I said calmly which was the complete opposite of my body and thoughts. I was panicking, so much panic.
Ayumi flipped me around and slammed his hands on the the counter, each hand on a different side of me trapping me with no escape. He pushed me up against the counter by moving closer to my face.
He was inches away, I could feel his breath on my lips, he looked me in the eyes. "But I don't want to go to bed y/n" he whined looking me in the eyes.
"Ayumi, it's late okay, let's go to bed" I said wording my sentence differently. Right then the microwave went off signalling my food was done.
Ayumi's eyes widened as he quickly side stepped untill he was infront of the microwave. I sighed in relief, at least he wasn't trapping me anymore.433Please respect copyright.PENANAtEpSyyIWYH
He opened the microwave and stole my food. He stole my fork from off the counter and started eating my meal.
"OI, OI, OI! no! Bad Ayumi, that's my food, mine gimme!" I said stealing back my food from his hands.
Ayumi started whined wanting me to give him the food. It's my food so I will not have him guilt trip me into giving it to him.
I took in a deep breathe. I walked past Ayumi and into the lounge room, just ignore him, just ignore him, you can do that right? I sat down on the couch and started eating my food as fast as i could.
"Y/n~" Ayumi whined as he sat next to me and leaned on me. It was a struggle to sit up straight because of his weight but I somehow prevailed.
He wrapped his arms around my waist. "y/n, are you mad at me? I'm sorryyyyy" He whined into my side.433Please respect copyright.PENANA4TfiRR2NMT
Ignore, ignore, ignore, don't say anything just finish your food.
I managed to finish my food but it was hard with Ayumi constantly whining. I stood up which was even harder to do since Ayumi kept trying to drag me down.
I walked into the kitchen put the utensil in the sink and the rubbish in the bin. I just want to go to bed but no I have to take care of my drunk brother who's usually a stone faced guy who barely talks or shows any emotions.
I filled up a glass of water, not for myself but for Ayumi to help sober him up. "Here, drink it" I said pushing the water infront of Ayumi. He let out a whine but did what I ordered him to and drank his water.
"C'mon Ayumi, time for bed" I said in a gentle voice trying to coax him into going to bed. He rolled his eyes but complied with me as we walked to his room. It was more like Ayumi leaned on me and I walked.
We got to his room and I sat him on his bed. "Time for bed" I said, I spun around ready to leave but Ayumi grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his embrace so I was on his lap and he was holding me from behind, trapping me once again.
He laid on his back bringing me down with him. "Ayumi" I growled defensively, what I wanted to add was, you can't play with my feelings like this. Unfortunately I didn't say that.
"But y/nn just a little longer, Please?" He whined, I could feel his chest increasing and declining underneath me.
"Ayumi this isn't appropriate, Please let me go" I pleaded trying to stay calm. I'm going to have a heart attack, my heart can't handle this.
Ayumi released his hold on me. I quickly stood up and was about to leave. "Do you hate me y/n?" He asked making me stop I'm my tracks. So Ayumi is an emotional drunk.
I sighed as I turned around. Ayumi had changed his position so that he was laying on top of his blankets normally. He had one of his arms covering his face.
It made my heart ache seeing him like this. I walked up to the bed "Ayumi, I don't hate you, your my brother how could I ever hate you unless you did something truly terrible, which you haven't ok" I said trying to comfort him.
It didn't go as planned, Ayumi removed his arm and looked at me, he was glaring at me. Not a playful glare a glare glare, he was staring daggers at me. It scared me so much that I let out a small whimper.
His eyes softened and he rolled over his back facing me. My fear turned into anger, so he's going to be like that eh? He's acting like a child, why is he mad at me in the first place, I thought he'd be happy that I didn't hate him.
"Ayumi your being childish, you can't just do this" I lectured. He didn't reply. What a child.
"Ayumi if your going to sulk like a child then I'm going to treat you like a child" I said as I crawled onto the bed and laid down behind him. There wasn't much room but since Ayumi decided to lay in the middle of the bed it wasn't that bad.
"Go away y/n" he growled at me once again scaring me. Although I was scared of Ayumi's current actions I new he wouldn't hurt me.
I started tracing random patterns on Ayumi's back. A low growl erupted from him, his way of telling me he wanted me to stop. I didn't though because I didnt really care.
I kept tracing patterns on his back and eventually his growls died down. I stopped tracing on his back and just laid there, I didn't know wether he was asleep or not but I didn't feel like leaving. After a few minutes I could hear Ayumi softly snoring.
I snuggled up against his back and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.
Why is this happening? Why? Why? Why? I can't believe this is happening. I just had to sleep in in Ayumi's bed with him here.
Somehow I had gotten under the blankets along with Ayumi. He was spooning me. I was the small spoon and he was the big spoon. I was on my side, Ayumi's arms were wrapped around me waist, my back against his chest.
I could feel his chest rising and falling against me. Ayumi's asleep right now so I can try to escape his embrace and leave. He was drunk so he won't remember what he did... hopefully.
I tried to slowly crawl out of his embrace but it only caused him to hold me tighter to his body. I sighed there's no way Ayumi's going to let me go unless I wake him up.
I don't have the heart to wake him up, I know, I'll just say that Ayumi made me sleep in his bed with him... yeah no that's not going to work. How am I even supposed to wake him up? Just ask him?
"Y/n? why are you in my bed? ... with me?" Ayumi said in a groggy voice.
"....... you were drunk and when I helped you to bed you didn't let me leave" I lied, I can't just tell him that he was being childish so I laid down with him!
"Did I do or say anything else?" He asked, he still hadn't let me go yet.
"No" I replied, he didn't say anything weird, well he did do that thing where he came up behind me and held me. That wasn't that weird though, it's still a hug.
"Um... can you let me go now?" I asked433Please respect copyright.PENANAZQJ7zt3edA
Nervously. Why is Ayumi still hugging me? This is weird, I like it though. Why do I like it? That's right because of the whole omega, alpha thing.433Please respect copyright.PENANAb77UfjbGnd
That's the only reason I'm enjoying this, the only reason. Only reason!
"No" he said in deep, masculine voice. My eyes widened in surprise, why won't he let me go?
"Why?" I asked in a whisper. This can't be happening, this is.... New.
"Y/n I remember everything, why did you lie?" He asked answering my question with a question. I don't know how to anwser his question.
"I uh... because, I was tired" I said making up an excuse, truth Is I don't really know why I stayed with him. I guess I just didn't want him to leave me again. Not that he would it's just that I missed him alot through out that one year.
"I'm sorry y/n" he said snuggling his face into my back. "I love you y/n, I don't mean it in a sibling way, I tried y/n I really did, I thought I could keep my feelings under control but I couldn't y/n, I can't and I'm not going to do it any longer" he admitted.
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"Y/n, Please say something" Ayumi pleaded.
What. The. Fuck, this can't be happening, this can't be happening. Do I love him? Do I not love him? How do I love him? I honestly have no idea how I love him, as a brother or a love interest.
"Ayumi I- I don't, I don't know if I love you in a sibling way or in a romantic way" I stuttered.
"I know y/n, but I'm warning you now, I'm not going to hold back" he whispered in my ear making me shiver in pleasure.
He placed a kiss on the back of my neck before he released me from his embrace. I want to stay like this with Ayumi, no! I can't...
"I-uh b-bye" I stuttered as I quickly got up out of his bed and speed walked out of the room. I walked into my room and may have closed the door alot harder then I wanted to.
My breathing was rapid as I lent against the door and slowly slid down it. I put my hands over my face. This can't be happening, Ayumi? In love with me? With me? Of all people, he's my brother no he's not, he's never been my brother he's just always been there.
Maybe I did think of Ayumi as a love interest? I'm so confused right now. Ayumi and I have always been referred to as brother and sister since we were young, so I thought of him like that.
Do I love Ayumi?433Please respect copyright.PENANAopnb96phkV